The words stung but Ronnie could not deny them. “I…I can’t tell her. I can’t lose her. I can’t.” Her voice hitched and she had to look away. “I would give up everything to be with her but I can’t do that.”

“Better she should go on believing some drunk hit her and you came to her rescue than to admit you were responsible.” Maria paused, debating whether she really wanted to ask the next question or not. “Were you drunk?” At the lack of response, she turned, reading her answer in the tall woman’s face. “Dear God…you were.”

Long dark hair formed a curtain as Ronnie lowered her head and nodded ashamedly. “It was snowing and I…I never saw her until it was too late.” She took several breaths before speaking again. “I would give anything to change what happened that night.” She looked up, blue eyes shining. “But I can’t. Please, you can’t say anything to her.”

Maria looked away and for a minute nothing was heard but the thumping of the dryer as both women wrestled with their thoughts. After what seemed an eternity to Ronnie, the housekeeper sighed and nodded.

“I’m not going to be the one to ruin that child’s happiness, even if it is a lie. She’s had too many ugly truths already.” She turned to face Ronnie. “I won’t be the one to tell her.”

Ronnie released a deep breath “I love her, Maria. I love her more than I have ever loved anyone in my life and I can’t lose her.” She stood next to the older woman and leaned her elbows on the pile of fresh linens. “If I can…” she stared at the wall, “…I’ll spend the rest of my life making her happy. Please give me that chance.”

“The longer you keep the truth from her the worse it will be when she does find out. You owe her the truth, Ronnie.”

“I know,” she acknowledged. “But I can’t. Not yet.”

“You go see to her. I have things here I need to do.” At Ronnie’s questioning look, she said “Go on, I’ll be fine once I’m done in here. I just need a few minutes.”

* * *

“What was that all about?” Rose asked when Ronnie returned.

“She’s just having a bad day, that’s all,” she lied. “I think Tommy’s death still has her upset.”

“Are you sure it’s nothing I’ve done?”

“I’m sure it’s nothing you’ve done, Hon.” She leaned over and gave Rose a quick kiss on the head. “Come on, I’m sure there’s a few Judge Judy tapes lying around that I haven’t seen yet.” She lowered her lips until they were level with a shapely ear. “I’d love to cuddle up on the couch with you.”

“I thought you didn’t want to give Maria a show?” Rose queried.

“What?” She put her hand to her chest as if to say ‘who me?’ “You don’t think I can keep my hands to myself?”

“No.” The blonde woman smiled and, balancing on one foot, set the crutches aside. She wrapped her arms around Ronnie’s waist and moved in close. “I’m not sure I can keephands to myself.” She reached down and grabbed a handful of soft rear. “See what I mean?”

“Have I turned you into a sex addict overnight?”

“No, of course not.” Rose blushed and leaned her head against Ronnie’s chest. “I just enjoy touching you so much and I know you like it too.”

“Very much so,” the dark-haired woman murmured.

“You know…” Green eyes looked up and became helplessly lost in blue. “I don’t care what we watch as long as I can be in your arms.” Lips brushed together just as Maria came out of the laundry room. There was no mistaking the love passing between the two women. It mollified the housekeeper somewhat and she was able to put a smile on her face when Rose turned to look at her. “Maria, I’m sorry about the clothes, I’ll make sure to put them in the hamper from now on,” she said, thinking that the messy clothes were the reason the housekeeper was so upset.

“I’m sorry, Rose. I didn’t mean to snap like that. I don’t know what’s come over me. Why don’t you sit down and let me get you some more coffee?” She picked up the empty cups and bustled past them. “Ronnie, you shouldn’t let her stand like that for so long.” The executive immediately complied, helping Rose into her chair. “I think I just got yelled at,” she whispered into the young woman’s ear.

“I think you did too,” came the reply. “You’d better sit down.”

“Good idea.” A quick peck to the cheek and Ronnie took her seat. Maria returned with the coffees and smiled pleasantly at Rose, dispelling the young woman’s worries. “Here you go, dear.”

“Thank you.”

“Well, I think we’ll take these out to the living room and leave Maria alone,” Ronnie said as she rose to her feet. “Rose do you know which tape has those two roommates arguing over the two thousand dollar phone bill?”

“Yeah, I think I do. You didn’t see that one yet?”


“Then you missed a good one, Ronnie,” the housekeeper chimed in. “Those two fools showed up dressed like they were going to one of those punk rock concerts with their bodies all pierced and green hair.”

“Oh yes, that was awful, wasn’t it?” Rose agreed. “And the blonde one with that thing on her tongue…ewww.” The young woman shuddered at the thought. “I can understand piercing ears but tongues and eyebrows?”

“And their mothers let them appear on national television like that,” Maria tsked as she followed them into the living room. “And I thought some of the outfits on Jerry Springer were bad.”

“You should have heard the way Judge Judy yelled at them,” Rose added. “I think it’s on the tape marked Tuesday.” She settled onto the couch while Maria pushed the recliner into a better position to view the television and settled into it. Ronnie put the tape in and turned to take her lover up on the offer of cuddling all day when she saw the housekeeper sitting there. Noting Rose’s position on one end of the couch, she did likewise, lowering the snack tray down between them to put the coffee cups on. The opening credits started and Ronnie tucked her feet up under herself, leaning her elbow against the arm of the couch. As the litigants each explained why they weren’t responsible for the bill, blue eyes looked over at Maria. The older woman was focused on the case and didn’t notice when one long leg straightened out until the toes pressed against Rose’s hip. The move earned her a quizzical look from the young woman but Ronnie merely wiggled one dark eyebrow and turned her head back toward the television. Trying hard not to smirk, Ronnie continued to run her toes over the side of Rose’s thigh and hip. Apparently she became too frisky because the young woman’s hand clamped down on the wandering foot and held it still. Ronnie almost pulled back but then felt the gentle touch of Rose’s thumb stroking back and forth against the ball of her foot. She made no move to protest when she felt her sock being pulled slowly off. As the best magistrate since Judge Wapner continued to berate the litigants, Ronnie found herself receiving one of the best foot massages Rose had ever given her.

The case ended and another one began. Curious, Ronnie pulled her right leg back and stretched out her left, pleased when she felt delicate hands remove that sock as well. She rolled onto her back, using the arm of the leather couch as a pillow. Soon that foot was receiving the same loving touch and Ronnie decided she could care less who won and lost on the television show. Closing her eyes, she focused on Rose’s fingers against her skin and the relaxed feeling they were creating. The minutes ticked by as that episode ended and another one began. Maria stood up and spoke, breaking Ronnie’s trance. “I have to get back to work here. Rose, you’re going to spoil her if you keep that up.”

“Hey, don’t give away all my secrets,” the executive lazily protested.

“That’s okay, Maria. I’ll just remind her of this the next time I want my feet rubbed.” She patted the feet resting on her lap. “But right now I need to visit the little girl’s room.”

“But I’m comfy,” Ronnie said, wiggling her toes.

“You won’t be comfy if there’s suddenly a large wet spot right here.”

“Fine, I need another cup of coffee anyway.” She sat up and handed Rose the crutches, taking a kiss as payment. “Mmm, when you come back we’ll put the snack tray up and cuddle, how’s that sound?” Ronnie decided to show off some of the benefits of being close by nibbling the soft skin of her lover’s neck. “Hmm? You, me, a soft leather couch.”

“Behave, Maria’s still here, you know.” She allowed one more kiss before moving away. “Can you get me some more too, please?”

“Sure, Hon.”

Ronnie was just returning to the living room when she heard Rose call out for her. Setting the cups down on the coffee table, she entered the room to see what her lover needed. “I’m right here, Rose. What do you need?”

“Could you bring me a pair of undies?” the clearly embarrassed voice on the other side of the bathroom door asked.

“Why? What’s…oh.”“Okay, wait right there. I’ll get it.” Ronnie tried to keep the disappointment out of her voice as she walked over to the dresser.she mused, pulling out a pair of sensible white cotton briefs from the drawer. She entered the bathroom to find a clearly embarrassed Rose sitting on the toilet, the soiled panties already rinsed out and waiting to go into the wash.

“Of all the times to be a woman,” Rose said as she took the clean pair. She did her best to smile.

“I guess the timing’s lousy, huh?”

“It happens,” Ronnie replied. “How’s the pants?”

“I don’t think I got them.” A quick check confirmed her statement. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

“Take your time.” Ronnie leaned down and kissed her lover’s forehead. “Don’t worry about it, Rose. It’s what…four, five days tops? We’ll survive.”

“Four or five days.” The young woman repeated the words as if they were a death sentence. Her eyes flickered at her lover and an idea formed in her mind. “You know, just because I have it doesn’t mean…”

“Yes it does. I want it to be mutual,” Ronnie said firmly, despite what her body was telling her.


“No buts. We can wait until then.” Seeing the look on Rose’s face, she knelt down and hooked the small chin with her fingers. “Hey, look at me. I’ve waited years for you. A few more days isn’t going to kill me.” She let her finger travel down the delicate throat and to the vee formed by Rose’s shirt. “I love you.” She stood up and retrieved the soiled garment. “I’ll run this out to Maria so it can be washed right away while you finish up in here.”

When bedtime came, Rose dressed in her usual Dartmouth shirt while Ronnie donned her sweats and T-shirt. They slipped under the covers and snuggled up together for a moment before the young woman let out a soft chuckle. “What?” Ronnie asked.

“Sorry, it just seems strange to be dressed after last night,” she admitted, her fingers sliding up under the short sleeve and caressing the soft skin found there.

“There’s nothing that says we have to be dressed,” Ronnie pointed out. Without warning she sat up and peeled off her shirt, the light from the lamp revealing her ample breasts to Rose’s gaze.

“Why don’t you take yours off too?”

“Well…I suppose it won’t hurt anything.”

“Of course not.” Hungry eyes took in the mouth-watering sight of Rose’s nipples as the Dartmouth shirt was removed. “God, Rose…” Ronnie swallowed. “…you are so beautiful.” She covered the smaller body with her own and let their mouths find something better to do than talk. Rose’s lips parted willingly as the kiss deepened and her hands went around her lover’s back in an attempt to pull their bodies even closer. Passions flared and hips found themselves unable to remain still. “Rose…” Her lips moved to the delicate skin of the young woman’s neck and began to kiss their way down only to be stopped inches from the pink puckered skin of her goal.

“Ronnie…I have my period, remember?” She laughed at the dejected look on her lover’s face.