“That looks nasty,” a redhead about KT’s age observed as she leaned against the bar and indicated KT’s arm with a tilt of her chin. “Cut the tendons?”

Surprised, KT studied the newcomer, whose shapely figure was nicely accentuated by a turquoise, scoop-necked, sleeveless top and white hip-hugger Capri slacks. “Yep. A couple of them. How did you know?”

“I’m a carpenter.” The woman held up her left wrist to reveal the jagged scar that extended nearly halfway around. “Table saw three tendons.”


The woman laughed. “Fucking ouch is right.”

Now that KT looked more closely, she could see the muscles rippling beneath the smooth skin of her companion’s arms. “It looks like you mended pretty well.”

“Pretty much good as new. I’ve never quite gotten all the strength back, but I can handle my tools.”

KT wondered fleetingly if she would ever again handle her tools, but she pushed the thought away and concentrated on the woman who was appraising her with obvious interest. She held out her hand. “I’m KT.”


KT blinked. Thankfully, the woman bore no resemblance to Tory, and she ruthlessly pushed the image of her former lover’s face from her mind. “Can I buy you a drink?”

“Sure. Glenlivet on the rocks.”

“Coming up.” KT signaled the bartender over and ordered the drink along with another draft for herself. The room was filling up now that the afternoon tea dance was about to begin. Vicki moved closer as more people sidled up to the bar and as she did, turned her body so that her legs loosely straddled KT’s thigh. KT could smell her perfume, the dark inviting aroma of rain on the wind. “Are you from around here?”

“No,” Vicki replied, leaning into KT to be heard above the racket of drink orders being shouted from those nearby. Her breast brushed KT’s arm. “Worcester. I’m just here for the weekend.”

Inexplicably, KT felt a surge of relief. She wasn’t certain exactly why, but she didn’t want to spend the night with someone she was going to have to see on a regular basis in the small town where she might be living for an indefinite period of time. And if she was right about the signals she was reading in Vicki’s eyes and the fact that Vicki’s nipple had hardened the instant her breast had brushed KT’s arm, then she didn’t have to spend the night alone if she didn’t want to. And considering the way she was feeling right now, a woman was probably the only thing that would drive away thoughts of past mistakes and future fears, at least for one night. The alcohol and painkillers didn’t seem to be doing it. “Down here with friends?”

Vicki’s smile widened and she placed her hand on KT’s stomach, edging her hips a little tighter against KT’s thigh. “All by myself.”

And is there a woman at home? But that was not her concern, KT reminded herself. The fingers circling slowly over her abdomen felt good, as did the heat of Vicki’s center pressed to her leg as the redhead undulated sensuously to the music in the background. As the arousal built in her depths, the pain in her arm, and in her heart, mercifully receded.

Reese pulled into the parking lot in front of the sheriff’s department just as Bri and Allie roared in behind her on Bri’s big Harley. Reese climbed out of the cruiser and studied the two young women. Bri had on her uniform pants, which looked as if they’d been slept in, and the white T-shirt she usually wore under her uniform shirt. She’d filled out some since she’d been training heavily for her black belt test. The shirt stretched tightly over her small breasts, muscular chest, and ripped arms, accentuating her tapered torso and narrow hips. Allie, who straddled Bri’s body with both arms around her waist and her cheek pressed to the back of Bri’s neck, was in street clothes impossibly tight, almost feloniously low-slung blue jeans and a minuscule, sheer white top that appeared to be suspended over her unrestrained breasts by a thread or two tied at the back of her neck. Considering their attire and the fact that Allie’s car was parked exactly where it had been the day before, it didn’t require much in the way of deductive reasoning to ascertain that Bri had spent the night at Allie’s.

Goddamn it. Reese’s jaw tightened as she leaned back against the patrol car, watching Allie climb off the bike and laughingly shove at Bri’s shoulder. Bri merely grinned and shook her head no. Allie butted her hip against Bri’s thigh and said something that made Bri toss her head back and laugh. They looked like a couple of healthy young animals in the midst of a mating ritual. What the hell is wrong with her?

Watching the pair continue to tease and banter, Reese chastised herself for approving Allie’s transfer to the department.

She’d known that there had been some kind of attraction between the two earlier in the year, but she’d thought it was over. She’d trusted Bri to respect Caroline and her badge, and to keep things purely professional with Allie. Goddamn it. Out of nowhere, Reese looked at Bri and saw another darkly handsome, dangerous woman. One with the same seething, wild energy. KT. Fast on the heels of that inexplicable image, she remembered the shadows in Tory’s eyes that morning and thought of how much greater her lover’s pain had been when they’d met a few years before. Remembered, too, that Tory had withdrawn from everyone because of the hurt and disappointment KT’s betrayal had caused. Reese pushed away from the cruiser and strode across the hard-packed sand lot to where the two young women now stood talking.

“You’re both on duty in less than an hour.”

Bri turned from telling Allie for the fourth time that she couldn’t drive her bike, a smile on her face. “Hey, Reese.”

“You’re out of uniform, Parker. Where’s your weapon and the rest of your gear?”

“In my bike bag, ma’am.” Bri straightened, clearly confused by the tone of Reese’s voice.

“Um” Allie began, sensing that Bri was in trouble but not understanding why.

Reese silenced her with a quick look. “I want you to take personal time until further notice, Officer Tremont.”

Allie straightened, her eyes flashing. “Why, ma’am?”

“Because I ordered” Reese stopped in the middle of dressing down the startled young recruits. They ‘re not recruits. And Bri’s not KT. Christ, what am I doing. She took a breath, slow and controlled, her expression revealing none of her disquiet while she settled herself. She couldn’t ever remember having behaved quite so irrationally. That it had to do with KT was clear, but why, she wasn’t sure. She hadn’t felt any particular animosity toward her when she’d seen her in the parking lot at the clinic, only a wariness that came from knowing that KT was a woman who had once hurt her lover. And knowing with absolute certainty that KT could still hurt Tory. And you ‘re probably not going to be able to stop it. And if you can’t protect her…

“Parker,” Reese snapped.

“Yes, ma’am.” Bri stood at rigid attention, her eyes unwavering, fixed on Reese’s face.

“If you want to wear the uniform, treat it with respect.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Go home and change. Report back for your shift looking like you’re ready to do the job.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry, ma’am.”

Reese shifted her gaze to Allie, “Come inside so we can talk.”

“Respectfully, ma’am,” Allie said, her voice steady. “I’d like to get ready for my shift as well, Could we speak later, ma’am?”

“We’ll do it now. I’ll make adjustments in your shift assignment if necessary.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

As Reese turned and headed toward the building with Allie beside her, she heard the roar of Bri’s engine accelerate rapidly and then fade into the distance. She’d come down on Bri hard for reasons that weren’t altogether Bri’s fault. She’d have to make that right.

KT was dizzy, and she didn’t think it was entirely due to the beer. Vicki’s tongue was demanding, probing her mouth insistently, threatening to devour her. It felt unexpectedly good, being taken for a change. But before she completely lost control, she pulled away from Vicki’s mouth and trapped the hand that was inching open her fly. “Hey, baby, slow down. I’m too old to do this standing up in a dark corner,”

Vicki pressed hard with her whole body against KT’s, rocking her hips between KT’s spread thighs, her mouth on KT’s neck, biting lightly. “Mmm, me too, but you’ve got me so hot. God, you’re a great kisser. Tell me you’re not going a little crazy, too,”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” KT said, breathing rapidly as Vicki continued to thrust her hips, working KT’s blood up to a rolling boil. “Keep doing what you’re doing, and I’m going to explode.”

“Oh, yeah. I’d like that.”

The bar was wall-to-wall people, and no one was paying them any attention in the dark corner of the bar where they’d eventually migrated as their superficial conversation had given way to more in-depth physical explorations. Still, as aroused as she was, KT was long past fucking in public places. Vicki felt good in her arms, though, and with her body this turned on, she wasn’t thinking about anything. That was the best part of all.

“Can we go to your room?” KT asked, circling her right hand over the base of Vicki’s spine, matching the roll and thrust of Vicki’s pelvis with her own. She felt teeth on her neck and carefully pulled away. “Easy.”

“Mmm. God, I want to get naked with you.” Vicki managed to get her hand between KT’s thighs and squeezed. “And I want this.”

“Then let’s get out of here,” KT urged, happy to surrender awareness to the pleasant euphoria of alcohol and the consuming burn of passion.

Reese handed Allie a paper cup of coffee and leaned against the counter in the far corner of the squad room. The only other person present was Paul Smith, and he was busy with the phones. “How are you feeling about last night?”

Clearly surprised, Allie shrugged. “I’m okay.”

“Is that the first time you found a victim like that?”

Allie hesitated, trying to decide the best answer. The sheriff never gave any indication of what she was thinking, but Allie knew that she always told the truth. It was something you could count on. Maybe the truth was the only answer. “No.”

Reese sipped her coffee, wondering at the flicker of unease in Allie’s eyes. “But it wasn’t on the job, was it.”

“No. It was my cousin. I was fourteen and he was seventeen.” Allie swallowed around the sudden lump in her throat and put her coffee cup down before meeting Reese’s unwavering gaze. “He OD’ d on heroin. I found him in his room one afternoon after school. We lived next door to each other. We were pretty tight.”

“I’m sorry.” Reese tossed her empty cup into the wastepaper basket. “Last night couldn’t have been easy.”

“I’m not sure what it was,” Allie said quietly. “I didn’t feel a whole lot then and I don’t feel very much now. I feel like I’m okay-to work, though.”

“Sometimes things like last night come back on us when we don’t expect it.”

Allie nodded. “I understand. I had nightmares for a while after Kevin.”

“Provincetown is a small village, and we don’t see a lot of action here. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t have to be alert.”

“I know.” Allie straightened. “I give you my word if I’m having problems, I’ll tell you. I saw a shrink for a while when I was fifteen. It was okay, it helped. I’ll do it again if I need to.”

“Very well. Report for duty as scheduled, then.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” Allie made no move to leave. “Sheriff, about Bri”

“I’ll deal with Officer Parker, Officer Tremont.”

Allie looked as if she wanted to say more, but wisely said nothing. “Yes, ma’am. Thank you, ma’am.”

Reese watched Allie leave with new respect, impressed with her fortitude. She didn’t want to lose her and hoped that she would be able to sort out the situation with Bri.

“You’ll have to make allowances for my performance,” KT said, her breathing irregular and shallow as Vicki slid down the zipper of her fly. She was flat on her back in the middle of a double bed in a small motel room with a single window that faced Long Point, the final curve of sand before Cape Cod disappeared into the ocean. She couldn’t get any further away from her demons if she tried. Vicki knelt naked above her, methodically undressing her. “I’ve only got one good arm here, and I don’t quite know what to do with this contraption on my left.”

“You don’t have to do anything,” Vicki assured her, her full breasts swaying as she worked to open buttons and buckles and zippers. “I’m going to take care of us both,”

Not normally one to give up control under any circumstance, and particularly not in bed, KT felt an uncharacteristic surge of relief. She closed her eyes, distantly aware that her left arm throbbed and her head spun slowly. The breeze from the open window blew across her chest as her shirt was opened and the silk tee beneath was pushed up to expose her breasts. Her nipples hardened in anticipation.