He stepped closer and she retreated, lifting the hose up as a weapon. “Stay back.”

Stopping short, he lifted his hands. “Staying back.”

“Good. Because you’re looking at me funny again.”

“I am?”

“I nearly threw myself at you before,” she reminded him, still wielding her weapon. “And you didn’t take me up on it, so-”

“Clearly, I was not in full use of my faculties at the time. Natalia, put down the hose.”

She didn’t. “You’re in use of your faculties now, do you think?”

“Oh, yeah.” He lifted his gaze from the hose in her hand and ran his eyes slowly over her, from her wet head to her wet toes, then back again, touching on every place in between. “You look good all wet and dirty, Natalia.”

“Obviously, you need your eyes checked.”

“My eyes are fine.”

She looked at him then, really looked. He was no longer devouring her body, but looking right into her eyes, and it was clear he was thinking he liked what he saw. Natalia the woman, not the princess.

Her dream come true.

So why then did she take another step back? And suddenly, oddly, wish with all her heart that he wanted both the woman and the princess? “I think I’m going to get a hot shower and change,” she said slowly.

He stepped forward. “I need a hot shower, too.”

Lord, all that heat and hunger in his gaze. Once again she lifted the hose. “I can arrange a cold one.”

“You wouldn’t do that.”

A dare. He didn’t know her well enough, or he would never have said such a thing. She was the middle child. A born hellion. Never had she let a dare pass unanswered.

The adolescent in her warred with the woman. The woman who wanted to be noticed. Wanted. Held. Kept.

None of these things were a really good idea. Not when the princess within her suddenly reared her head and demanded equal time as the woman.

Truth was, she was this whole, complicated human being, and she wanted cowboy Timothy Banning to see it.

Would he?

Maybe if he could ever stop “rescuing” her for long enough to really see her. She glanced at him from beneath lowered lashes and realized…he was again looking at her body. Her wet body.

And there was nothing in his expression that signified he wanted to do anything but devour her.

On the spot.

She shivered in delight and reservation at the same time.

“Natalia? Put down the hose.”

“I can’t do that, Tim,” she said softly, wondering how he’d look all drenched with water. Probably pretty darn breathtaking.

“Why not?” he asked, just as softly.

“Because I find I’m still a little mad.” Not really. Hot, yes. Very hot.

And it was mostly his fault. Given that, no one could blame her for what she wanted to do. Not a single person.

He was looking at her, focusing all his attention on her in a way that made her feel indelibly female. And powerful. The powerful part was a definite mistake on his part. “Natalia-”

“I’m sorry,” she said ahead of time, and leveled him in the chest with the hose.

But the joke was on her because as the droplets slid down his chest and absorbed into the waistband of the soft jeans hung low on his hips, her mouth watered. Her body overheated. And ached.

Damn it, all she’d done was reawaken those pesky lust hormones.

THE NEXT MORNING Tim still couldn’t get over it. He was miles from the house on his horse, checking fences, and already he needed a shower.

A cold one.

It wasn’t the weather making him hot, though it was an unseasonably warm day. It wasn’t the torn fence he’d just found. Nor the missing cattle. Nor the fact he had a sick calf.

It happened to be his cook. The woman he’d hired only to help her out. The woman he’d brought home intending to give her a leg up, a place to regroup.

Instead she’d knocked him for a loop. And it wasn’t about how she’d pushed him flat on his ass into the mud with the cold water from the hose the day before.

It was how she made him see things. Food for instance. Watching her eat and enjoy her food was pretty much a mind-blowing experience, even if they obviously had very different ideas on what good food was.

Bottom line, he’d had no idea how little passion he’d put into his life lately.

She made him smile, too, at every turn. When was the last time he’d wanted to kiss a woman stupid and laugh at the same time?

And then there was how she made him feel when she looked at him as if he were the greatest man on the face of the earth. Why did she do that? Didn’t she know it cut right through his heart and made him want things he was better off not wanting?

She was leaving, possibly today. Tomorrow for certain. He’d paid her daily, expecting every morning to wake up and find her gone, but she was always in the kitchen ahead of him, no matter how early.


The food had been awful. He swiped his forearm across his forehead and pulled his shirt away from his body, wondering how many candy bars and other snack foods he’d consumed with the guys in the past few days trying to ward off starvation.

But he’d miss her.

The thought was sudden and strong. Which was how he found himself heading back to the house in the middle of the day, with no real reason except to see her.

The house was quiet. Too quiet. Damn, he was too late. She’d gone, just like she’d come.

Then a sound came from the kitchen, a horrible sort of caterwauling, and he moved through the house with growing urgency. Someone was hurt. Someone was dying.

Bursting through the double doors from the living room, Tim took in the sight of Natalia, her back to him, wildly gyrating as if she had a bee in her pants.


She didn’t answer, and that’s when he saw the earphones on her head, attached to his portable CD player hooked on her belt.

And the noise? It was singing. Natalia’s singing, and it was beyond horrible.

She had a large bowl tucked under one arm, the other hand whipping whatever was in it into a frenzy. Her entire body shook and shimmied while she sang at the top of her very untalented lungs.

Leaning against the wall, he shook his head as a big grin split his face. Oblivious to his presence, she continued singing in her godawful pitch, wailing with pure, passionate abandonment. She danced better than she sang-slightly. Her moves were decidedly late eighties, but the wriggle she had going was enough to make his eyes cross with lust. Definitely he liked the wriggle.

Then she slowed with the music as it came to a halt, and thrust a Saturday Night Fever finger into the air. She had one hip out, legs straight, passion on her face and he couldn’t contain his laugh.

With a screech, she whirled around, whipping off the earphones. There was a rim of chocolate around her mouth and a spot over her left breast.

“You just took five years off my life.” She put a hand on her chest. “Maybe ten.”

“Don’t stop on my account.” He pushed away from the wall, still grinning. “Come on. Dance for me some more.”

“I wasn’t dancing for you.” She took in his ear-to-ear grin and narrowed her eyes. “And you know what? I think any employee whose boss who sneaks up on her when she’s making him a truce dessert deserves a raise.”

“Do you?” He tried to remain casual and cool, but her tongue darted out and licked the chocolate off her lips.

Oh, man, did his body leap to attention at that, and he stared at her, hoping she’d do it again.

She said something to him, but he was a man-a very weak man at that-and he’d lost his train of thought. And his ability to hear.

Looking amused now, she opened the top of the blender on the counter and poured in the contents from the bowl. “Are all men as easy as you?”

He followed her like a puppy, watching her every move. “What?”

She dipped a finger into the chocolate mix. Brought it to her mouth and slipped it between her lips. Closed her eyes. Moaned a little as she sucked off the chocolate.

He groaned out loud.

She opened her eyes. “See? Easy.”

He cleared his throat. “Yeah.”

She put the top on the blender and contemplated the buttons. “I wanted this to be a surprise.”

What she said slowly sank in. Was it a goodbye dessert? God. All the heat vanished-well, a good chunk of it-as the protective feelings he’d had for her from the very first moment reared up and bit him again. “About your leaving…where will you go after the wedding?”

“Well, what do you know. Progress.” She was still studying the buttons on his machine. “You admit you believe I was going to go to a wedding in New Mexico the day after tomorrow.”

Was going to go.

“Which means,” she said, lifting her gaze and meeting his, “that you must believe I’m a princess. When did that happen?”


Her gaze shuttered. Just like that. “Oh, I see. You don’t. Not really.”


“No. No biggie.” She slammed down a button and sent the blender whirling. “Please go away,” she said over the whir of the machine. “I’m busy working here and don’t need any distractions.”


She put the earphones back on. “Sorry. Can’t hear you.”

“Look, let’s talk about it. You came from…Grunberg, right? Near the Alps?”

“I’m trying to concentrate.”

He lifted the right earphone and spoke in her ear. “You like to ski. What else do you do for fun, Natalia?”

“Cook.” She pulled away. “Believe it or not, some people think I’m quite good at it.” She took her hand off the top of the blender to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear, purposely not looking at him. Then she hit another button sending the blender into high gear. “Now go away.”

“But I just wanted to-”

Which was all he got out before the top of the blender blew off, sending chocolate spraying across the room, over the counters and floors.

And all over them.


THE BLENDER sprayed its contents across the room and over the two flabbergasted occupants, whirling with a high-pitched hum.

Then Tim moved, pressing in front of a shocked Natalia, going in blind to switch the machine off as the dark goo hit everything, including, it seemed like, the inside of his eyelids.

The sudden, complete silence was deafening.

Well, not quite complete silence, as there was the occasional drip from the ceiling, the table, the chairs, the counters…them.

Tim swiped at his eyes and looked over at the chocolate-covered Natalia.

She made a sound of bafflement and spread her arms wide, staring down at herself.

Tim stuck his tongue out and caught a drop off the edge of his nose. “Mmm.”

“Oh my God. It’s everywhere.” It was dripping off her own nose, her chin, and was plastered across the front of her shirt and down her jeans.

She looked very edible, and immediately he started salivating.

As if she could read his mind, she pointed a finger and glared at him. “This,” she said in a very royal voice, “is all your fault.”

“Mine!” He put his hand to his chest-his chocolate-splattered chest-and had to laugh. “How do you figure that?”

“You distracted me! I was trying to work and you wouldn’t stop…you just…”

He liked where this was going. “Yes?”

“Oh, never mind. It’s just all your fault.”

Oh, no. Not good enough. He wanted to hear it. “Because I distract you.”

“I just said so, didn’t I?”

“Because you’re attracted to me.”

That I never said.”

“I’m attracted to you back, Natalia.”

She lifted her face and studied his. “Really?”

“You know I am.”

Her eyes closed. “Yes, but you hate to take advantage of a crazy woman.” She reached for a towel, wet it and started wiping her face. Her expression was a war of things, with annoyance topping the list, and for some unknown reason, it made him want to hold her.

Kiss her.

Because now it was in his head; the taste of her, the feel of her, the little murmur she made deep in her throat when he used his tongue. Taking her wrist, he pulled the towel out of her fingers. “Let me.”


“I want to help.” But he dropped the towel as he moved his mouth down just a little, to beneath her lobe. Then with his tongue lapped at the spot, taking in chocolate and the sweet taste of woman.

Natalia’s eyes fell closed. “Wait.”


“I’m still mad at you. I can’t stay mad at you with your mouth on me.”

“Oh, well, then.” He kissed his way down her throat to the pulse beating wildly at the base of her neck. “Good dessert.”

“Tim.” Her voice sounded satisfyingly weak. “I mean it.”