This is it, she decided, gulping air like water. I need an exercise regime. Pronto.
But first she needed an oxygen mask.
“Hey, there. Move it.”
This from a uniformed man driving a golf cart. A golf cart! To save her lungs, she’d get on a damn skateboard. “Oh, thank God.” She stopped to gasp some more. “I need a ride to gate…” Huffing like a choo-choo train, she glanced down at her ticket, trying to figure it out.
“Sorry, no rides.”
“What?” She looked at the cart. It was huge. More than enough room. “What do you mean no rides? I just need to get to-”
“I realize you don’t know who I am, but-”
“Look, I don’t care if you’re Santa Claus, I ain’t giving you a ride. I only take senior citizens.”
Then, unbelievably, he zipped away, leaving her standing there, hair slipping, arm ready to pop out of its socket from her carry-on, toes still screaming.
With no choice, she started running again, and got to her gate with a full two minutes to spare. Heaving herself to the counter, she held up a finger to the woman behind it, signaling she couldn’t possibly speak until she caught her breath.
The unsympathetic woman impatiently tapped her pen against the counter.
“I’m here…to check…in.” Natalia added a smile for good measure. A royal smile. A royal don’t-you-dare-turn-me-down smile.
“Ma’am, this flight has been canceled due to weather.”
Soon as she got home, she’d have to have her ears checked. “What?”
“Thunderstorms over New Mexico.”
“But that’s where I need to go.”
“Yes, you and two hundred others.”
Okay time to pull out the cell phone and hit autodial for home. Home sounded good. Home sounded great. Her father, her assistants, even Amelia-especially the know-it-all-see-it-all Amelia-would get her out of this mess. Amelia Grundy had been getting her out of messes all her life, and as always, that brought a sense of wonder. It was as if Amelia were a modern-day Mary Poppins the way she always instinctively knew when Natalia needed her. Natalia and her sisters had long ago just accepted strange things could and would happen when Amelia was involved. Magical things. Wondrous things. And, in the case of one sister or another causing mischief, terrible things.
Truth was, Natalia needed Amelia now, and Amelia probably already knew it. Chances were she wouldn’t even get an “I told you so” out of it.
Chances were.
But she would get that knowing tone, the one that would have the I-told-you-so all over it. No one, especially Amelia, who always knew when trouble was coming, had wanted Natalia to come here alone.
But all Natalia’s life she’d been sheltered and over-protected. All her life she’d chafed at the restrictions. Hence, being stranded in Dallas. “So what happens now?”
“Well…” The woman’s fingers flew across the keyboard as she decided Natalia’s fate. She had hair teased up like a Dolly Parton wig, and earrings as big as saucers hanging from her poor lobes. And they thought Natalia dressed strangely. “The next flight out is tomorrow,” she said.
Natalia stopped comparing hairstyles. “Tomorrow?”
Natalia resisted the urge to thunk her head on the counter and have a good cry. “What about my luggage?”
“I’m sorry, you’re going to have to meet up with it at your final destination.”
“You’re kidding.”
The woman didn’t crack a smile, not even a sympathetic one.
“You’re not kidding.”
“Ma’am, kidding isn’t in my job description.”
Natalia shook her head. “This isn’t happening.”
“If you’d like, you can check the bus schedule. The shuttle to take you to the depot is outside the terminal.”
WHICH WAS WHERE Natalia found herself forty-five minutes later. Sitting on a bench outside waiting for the shuttle bus in the soggy, muggy, disgusting heat, with clouds surging overhead, waiting.
For her bus.
There was no lunch service on a bus, she was fairly certain. She removed her leather jacket, setting it on her carry-on at her feet. No pretty but huffy flight attendants. No bags of peanuts.
But there was, she’d been told, a “pot.”
At any rate, it was the lack of food that got to her now.
Given how out of shape she was, she could probably stand to skip a meal or two. Since there was no one around-apparently everyone else had been smart enough to stay inside the airport and wait for a flight-she looked down at herself. Definitely, being on the plump side of average, she could stand to go without lunch.
But being on the plump side of average gave her good breasts, she reminded herself.
Not that breasts mattered when she was as chaperoned as she had been all her life.
You’re not chaperoned now.
At that thought, a good amount of her tension faded away. She even smiled to herself. She was alone, just as she always had wanted to be. And come hell or high water, she was going to make her family proud.
She was well aware of how wonderful her life was. But there was more to life than mugging for the press and charity parties.
And with all her heart, she wanted to experience some of it.
Hard to do with two sisters, bodyguards, an ex-nanny, an entire country and a protective father hovering over her night and day. But it was past time for her solo flight. An adventure. Okay, so the wedding of one of her mother’s oldest friend’s daughter in Taos, New Mexico, wasn’t exactly an adventure, but it would be a start, even though her older sister would also be attending. But as Andrea-being the oldest-had been asked to be in the wedding and would therefore be quite swamped with wedding stuff, Natalia had demurely suggested she meet her there.
Demurely, ha! She’d leaped at the chance.
Her father had agreed, reluctantly. Be careful he’d told her a million times. Call often.
Natalia had promised, in good humor because it would be worth the entire trip to see her older, tomboy sister in a dress. Just thinking about it now had her letting out a quick, sharp grin that she knew would make Annie pounce on her.
Thunder hit, and Natalia jumped, suddenly wishing Annie was here for a good diversion. Or even Lili-the baby of the family at twenty-three. But Lili was coming straight from another obligation, and was to meet them in Taos.
A breath later came a flash of lightning. Not good. She grabbed her phone, clutched it to her chest and stared up at the sky. It wouldn’t hurt to call home. Just to assure everyone that she was fine, of course, because they worried about her.
Another crack of thunder and lightning, and she dialed, hoping she wouldn’t be electrocuted before she heard a familiar voice.
A strict female voice answered. “Tell me everything, Natalia.”
Not her father, but Amelia, and nearly as good as her father, even if the woman had the strangest and most disconcerting ability to read her mind. “What if there’s nothing to tell?” Natalia asked, keeping a wary eye on the sky.
“Natalia, sweetness, you always have something to tell. Now spill it. You’re okay, of course. I’d know if you weren’t.”
Yes, she would. Amelia had that inexplicable way about her when it came to the princesses. When they’d been young, Natalia and her sisters had been convinced Amelia was a fairy godmother. Complete with fairy dust.
Sometimes Natalia was still convinced. Mostly, she had accepted and was just grateful. “I’m okay,” she agreed, looking around at the flattest landscape she’d ever seen. And in case Amelia had grandiose ideas of sending escorts, Natalia hurriedly added, “More than okay.” Another clap of thunder shook the ground beneath her feet. “P-p-perfect, in fact.”
“Hmm.” There was a long pregnant pause, in which, clearly, Amelia expected Natalia to spill her guts.
Tempting, but she managed to keep her mouth shut-barely.
“We’re here if you need us, Natalia.”
“You mean if I’ve screwed up.”
“‘Screw up’ is not a very princesslike term.” Amelia’s voice was diplomatic, and contained the hint of an indulgent smile. “But if you need anything, anything at all, I’m just a phone call away.”
Natalia knew that. Probably she wouldn’t even have to make that call, Amelia would just know. What a comfort that was. Her throat tightened just thinking about how much she was cared for. She cared for them in return, and making them proud was her biggest goal here. She could do this, she could do anything. After all, she was a princess. And maybe, just maybe, she would have a little adventure while she was at it.
“Natalia? This week you wanted all alone, it’s a long time for someone like you. There’s no shame in that.”
“You mean someone inexperienced in the real world.”
“If you need anything…” Amelia repeated calmly, refusing to be baited.
“I won’t. You understand this, Amelia, don’t you?” Natalia needed to hear her say it. More than she’d known.
“Yes, sweetness,” Amelia said, her voice softer now. “I understand. This is a way to prove yourself. You’ll do great. Just keep your head.”
“I can do that. See you soon.”
“See you soon, lovely.”
Natalia hugged the phone close to her heart, as if she could retain the warmth and love. And she could, if she closed her eyes and concentrated-
“Do you have the time?”
Natalia nearly leaped out of her skin at the voice. It was a young man, in his early twenties, looking like he’d skipped far more than just lunch. His face was gaunt, his head and hair-if he had any-were completely covered in a knit beanie despite the humidity. And his eyes…sparkled with malice.
Uh-oh. Her heart started a rapid tattoo. Why hadn’t she told Amelia where she was?
Because she could handle this, that’s why. And besides, as irrational as it sounded, Amelia probably already knew.
Much calmer than she felt, she said, “The time? Why, yes, I do…” Please, go away. She twisted her wrist to check. “It’s just after three- Hey!”
He snagged the carry-on, the jacket over it and the purse she still had on her shoulder.
And tugged.
“Oh, no you don’t. Those are-” She stopped shouting at him to get a better grip on her purse. “Mine.”
“Let go!” he growled, playing tug-of-war with her.
But her fear turned to temper. Clearly, he had no idea who he was messing with and how much she’d already faced in one day. It gave her an unbelievable strength. “I’m not letting go, you…you miscreant!”
“Hey, I’m robbing you here.”
“No you’re not!”
He looked so utterly surprised, she nearly laughed. And held on like a pit bull.
“You’re supposed to freak out,” he grated. “Cry. Scream. Not fight back! Jeez, haven’t you ever taken a self-defense class? They don’t advise you to fight back!”
“I’m not going to freak out, I’m going to fight, and then I’m going to turn you in! Now you let go!”
For what seemed like forever, they grappled with her bags, until, with a loud screech, Natalia lost the game and her grip. Freed, she promptly toppled backward over the bench, ass over kettle, landing incongruously in the dirt.
Meanwhile, her thief, who took the time to stop and grin triumphantly in her face, took off with her beloved carry-on, her purse and her bus ticket.
And her pride.
BY THE TIME Natalia-sputtering in a very unprincesslike manner-scrambled to her feet and jerked down her skirt, the young man was but a blur on the horizon. All she could do was watch in disbelief as he ran away, her bag banging against his thighs as it had banged against hers all day long.
She hoped it left one hell of a bruise.
“Idiot!” she yelled. “Moron! Jerk!” Sagging back to the bench, she wondered who she was calling names, the thief or herself.
A drop fell from the sky, hitting her on the nose. The storm that the airline had been threatening her with all day had finally arrived.
Another drop. Then another. The sky lit with a long jagged flash of lightning.
And Natalia stood there, stunned stupid by the events of the day. She was out in what felt like the middle of nowhere, with no identification, no money and even worse, no makeup, not even a brush. She should call on the credit cards, but then again, at this moment, even that seemed like too much effort.
Rain fell. Leather wet was a whole new, uncomfortable experience. Lightning flashed again, punctuating the disaster her life had become.
Perfect. Now she was going to get struck by a bolt and get amnesia. That would top things off nicely.
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