“It’s too soon,” Nita gasped. “God, too soon.”

“You need to tell me now,” Deo murmured, parting Nita’s robe a few inches and kissing the center of her chest, “if you don’t want to make love.” She groaned as Nita’s fi ngertips glided over her nipple.

“And you might need to get off my lap, too.”

“I understand. I’m sorry.” Nita gripped the wide arms of the chair

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and pushed herself off Deo’s lap. Watching Deo’s expression falter, she quickly knelt between Deo’s legs and pushed the robe open with both hands. Leaning to kiss the inside of Deo’s thigh, she murmured,

“Maybe I’ll be safer down here.”

“I don’t think so.” Deo caressed Nita’s face, her fi ngers shaking.

“I’m really in trouble.”

“No you’re not.” Gently, Nita spread her fi ngers along the taut muscles that framed the vee of Deo’s sex and kissed her. She tasted sweet and rich and Nita licked delicately along the furled folds to the prominent ridge in their center. When she found a spot that made Deo twitch and moan, she played with it, pressing with the very tip of her tongue. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth and around.

“Please,” Deo whispered, her legs twisting as her muscles clenched tighter and tighter. “Please stop. I can’t take you doing that any more.

I’ll come right in your mouth.”

Nita gripped Deo’s thighs fi rmly to stop her from pulling away.

Deo was hard, throbbing, hot, and Nita needed more. She sucked, sliding Deo’s clitoris in and out between her lips, and Deo groaned, a broken, hopeless, unbelievably beautiful sound. Reaching up, Nita caressed her tense belly and said with her mouth against Deo’s clit, “I can’t believe how hard you are. Stop fi ghting it. I want you to come.”

When Nita slipped her fi ngers just inside and went back to sucking her, Deo jerked forward, clutching Nita’s shoulders. “I’m going to come. Don’t stop. Jesus. Jesus, lick right there, oh…just don’t stop.”

Nita wrapped both arms around Deo’s waist as Deo rode her mouth. She wished she could still her own heartbeat so nothing interfered with her absorbing every sound and movement of Deo’s body as she climaxed. Finally, Deo groaned and collapsed back into the chair. Nita couldn’t let her go, but covered her sex with light kisses until Deo pushed feebly at her face.

“Give me a minute,” Deo murmured. “Too sensitive right now.”

“You are so amazing.” Nita gazed up the length of Deo’s body. Deo was golden in the fi relight, her skin shining with sweat and pleasure.

Nita was aware of time passing, of the night hurtling toward dawn, and she needed more. Carefully, she eased inside her, moaning when Deo closed down around her fi ngers. “That’s it. Beautiful.”

“Nita, God, what are you doing? I don’t…oh God…I can’t…”

“Shh,” Nita soothed, pulling out and pushing back in a little at a

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time, carefully avoiding Deo’s swollen clitoris. “Just relax. Just hold me inside. You don’t have to do anything.”

Deo stared down at Nita helplessly. “Feels so good.”

“I can tell.” Nita smiled, watching Deo’s face as she slowly fucked her. “I want to make you come all night.”

“Can’t,” Deo muttered. “Want to, but…”

“Stroke your clit. Show me what you like.” Nita kept her tempo slow, her strokes gentle.

“Let me make you come,” Deo protested, grasping Nita’s wrist.

“Not yet. I’ll come fast, and I don’t want to. I want this. Please. I want you.”

Deo relaxed and pressed two fi ngers against the base of her clit.

“It will take me a while.”

“That’s all right. I’ve got all night.” Nita winced inwardly at the irony. All night. All night, and she needed every minute and so many more. Her clitoris pounded, and she was wet, so wet. But it wasn’t her orgasm she wanted as she watched Deo circle and stroke and pinch her thickened clitoris. Deo’s pleasure was sweeter than anything she’d ever experienced. “Does it feel good?”

“Yes,” Deo hissed through gritted teeth. “Getting so hard again.”

“Are you going to come?”


Nita matched her strokes to the speed of Deo’s hand, picking up as Deo circled faster. Minutes passed and Deo moaned, her motions frantic. Sensing Deo’s need, Nita massaged Deo’s other opening with her free hand and slid a fi nger through the fi rm muscle.

“Oh God,” Deo cried, her body bowing. “Oh God you’re going to make me come.”

“Yes,” Nita whispered, thrusting with both hands as Deo fi nished herself with a low, tortured moan. “Yes, yes, yes.”

Deo’s head fell back against the chair, her arms dropping limply to her sides, her breasts and stomach heaving as she fought to breathe.

Nita gently withdrew and pillowed her cheek against Deo’s stomach.

“When you come, I feel like something inside me is going to burst.

You’re so beautiful I can’t stand it.”

“I want us to go to bed,” Deo groaned. “I want to touch you. Please Nita. Please let me touch you.”

“I need you to.” Nita kissed Deo’s stomach. “I want you to.”

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Deo reached for the wine beside them and handed a glass to Nita.

She drank deeply from her own and rose, hoping her legs would carry her upstairs. She gripped Nita’s hand and drew her along beside her to the stairs. “I’ve never come like that before.”

“No?” Nita circled Deo’s waist as they climbed the stairs. “I’ve never made love to anyone that way before. I’m so hungry for you.”

“You sound sorry,” Deo whispered, pushing open her bedroom door. Just inside, she turned on a small table lamp that left most of the room in shadow.

Nita shook her head fi rmly. “No. Not sorry at all.”

Deo emptied her wine glass and put it on the bedside table. She held out her hand for Nita’s and placed it beside her own. Then she untied her robe and let it fall. She watched Nita’s gaze travel over her body and her nipples hardened at the heat in Nita’s eyes. “Will you take off your robe?”

“Yes.” Nita untied the sash and shrugged it from her shoulders, willing her body to quiet.

“Oh,” Deo murmured, resting her hands on Nita’s shoulders. “So much more beautiful than I dreamed.” She traced her thumbs along Nita’s collarbones and then smoothed her palms over Nita’s chest until she cupped her breasts. Nita’s nipples were hard, dark shadows against her smooth light brown skin. Lifting Nita’s breasts in her palms as she had imagined so many times, she licked fi rst one nipple, then the other.

Nita grabbed Deo’s arms to steady herself as her thighs trembled.

“Suck,” she implored hoarsely. “Suck them.”

Deo wrapped one arm around Nita’s waist and pulled her backwards toward the bed, carrying her down with her as she settled onto her back.

Nita braced herself above Deo’s body as Deo continued to torment her breasts with her teeth and lips and tongue. It was too much, too good.

Nita straddled Deo’s thigh, riding her clitoris over the hard muscle.

“I’m going to come,” Nita warned, “I’m going to come. Oh God, Deo.”

“Wait,” Deo murmured, rolling Nita over and easing her leg from between Nita’s, breaking their contact. “Wait if you can. If you can’t, it’s okay.”

Nita’s breath sobbed in and out of her chest and her hips thrashed helplessly. “Touch me. Will you please touch me?”

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Deo leaned on one elbow and kissed her, caressing her breasts and her belly and lightly between her thighs, her fi ngertips gliding over Nita’s clitoris and then away, again and again. Nita dug her fi ngernails into Deo’s back, clinging to her as she struggled to hold back the feral need that beat at her for release. Deo’s tongue was soft and gentle, her callused hands everywhere, painting her body with exquisite tenderness.

Gradually, the fi re Deo kindled transformed into a deep consuming blaze that spread through her blood and muscles, obliterating everything in its path.

“I’m coming,” Nita sighed, surrendering as her orgasm rolled over her, leaving nothing behind but pure satisfaction. As she peaked, Deo fi lled her and she jolted into another, harder climax. Wild with unexpected pleasure, she screamed Deo’s name.

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As Nita roused from sleep, she registered the totally foreign sensation of lying on her back with a warm body curved along her side. Before her still cloudy mind could decipher what that meant, she became aware of something even more extraordinary. Her skin tingled from her throat to her knees and three distinct points of pleasure beat in time to her heartbeat. Her nipples were painfully, delightfully hard, and her clitoris was disturbingly but quite wonderfully tense.

“I know you’re awake,” Deo murmured, circling Nita’s nipple with her tongue.

“What are you doing?” Nita breathed, keeping her eyes closed. She held very still. Whatever was happening, she didn’t want it to stop.

“Fulfi lling a fantasy.” Deo sucked the other nipple then trailed her tongue down the center of Nita’s body and dipped into her navel.

“I want to taste every part of your body. I’m about halfway there.” Deo kissed the top of the crisp, neatly trimmed black triangle at the base of Nita’s abdomen and smoothed her palm along the sleek length of Nita’s thigh. “You’re unspeakably beautiful.”

Nita lifted her hips, she couldn’t help it. “I’m unspeakably aroused.”

Deo inched lower, and Nita felt fi rst a teasing breath and then Deo’s lips slide smoothly down her clitoris. “Oh my God.”

“Mmm.” Deo lingered a second, sucking gently, before shifting her body between Nita’s legs. She licked the inside of her thighs, then kissed her way lower. “Very sexy knees.”

“Deo,” Nita moaned, pushing herself up on her elbows. She opened her eyes, and everything clenched at the sight of Deo reclining between her legs, naked and gorgeous in the misty dawn light. Her wide shoulders dipped down to a shallow valley below the rise of her round, fi rm ass. Nita had a swift vision of rubbing her sex over Deo’s

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ass until she came. Her clitoris twitched and she moaned again. “Just looking at you makes me wet.”

“Good. I want to make you as crazy as you make me.”

Deo’s gaze met hers, and the hunger in her eyes made Nita’s stomach twist. She pressed three fi ngers to her clitoris and felt it protrude. God, she was so excited. “Can you see what you’ve done?”

“I said you were beautiful.” Deo massaged the tops of Nita’s feet, then stroked upward over her calves and fi nally pushed her legs apart until her thighs were stretched tight. She lowered her head and opened Nita with her thumbs. “And you’re very ready.”

“Wait,” Nita said urgently, pressing her palm to Deo’s cheek just before Deo reached her with her mouth. “I won’t be able to keep from coming if you put your mouth on me now.”

“That’s okay.”

“No it’s not. I want you on top of me.” Nita tugged Deo’s hair. “I want you in my mouth while you lick me. Now. Come on.”

Deo’s expression turned ravenous, and her lips parted in a near growl. Swiftly she reversed her position and lowered herself above Nita’s face.

“Don’t touch me yet,” Nita murmured, wrapping her arms around the outside of Deo’s muscular thighs. Then she delicately licked her.

Deo jerked and Nita smiled. “Don’t touch me until I tell you that you can.”

“Nita,” Deo snarled, rubbing her cheek over Nita’s sex. “You’re so wet for me.”

“I’m not the only who’s wet,” Nita whispered. She stroked the fl at of her tongue between Deo’s lips and over the surface of her exposed clitoris. Deo’s thighs trembled. “You like that, don’t you?”

“You know I love it.” Deo kissed Nita’s clitoris.

“Deo, don’t.”

“I want to suck you.”

“No,” Nita gasped. “Not yet.” She fl uttered her tongue under Deo’s clitoris and Deo swelled and pulsed. “Tell me if you’re going to come.”

“A minute—not much longer. I’m getting close. Oh Jesus—I’m not kidding.”

Nita licked her again and teased the spot she had discovered the night before. Deo shivered and writhed and Nita felt another kiss brush

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over the top of her clitoris, harder this time. It felt so good. “Careful. I don’t want to come.”

“Yes you do,” Deo groaned. “Please. Let me suck you.”

“No.” Nita struggled to hold back the pleasure that threatened to burst free and concentrated on Deo, licking and kissing and teasing until Deo was so hard and so wet she knew Deo would come any second if she didn’t stop. She pulled her mouth away. “Quick. Come up here—I want to kiss you.”