"Did I take her parking spot?"
"No. She's in Florida for the holidays, visiting her son. I really miss her. Having her here makes living alone not so… alone."
"Yeah," he said softly, his gaze roaming over her face, then resting on her beautiful lips. "Alone stinks."
He heard her swallow. Then she closed the closet and nodded at the shopping bag he still gripped. "What's in there?"
"I'll show you in a minute."
"Okay." Her hand swept toward the sofa. "Make yourself at home. Can I get you something?"
His gaze flitted over her no-nonsese black suit, and a dozen things she could get him instantly streaked through his mind. He forced himself to shake his head. "No, thanks."
She moved to the sofa and sat, then indicated he should do the same. He settled himself, leaving several feet between them on the overstuffed cushion, and placed his shopping bag near his feet. Her gaze darted to her watch, and his stomach clenched. "Am I keeping you from something?" he asked. Or someone?
"No. I was just wondering why you were here-and how you managed to arrive before me, especially driving from Manhattan with the crazy Friday-night traffic and all the Christmas shoppers on top of that."
"I left the office early. In fact, I left the office right after I spoke to Adam."
She blew out a long breath. "Pretty unbelievable about 'nurse' Carol Webber pulling in ARC's account, huh?"
"Actually, having been the victim of such underhanded tactics before, I unfortunately find it quite believable. Sickeningly so." Reaching out, he clasped her hand, cradling it between his palms. Her eyes widened slightly at the gesture, but she didn't pull away. Warmth raced up his arm at the feel of her soft skin, and he squelched the urge simply to yank her into his arms and kiss her until neither one of them could think straight. He hoped that would happen. But there were things that needed to be said first.
"I have a confession to make, Jilly. There were times, before our weekend at the winery, when I suspected you might use such underhanded tactics, and I want you to know I'm sorry for that."
She raised a brow. "Actually, Matt, I think there were times at the winery when you thought I might use more than my creativity to land a client."
"You're right. But I learned very quickly that I was dead wrong. In fact, I learned a great deal last weekend. Would you like to know what?" Her pulse jumped beneath his fingers, giving him hope that she was not as calm as she appeared.
"If you'd like to tell me."
"Oh, I would. When I started at Maxximum, I immediately pegged you as the person to beat. You were talented and beautiful, and I buried my instant attraction-an attraction I refused to admit even to myself-by thinking of you as an Ice Princess. And my rival. I realize now that I was subconsciously trying to win back what was stolen from me at my previous job."
He shook his head at his own foolishness. "But I learned during our weekend away that I couldn't have been more wrong. In an industry filled with vipers and sharks, you restored my faith that there are still people who possess integrity and a sense of fair play." He brushed his thumbs over the back of her hand. "I also learned that you have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I learned that I could laugh again and trust again. I learned that it's somehow possible for a woman to not only possess beauty and brains, but a wicked sense of humor, the softest skin I've ever imagined, a killer throwing arm, and for her to smell better than anyone on the planet."
A shaky smile pulled up one corner of her mouth. "How can you say that-have you met everyone on the planet?"
"I don't need to. I just know. In here." He laid one hand over his rapidly beating heart. "I learned that the last week without you was torture, and that the thought of facing another day, let alone another week, like this past one is just impossible."
Jilly's breath caught at his softly spoken words. Clearly Matt wanted to pick up their affair where they'd left off. This was exactly what she wanted-right? Yeah. She should be turning cartwheels. Except for that huge brick wall looming on the horizon labeled The End of the Affair into which she would eventually crash. Still, he'd been honest about his misconceptions about her, and she owed him nothing less than the same.
Drawing a bracing breath, she said, "I also have a confession to make. While I'd admired your talent from day one, I'd labeled you the sort of bossy, take-charge kind of guy who raised my hackles and whom I've always avoided like a case of the hives. But I learned that there's a difference between taking charge and being thoughtful-that just because you wanted to do something for me didn't mean you were trying to take over."
"Seems like even though we knew each other for a year, we didn't find out the important stuff until last weekend." He brushed his fingertips over her cheek, and she had to grit her teeth to keep from purring like a kitten at his touch. "Jilly, Adam told me what you did-turning down the Millenium Airways account, telling him to offer it to me instead."
She cleared her throat. "I thought Adam would keep that information to himself."
"That was probably his intention. He didn't tell me until after he'd offered me the account and I turned it down and deferred it to you."
Good thing her jaw was permanently attached to her face or it would have plunked right onto the floor. "You turned down the chance to head up the new Millenium Airways campaign? Are you nuts?"
"That's an odd question from someone who did the exact same thing."
His dark blue gaze searched hers with such intensity, she had to press her thighs together to keep from squirming. "Well, I had my reasons," she said.
"I'd love to know what they were."
Because I love you and I wanted you to have the account. "Because I honestly believe, with your previous airline campaign experience, you're better qualified to handle the account." Yeah, that, too.
He shook his head, clearly bemused. "Your generosity amazes and humbles me." Again his gaze probed hers. "Is that the only reason, Jilly?"
"Yup." At least it was the only one she was willing to share at the moment. Something that looked like disappointment flashed in his eyes. His thumb brushed over the back of her hand, and she battled to ignore the tingles dancing up her arm. "Me declining in your favor makes sense due to your prior experience," she said, "but what possible reason could you have for bowing out and recommending me instead?"
"Because I think you're brilliant. Creative. The epitome of professionalism. Because I respect and admire you. You've been at Maxximum longer than me, and I think you deserve it more than I do. And I wanted you to have the opportunity you deserve."
Warmth spread through her at his praise. "You're going to make me blush." No sooner had the words passed her lips than she felt heat suffusing her cheeks.
He reached out and touched his fingertips to her flaming skin, chuckling softly. "That's amazing. You say you're going to blush, and it happens as if on cue. Like the Disney animators were standing by, paintbrushes in hand."
His words only served to heat her face further. "Sorry. I can't help it."
"Don't apologize. It's lovely. Refreshing. And incredibly sexy."
Jilly's heart tripped over itself-at his words, and at the unmistakable desire simmering in his eyes. Flustered, she asked, "With each of us recommending the other, I wonder what Adam plans to do?"
His brows raised. "You don't know?"
"No… but it sounds like you do."
"'Fraid so. He gave the Millenium account to David Garrett."
Jilly stared. "David Garrett? The new hire?"
"That's the one. Adam thought it would be good experience for him and, unlike us, David jumped at the chance."
After taking several seconds to digest the information, Jilly shook her head. "Well, ain't that a kick in the ass."
He laughed. "It certainly is." His expression sobered. "Jilly, there's something else I want to discuss with you. The reason I came here tonight was to let you know that I want to-"
The shrill ring of the telephone cut off Matt's words, and Jilly bit back the frustrated aaargh! that rose to her lips. Damn, it was supposed to be "saved by the bell," not "cursed by the bell." She debated just letting the answering machine pick up, but on the off chance that it might be a message she wouldn't want Matt to overhear-like Kate calling from a club to tell her that she was missing out on a slew of eligible hunks-she decided she'd better pick up.
"Excuse me for just a moment," she murmured, rising to pick up the receiver in the kitchen.
Matt watched her leave the room, then raked his hands through his hair and sizzled a death stare toward the unseen phone. Talk about crappy timing. Jeez. Nothing worse or more painful than a case of propositionus interruptus.
While she was gone, he nervously leafed through an entertainment magazine from her coffee table collection, trying not to strain to make out the low murmur of her words drifting from the kitchen. When she returned five minutes later, he abandoned the magazine. She plopped down on the cushion next to him, a bemused expression on her face.
"Have you ever noticed," she said, "that whenever something bad happens, the universe somehow manages to right itself by making something good happen?"
Thinking about how Tricia had been a bad thing for him, and Jilly was such a good thing, he answered, "As a matter of fact I have noticed that."
"Well, it's been proven true once again. You'll never believe who that was on the phone."
"Based on your expression, I'm guessing it was the folks at Publishers Clearing House and you're their newest millionaire?"
"No." She flashed a grin. "Although that would be great. It was Joe, that nice man we met at Galini Vineyards."
Matt's brows shot up. "What did he want? Did you win a free bottle of wine in his monthly drawing?"
"No, and all I can say is it's a good thing you're sitting down. Turns out Joe's last name is none other than Galini. He doesn't just work the winery-he owns the place." Excitement all but glowed from her. "But the incredible part is that he also owns Tribiletto Vineyards in Italy."
Matt simply stared. "Tribiletto, as in the Tribiletto Vineyards-one of the foremost wineries in the world?"
"The very same. He left the day-to-day operations of Tribiletto to his sons, and started Galini Vineyards as his pet project, hoping to get a foothold in the United States. He called to say that he was very impressed with us-he liked our 'sense of fun and sincerity.' He's looking to go national with the local Galini label, and wants to tie it in with the Tribiletto label. What he needs is a good ad campaign, and he asked if we would be interested in meeting him for lunch next Wednesday at the Trigali Grill on Fifth Avenue-his company owns the restaurant, by the way, and he said it could also use some updating in its advertising." She was practically bouncing in her seat. "Think of the business this will bring to Maxximum! How's that for a rebound from David Garrett getting the Millenium account?"
"I'd say the universe has definitely been realigned. Well, except for one thing."
"Oh? What's that?"
"You and me."
She went perfectly still. "You and me?"
"Yeah. I'm afraid we're still off-kilter. But as I was about to tell you before the phone rang, I want to fix that."
"What did you have in mind?"
He entwined their fingers and gave her hand a light squeeze, encouraged when she squeezed him back. "About our affair… how would you feel about continuing it?"
An expression that morphed from relief to unease flickered across her face. "I don't think we can deny that doing so would make working together… difficult-"
"Exactly," he broke in, unable to hide his relief. "Which is why I don't think we should continue our affair."
Jilly felt as if she'd been stabbed through the heart. His words echoed through her mind, filling her with a hurt unlike anything she'd ever before experienced. And he looked… happy? Forcing a breath into lungs that felt as if they'd been steamrolled, she murmured, "I… see." A total lie, because she didn't see at all. "Then why are you here?"
"To give you this." He reached into his shopping bag and pulled out a wrapped box the size of a paperback book, only deeper. Handing her the package, he said, "Open it."
Hoping he wouldn't notice her shaking fingers, she untied the bow. He didn't want to continue their affair, but he'd driven all the way to her house and brought her a present? Good grief, and they said women were hard to figure out?
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