“So can I stick with you this morning?” Bri hurried on before Carter could respond. “I want to check and make sure Caroline’s okay, but you know…the first day in a murder investigation is critical, right?

So I figured I should work it with you. I’ve never had the chance before.”

“You okay with me taking lead?”

Bri’s eyebrows rose, then she grinned. “First of all, Reese wants it that way, so it’s fine by me. Secondly, next to Reese and my dad, you’re the most senior person here. I want to learn. And I want to solve the case.”

“Jesus, I wish I knew how Reese learned to walk on water.”

“Born that way,” Bri said seriously.

“I believe it.” Laughing, Carter stood up and stretched the kinks out of her shoulders. She hated typing. One of the great things about being undercover was that she almost never had to file formal reports.

Now that, along with almost everything else she knew about policing, had changed. Somehow, she’d become the senior partner, and a rabbi on top of it from the looks of things. She was surprised at just how good that felt. “I want to stop home and see Rica too. Why don’t we swing by my place, grab something to eat and maybe a shower.” She looked Bri up and down and shook her head. “I don’t have anything that will fit you, String Bean, but you’re welcome to the hot water.”

“Sounds good,” Bri said enthusiastically. “I’ve got a change of clothes in my locker.”

“You know if you plan on working this case, you won’t be getting any sleep until we break it.”

“I know that.”

Bri’s smooth, clear features hardened, reminding Carter that she

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was young but she wasn’t green. Reese had told her about Everly’s attack and how Bri, just a kid then, had fought him off. Bri wasn’t a kid anymore and she’d been tested more than once.

“How did you get that scar on your neck?” Carter asked quietly.

“Knife,” Bri said neutrally. “Reese put me undercover and I walked right into a drug bust gone bad.”

Carter nodded. “Yeah, been there. Looks like you handled that okay.”

“How do you know?” Bri asked.

“Easy. You’re not dead.” Carter clapped her on the shoulder. “Let’s go, partner.”


“Allie, what are you doing?” Ash’s fingers trembled on Allie’s breast.

“You know.” Allie bit her lip as Ash’s hand tightened on her, chafing her T-shirt over her nipple and sending shock waves through her core. She was tired of fighting the warning voices in her head cautioning her to stay far away from Ash Walker. Surrendering to every instinct she had, Allie slicked the tip of her tongue back and forth over Ash’s lower lip, darting inside and back out, taunting her. I wanted to do this from the moment I saw you in the parking lot. I wanted to do this when I saw you in the bar. I wanted to do this in the middle of a dark abandoned building. I wanted to do this last night. I’ve wanted and wanted and wanted and I can’t stop wanting.

“Allie,” Ash groaned.

“You know what I’m doing, what I want,” Allie murmured. “And you want this too.”

“You’re right.” Ash sank back on the sofa and pulled Allie with her. She skimmed a hand under the back of Allie’s ribbed tank and caressed the length of her spine while she chased Allie’s tongue with hers. She couldn’t touch her enough, couldn’t taste her enough, couldn’t get deep enough inside her. She wanted her so much she was afraid to touch her, afraid she would rip her clothes off, force herself on her, in her. So she feathered her fingertips lightly over the delicate curves of her shoulder blades, the muscles along her spine, the rise of her ass.

The lightest of touches, the gentlest of kisses. Careful, reverent, fearful

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that in the next breath, the next heartbeat, Allie would be gone and she would be alone again. Desolate. Lost. So empty all she could hear was herself screaming in the silence.

“Ash,” Allie whimpered. She was coming apart under Ash’s hands. Ash had been a considerate lover, but always a demanding one.

One of the things Allie had always loved about being with Ash was how much Ash wanted her, and how powerfully she made that clear.

Allie was used to fast and hard with Ash, used to being taken, used to being driven relentlessly, breathlessly over the edge. She’d missed the wild ride, the out-of-control abandon, the reckless surrender. The first touch of Ash’s hand on her breast had primed her, and now, now these slow, teasing kisses and delicate strokes were driving her completely out of her mind. She was poised on the peak of an enormous roller coaster and she wanted, needed, to careen down the slope, faster and faster and faster until she flew off the rails into screaming oblivion. She couldn’t rein in her excitement, dial it down, find the brakes—she was just helpless, mindless need. She climbed onto Ash’s lap, straddling her, her T-shirt riding up, her damp panties rubbing on Ash’s fly.

“God I want you, Al,” Ash gasped.

“Baby,” Allie moaned, “baby, don’t hold back.” She pushed her tongue into Ash’s mouth and gripped her wrist, dragging Ash’s hand between them. She lifted her hips and pressed herself into Ash’s palm.

“God, feel me. I’m so hot. If you don’t touch me I’ll die.”

When Ash gently circled the firm ridge beneath the wet silk panties with a fingertip, echoing the movement with her thumb on Allie’s nipple, Allie gasped and dropped her head onto Ash’s shoulder.

So good, so good but not enough.

“Oh my God.” Allie squeezed her eyes closed and squirmed against Ash’s hand. “Oh my God, I want to come so bad. Ash, please.

Help me, baby.”

“Shh,” Ash soothed, flicking the silk aside and sliding one finger into the warm slick groove. Allie’s hips bucked and she made a strangled sound in her throat. Ash kissed her jaw, felt her quiver all over. She eased farther inside, one finger, two. Her thumb brushed Allie’s rigid clitoris. She stroked gently over the top. Any harder, any faster, and Allie would come, and she didn’t want her to, not yet. She wanted to be inside her, this close, with no anger or hurt or disappointment between them, forever. “Pull your shirt up, honey. Let me suck you.”

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The muscles in Allie’s stomach danced and rolled as she sat upright, forcing Ash’s fingers deeper between her legs. Gripping the lower edge of her tank, she pulled it off, every movement adding to the pressure pulsing low in her belly. She kept her eyes on Ash as she braced one arm against the sofa next to Ash’s head and cupped her own breast in her hand. She leaned forward, brushing her nipple over Ash’s mouth. “Fuck me, goddamn you.”

Ash’s eyes turned to midnight and she flipped Allie onto her back so fast that Allie cried out. Then she cried out again as Ash knelt between her legs and filled her hard with one thrust. Allie’s vision went dark and stars danced against the inside of her eyelids. She drove her hips up, forcing Ash even deeper, and came on her hand in sharp, hard bursts of pleasure.

“Is that what you need?” Ash cried. “Is that what you need, Al?”

“Oh, yesss!” Allie dug her nails into Ash’s forearm as she held her inside. When Allie finally slumped back, her arms and legs shaking, Ash collapsed on top of her. Allie’s lids flickered open and she blinked until she could focus on Ash’s face. This was always the time, when they had dropped all their shields, surrendered all their defenses, when Ash was most open, most unable to hide what she was feeling. Right now, her eyes were hazy and twilight blue with a combination of desire and uncertainty. Allie marshaled her strength and traced Ash’s lower lip with her thumb. Ash’s tongue darted out and licked at her.

“Did you let that blonde from the bar go down on you?” Allie whispered.

“No,” Ash said, her voice gravelly and low.

“Why not?” Allie pushed her thumb into Ash’s mouth and Ash sucked on it. She felt herself getting hard again. She would come again fast if Ash touched her just a little, but what she ached for now wasn’t another orgasm. She slid her thumb in and out, sweeping over the inner surface of Ash’s lower lip. “You fucked her, didn’t you?”


“You must have, from the looks of your neck the next morning.”

Allie kept up the rhythmic in and out with her thumb, watching Ash’s eyes glaze over. “Didn’t fucking her make you want to come?”

“No,” Ash gasped when Allie pulled her thumb out. “Fucking you makes me want to come.”

“Good. Now stand up.”

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Looking dazed, Ash climbed unsteadily to her feet and stood next to the couch. Allie sat up, pushed her knees between Ash’s legs, and unbuttoned her jeans. “Get these off.”

Ash kicked off her boots, shoved her jeans down, and stepped out of them. When Allie framed her sex with both hands and took her into her mouth, Ash braced her legs against the sofa to keep from falling.

Her head swirled wildly as Allie licked and sucked and nibbled at her.

Distantly, she heard Allie tell her not to come, or maybe telling her to ask permission first, but she couldn’t make out the words and it wouldn’t matter if she could. All that mattered was the silky heat of Allie’s mouth and the pull of her lips and the rhythmic sweep of her tongue. Pleasure mushroomed out of her depths and she jerked.

“I’m going to come,” she whispered, and Allie’s fingers dug into her ass, pulling her closer. Teeth teased over her, light and sharp, and she jerked again and came in Allie’s mouth. Her thighs trembled and she struggled to stay upright and Allie kept sucking and she came again.

Allie wouldn’t let go of her, wouldn’t let up on her, wouldn’t give her time to breathe and she kept coming until she dropped, sagging forward into Allie’s arms.

“So easy,” Ash gasped. “So easy with you.”

Laughing, feeling perversely triumphant to have fucked Ash to her knees, Allie ran her fingers through Ash’s sweat-soaked hair until she realized that her shoulder was wet underneath Ash’s face. Wet with tears, and she instantly feared she had pushed her too far. “Ash? Baby, did I hurt you?”

“No.” Ash kissed the side of Allie’s neck, just below her jaw, and whispered, “I hurt you.”

“I don’t want to talk about that now.” Allie held Ash against her, continuing to stroke the back of her head and neck, the rhythmic motion soothing her own inner turmoil. She was too raw and open to talk right now, to think about what they’d done. What it meant. Where she would put these feelings later. How she would go on without Ash, knowing that what lay between them, despite all that stood between them, was everything she wanted. She pushed back on the sofa. “Come hold me.”

Wordlessly, with infinite care, Ash did.

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chapteR twenty

Tory opened her eyes at the sound of movement at her office door. Reese leaned against the doorjamb, observing her with a whimsical smile. She imagined how she must look, clothes wrinkled and hair disheveled, slumped in her chair with her feet propped up on her desk, sound asleep. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep. She’d only retreated to her office for a few minutes’ downtime—she checked her watch—an hour ago.

“Was I snoring?” Tory asked Reese.

“I’m not sure,” Reese said seriously. “Your mouth was open, though.”

“It was not,” Tory protested as she carefully shifted her feet to the floor, favoring her damaged leg as she stood.

Reese came in and closed the door. “Nita called. I stopped by to get wired up.”

“Thanks for making the time.” Tory kissed her. “Is there any way you can stop by Kate’s and check on Reggie when you get a break?”

“Already did. In fact, I did airplane cereal with her.” Reese pointed to several damp spots on her uniform shirt. “Missed deliveries.”

Tory smiled. “Sorry I wasn’t there to witness that. I was hoping I could see her before my hours started, but there’s just not enough time.

Especially considering my unplanned nap.”

Reese rubbed her back. “I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault.” Tory sighed and rested her cheek against Reese’s shoulder. “I’ll grab a quick shower here and be good as new. You missed Supervisory Special Agent Allen, by the way. Accent on supervisory.”

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“Now I’m really sorry,” Reese muttered.

Tory laughed softly. “Yes, I can imagine. She’s already arranged to pick up the body.”

“What about the evidence?”

“She made me sign over the blood and tissue specimens.” When Reese grimaced, Tory added, “One set of them.”

“One set?”

“I’ve seen too many specimens get lost or end up improperly catalogued. It’s always good to have a backup. I’ll be running my own set of reports.”