“Thank you.” Rose took a few seconds to compose herself before turning to face the rest of the guests. Maria came up to give the young woman a hug. “What a beautiful gift,” the housekeeper said.

“It is very nice,” Agnes said, shooting her husband a look. “It seems some people would rather spend time with the ones they love instead of running off to some lake in the middle of nowhere for two weeks.”

“Umm…” Frank looked at his cousin for support and found none as she was too busy beaming at the happiness on Rose’s face. “Oh hell, Agnes. I guess two weeks in Hawaii won’t be so bad.”

“I knew you were a big softy,” Ronnie teased.

“Yeah, just like you, Cuz,” he countered good-naturedly. Looking down at her lover, the executive could only nod in agreement.

* * *

After the last of their guests left, the happy couple retired to the living room.

“I can’t believe you did this,” Rose said softly, looking at the tickets sitting on the coffee table.

“Why not?” Ronnie shrugged. “Now that you don’t need a cane and physical therapy is over, it’s a perfect time for us to take a nice long vacation.” Although she had been to many of the countries already, she knew the memory would pale to the new ones that would be created with Rose by her side. Looking at the jacket, Ronnie smirked to herself. Not every present had been opened yet.

Rose kicked her shoes off and tucked her feet up under her legs. “How did you manage to plan a vacation without me knowing?”

“Easy. My travel agent did the work. All I did was tell her what countries I wanted to visit. One phone call, a couple of emails and voila.”

“You are amazing.” Rose rested her head against her lover’s chest. “I’ve only dreamed of going to places like that,” she said wistfully.

“Well now your dreams will soon be a reality,” Ronnie replied. She leaned down for a quick kiss.

“I’m glad you liked your presents.”

“I love them and I love you,” she replied. “You didn’t have to do this.”

“It makes me happy to make you happy. You know that.” The phone rang, causing Ronnie to mutter a curse and reach for the receiver. “Cartwright Residence.”


“Mother?” Turning to face Rose, she raised her eyebrows to indicate her surprise. It had been almost two months since they had spoken. “Um…how are you? Really?…How did that go?…uh huh, what about it?…Yeah, she was here earlier…It’s Rose’s birthday.” Ronnie’s eyes grew wider. “Uh…yes, it was nice….uh huh…no, no problem at all, Mother…What?…Um…yes, I’m sure that’ll be fine…of course…okay Mother, good-bye.” She set the phone down.

“She just called to say hello.”

“Really?” Rose reached out and put her hand on Ronnie’s shoulder. “Is everything all right?”

“Yeah,” she nodded. “She just said that we should come over for dinner this Friday.”


“Yes, us,” Ronnie said. “I don’t get it.”

“Maybe it’s your mother’s way of offering an olive branch.”

“But after everything that’s happened?”

“After everything that’s happened, you’re still her oldest daughter,” Rose said. “She really said both of us?”

“Yeah.” Ronnie shook her head and pulled her lover close. “I don’t believe it, but I’m not going to fight it. Maybe everything will work out with us.”

“You are wonderful.”

“You think so, hmm?” Ronnie’s heart began beating faster. “We may not have started out in the best of ways but I can’t imagine my life without you.”

“I feel the same way.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that.” Her face became serious. “I think you missed something in your jacket pocket.”

“What? After all this?” Rose held her hands out to indicate the stack of presents and the airline tickets. She picked the jacket up and laid it on her lap. As her hand fell over the pocket she felt the hard object hidden within. “Ronnie?” Her fingers traveled over it, her eyes widening. “Is this what I think it is?”

“I don’t know,” the executive replied nervously. “Maybe you should open it up and find out.” As the zipper was opened, she added, “I hope you like it.”

Rose’s hand trembled as she pulled out the small velvet box. Tears were already beginning to well up in her eyes. “Oh my…” Her hands shook even more and Ronnie had to steady them with her own.

“Open it, Rose.”

The jewelry box opened to reveal a gold band adorned with a triple row of diamonds across the top. “Oh…” Ronnie’s equally shaky fingers removed the ring from the box, turning it around for her to see the inscription.

“Rose Grayson, would…” Her voice cracked, forcing her to swallow and start over. “W-would you be mine…forever?” The young woman could not find her voice and had to give a shaky nod, tears of happiness streaming down her face. “I love you,” they said at the same time. Holding the ring between her fingers, Ronnie took the smaller hand in her own. Tears fell from her own eyes as the gold band slid over Rose’s ring finger. As it passed over the last knuckle their fingers intertwined and both tried to bring the joined hands to their lips. Ronnie used her strength to gently press her lover back down on the cushions while their fingers separated. Rose’s hands went to the hem of Ronnie’s shirt and slipped beneath.

“I love you, Rose.”

“And I love you, Ronnie,” she replied before their lips met.

Lying on the floor, Tabitha looked up at her mistresses. With a healthy stretch and a yawn, the cat stood up and headed for the stairs. She would have the bed to herself for the night.