“You’re welcome,” she said while returning to her seat. She knew she was treading a dangerous line but she could not stop herself. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Rose.” She held her bottle out, noting that the young woman had poured hers into the glass.

“Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, Ronnie.” The glass clinked together and they both took a healthy drink. “You remember in grade school when we used to give out valentines to everyone in class?”


“Well, back then we’d ask our friends to be our valentines, right?”

“Right, I remember that.” Ronnie smiled. “Rose Grayson, are you asking me to be your valentine?” She received a shy smile in reply. “I’ll be your valentine on one condition.” She set the beer down and moved closer. “You have to be mine, too.” She was kneeling on the cushion next to Rose, their faces less than a foot apart.


“Mmm?” Her focus was solely on the young woman’s lips.

“Would Valentine’s Day…be considered…a special occasion?” Caution deadened by the beer, Rose reached up and curled her left hand around the back of Ronnie’s neck, the long dark strands sliding through her fingers. There was no answer, only a smile and the lowering of lips to hers.

Ronnie’s memory of the Christmas kiss paled in comparison to reality. The soft, gentle brushing of lips together made her hungry for more and she returned, nipping Rose’s lower lip with her own several times before slipping her tongue out to taste the softness. She pulled back and received a soft whimper of protest.“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Ronnie moved back to a ‘friendly’ distance and retrieved her beer. To her immense pleasure, it was another second before green eyes fluttered open and focused.

To Rose, all the stories about fireworks and bells going off were true. She felt absolutely dizzy and could not figure out if it was from Ronnie’s kisses or the amount of alcohol she had consumed. The tingling sensation on her lips screamed its choice and her heart pounded in agreement. “H-happy Valentine’s Day to you too.” She looked over and saw the Cheshire-cat grin on Ronnie’s face. “What?”

“I’ve never had my kisses leave someone breathless before.” She reached out and took the younger woman’s hand in her own.

Ronnie glanced at the clock, noting it was far too early to feign being tired. “You want to watch a movie?” Without waiting for an answer, she reached for the remotes. A second later the music had stopped, replaced by Chevy Chase bumbling through a Vacation movie. “There we go.”

Rose glanced at the television then back at the woman who had just kissed her senseless. Ronnie refused to look her way.She understood that her friend needed some space and Rose was willing to give it. The evening had answered many questions. She now knew that her feelings were reciprocated, at least partially. The kiss had been the proof. Her fear of going further had been assuaged by Ronnie’s declaration that she did not want to take their relationship to that stage, but right now Rose needed…something. “Ronnie? Can I lie down on your lap?”

“I’d like that.” They settled into the familiar position, Rose’s head on her lap and her hand lightly stroking the golden hair beneath it. The touch carried with it a new meaning now, in light of the recent revelations. The gentleness was still there, but wrapped in a layer of love that moved from one to the other. Ronnie’s fingers strayed to trace the outline of the small ear hidden by Rose’s hair. The hand resting on her knee began to move as well, tracing lazy circles through the thick cotton of her sweats, making Ronnie wish she had worn shorts so she could feel those fingers moving across her skin.She looked down at Rose.Her index finger traveled the jawline down to the pointed chin.

At the end of the evening, it was time for another test. The house was locked up and the lights were all turned off for the night save the small lamp next to the bed. Rose was getting ready to get into bed when she felt Ronnie’s strong arms wrap around her and lift her up. “I figured I’d help again.”

“Uh huh,” she noted the tall woman made no effort to release her, not that she was complaining.

“I suppose I owe you some sort of reward for helping me?” A smile tugged at the corner of Ronnie’s mouth.

“Well, you don’t ‘owe’ me one but if you’d like to give me a reward, I certainly wouldn’t mind.” She lowered them to the bed, her mouth scant inches away from Rose’s. Both women were fully aware of the way their upper bodies were pressing together.

“I don’t mind.” She smiled as their lips met, amazed at how perfect it felt. When Ronnie pulled back, she pushed forward, prolonging the contact for another second. Too soon for her comfort, the weight above her moved, replaced by the warm blanket.

“Good night, Rose.” Ronnie settled in next to her, the long arm wrapping around her waist as usual. She smiled in the darkness. As nerve-wracking as it was, the day had turned out far better than Rose had thought it would be. In their own way they spoke of their fears and feelings and now they were lying together like they did every night. Although she knew that some things had changed between them, there was so much more that had stayed the same. She brought her hand down to intertwine her fingers with the larger ones. “Night,” Ronnie’s sleepy voice murmured as she squeezed their fingers together.


* * *

In the month that followed, both women adjusted to the new facet of their relationship and all it entailed. The revelation and acknowledgement of their feelings allowed them more freedom when it came to showing affection for each other. There was far more touching and both were quite creative when it came to defining the term ‘affectionate friends’. For Ronnie, there was nothing more enjoyable than an evening spent exchanging soft touches and gentle kisses with Rose curled up in her arms. She continued to tell herself that she was not breaking her promise to her father since she and her golden haired goddess were not lovers, Yet with every look, every touch, Ronnie knew that she was lying to herself. She was bewitched by the young woman with the gentle smile and soft laugh and there was nothing that could change that.


“Hmm?” She looked down to see smiling green eyes looking up at her. They were in her favorite position sitting on the couch with Rose curled up in her lap. It had been almost a week and a half since the right cast was removed and the left one shortened down to just below the knee. The weight difference was a blessing on Ronnie’s thighs and the softness of her companion’s body was also quite welcome.

“A penny for your thoughts. You seemed to go away there, for awhile.”

Ronnie brought her hand up to cup the younger woman’s cheek. “Nothing, just thinking.”

“About? Or should I guess?”

“You,” she said simply, drawing a beaming smile from Rose. “I care about you very much. You…” Her thumb traced over the razor-thin scar on her companion’s cheek, a grim reminder of the hidden truth. “I am so glad you stayed with me. I’m very lucky.”

Rose smiled and nuzzled her cheek against the large hand. “I’m the one who is lucky.” Locking blue eyes with her own, she continued. “I’ll never understand why you took me in, a complete stranger, and did everything you could to help me.” She snuggled closer, resting her head on Ronnie’s chest. “but I’ll always be grateful to you for that. And this.” She waved her hand to indicate their intimate position. “You don’t push me or make me feel uncomfortable.”

“Never,” the dark-haired woman said vehemently. “I never want to do anything to make you feel that way.”

“And you wouldn’t. I know that.” Rose’s face turned serious and she sat back slightly. “I bet you wish I’d hurry up and make up my mind about whether I liked trucks or not.” It was a thought that played itself constantly in the back of her mind, especially after some rather heated kissing exchanges.

“Hey,” Ronnie whispered, “That’s something only you can decide.”“I know we don’t talk about it much but…” She hesitated, not at all certain she wanted to broach the subject with the object of her desires sitting on her lap. “It’s more than just caring about another woman.” She held up a finger to silence Rose’s protest. “Put your feelings about me aside for a minute. Think about what it means to be a…lesbian.” After so many years of being shamed for who she was, Ronnie found it hard to actually speak the word out loud.

“It is more accepted these days,” Rose said softly.

“Not in my world.” She said the words more harshly than she had intended, bitterness coloring her tone. In a lower voice she added, “Not in my family.” Her mind flashed back to that fateful day in her father’s study when she was forced to accept her lifelong punishment. Looking down at her beloved, Ronnie decided that if that were the only thing holding her back, she would walk away for a chance to be with her Rose. The thin white scar and the remaining plaster turned the deadbolt on that door.

“Nothing has to change,” the gentle voice said quietly. “We’re both happy and no one is being hurt.” Ronnie felt soft arms wrap around her and squeeze gently. She happily returned the embrace. “Come on,” Rose said. “Your sister is going to be here soon and I’m sure you don’t want her to see us like this.” She tried to move off but found herself held in place by Ronnie’s strong hands.

“I don’t want to let you go.” The words held far more meaning than just that moment and Rose knew it. She leaned forward and kissed the dark-haired woman.

“I am not going anywhere.” Their lips brushed together again and fear was lost in the face of love. As it always liked to do, the grandfather clock chimed the hour and broke the moment. With Ronnie’s help Rose stood up on her right leg and slipped the crutches under her arms.

“Where did you put the markers? You know the boys are going to want to decorate the new cast.”

“I think they’re in a drawer out in the kitchen. Speaking of which, we should probably make some cookies for the boys.”

“And for the girls?” Rose leaned her armpit against the top of the crutch and used her free hand to pat Ronnie’s belly.

“Well,” the executive ducked her head and gave a sheepish grin. “I think there’s another roll of chocolate chip ones in the fridge.” They started toward the kitchen.

“Don’t count on it unless Maria bought groceries yesterday,” Rose said. They entered the kitchen just as Susan’s minivan pulled into the driveway.

Ronnie opened the sliding glass door and waved them in. “Outta my way, me first,” twelve-year old Ricky said as he stormed past with the PlayStation in hand. Ten-year old Timmy and six-year old John quickly followed both making the same amount of pre-teen boy noise. Rose quickly backed herself up against the island to avoid being run over by the trio. “No running in my house,” Ronnie called out uselessly.

“I don’t know about them. They never listen,” Susan said as she stepped inside, followed by Jack. She spotted Rose and smiled. “Rose dear, Ronnie said you were up on crutches.” She walked over and held her hand out. The young woman balanced herself on her right foot and returned the gesture. “So you’re doing better?”

“Yes, everything is going well according to Doctor Barnes. Just waiting for my ankle to heal fully.”

“Well good, I’m glad you are doing better. You shouldn’t stand up for so long though.” She shot her older sister a look and pulled out a chair. “You just sit down right there. If you want anything, I’m sure Ronnie will get it for you.” Rose started to protest but decided it was easier to give in. To her surprise, Susan sat down in the adjoining chair. “Jack, go see what the boys are up to. I don’t want to replace any of Sis’ things.” Once he left the room, the redhead motioned at the empty chair. “Come sit down, I don’t want the boys to overhear this.” Rose and Ronnie exchanged confused looks as the dark-haired woman sat down.