* * *

The chime of the clock woke the dozing woman. Rose reached for her crutches and stood up. A quick rubbing of her eyes helped her see that it was three o’clock. There had been no phone call yet, not a word. She went out to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. No doubt when Ronnie returned she would want some. Soon Rose was smiling at the peaceful sound of the coffee maker. Ricky and Timmy had decided to continue their fight, forcing Rose at one point to send them to separate corners to cool off. That action earned her a colorful string of words from Ricky. Only the threat of repeating them to his Aunt Ronnie managed to quiet him down. At bedtime she took the easy way out and let each boy pick his own room to sleep in. Her arms still ached from working her way up the stairs twice before Ronnie’s nephews finally fell asleep.

Rose passed the time by drinking coffee at the kitchen table and rereading the daily paper. Tabitha popped in from time to time, demanded attention, then left. Three days worth of newsprint and half the pot of coffee slipped by before Ronnie’s Jeep pulled into the driveway. She got up on her crutches and went to the door, opening it in time to see Jack helping his wife and mother-in-law out of the vehicle. “Oh Lord,” she whispered, knowing the worst had happened. Ronnie took over for her brother-in-law and helped Beatrice inside. “What rooms did you put the boys in?” she asked as she passed.

“The rooms on either side of yours and the one at the end of the hall,” Rose said, choking back a lump in her own throat. Until she saw the crushed look on their faces, she had been holding on to the hope that Tommy had somehow survived the accident. Ronnie nodded and looked at Jack.

“The room on the left near the end of the hall is empty. Put her there. I’ll put Mother in my room.” She took the matriarch’s pocketbook and set it on the counter. “Mother? Come on, I think you need to lie down for a little while.”

“But I have to call…”

“I’ll take care of letting everyone know. You need to lie down.” She saw Jack leading his wife out of the room. “Come on, we’re going upstairs now.”

“Horrible…it’s just so horrible…” Beatrice cried.

“I know, Mother. Come on now.” Ronnie led the grieving woman away.

Fifteen minutes later she returned to the kitchen. “Rose, do you think you can make a pot of coffee?”

“I already did. Your cup is on the table.” Ronnie looked at the familiar mug, then at her companion. “I figured you’d need some coffee,” Rose said with a shrug. “I’ve had a bit myself.” They both looked over at the nearly empty pot.

“That was good thinking.” She rubbed her eyes. “What time is it anyway?”

“Almost six-thirty.”

“I guess I should wait an hour or so before I start calling everyone.” Ronnie wrapped her hands around her mug and stared at the beige liquid. Uncertain what to say, Rose remained silent, giving her companion the time she needed. Blue eyes shone with unshed tears but remained focused on the coffee. After an extended silence, Ronnie began to speak. “The witnesses said he turned into the off ramp instead of the on ramp.” Her lower lip quivered and she blinked rapidly.

“He was picking up speed and hit a dump truck just before the entrance to the highway.”

“Ronnie, I’m so sorry.” She put her hand on the strong forearm.

“They um…” The blinking increased as she battled to keep the tears in. “They have to do an autopsy.” Her voice hitched. “They think he might…the drugs…” A sob escaped her lips and Ronnie found herself being pulled into Rose’s arms.

“Okay, I’ve got you,” the young woman cooed. The chairs scraped across the kitchen floor as they moved closer, neither wanting to break the contact. The caretaker needed comfort and Rose was the only one who could provide it.

“I-it isn’t fair. He’s too young,” Ronnie choked. “The drugs…”

“I know.” She kissed the dark forehead. “I know.” She began rocking as hot tears soaked her shirt. Sobs racked the tall frame but Rose held on, murmuring comforting words and gently rubbing Ronnie’s back. “I’ve got you…that’s right, let it go.”

“It was those damn drugs,” she cried.

“I know.” Rose continued rocking and holding her beloved until finally the tears subsided and the sobs reduced themselves to sniffles. She felt Ronnie pull back and released her embrace.

“Better?” She received a shaky nod. “Come here.” She took a linen napkin off the table and wiped the wet face. “Blow…that’s better.”

“Thanks, I just needed…well, that.” Ronnie wearily sank back into her chair and shook her head.

“This is just so hard to believe.” There was nothing Rose could say so she scooted her chair over until their knees were touching. Ronnie laid her hand atop the smaller one and squeezed. “The next few days are going to be rough.”

“You don’t have to go through this alone.” Rose brought her free hand up and cupped her love’s cheek. “I’ll be right here with you, I promise.” She looked at the clock. “It’s still too early to call everyone and you really need some rest. You’ve been up all night.”

“What about you?” For the first time Ronnie noticed the dark circles under the beautiful green eyes. “Did you sleep at all?”

“I dropped off sometime around two but I was up by three.”

“We both need some sleep.” She stood up, then frowned. “I have to take the couch. If someone wakes up…” There was no need to finish the sentence.

“Why don’t I take the couch? You need the comfortable bed more than I do.”

“I’m too tired to argue with you Rose. ”

“Then don’t,” the young woman said firmly. Ronnie looked at her and wondered if anyone else would be able to speak to her in that manner and get away with it. She suspected not, except perhaps Maria. Her eyes saddened at the thought of breaking the news to the housekeeper who had known Tommy since he was a baby.

“There is so much to do. I have to call the cousins…”

“You can do all that after you’ve had a couple hours rest.” Rose forced herself up on her crutches.

“Come on now, I’ll lie with you until you fall asleep.” Ronnie nodded wearily. She needed to rest and there was no doubt that with her blonde friend by her side she would be able to do just that.

After going to the bathroom and changing into her sweats, Ronnie crawled into bed. “You sure you won’t fall asleep?” she mumbled groggily while arranging her pillows.

“No, I’ve had so much coffee I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep.” Rose held her arm out. “Come here, let me hold you.” Soon Ronnie was nestled against her chest. “That’s right,” she began stroking the long black hair. “You rest and let me worry about you for a change.”

* * *

Rose was humming softly and gently rubbing her sleeping companion’s back when she heard the car pull into the driveway. Her eyes closed slowly with the realization that it was now Monday and in less than a minute Maria was going to walk through the door, completely unaware of the previous evening’s events. She looked over at Ronnie and knew she could not wake her for this.

“I’ll take care of it,” she whispered before slipping out from under and placing a gentle kiss on the sleeping woman’s shoulder.

She entered the kitchen just as Maria was closing the sliding glass door. “Oooh, that wind,” the housekeeper said as she removed her coat. She turned and realized she was not alone. “Oh, good morning, Rose. Is that Susan’s car in the driveway?” At that same moment she noticed the halfempty coffeepot and the newspapers strewn about the table.


“Rose, what’s going on? Where’s Ronnie?”

“She’s sleeping. Maria, please come sit down.” Rose leaned her crutches against the island and pulled out a chair.

“Why is Susan here? Are the boys all right? Did something happen to Jack? Is…”

“No, they’re fine. Please sit down.” Rose let out a breath and waited for the housekeeper to take a seat before sitting down herself.

“You’re scaring me. What happened?” Maria’s voice was full of worry. Rose felt her throat tighten even before she spoke. “I wish there was an easy way to tell you this.” Realizing her words were only making the older woman more upset, she took a deep breath and continued.

“Tommy was killed in an auto accident last night.”

Like a mirror shattering, Maria’s face lost all composure and she broke down into tears. As she did with Ronnie, Rose took the grieving woman in her arms and comforted her. The housekeeper allowed the contact for a few minutes before standing up and wiping her eyes. “Well then, I believe there are things I should be doing.” She walked over to the coffee maker. “I’m sure a fresh pot would be in order.”

“Maria, you don’t have to do that.”

The older woman turned and looked at her. “Rose, I am not a Cartwright. Ronnie says I’m the housekeeper but that does not make me family. I remember when her father passed away. I worked for that man for twenty-five years and on the day of his funeral I was here making sure there was enough food for the people who were going to be arriving after the graveside service.”

“That’s awful,” Rose gasped. “Ronnie wouldn’t give you the day off?”

“Ronnie wasn’t in charge then, her mother was.” Maria poured the coffee into the sink and turned on the faucet. “She said she needed me here to take care of everything for her. What was I supposed to do?”

“I’m sure Ronnie won’t expect you to work.” She hobbled forward another step and spoke in a lower voice. “Beatrice is here too.”

“Well then, she’ll be expecting hot tea when she comes down.” Maria opened the cupboard and fished out the teapot. “What time are you going to wake Ronnie up?”

“I figured I’d give her another half-hour or so. She was up all night.”

“Hmm, Beatrice usually wakes up by eight. You probably should wake Ronnie once the coffee is ready.” Rose nodded in agreement. It would not be a good thing to wake her companion up and then make her face her mother immediately.

* * *

Maria followed Rose into the room and set the steaming cup of coffee on the nightstand. “I’ll start breakfast for the boys. I’m sure they’ll be up soon.”

“Thank you. We will be out in a few minutes,” she said, her eyes never leaving the sleeping woman. Once she heard the click of the door closing, Rose leaned her crutches against the wall and laid down next to her companion. She propped herself up on one elbow and looked down, silently wishing she did not have to wake Ronnie. Even in sleep the executive’s face showed the signs of grief. Closed eyes still showed the puffiness of crying and there was no peacefulness in the chiseled features. “Ronnie? Time to wake up, Hon.”

“Hmm?” Eyes that did not get enough sleep opened with momentary confusion. “What time is it?”

“About quarter of eight,” the young woman replied. Ronnie groaned and sat up.

“I guess I’d better get up then. I have a busy day ahead of me.” Her eyes widened at the sight of her coffee being handed to her. “Oh, thanks.” She took a sip and smiled appreciatively. “I needed this.” She took another sip, then looked at Rose quizzically. “Did you make this?”

“Maria did.”

“Oh God, Maria.” Ronnie put her hand to her mouth. “I have to…”

“I took care of it for you,” Rose said in a low tone, her eyes betraying just how difficult it had been for her to be the bearer of bad news.

“Come here.” The tall woman leaned her back against the headrest and held her right arm out.

“But you have things to do,” she said, although there was nothing more in the world she wanted to do at that moment than curl up in Ronnie’s arms.

“I can spare a minute.” Sad blue eyes looked at Rose. “I really need to hold you.” Careful not to spill the coffee, they snuggled up together, the blonde head resting against the executive’s chest.

“Thank you.”

“If there is anything I can do…”

“You’re doing it right now,” Ronnie said, pressing her lips against Rose’s head. “I just need a few minutes of peace with you before I go out there and face anyone.” She took another sip of coffee and began idly stroking the honey hair. “There are going to be hundreds of people going in and out for the next few days. Tabitha will be spending a lot of time in the laundry room.” She nuzzled her cheek against the soft hair then took another drink. “If Jack and Susan stay, would you help keep the boys occupied? They like playing video games with you.”