“I see definite benefits to this tub,” Rose said as she felt a gentle but determined hand moved underwater. She spread her legs, giving Ronnie the access she needed. “Some…definite benefits…uh huh.” She turned her head and found her lips claimed by her dark-haired lover. The kiss quickly turned heated and when Ronnie’s hand moved up to cup her breast, Rose was certain she was going to have an orgasm right then and there.

“It’s been a long eight days,” the executive rasped, her eyes teased mercilessly by the bubbles that refused to let her see the treasures hidden beneath. She pivoted and straddled Rose’s thighs, intending to kiss her lover senseless. But she forgot one important thing…the difference in their height. Before Ronnie could reposition herself, Rose’s mouth had accepted the apparent invitation and claimed her nipple. “Oh Rose…” Blue eyes closed as she let the young woman have her fill of first one, then the other breast. She finally pulled back to look down into beautiful green eyes. “You keep that up and we won’t be in here for long.” She sank back into her seat.

“I don’t know what got into me,” Rose said as a cute blush worked its way up her cheeks. “You moved and suddenly they were there.”

“I haven’t turned you into a sex maniac with only one night of passion, have I?” Ronnie teased.

“Only when it comes to you.” The young woman’s hand moved beneath the water to rest on her lover’s thigh. “I love you and I love touching you.”

“That goes both ways, you know,” Ronnie said, resting her hand on Rose’s cheek. “I’d better move to the other side or you’ll never get a chance to soak.”

“No, I’ll be good. I’d rather have you next to me.”

Good turned out to be a relative term as both took advantage of the intimacy the hot tub offered. Lips found a reason to meet often and breasts were never so clean. Soapy hands roamed freely, sometimes teasing, sometimes caressing, always promising an appropriate reward for such a long wait. Ronnie’s patience had been tested to the limit. Her fingers roamed over silky skin, yet she couldn’t touch the way she wanted. “Rose…” Her voice sounded raw, deeply sensual in its roughness. “I think it’s time to get out of the tub.”

Rose’s mind closed to everything except the large palms caressing her aching nipples. “Oh…you know just how to do that…” The touch was sweet yet torturous at the same time…just the right amount of friction as Ronnie drew small circles with her palms. Rose threaded her fingers through the silky black hair, only the ends actually having gotten wet, and pulled her lover in for a kiss. Ronnie’s hands became sandwiched between twin pairs of heaving bosoms and it only served to make both women want more. The kisses were passionate, driven by days of aching need, both silently having chosen not to pleasure themselves but rather wait until now, until this moment. Ronnie backed up long enough to free her hands from their soft prisons and scoop the smaller woman into her arms. She climbed out of the tub and paused long enough for Rose to grab some towels off the shelf before continuing into the softly lit bedroom. She sat the young woman down on the coverlet, not worrying one bit about it getting wet. They took turns toweling each other dry, both knowing that there was one spot that would not be drying off anytime soon.

Rose found herself laying on her back, the comforting warmth of Ronnie on top of her. “I think, my little rose, that I am hopelessly in love with you.” The loving words were punctuated with a gentle peck on her cheek. “Actually,” Ronnie corrected. “I know I am.” Rose felt a long finger trail its way down her cheek. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me,” her lover continued. “I know it’s sounds corny and all but it’s true.” The wandering finger found its way over her lips and Rose thought her heart would burst from the emotions running through it. “I love you.”

“I love you, Ronnie.” Rose’s wait was over when she felt soft full lips upon hers.she thought to herself. “Yesss…” Dexterous fingers found her nipple and squeezed gently, drawing pleasure far greater than anything her own hands had ever done previously. She returned the kiss with fervor, her hands coming up to return the exquisite sensation. Ronnie broke the kiss and give a hedonistic groan. Rose remembered how much her touch was enjoyed the first time they made love and repeated the motions, pinching lightly with her thumb and forefinger.

“That…that feels so good, Rose.”

“I’m glad,” she replied, increasing the rhythm. Ronnie’s nipples grew to hardened peaks as their mouths came together again. Tongues darted and danced, giving and taking as they explored each other’s mouths. When the kiss finally broke, Ronnie shifted down and Rose felt damp curls brush against her thigh. “Ronnie, where are you…unggh….” Her nipple was surrounded by wet warmth, a skilled tongue working in concert with straight white teeth to pull the most wonderful sensations out of her body. “Yes Honey…yesss….” She buried her fingers deep into the silky hair, urging her lover on. Her hips began bucking upward in search of relief, finding it in the supple skin of Ronnie’s thigh. “Oh…” She raised up again, digging her heels into the bed. Blinding pain shot through her left ankle. “Ow ow ow…wait…”

Ronnie was off in a flash and reaching for the lamp. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Was I too hard? What?” The words came out in a worried flurry.

“No no, it wasn’t you,” she groaned, reaching for her unprotected ankle. “I wasn’t thinking.” The bed lifted slightly as Ronnie rolled off, returning a moment later with the brace.

“I’m not taking any chances on you hurting yourself again.”

“I’m sorry…” The rest of her sentence was cut off by Ronnie’s lips upon hers.

“Don’t be,” the executive said when the kiss ended. The brace was secured, the fit was checked, then as an added precaution Ronnie moved them sideways so Rose’s feet hung over the edge.

“Now where was I?”

“I believe you were right here,” Rose added helpfully, using her hands on either side of Ronnie’s face to guide the woman back to her erect nipples. “Ahh…” She laid back and let her dark-haired lover suckle her breasts, losing herself in the feeling. But soon those loving lips moved down, planting soft kisses on her torso. Rose felt her legs being separated and realized what was about to happen. She had read about it in a book at the library, even seen it performed on the adult video, but she never experienced the intimate act. Long fingers separated her folds and before Rose could react to the warm breath caressing her, she felt Ronnie’s tongue on her.

“Mmm,” the executive moaned with approval.

“Ohh…oh yes, that’s nice, Ronnie…nnggh…” It was indescribable, a rising higher than any she had ever known, yet there was no fear. She bucked against the invading muscle, her fingers as talons against the dark head. Ronnie’s tongue searched out every crack and crevice, causing Rose’s hips to take on a life of their own. “Yes…oh…” She felt her legs being lifted and soon found them resting on Ronnie’s shoulders as the loving tongue changed from long strokes to quick light flicks over her most sensitive part. “Oh God…Ronnie…”she silently begged as her body began to spasm.But the young woman was powerless as her body surged to a climax against her lover’s tongue.

Chest still pounding, Rose barely had time to get her breathing back under control before her lips were claimed and Ronnie’s fingers found a wellspring of desire waiting for them.

“Rose…” She felt Ronnie waiting just outside her entrance, gently urging her to permit entry.Any doubt Rose may have had about being ready for more was erased when she felt Ronnie’s finger slide into her. Hot breath caressed her ear. “Oh Rose…that’s so nice…”

“N-n-n-nice…” she repeated, her focus tunneling to the spot where they were joined.

“More…ooh…” Ronnie’s finger filled her deeply, touching Rose in spots she didn’t know existed. She turned her head to see blue eyes smiling back at her.

“You like this?”

“Yesss…yesss…more…” She felt a sense of loss as Ronnie retreated back to the edge of her opening, then cried out with pleasure when two fingers stretched her fully.. Rose desperately searched out her lover’s lips and moaned her pleasure into Ronnie’s mouth. A rocking motion was established as they kissed hungrily. Unable to use her left leg for support, Rose brought her right heel up onto the bed and arched into Ronnie’s thrusts. “Yesss…”

“Oh Rose…you feel sooo good, so nice…I love you.”

“I…love…you.” Rose’s words came out in breathless pants as the rocking motion increased. Ronnie’s fingers continued to fill and retreat while her thumb brushed back and forth against Rose’s erect clitoris. “Oh God…please.” She had no idea what she was begging for but she trusted Ronnie to give it to her.

“Yesss,” the dark-haired woman growled. Rose felt soft lips press against her neck and moaned her approval as her lover’s fingers searched out new places deep within.

“Oh yes, Ronnie…yes…oh that’s so nice…yes…” She arched her back, pressing her breasts against the firm body above her. Ronnie shifted, finding an erect nipple begging for attention. It was too much for Rose. The wetness against her leg, the fingers nestled deep inside her, the warm mouth loving her breast…a fire started deep within, pulsing outward until her legs stiffened, her breath caught in her throat, and her muscles clamped down, refusing to let Ronnie’s fingers go. “Oh Ronnieeee….I…I’m…”

“Yes Hon.” Trapped fingers wiggled as much as they were able. “I’ve got you, let it go…”

“I…I…oh God, Ronnie!” The inner muscles convulsed, the orgasm crashing through with more force than any Rose had ever known before. Nothing existed but the loving arms holding her and the soft words being whispered in her ear. Rose’s eyelids refused to open, her body pulsing with aftershocks. It was several seconds before she realized that her grip around Ronnie’s body was probably keeping her lover from breathing. She relaxed her arms, letting them fall limply back to the bed. “Oh Ronnie,” she sighed, her mouth dry and her body feeling completely boneless.

“Shh…I’ve got you, Hon.” Rose slowly opened her eyes, the gentle light from the lamp allowing her to see the loving smile on Ronnie’s face. “I’m going to pull my fingers out now, okay?” she asked, her fingers remaining absolutely still inside. Rose nodded and shuddered slightly as the intimate connection was severed.

“You’re wonderful,” she whispered, snuggling into open arms. “Mmm, I could stay like this forever.”

“I’d like that too,” Ronnie said. As her hand caressed Rose’s cheek, the young woman inhaled the scent of herself and her body twitched with the recent memory of where those fingers had been. She worked her left hand between their bodies stopping only when her fingers grazed damp wiry curls.

Ronnie groaned and her hips jerked forward in response. “Lie back,” Rose whispered.

Positioning her tall lover diagonally across the bed, she shifted until her lips found a wrinkly point to draw into her mouth. The firm hand on the back of her head spoke just as loudly as the moan coming from Ronnie’s lips. Her fingers found hot wetness waiting for them. Lifting her head up from its task for a second, she brought her fingers to her lips and tasted them, her tongue snaking out to draw off every drop. “Rose…God that’s sexy,” Ronnie huffed. Inspired by her lover’s words, the young woman proceeded to make a show of cleaning her fingers, rewarded by the anxious squirming beneath her. With desire, curiosity, and a good dose of nervousness, Rose pushed herself downward until her lips were near the dark triangle of hair. The hand on the back of her head remained, gently urging her on. Ronnie’s legs parted wide in invitation. Climbing over a leg and settling into position, Rose found her lips scant inches away from their goal. Coarse dark hairs tickled her face before her tongue parted the way and sank in to taste the sweet liquid. Ronnie’s moans were muffled by the thighs pressing against Rose’s ears but the young woman felt them just the same. Her mouth quickly learned its way around as Ronnie’s breaths came faster. “Yesss, oh Rose, right there…no…yes, right there, yesss.”