Waring nodded. “I’ll have my men look for suitable handbills.”

“Think I’ll visit some of the older Rawlingses,” Horace said. “Long-lived folks. It’s possible they may have heard something about Walwyn.”

“So we’ve all got something to do.” Gyles rose. Devil did, too.

Frowning, Horace lumbered to his feet. “But, I say, no need to tell the ladies, what? It’ll only frighten them.”

Gyles and Devil looked at Horace, then exchanged a glance.

“As Francesca’s already under constant guard, and she’s aware of a possible threat, there seems little point in belaboring the matter and raising what might be an unnecessary fuss.” Gyles glanced at Waring. “I think, for the moment, all inquiries should remain confidential.”

“Indeed, my lord.”

“Indeed.” Horace turned to the door. “No need for the Rawlingses to provide the ton with the last scandal of the year. Aside from anything else, our ladies wouldn’t thank us for that.”


Gyles halted and turned. He’d left Devil with friends in the gaming room but had yet to quit White’s; he’d been strolling absentmindedly toward the door. He hadn’t recognized the voice that had hailed him, and had to dredge his memory to locate the name of the portly gentleman stumping his way.

Lord Carsden eventually halted before him; leaning on his cane, he looked up at him from under scraggy brows. “Hear you, St. Ives, Kingsley and some others are thinking of proposing a few amendments in the spring session.”

Gyles nodded, his mind racing. Carsden rarely concerned himself with politics, but he did have a vote.

“Mind if I inquire what the substance of your amendments might be? I’ve heard they might be worth supporting.”

Hiding his surprise, Gyles waved to an anteroom. “I’ll be happy to explain.”

He led the way into the room, and was immediately collared by Lord Malmsey.

“Just the fellow I was after,” his lordship declared. “Heard a whisper there’s some amendments in the wind that perhaps I ought to take note of, what?”

Gyles ended holding court to four peers, all with a newfound interest in the political sphere. He outlined the basics of what their group intended to propose; all four gentlemen frowned, nodded, and, ultimately, stated their interest in supporting the cause.

None mentioned who had activated their heretofore dormant political consciences and steered them in the group’s direction; Gyles was too wise to ask. But when he reached home later that afternoon and headed upstairs to dress for the evening, he paused outside Francesca’s door.

He hesitated, then tapped.

Light footsteps approached. The door opened, and Millie looked out.

Her eyes grew round when she saw him.

Gyles put his finger to his lips, then beckoned her out. She stepped over the threshold; he put out a hand to stop her closing the door. With his other hand, he gestured down the corridor. “I wish to speak with your mistress-she’ll ring when she needs you.”

The little maid looked scandalized. “But, m’lord-she’s in her bath.”

Gyles looked down at her. “I know.” It was where Francesca usually was at this time of day, relaxing prior to donning her evening gown.

“Off you go.” He waved Millie away.

Looking positively horrified, the maid backed, then turned tail and went.

Gyles grinned and slipped through the door.

A hip bath stood on a rug facing the fire; Francesca, black curls piled high on her head, was sitting facing the flames. Wisps of steam rose, wreathing about her as she smoothed a soapy sponge down one gracefully extended arm while softly crooning what sounded like an Italian lullaby. Gyles listened for a moment, then closed the door.

“Who was it, Millie?”

He strolled forward. “Not Millie.”

She tipped her head back against the rim and watched as he neared. Smiled delightedly. “Good evening, my lord. And to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

He halted by the bath’s side and smiled down at her. Let his gaze roam the curves of her breasts, sheening wet and laced with suds. “I believe my pleasure is rather greater than yours.”

She arched a brow; he reached for her hand, lifted it, bent and pressed a kiss to her wet knuckles, then turned her hand and ran his tongue over her palm, then sucked lightly at the pulse point at her wrist.

He raised his head reluctantly. “You taste good enough to eat.”

Their gazes met, held; she raised both brows in question. After a moment, he smiled, squeezed her hand and released it. “We have to be at the Godsleys by eight.”

Drawing up a chair, he sat. “I wanted to ask if you’re acquainted with Lady Carsden.”

Francesca nodded. “We meet quite frequently. She moves in the same circles.”

“And Lady Mitchell?”

“Indeed, but Honoria knows her better than I.” Drawing her knees up, wrapping her arms about them, she searched his face. “Have their husbands spoken to you?”

“Much to my amazement. I don’t think Mitchell or Carsden has been in the House since their investiture.”

Francesca grinned. “Well their wives felt it was time they said something-did something-useful. Will it help?”

“Every vote helps. But I wanted to ask-how many have you and Honoria spoken to? Do you have any idea which others might be inclined to support us?”

Eyes sparkling, Francesca leaned forward. “Well…”

They traded names and opinions; from there it was a short step to the overall numbers, the increasing possibilities of success. They lost track of the time, only remembered it when Francesca suddenly shivered and looked down at the cooling water.

Gyles frowned. “Damn-I forgot.” He stood. “I’ll ring for more hot water.”

“No-don’t bother. I was finished anyway.” She pointed at a towel.

Gyles turned to pick it up as she rose. He turned back-and stopped, his mind wiped clean.

Dropping her sponge in the water, Francesca straightened and looked up, instantly noted the stillness that had claimed him, his fixed gaze-the flames flickering behind the grey of his eyes. She let her gaze roam swiftly, then she smiled, reached for the towel, tugged it from his slack grasp.

Dropped it on the floor and reached out her arms to him.

“I’ll write to Lady Godsley that I was in fear of taking a chill. And now, my lord, you had better warm me up.”

Gyles met her gaze, then reached for her, locked his hands about her slender waist, and lifted her from the tub.

Five days later, their select band of searchers still hadn’t found Walwyn, hadn’t unearthed the slightest trace of him, which only made them even more wary, more suspicious. According to Walwyn’s sister’s husband, “the old reprobate” was definitely in London, but where and in what guise they had no idea.

Leaving yet another meeting at White’s, Gyles returned home in time to dress for dinner. Tonight was Francesca’s family party, her attempt to gather the clan. He hoped for her sake the family would rally and enough would attend for the event to be deemed a success. She, his mother, and Henni had had their heads together for the past week, organizing and ordering. Although Francesca had regaled him with their preparations, distracted by his search for Walwyn, Gyles hadn’t taken much in.

He did know tonight’s dinner was to be a small affair with, aside from Francesca, only his mother, Henni, and Horace present.

“There were simply too many to invite,” his mother told him when he joined them in the drawing room.

“Indeed.” Henni took up the tale as he moved to greet her. “Even restricting the list to the heads of the different branches-why, there were over fifty, plus spouses-and if we’d selected amongst them, well-that would have caused ructions, which is precisely what we’re attempting to heal.” She frowned up at him as he straightened. “You’re looking a trifle peaked, dear. Have you been busy with your parliamentary business?”

“Among other things.” Gyles turned as Francesca slipped her hand through his arm. He smiled. As she exchanged some comment with Henni, he took in her appearance.

Tonight, she’d chosen to wear old gold. Her gown was of lush silk in that deep, rich shade that invoked the idea of treasure, the silk shawl draped over her elbows a medley of subtly contrasting hues, all golds and soft browns. Her hair was piled high, artfully cascading to brush her shoulders, the black locks a dramatic contrast against her ivory skin. From her ears, gold earrings dangled; a simple gold chain encircled her throat. And in the midst of the gold, her eyes glowed, intense as any emerald.

She glanced at him.

“You look exquisite.” Gyles raised her hand to his lips, let his gaze touch hers.

“Dinner is served, my lord.”

As one they turned. Joined by Lady Elizabeth, Henni, and Horace, they moved into the small dining room.

By eight-thirty that evening, Gyles was more distracted than he’d been all week. From his position beside Francesca at the top of the stairs leading down to their ballroom, he craned his neck, looking back along the row of guests waiting to greet them.

He couldn’t see the end of the line.

Francesca nudged him. He hauled his gaze back to the elderly lady waiting to speak with him. He took her wizened hand, racking his brain for her name.

“Cousin Helen has traveled up from Merton to be with us tonight.”

Gyles shot a grateful glance at Francesca, then murmured polite phrases to Cousin Helen, who then informed him, in a voice that would have done credit to a sergeant major, that she was deaf as a post.

Patting his hand, she moved on down the stairs. Gyles caught Francesca’s fleeting grin as she turned to greet their next guests.

There had to be three hundred of them-three hundred Rawlingses, plus an assortment of others. Gyles was relieved to welcome Devil and Honoria.

Honoria nodded regally, the twinkle in her eye telling him there was no point trying to hide his astonishment.

“I never imagined there would be this many.”

“You underestimated the power of curiosity-what lady in her right mind would turn down an invitation from your new countess?”

“I’ve never claimed to comprehend the minds of ladies.”

“Very wise.” Honoria cast a glance over the now teeming ballroom. “From what Devil told me of your family tree, there might well be more Rawlingses than Cynsters.”

Devil turned from Francesca in time to catch that; he looked around and nodded. “It’s possible.”

“Heaven forbid!” Gyles muttered sotto voce.

Honoria threw him a disapproving look; Devil grinned, then, sobering, caught Gyles’s eye. “Seems an excellent opportunity to further our recent activities.”

The thought had occurred to Gyles. Surely someone present would know where Walwyn was. “You start. I’ll join you when I’m free.”

Devil nodded.

“What activities?” Honoria asked.

“I told you we’re looking for supporters for our bills.” Devil steered her down to the ballroom’s floor.

Gyles turned to greet the next guests-cousins and connections even more distant, they’d all answered Francesca’s call with an alacrity he found both disarming and disconcerting. As if they’d been waiting for the opportunity to replace the distance developed over recent decades with a more cohesive framework, a stronger sense of shared purpose based on familial ties.

Quite aside from their number, that sense of togetherness distracted him.

The line was thinning when a typically tall and lanky male Rawlings, his face lined and weather-beaten, his clothes sober and unfashionable, approached, a tall, plainly dressed lady on his arm. The man smiled at Francesca and bowed stiffly, but it was the stiffness of disuse rather than haughtiness.

“Walwyn Rawlings, my dear.”

Francesca smiled and gave him her hand.

Gyles only just stopped himself from grabbing her and thrusting her behind him.

Walwyn continued, “Allow me to present my wife, Hettie. We married over a year ago, but I confess I’ve yet to spread the news through the family.” He nodded to Gyles, smiling pleasantly, then glanced at the throng in the ballroom. “It looks like tonight will do the job for me.”

“I’m so pleased you could join us.” Francesca smiled at Hettie and shook hands. “You live in Greenwich, I believe?”

“Yes.” Rising from her curtsy, Hettie glanced at Walwyn. Her voice was soft and sweet. “Walwyn’s the curator of the new museum there.”