It didn’t escape me that I was thinking about leaving a place where I was totally safe and secure to live with a lover who I hadn’t entirely trusted just forty-eight hours before.

I sank onto the edge of my bed and gripped my knees with damp palms. I was giving up a lot to be with Jax, and I couldn’t think of anything he was really risking to be with me in return.

My smartphone started ringing. Without looking, I dug into my purse and pulled it out. Seeing Jax’s name on the screen wasn’t a surprise. “Hello.”

“Hey, babe.” His voice was deep and low, intimate. “Glad you’re back.”

“Amazing how much everything can change over just a couple of days.”

“What’s wrong?”

It was wryly amusing that he knew me so well. Maybe Chad was right to be worried about me being an open book. “What isn’t wrong?

His tone turned brisk. “Be more specific.”

“Chad Williams has some understandable concerns about me, his project leader, sleeping with the enemy. Shacking up with you seems likely to be a deal breaker.”

“Who’s shacking up?” Angelo asked, scowling at me from my bedroom doorway. He was the shortest of my three brothers at an even six feet tall and he had the longest hair, the dark waves framing his handsome face and brushing his shoulders. A lot of hearts had broken when he’d married Denise.

“Fuck,” I muttered, wishing I could just hit a reset button and start the day over. “Get out!”

“I’m not in,” my brother argued. “You left the door open.”

“Well, close it!”

“Are you back together with that asshole?!”

I pushed to my feet. “Did I ask you?”

“Gia!” Jax barked through the phone.

“Hold on,” I told him, glaring at my brother. “I’m on the phone, Angelo. Close the door and mind your own business!”

“Is that Jax you’re talking to?” He barged into my room as if he had the right. “Let me talk to him.”

“Excuse me?”

“Gia! Damn it, talk to me,” Jax snapped.

“I’m a little busy right now,” I snapped back. “I’ll call you later.”

“Don’t you—”

I cut Jax off by hanging up, tossing my smartphone on the bed as Angelo made a grab for it. “Have you lost your mind?” I yelled at him.

“Rutledge certainly has if he thinks you’re moving in with him!”

Vincent’s interruption drew both of our attentions to the doorway. “What’s going on?”

“Get him out of here!” I told him, waving my hand at Angelo.

“Rutledge wants Gianna to move in with him,” Angelo said, facing Vincent and crossing his arms.

Vincent’s brows rose. “You got a ring?”

I threw up my hands. “I don’t believe this! It’s the twenty-first century. Did you know that?”

“The rules haven’t changed,” he said, crossing his arms, too. “He wants the milk, he’s got to buy the cow.”

My gaze narrowed. “Did you just call me a cow? And for your information, I’m not a virgin! I’ve had sex. More than once!”

Both Vincent and Angelo plugged their ears. Angelo hummed loudly.

“You’re both ridiculous!” I scolded them. “I’m an adult. I can do what I want.”

Vincent dropped his hands. “And you want to live with that guy? Really?”

“Maybe. It’s my decision.”

Angelo crossed his arms again. “You’ll break Dad’s heart.”

“Oh, my God.” I rubbed my temples, fighting a growing headache. “You’re going to pull a guilt trip on me now? For what it’s worth, Jax wanted to sit down with you all and talk this out.”

“So what?” Vincent scoffed. “We’re supposed to give him props?”

“I do,” Angelo said unexpectedly. “Takes balls to face a girl’s brothers and family and say you want to live with her.”

Vincent shook his head, his jaw hard. “If he wants you around that bad, he should put a ring on it.”

“Before she knows what she’s getting into?”

We all turned to find Jax standing in my bedroom doorway. He was dressed for work, looking dashing in a slate-gray suit, white shirt, and black tie. I realized he must’ve been on his way when he called me. Despite everything, I got a little thrill from that.

“The security in this place is nonexistent,” he pointed out tightly. “Jesus. I just walked right in!”

Vincent raised his fists. “I’ve got security for you, right here.”

I snatched up my phone and my purse, and headed out. If everything was going to implode at home as well as work, I figured I might as well go to work.

“Gia.” Jax caught my upper arm as I moved to pass him. “I’ve got this. Don’t stress.”

“Easy for you to say,” I told him, my chin lifting. “You don’t have anything on the line.”

His jaw tightened. “I love you. I’ve got everything on the line.”


LEI WAS ON the phone when I got to work, pacing in her office while talking into a headset. She waved in greeting and offered a quick smile, which only made me feel worse about my news.

Because she was busy, I went to my desk and started going through my voice mail, taking down messages for Lei and making notes to return calls that had come in for me. Usually being at work soothed me, but I was too edgy. My feet tapped restlessly beneath the table.


I looked toward Lei’s office and found her leaning against the doorjamb. She was dressed in crimson pants and a white silk shell, her black hair pulled back in a simple ponytail. She looked younger than her years, and delicate, but her dark eyes gave her away—Lei could be as delicate as a saber-toothed tiger.

“How’s Chad?” she asked.

Standing, I put my hands on the desk to anchor myself. “He’s very happy with the Mondego, and the plans, and the progress. He’s happy with the choices of David and Inez, too. But...he’s not so happy with me.”

“Oh?” Her eyes widened. “What happened?”

“Jackson Rutledge. More precisely, the fact that Jax has asked me to move in with him.”

“I see.” She straightened. “Why don’t we talk in my office?”

I followed her, feeling a bit like I was being called into the teacher’s office for a lecture.

Beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows of Lei’s expansive office, Manhattan was laid out for viewing pleasure and awe. Glittering spires with architecture designed to impress overshadowed buildings that were centuries old. Wooden water towers on matchstick stilts were everywhere, features of the cityscape as distinctive and beloved as any other landmark. Blue rooftop pools and green terrace gardens marked the apartments of the wealthy. Giant cranes reminded you that the city, already teeming with life, was still growing.

The metal-and-glass jungle was a gourmand’s paradise. New York was known for its fantastic food and its great chefs, and Lei was a driving force in the world I loved so much. It was a hard blow, feeling as though I was disappointing her.

“A week ago,” she began, “you hadn’t heard from the man in two years.”

“Lei, I’ll be honest. I’ve heard enough from everyone—including myself. I’ve never felt more pressure to stay away from something in my life. If only people were so helpful when I’m on a diet!”

She leaned against the front of her desk, her hands gripping the edge. She didn’t crack a smile at my poor attempt at humor. “Well, I moved in with Ian over time. It wasn’t planned. I just spent more and more nights with him until it seemed ridiculous to keep paying rent on my own place.”

Lei paused as if she was thinking of how best to say something I might not want to hear. Then she came right out with it. “Just be smarter about it than I was. Have some sort of legal agreement between you, so you’re not fighting over petty crap while your heart is breaking.”

My hands clenched. “You’re so sure it’s going to end badly.”

“I shouldn’t have to point out to you that it took ten years for Ian to backstab me. It took Jackson less than a week to pull a similar move on you. Come on, Gianna. You’re not naïve.”

“I learn from my mistakes,” I said, wishing my voice didn’t sound so defensive.

“I’m not saying you shouldn’t take the risk. Taking risks is what gets you the greater rewards. I’m just telling you to mitigate those risks. You’re talking about a merger here, but you’re not considering the most basic of precautions?”

Suddenly, I felt very foolish.

Lei saw that and gentled her voice. “Jackson has already cost you the Mondego project. Don’t let him take anything else from you.”

* * *

The rest of my day went on as usual, but I was miserable the whole time. I was seriously torn between saying goodbye to Jax and saying goodbye to the life I’d built without him in it. The easiest thing was to forget he’d come back at all, but after wishing for something for so long, it was excruciating to let it go now that it was in my grasp.

Shortly before three, my phone rang and I answered it with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

“Gianna,” Chad greeted me, sounding a bit breathless. “Can I talk to Lei?”

My eyes closed, knowing he was going to ask to work with someone else. I’d been hoping the delay between his return to New York and his call meant he’d changed his mind, or at least decided to wait it out a bit more before pulling the trigger. “Let me see if she’s free. Hang on.”

I got up and walked to the open door of her office. She was working on her computer, her brows drawn together in a frown above her crimson glasses. I knocked lightly.

She looked up at me. “Yes?”

“Chad Williams is on the line for you.”

She pulled her glasses off and nodded. “Put him through.”

I went back to my desk and routed the call, then tried to focus on something else besides the low murmur of Lei’s voice. It was all too easy to think about Jax instead, remembering the way he’d sounded when he last told me he loved me.

He’d consumed me from the moment I first laid eyes on him. I didn’t know how to give him up. I also didn’t know how to live with him. He wasn’t going to integrate into my life easily. I was going to have to change everything to accommodate him.

Why couldn’t I have fallen in love with someone simple and easygoing? Someone who brought a little fun into my life instead a whole slew of problems.


I looked up as Lei stepped out of her office, her lips pursed thoughtfully. “Yes?”

I steeled myself for the blow. When would I ever have the chance again to spearhead a project that had the magnitude of the Mondego deal?

“Chad just got through with a meeting with Jackson Rutledge,” she said.

My back stiffened and my stomach roiled. Crap. Was Jax screwing me over again? “Why?”

“Jackson offered to make a three-million-dollar investment in Chad, for a 30 percent share.”

My mouth fell open. “What?”

What did that mean? Was he trying to steal Chad? How could he, when Chad was under contract with Lei?

Lei frowned. “Basically, Jackson is offering to guarantee that he’s not going to sabotage Chad, to the tune of a few million dollars.”

I stared at her, trying to process that news.

She shrugged. “Chad’s going to have his lawyers look over the paperwork, but he’s sending it to me, too. Wants to make sure there’s no conflict.”

Nodding slowly, I glanced at my drawer, thinking about the smartphone sitting inside it.

“He didn’t say anything about wanting to work with anyone else,” she added. “There’s no reason to, if the offer is legit.”

“Right.” I said the word, but I was still trying to fully grasp the ramifications of what Jax had done.

“I take it you told Jax about Chad’s concerns?”

Pushing slowly to my feet, I nodded. “I didn’t know anything about this, though. I swear.”

“I can see that on your face.” She studied me for a moment longer. “Looks like Jackson’s clearing a path to you.”

“Yeah.” It was crazy. What was the catch?

It was just depressing having to ask myself that question. How could I love him more than anything when I was constantly second-guessing him?

My desk phone rang and I answered, grateful for the distraction from Lei’s examining gaze.

“Gia.” Jax’s voice sent me skidding into deeper turmoil. “We’re going to sit down with your family tonight after the restaurant closes. I’ve got a lot of work to do, so I’ll meet you there. A driver will be waiting for you after work and he’ll stay with you until it’s time to take you to the restaurant. He’ll take care of loading up the things you’ll bring to the penthouse to get you through ’til the weekend, when we can grab the rest. Let me—”