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“About the other thing—”

Tory pressed her fingers to Reese’s lips. “We’ll talk about it later.”

Reese frowned. “No, Tor, this is important. If you—”

“Later.” Tory leaned against Reese. “I think I need to get off my leg. Will you help me up the stairs?”

“I’ll do more than that. Put your arms around my neck.”

“I think carrying me up the stairs once this week is enough.”

Reese laughed. “I don’t get enough exercise behind the desk. Hold on to me.”

And because she needed her, because she needed to feel surrounded by Reese’s solid strength and unwavering love, Tory let herself be carried. Talk of another child would need to wait. Right now, all she cared about was finding the cause of Reese’s symptoms.


Carter cruised through her neighborhood a little after seven thirty, noting that many of the early-morning joggers were absent. She didn’t recognize half of the cars and vans parked on her own street. Most of the unfamiliar vehicles were probably those of workmen who had come from up Cape or inland to start repairs on damaged homes. Determining who belonged and who didn’t was impossible. Still, she took her time, working street by street, looking for anything or anyone out of place.

At eight o’clock, she pulled into the driveway in front of Rica’s hilltop home, their home now. Surrounded on three sides by pine and beech trees, the house commanded a sweeping view across protected wetlands and dunes to Herring Cove. Rica’s Lexus was in the garage, and when Carter walked through to the spacious eat-in kitchen, she heard Rica talking on the phone outside on the deck.

“I need you to tell me the truth, Papa,” Rica said, leaning against the railing. Her hair was loose, still damp from the shower, and she wore only the short black silk robe that Carter loved to slowly take off her. “No one?”

Carter halted, not wanting to eavesdrop. Rica had spent her whole life struggling to reconcile her love for her father with her repulsion for his “business.” She and her father rarely spoke of it directly, but their

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relationship had been even more strained since Rica became involved with Carter. Alfonse Pareto tolerated Carter, a cop, so close to the seat of his empire for only two reasons—he believed that Carter loved Rica and would protect her, and he knew that Rica would cut off all ties to her family if he attempted to keep them apart. Carter did not want to make Rica’s life any more difficult. She started to back out of the room just as Rica turned and saw her.

Rica waved Carter out onto the deck while listening to her father interrogate her as to why she wanted to know if he had assigned any of his men to shadow her. She wasn’t used to seeing Carter in a uniform.

The night before, Rica had been working late at the gallery and Carter had dropped by in her regulation khaki pants, tab-collar shirt, and dark tie before her shift. Rica had been sorely tempted to drag her into the back room and divest her of said uniform. Now she could, since she didn’t have to worry about making Carter late for work.

“I know you said you wouldn’t, Papa.” Rica slipped her arm around Carter’s waist and pulled her close. “But sometimes you change your mind and forget to tell me.”

At Carter’s raised eyebrows, Rica shook her head, rolled her eyes, and gave her a kiss. When Carter tugged her a little closer and nipped at her lower lip, Rica stifled a moan.

“I need to go, Papa. I have another call.”

“When will you be home for a visit, cara?”

“I don’t know. Soon.”

“I miss you,” Pareto said. “Ti amo.”

“I love you too, Papa.” Rica fumbled for the Off button, wrapped her free arm around Carter’s neck, and blindly set the phone down on the top of the railing. “Mmm, I missed you in bed last night.”

“Sorry,” Carter muttered, kissing her way up Rica’s neck to her ear. “I won’t have the night shift forever.”

“I think I might like you coming home in the morning when I’m all rested and you’re a little rumpled and tired. It’ll make it easy for me to have my way with you.”

“Like you don’t always.” Carter laughed and pulled Rica over to one of the cushioned lounge chairs. She tugged her down and wrapped her in her arms. “How’s your father?”

“The same.” Rica unbuckled Carter’s belt, pulled her shirt up, and caressed her abdomen. “How tired are you?”

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“Not tired at all.” Carter opened Rica’s robe and cupped Rica’s breast.

Rica murmured her approval and pressed closer, nibbling Carter’s ear. “I think I’d like it if you made love to me out here. I’ve been thinking about it since I woke up. I’m already wet.”

Carter groaned. “Are you?”

“Why don’t you see for yourself?” Rica flicked her tongue along the edge of Carter’s jaw, then kissed her. Carter smoothed her palm down Rica’s abdomen and caressed between her legs. Rica’s hips flexed and she whimpered softly against Carter’s mouth.

“Jesus,” Carter muttered. “Baby, you’re so ready.”

“Then don’t make me wait,” Rica said, breathing quickly, her dark eyes turning glassy as Carter stroked and stroked. “I think if you just go inside me, I’ll…”

Carter pushed deeper and filled her.

“…come,” Rica gasped, closing her eyes and burying her face against Carter’s neck. She quivered, her fingers trembling against Carter’s face as she came in long, undulating waves of exquisite pleasure.

“I love you, baby,” Carter whispered.

“I love you.” Rica sighed, melting bonelessly into the lean, hard planes of Carter’s body. “And I really love this uniform.”

Carter chuckled and ran her fingers through Rica’s silky hair. The midnight waves sparkled in the early morning sunlight. “You’re so beautiful, Rica. So beautiful.”

“I never thought I could be this happy.”

“Neither did I.” Carter closed her eyes and luxuriated in the unbelievable pleasure of having everything in her life she’d ever wanted. This woman, this one woman, was everything that mattered.

“In a few minutes I’ll be able to move again,” Rica murmured lazily. “So be patient. The other thing I’ve been thinking about since I woke up was you coming in my mouth.”

Carter jerked, the muscles in her stomach dancing. “Rica, baby.

You’re killing me.”

Rica smiled and ran her fingertips over Carter’s lips. “Good.”

“So are you going to tell me why you called your father first thing this morning?”

“I wondered when you’d ask me that.”

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“Did something happen?” Carter knew Rica would try to shield her from anything that might have to do with her father’s business. “I don’t need you to protect me.”

“No? But it’s all right for you to protect me?”

Carter sighed. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

“How did you mean it?”

“I’m not investigating your family—it’s not like it was when I was undercover before. Plus, Reese knows about your father. My job is not in danger because of your father’s business dealings, so you don’t have to keep things from me. That’s all I meant.”

Rica tucked her head under Carter’s chin and slid her hand under Carter’s shirt again. “I’m sorry. I know. It’s just, they hurt you the last time. I couldn’t stand it if—”

“Nothing is going to happen to me.” Carter caressed Rica’s face.

“If you called your father, you’re worried about something. What is it?”

“I got to thinking about the car last night. I know it was probably just some kids or something, but—on my way to the parking lot, I had this weird feeling. I forgot all about it until I got home.”

Carter tensed, then forced herself to relax. She didn’t want her worry to influence Rica. “What kind of weird feeling?”

“Like someone was…I don’t know…watching me, maybe.”

“Did you see anyone?”

“No, which is why I’m sure it’s just my imagination, but I thought maybe Papa had sent another one of his men to keep an eye on me. You know how he is.”

“What did he say?”

“He said he didn’t.”

“You believe him?” Carter didn’t trust Rica’s father, for many reasons. The don was not above lying to his daughter if he thought it was for her own good.

“I do. If I really thought he had men watching me, I wouldn’t have let you ravish me out here—even if only the seagulls could possibly see onto this deck.”

“What about the shop? Has anyone been in who seemed out of place? Someone who might have been inappropriate, pushed you to go out with them?”

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Rica laughed. “No. No! I would have told you.” She sat up and braced her hands on Carter’s shoulders. “I’m sorry I even brought it up. You’re going to worry, and there’s no reason to. I just had this…


“Sometimes it’s those kinds of feelings that keep us alive.”

“I’m not an undercover police officer, darling. I’m not in danger.”

Carter didn’t agree with her, but she wasn’t going to frighten her by enumerating all the reasons why someone might want to hurt her.

“Just promise me you’ll be careful, and tell me if you have any more of these feelings. Promise me that.”

“I promise.” Rica tipped her head and kissed Carter. “Now that I’ve regained my strength, it’s time to take you upstairs and put you to bed.” She kissed her again. “And I know just how to do it.”

Carter let Rica take her upstairs, but she put her weapon in the dresser next to the bed before she finally surrendered to Rica’s plans for her.


“You wanted to see me, Sheriff,” Bri said.

“Come on in and close the door.” Reese leaned against the front of her desk, her arms folded over her chest.

Bri carefully closed the door and stepped forward, unconsciously standing at attention.

“Relax, Bri,” Reese said softly.

“Is there a problem, Sheriff?” Bri didn’t know how to act. Reese was usually pretty cool and distant at work, the way a commander should be. But Reese was looking at her now with a kind of tenderness in her eyes that made her heart flutter a little bit and her stomach get queasy. Reese looked like something was hurting her. Something bad had to be wrong. “Is my dad—”

“No, Nelson is fine.” Reese clasped Bri’s shoulder. “William Everly is out. He was released on parole a little over a month ago. He hasn’t checked in with his parole officer for the last three weeks.”

Bri shivered, trying to process what Reese had just said. She hadn’t heard anything after his name. “I’m sorry. I…what did…” Bri

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felt Reese’s hand tighten on her shoulder, felt the warmth of her touch, and something deep inside her shifted, steadied, and she took a breath.

“Okay. He’s out and he’s gone off the grid. You think he’s here?”

“I don’t know. But we’re going to find out. He’s got family and friends and we’ll be checking with all of them.”

“Give me the list. I’ll check—”

“No,” Reese said. “You won’t be looking for him, Bri. I’ll do it with Tremont or Wayne. Not you. If he turns up, you stay away from him, understood?”

Bri stiffened. “You don’t think I can handle him?”

“I know you can handle him. But I don’t want you to have to handle him. That’s an order, Bri.”

“Why? Just tell me why?” Bri searched Reese’s face, needing to know that Reese trusted her. Believed in her.

“Because he hurt you and no amount of jail time will ever make up for that,” Reese said quietly. “And I don’t want you to have to choose between justice and your badge.”

“I think I understand,” Bri said, her voice cracking. “But just so you know, I’d choose the badge.”

Reese pulled her close and cradled the back of her head. “I believe you. I should probably tell you that if he went after you, I might kill him myself.”

Bri closed her eyes, letting herself be held by one of the only people in her life she trusted completely. “Okay, I won’t go looking for him. I don’t want you getting in trouble.”

Reese laughed quietly and stroked her hair before letting her go.


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chapteR nine

Allie watched Bri come out of Reese’s office and head down the hall to the locker room. Bri looked shaky, her eyes not quite focused. After a minute, Allie set aside the reports she was scanning and followed her into the locker room. Bri sat on the long narrow bench between two rows of lockers, her hands between her knees, staring at the floor. Allie sat down beside her, leaving an inch of space between them.

“You okay?” Allie asked.

“Yeah. Sure.” Bri grinned weakly. “Never better.”