Rhonwyn nodded. "There is only one way I may come to know you better, Rafe," she said softly. "We have waited long enough."

"Aye!" he agreed, and then he swept her up into his arms and carried her from the hall, up the narrow staircase, through the solar past a startled Enit, and into their bedchamber. He shut the door firmly behind them, and set her on her feet, taking both her hands in his. He turned them over and placed a hot kiss in the center of each palm. Not a word was spoken between them.

Retrieving her hands from his light grasp, she undid her girdle and lay it aside. Her eyes locked onto his as she drew her gown off and placed it with the cincture. Sitting upon the single chair in the chamber, she held out a leg to him. Kneeling, Rafe drew the soft house shoe from her foot, and slipped the garter holding her stocking up off her. Slowly, slowly he rolled the stocking down her slender leg, tossing it aside as his dark head bent to kiss first her slim foot, and then to run a succession of kisses up her leg, stopping at the soft flesh of her inner thigh.

"Ummmmm," Rhonwyn murmured as a shiver ran down her back. "That is nice, husband." She offered him her other leg.

His fingers brushed the inside of her thigh teasingly and then he repeated his previous actions with her second leg. This time, however, when he had finished his reverence he pushed her chemise up as far as it would go and parted her legs. He stared for a long moment at her plump, pink Venus mons. The shadowed slash between her nether lips beckoned him, and unable to contain himself, he ran a finger lightly down it, smiling as he felt her shiver Opening her lips to his deeper view, he gazed upon the badge of her womanhood. It seemed to shimmer to his sight. "Jesu," he murmured low, "you are so beautiful there." Leaning forward, he kissed the moist flesh lightly.

"Oh, God!" Rhonwyn whispered, her voice ragged, and she shuddered at the touch of his tongue as it swept over her sensitive jewel.

Straightening, he closed her legs to his view. Taking her by the shoulders, he kissed her lips, his tongue plunging into the deep recess of her mouth to make contact with hers. She could taste her own salty muskiness as he teased at her. She almost swooned in his arms to her great surprise, for his desire was the most deeply sensual thing she had ever known. Hungrily she kissed him back, realizing very clearly how much she wanted to be loved by this man who was her husband. Not simply made love to, but loved.

Surprised by the intensity of her kiss, he released his grip on her shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes. "By the rood, wife!" he exlaimed, seeing the truth.

"If you gloat, Rafe, I swear I will slice your ears off!" she threatened him.

"I should be an odd sight then," he teased back gently, taking her hand in his and kissing the palm softly. "You are so damned proud, Rhonwyn uerch Llywelyn, and so I shall say it first. I love you, wife."

"For how long?" she demanded, but her heart was hammering with the incredible joy overtaking her entire being. He loved her!

"From the first moment I saw you, and you were my cousin's wife and he did not really appreciate the magnificent creature he had in you. Edward didn't deserve you. I could plainly see that you were not the woman for him. You were mine!"

"Oh, Rafe," she said, her heart overflowing with her happiness.

"When they said you were dead I did what I had to do for my sister, but in the darkness of the night I cursed the fates that I had lost you. And then by some miracle you were restored to me, my darling! I can still remember all those pompous clerics sitting about with their pursed lips and disapproving looks, wondering who would have this fallen woman-this Magdalen who had lain in an infidel's arms and then had the temerity to return to England and admit it. I can still hear the angry sound my cousin made when I said that I should have you. It was a cross between a gasp and a curse, for while Edward knows Katherine is a better wife for him, he yet lusts after you."

"You delight in that knowledge," she accused him.

"Aye, I do," he freely admitted. "My cousin is a fool, but his wit-lessness has allowed me to have my heart's desire." His fingers began to unlace her chemise, pulling it down off her shoulders so that it finally puddled about her hips. He stared entranced at her breasts, shaking his head and murmuring, "So beautiful."

Rhonwyn took his face between her hands and looked into it. "I love you, Rale," she told him. " I love you!" She kissed his mouth hard. "I said those words only once to Edward when he was ill, but never did I say them to Rashid al Ahmet. You hear this declaration from me because it is the truth. I love you!"

"I shall not be the fool that Edward was," he promised her.

"I know," she told him. "Now take your clothes off, Rafe, because I am hot to couple with you, my husband!" She pushed him from her and stood up from the chair, allowing the chemise to fall to her ankles. She stepped from the material and began undoing his sherte, her nimble fingers pulling the laces free as if by magic. She yanked the garment from him and then bent to cover his torso in kisses.

With a groan he pulled her up, drawing her against his bare chest with one hand while the other hand fumbled with his chausses. Both of them were breathing quickly in their eagerness. He cursed his awkwardness, and laughing softly, Rhonwyn aided him with sure hands until he was as naked as she. Stepping back, she viewed him as God had made him and smacked her lips in open approval.

He laughed aloud. "Shameless wench," he said, but his own eyes were sweeping over her admiringly.

Taking his hand, she led him to their bed and drew him down atop her. "Make love to me, husband," she said softly. "Have we both not waited long enough for this night?" Then Rhonwyn kissed him eagerly.

The warmth of her lips sent his senses reeling. He was already hard for her, but he had wanted more than a quick coupling the first time. Now he realized how desperate they both were for this first encounter. There would be more than enough time-years- for the tender passion that he believed should precede the event. Slowly, carefully, he entered her body, knowing how long it had been since she had last had a man. She was wet and hot, and she sighed deeply at his ingress. He groaned with the delight he felt at just possessing her. Leaning back slightly, he caressed her breasts.

Rhonwyn put her arms about his neck and drew him back down against her. "I am ashamed to be so eager," she confessed, "but, please!"

He smiled into her eyes, his lips gently kissing her face, and began to move upon her. Her eyes closed as she wrapped her slender limbs about him, her lithe body moving with his rhythm, encouraging him onward. His breath began to come in hot pants as his tempo quickened.

She half sobbed as she felt his great, thick length fill her. Neither of her previous lovers had been quite as well endowed as was Rafe. The beast throbbed within her love sheath, then it began to thrust and withdraw, thrust and withdraw, until she was mindless and wild with her passion. She clung hungrily to him, her nails digging into the muscles of his back and raking down the smooth flesh as her lust swelled. Finally they exploded in a starburst of satisfaction that they shared together before collapsing, replete with their shared pleasure.

"Oh, husband," Rhonwyn breathed gustily.

"Wife, you should unman a satyr," he groaned happily.

"What is a satyr?" she demanded to know.

He laughed. "A creature that is half man, half goat, and incredibly lustful."

She smiled as she lay contented upon his smooth, damp chest. "Next time I shall make you feel like the randiest of satyrs," she promised.

"Will you?" he half taunted her.

"I will!" Rhonwyn raised her head and began to lick his nipples suggestively.

He closed his eyes for a long moment, very much enjoying her attentions, then he gently bid her cease. "While I should like you to believe I can be aroused almost immediately, wife, it is not possible, as we both realize."

"I bow to your husbandly wisdom," she said sweetly, arising from their bed and walking across the floor to the fireplace. There she took a pitcher of water from the coals and poured some into the small earthenware ewer that was set on the hearth along with a soft cloth. Returning to the bed, she set the ewer on the side table and began to bathe his masculine parts. He was very surprised, but she explained. "They do this in Cinnebar so that no pleasure has to be foregone the second, or third, or fourth time."

"Third or fourth time?" he queried her, swallowing hard.

"Aye," she replied, bathing her own female parts carefully before his eager eyes. "When this night is over, my lord husband, you will have even more reason to feel sorry for your cousin, Edward." And so saying she went to the window, opened the shutter, and threw out the water in the basin, laughing as the wind and snow blew into their chamber, and the fire blazed higher for a minute. Closing the shutter, she replaced the ewer and its cloth on the hearth and returned to the comfort of his arms.

"I know something Edward never knew about you," he told her. "You are a sorceress, my Welsh wife, and I am under your spell." Then he kissed her, softly at first, his lips tracing a path over her eyelids, cheeks, and nose. Then more fiercely their mouths fused together, their tongues playful and teasing. He was caught by surprise when she pushed him upon his back and bestrode him, her thighs holding him firmly.

Reaching up, she undid her hair, which was already half undone by their earlier love play. Tossing the pins carelessly aside, she let her tresses fall like a rich golden mantle about her. Then her hands reached out for him, and she began to smooth her palms in circles over his chest. "We must have scented oils in a basket by our bed," she told him. "I will rub them into your skin, husband, and it will give you great pleasure." Her center fingers began rubbing themselves over his sensitive nipples. Leaning forward briefly, she kissed him even as she pinched his nipples hard, catching his cry of surprise within her mouth. Then leaning back again, she nibbled thoughtfully upon a finger for a moment. Suddenly a wicked smile suffused her features, and Rhonwyn turned her body about upon his torso. Her fingers reached out for his manhood, which was showing definite signs of awakening.

"1 learned this in the harem," she told him as she reached beneath him to press a finger against a sensitive spot that he had never even known existed.

"Jesu! Mary!" he groaned as fire began to pour through his veins and her hand tortured his twin jewels with teasing caresses.

Rhonwyn inclined her body forward, her fingers running up and down his stiffening manhood. Her pointed little tongue encircled the fiery head of his weapon several times, and then she took him into her mouth, suckling upon as much of his length as she could, rousing him into such a frenzy that he began to groan. When she determined that he had had as much as he could stand without spilling his seed, she ceased the sweet torment and turned her body back to face him.

His big hands fastened themselves about her narrow waist, and lifting her up, he lowered her again, delving deep into her hot softness. His hands fastened themselves about her round breasts, and he began to fondle them. Their eyes met suddenly, and she smiled at him, her hands bracing themselves as she began to ride him, slowly at first, and then with increasing vigor. His eyes closed, and he almost wept with the pleasure she was giving him.

Seeing him lost in his passion, Rhownyn's green eyes closed, too, and she gave herself to the moment. He was hard and strong. He filled her so completely that she sensed he was touching her womb. She tightened the muscles of her love sheath about him, and he cried out with his delight. Then without warning he released her breasts, took her by the shoulders, and rolled her beneath him. His hard thighs imprisoned her as he pushed himself deeper and deeper within her body. Her legs wrapped themselves about him, and she whimpered with the pleasure they were sharing. There seemed to be no real beginning or end to their heated encounter. She felt herself soaring higher and higher and higher; she knew he was with her and clung hard to him.

"I can't stop," he whispered desperately in her ear.