“Yes.” For anyone with two hands.

“I’ll take care of this if you wouldn’t mind seeing the patient in four.”

“Sure,” KT said. She brushed her fingers over the small blond head. “See you later, kiddo.”

When Tory finished fifteen minutes later, she walked down the hall and looked into the small office she had assigned KT earlier that day. KT sat at the desk, writing notes in a chart. “Got a minute?”

“Sure.” KT pushed the chart aside and leaned back in the chair. “All done with the lip repair?”

“Yes. She was a trooper.”

KT smiled. “Nice kid. Nice mother, too.”

“Andrea’s straight and happily married.”

“Jesus, Vi…Tory!” KT tossed her pen down onto the desktop in frustration, “I wasn’t going to ask her for a date.”

Tory bit back another careless response and sank into a metal folding chair opposite KT’s desk. “Maybe your working here isn’t such a good idea. I can’t seem to be around you without being furious.”

“You weren’t furious in the hospital when Reese was hurt or when Reggie was born,” KT snapped.

“I had other things on my mind like the fact that my lover might be dying!” Tory looked away, the memories of Reese’s accident still fresh, still painful, after half a year. “And I…appreciate all you did for us. Both times.”

“Jesus.” KT let out an exasperated breath. “I’m not asking for thanks. I wanted to help. It’s what I do. And it was you, for Christ’s sake. Don’t you think I wanted to help you?”

“I don’t know.” Tory brought angry eyes back to KT’s. “I really don’t know anything about you.”

“Yes, you do,” KT said softly. “You know everything about me. Nothing’s changed for me since the day you since the day we separated.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” There was no anger in Tory’s voice now, only sadness. “Everything has changed for me.” She closed her eyes, aware for the first time how tired she was. She’d only been working five hours, and she was exhausted. Her breasts were full and sore, and she realized that she needed to pump. With a sigh, she opened her eyes and smiled wanly. “We can’t have this conversation here. There’s work to be done, and neither of us is quite functioning at full power. Can we just agree not to discuss personal matters?”

“Sure.” KT took in Tory’s pale features and drawn expression, “Why don’t you take off. I can handle the rest of the patients.”

Tory laughed, genuinely amused. “You always did overestimate yourself, O’Bannon. You have no idea what you’re in for here.”

KT laughed with her. “I can be very resourceful when I need to be.”

“Oh, I have no doubt.” Tory stood. “I need to take a few minutes’ break, but then I’ll be good for another hour or so.”

“Okay, but don’t push. It’s just your first day back.”

Tory nodded. “Keep your hand elevated. Your fingers are swelling.”

“Yes, Dr. King,” KT replied lightly. She followed Tory into the hall and headed toward the reception area as Tory stepped into her office and closed the door. Randy looked up with his usual full-combat-mode expression as she approached, and KT held up her good hand to forestall any comments. Then she rested her elbow on the counter and leaned forward so that only he could hear, “Tory needs something to eat. Order something she likes and have it delivered, will you? Tell her you ordered it.”

“Is she sick?” Randy’s normally sultry voice hardened with concern.

KT shook her head. “No, just tired and too stubborn to admit it.”

“Well, I’m glad to see that nothing’s changed while she was away.” Randy’s elegant eyebrow arched as he regarded KT intently. “I’m really not prepared to like you.”

“I got that impression. Is it something I said or do you just not like mainlanders?”

“It’s because you must be an idiot to have let Tory go, and you hurt her besides.”

“Guilty on both counts.” KT’s expression never changed, although her stomach abruptly tied itself into a knot. “Does everyone know?”

“No, only those people who love her.”

“Will you please get her lunch?”

“Of course,” Randy hesitated, then added, “What would you like? Sandwich or salad?”

“Roast beef, Russian dressing, black bread. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Randy picked up the phone to order and, as he did, said over his shoulder, “You should keep your arm elevated. Your fingers are swollen.”

“Thanks,” KT muttered as she headed back to work, wondering just what it was going to take to atone.

“Do you really think Ms. Pelosi is going to let us talk to him this time?” Bri asked as Reese pulled into the emergency room parking lot at the rear of Hyannis Hospital for the third time in three days.

“She said he was ready to give us a statement.”

“What do you think that means?”

Reese settled her cap over her brows as she climbed out of cruiser. Walking around to join Bri, she said, “I think it means she’s pretty certain that Robert Bridger is innocent of any serious crime, and I think she probably wants to aid the investigation. She strikes me as a good attorney doing what good attorneys do, which is protect her client.” She shouldered through the swinging door into the long, brightly lit corridor that ran from the emergency entrance toward the main hospital lobby. “It’s just that good lawyers can sometimes be a pain in the behind for us.”

“Were you a good attorney?”

Reese cast Bri a sidelong glance, then grinned. “I suppose I was. But the JAG Corps was too much talk and not enough action. Everyone was surprised when I switched to policing, but it suited me better. Still does.”

Bri grinned, too. “Yeah. Nothing beats being out in the cruiser,”

“Well,” Reese said, “not much else does.” She was about to add more when Trey Pelosi came around the corner, a cup of vending-room coffee in her right hand and a file folder in the other. Today, the attorney wore navy blue linen slacks, low-heeled, backless sandals, and a silk blouse with fine white and blue stripes.

“Hello,” Trey said in greeting. “You made good time.”

“Everyone is going in the opposite direction,” Reese replied. “Thanks for calling us.”

“I’m happy to. Robert is feeling much better and would like to speak with you.”

“Really.” Reese fell into step on one side of Trey while Bri walked on the other. “That’s good news.”

Trey effortlessly juggled the file folder and the coffee cup and extracted a single sheet of a computer printout. “You’ll want to take a look at this.”

Still walking, Reese quickly scanned what turned out to be the toxicology report, then wordlessly handed it to Bri. “Thank you.”

“I just got it this morning.” Trey slowed just before reaching the elevators. She glanced from Reese to Bri and back to Reese. “Robert is basically a very good kid. He’s scared, and he’s penitent, and he’s willing to provide you with as much information as he can.”

Reese appreciated that the attorney had lowered her sword for a moment of truth, and in appreciation of that fact, Reese lowered hers as well. “I’m not interested in going after him unless I don’t have any other choice. I want the people behind this. I doubt that Robert and his companion are the first kids to run into trouble because of these parties, and I know they won’t be the last. I want to shut them down.”

“Then you and I are in complete agreement, Sheriff.” Reese smiled and Trey Pelosi’s eyes warmed in response.

“I’d rather you not advertise that, Counselor. It would be bad for my reputation.”

“I imagine that your reputation would survive, Sheriff.” Reese pretended not to notice the brief brush of Trey Pelosi’s fingers over the top of her hand as the three of them stepped into the elevator.

Chapter Fourteen

Tory ignored the sound of approaching footsteps until the familiar voice said, “Hey okay to interrupt?” When she looked up from her paperwork, Reese stood framed in her office doorway. Surprised, she said, “Hello, darling. Of course. Come in.”

“Busy?” Reese asked as she crossed the room and skirted around the side of Tory’s desk.


Reese chuckled. “Liar. It’s almost six and the waiting room is still crowded.”

“News travels fast in our little world. I think half of them are here to check out the new doctor.”

“I’ll bet.” Reese leaned down and kissed Tory softly on the lips. “How are you doing?”

“I’m fi…” Tory hesitated, because she knew that Reese would know. She always knew. “Actually, I’m tired.” At her lover’s immediate expression of concern, she added hastily, “But I’m all right. Really,”

“Sure?” Reese ran her fingertip along the edge of Tory’s jaw and kissed her again.

“Now,” Tory sighed, leaned back, and closed her eyes, “I’m definitely fine.”

Reese settled on the edge of Tory’s desk. “Are you going to be able to leave soon?”

“Not too much longer,” Tory replied as she slowly opened her eyes. “How about you? Are things hectic?”

“The village is jumping, like you’d expect.” Reese shrugged. “And it’s early yet. Bri and I just got back from Hyannis. We interviewed Robert Bridger finally.”

Tory leaned forward, suddenly much more alert. “Really. What did he have to say?”

“He confirmed some of the things that we suspected. He borrowed his family’s car to impress his friends and drove to a party in Wellfleet. He claims he had never seen the girl she told him her name was Tina before he met her there that night. No last name that he can remember.”

“Do you believe him?”

“I do. Just gut instinct, but his story held up when I pressed for details. Usually if they’re lying, they’ll trip up over the small details right away. He didn’t.”

“How did he account for the drug overdose?”

Reese grimaced. “He swears that he only had one can of Budweiser. Somewhere in the course of the evening, his buddies disappeared. And someone slipped him a heavy dose of ecstasy. His tox screen confirms that he had a very small level of alcohol in his system and a great big dose of MDMA.”

“So where does that leave you?”

“Well, we’ve got a first name for the victim, and we’ve got a general location for the party. Robert vaguely remembers hearing that the parties are a regular occurrence in the area, so we’re going to do some discreet questioning in the bars and among some of our known area drug users. Chances are they’ll at least have heard of these parties.”

“You’re going after the dealers, then?” Tory’s voice was even, but her eyes were fathomless pools, swirling with dark undercurrents.

“No choice.” Reese’s tone was matter-of-fact, because the course of action was obvious. “They’re responsible for that girl’s death.”

“You’ll be careful, won’t you?”

“I always am.” Reese leaned forward and brushed her fingers through Tory’s hair, letting her palm rest against the nape of her neck. “I’ve got two very good reasons to be very careful.”

Tory leaned into the caress and wrapped her fingers around Reese’s strong forearm. She turned her face, rubbed her lips over Reese’s wrist, and murmured, “1 love you so”

“Hey, Tory, what’s the deal with this new cholesterol”

KT stumbled to a stop just inside the door. Her eyes moved from Tory who leaned forward with half-closed lids and her parted lips against Reese’s skin to the woman who gazed down at her with undisguised adoration. The image was cuttingly beautiful, and KT felt a slash of pain as exquisitely sharp as the knife blade that had brought her there. “Oh. Sorry.”

Slowly, Reese swiveled on the desk toward KT, giving Tory’s hand a squeeze as she shifted away from her. “Hi.”


“How’s the first day going?”

“Actually,” KT replied, smiling grimly, “I’m getting my ass kicked. Between the little old ladies who won’t take their medication and the screaming kids who won’t sit still long enough for me to listen to their hearts, I’m beat.”

Reese laughed. “Tough crowd, huh?”

“Give me a multiple trauma any day.” KT looked apologetically at Tory. “I just had a quick question about a patient’s medication. I’m in exam room three when you get a chance.”

“I’ll be right there.”

“Thanks.” KT nodded to Reese. “Take it easy.”

“You too.”

When KT left, Reese stood and tucked her cap under her arm. “I should get back to work.” She inclined her head toward the now-empty doorway. “Everything okay there?”

Tory stood and slipped an arm around Reese’s waist, walking with her toward the hall “A few minor bumps, but basically okay.”

“Good.” Reese kissed her one final time. “Don’t stay too late, okay?”

“I won’t. I promise.” Tory stroked Reese’s cheek. “Regina and I will see you at home, Sheriff. Be safe.”