He was lost. He slammed into her hard one last time and felt his balls erupt, jetting cum through his cock in a pulsating wash of fire.

Afterward, he was loathe to release her legs and continued to rock his hips against her. Tension slid from his body while the last ripples rolled along his cock, slower now, fainter.

Slowing like the rhythm of his heart.

He removed his arms from beneath her knees and lowered himself on top of her, easing her legs alongside his thighs, while he rested most of his weight on his forearms.

Bodies aligned but still connected, they stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment, until Kili’s gaze fell away.

She drew a deep breath and blew it out. “Wow. Think there’s time for a second round?” Her attempt at lightness sounded forced.

He hated the reminder their time was nearing an end.

Apparently, she did, too. A shadow crossed her face, and she brushed his hair back with her fingers and tucked it behind his ears. “If you were real…if this were real…I’d want to stay like this forever.” The admission seemed real as the breathy catch in her voice.

Gunnar didn’t want to let go either. He hoped she’d say more and give him a key he could use later to unlock the soft, sexy side of Kili when next they met.

Here inside the program, he though he could see the heart of the real Kili, the one inside the brassy, smart-mouthed career woman. Here, she had no need for sexual subterfuge, no reason for sarcasm. She believed her thoughts and words were private-between her and a virtual reality program regulated by law to provide confidentiality. Here, he could eavesdrop on her heart’s desires.

He just wished he could ask her outright what the hell they were.


Kili framed his face with her palms and stared into his blue eyes. Now that her breath had caught up with her, she was content to stay like this-physically linked, blanketed by his large body. She felt truly surrounded.

Finally, overwhelmed.

This was the feeling she’d been seeking, although she hadn’t really known how wonderful and all-consuming it would be.

Now, she just wished she could figure out a way to find it outside the cave-back in her real life.

If only she could find another man like this caveman.

Knowing she’d never find his likes again, she sighed. “This is pretend, right?” she said softly. “I’m your cavewoman. You’re my caveman-boy-toy,” she quipped. She knew he didn’t understand and was glad for it, but she babbled away just the same. She liked to talk after having explosive sex-and saying whatever came to mind helped her keep from thinking too much about what lay ahead. “Although I think I’ll leave the grunting to you. Your delivery is quite masterful, by the way.”

His lips twitched and a growl rumbled in his chest.

She tilted her head to the side, trying to read the intent behind his ice-blue gaze. “You understand me, don’t you?”

He lifted his chin, and his gaze speared hers. “Ugh!”

Her breath caught. “Then every time I asked you to fuck me and you didn’t, you were just playing, right?”

His lips stretched around a wide, wicked grin.

“Oooh!” She smacked his chest and laughed. “I’m almost mad at you. But I really like where we ended up, so I think I’ll forgive you.”

When he ground his hips into her, she knew he understood her point. He punctuated it with a nip of her earlobe, which turned into sexy licks that rimmed her entire ear. Finally, he lifted his head to press a quick kiss to her mouth.

“Yeah, I know,” she said, slipping her arms around his shoulders to snuggle closer. “This feels great. You feel…” She lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “…incredible!” She giggled. “For a woman who makes her living finding just the right words, my brain seems stuck on one so far as you’re concerned.”

His head lowered and he nibbled at her chin, then nudged it up to suck the soft, ticklish skin along her neck.

“Oooh, you know exactly what I love,” she said, biting her lip, when he sucked particularly hard.

His hips circled over hers, and his cock stirred slowly back to life inside her.

Kili rubbed her inner thighs restlessly alongside his. Round Two was underway! “But I wish I had another name for you. I feel kind of silly calling you Ice Man all the time.” She grabbed a handful of his thick hair and pulled his face back. “Will you understand if I tell you I’m Kili?” She pointed to herself. “Kili.” Then she pointed to him.

He leaned to one side and lifted a hand to point a finger at himself, “Gnnnn.” He appeared frustrated, and his eyebrows lowered as he tried again. “Ggghhhhn,” was all he could growl out.

“Ghhnnn. Guuun? Shall I call you Gunn? Do you like that?”

He huffed a breath and nodded. “Ugh!”

She grinned. “I like that so much better than Ice Man. It’s not like you’re really him. But it’s not like you’d make great date material in real life, either. I know guys don’t like to talk, but a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ every once in a while is essential.” Only that was a lie. If only she could find someone like this caveman. Her “Gunn.” She had no illusions the real Ice Man was anything at all like this roughly tender man.

One blond eyebrow quirked upward and his head canted to the side.

“This virtual dating-I’ve never considered it before. A girlfriend turned me onto the vacation aspect, and thought a quick fling was just the thing I needed.” She traced the edge of his sharp cheekbone, not wanting to meet his gaze when she spoke so intimately about her inner thoughts. “I’m awfully glad she brought me here. I was feeling a little nervous. The guy you look like took my breath away, and I knew I wasn’t going to get an intelligible word out if I didn’t do something drastic to get back in control.

“Now, I think I’ll have no problem at all, because I’m not going to be the least bit attracted to him. He’s not anything like you. All beating his chest, ape man, growling at the cameras. You’re perfectly matched to my personality. I wanted a man who was less talk/all action, and they gave it to me.”

It must have been a trick of the light because it looked as though he crossed his eyes.

“Next time I come here I’ll definitely ask for some adjustments. Although, I may have to mortgage my house, because I think you’re going to be an addiction.”

His lips curved and he dipped down to nibble at her cheek.

“I know I’m talking your ear off, but I’m still feeling chatty like I always do after a really wild bout of sex-and this was the wildest I’ve ever had, so I have lots to talk about. I used to drive my old boyfriend nuts when all he wanted to do was sleep.”

His hips lifted and surged back inside-hard.

“Are you jealous? Or ready for me to shut up?”

Another sexy thrust had her lifting her knees to let him ease deeper. “A little of both, huh? No wonder Willa is always in a good mood after lunch,” she said, her breath getting lost again as her body revved up. “But I’m thinking I should have brought a change of underwear. I bet I’m soaked through.”

A low-pitched growl sounded from outside and Gunn’s head drew back sharply, his expression instantly hardening.

“We could ignore it,” Kili said, trying to turn his face back toward her. My time can’t be up! Please, not now!

He glanced back down, looking as though he was about to say something. Instead, he shook his head and leaned down to kiss her hard. When he ended it, he withdrew his cock, sliding it slowly out, his jaw tightening as though the effort was killing him.

She held him with her legs a moment longer, and then let him go. Despite the balmy air inside the cave, her skin dimpled at the loss of his heat.

He rose to his feet and grabbed the sheath of spears.

Kili’s breath caught on a moan. Standing near the mouth of the cave, red gold firelight flickering over his sweat-slick skin, his cock still erect and glistening from her juices-she knew she’d carry that picture with her for the rest of her life.

And then he was gone-and she was sucked back into the black dream-void, a low whooshing sound filling her ears.

Kili waited, feeling numb as the tech removed the electrodes from her chest and then slipped the helmet from her head. She accepted his hand to help her out of her seat and tugged at the bottom of her skirt.

Willa came bouncing from around the corner of a booth. “Well? How’d you like it?”

Kili gave her a thumbs up, although inside she felt like howling. “I think that did the trick.”

When the management team filed into the conference room, Kili steeled herself-and fought the urge to tug once more on the bottom of her skirt to make sure everything was covered. Her undies were tucked safely into her purse, and she hoped like hell she didn’t drop anything she’d have to bend down to retrieve.

Wilson nodded and proceeded to direct the men to the sideboard where drinks and snacks awaited. Kili stood beside the projection screen, ready to run through her prepared spiel.

Then Ice Man entered the room.

She thought she had herself back under control, but one look at his silvery blond hair and bluer-than-blue eyes and she forgot how to breathe again.

She forced her gaze away and gripped the papers in her hand hard, deciding then and there she wouldn’t look at him once during the presentation.

Her heart was too vulnerable, her emotions too raw. She’d had the adventure of a lifetime during a thirty-minute lunch break-and nothing would ever be the same.

She’d found-if not love-connection. Something she’d never known with a man before. But her lover didn’t exist.

Now that she knew how that “connection” felt, she wanted to find it again-with someone. But at the moment, it hurt too much to look at the man whose face would forever be etched on her heart.

“Ahem, Kili,” Wilson’s voice broke through her thoughts, bringing her back to the purpose for the meeting. The management team had all taken their seats and waited with pencils poised above pristine white pads of paper.

She gave him a nod and cleared her throat before sweeping her gaze over the men assembled to hear how she was going to increase the number of female viewers who tuned in to watch the Centurion Gladiators’ matches.

But her gaze snagged on Ice Man who remained standing beside the snack table, his arms crossed over his chest, his gaze boring into hers-wearing the exact same expression as her “Gunn.”

Swallowing, she tried to remember what she’d scripted for herself to say, but mortification settled around her like a heavy blanket of embarrassment when she couldn’t remember a word she’d rehearsed.

She dropped her gaze to her papers, realizing she couldn’t go with the pitch she’d prepared if she couldn’t remember it.

She drew a deep breath and decided to go with her gut. “Ever wondered what makes a woman hot? She’ll tell her girlfriend it’s an animal-a monosyllabic caveman in a loincloth-all bulging pecs, thick neck, and rippling abs. That man will certainly catch her eye-make her pause and stare. But how does he keep her interest?” She paused to swallow and wet her dry mouth.

“Is that a rhetorical question?” Ice Man’s deep voice came from the sideboard.

Finally, she was forced to meet his gaze. Her heart skipped a beat at the smoldering warmth she found there. “I am inviting…your answer,” she said carefully, pushing the words past stiffened lips.

“Gunnar Thorsson is the team’s elected rep,” her boss added. “He’s got final approval on the spot. He has a dead-on instinct for what people want.”

Gunnar? Her eyes opened wide.

His gaze didn’t waver. “A woman likes the danger and strength the warrior embodies, but she really wants more than a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’-or a primal grunt. She wants the warrior to unstop a clogged sink, or teach a child to play ball…and to tell her roughly, but eloquently, how beautiful she is to him.” The last seemed like a caress.

Christ, it couldn’t be him. Her Gunn. But he was giving her back her words…and more.

Had what happened in the cave been real, or at the very least, mutual? And who would she kill later-Willa or The Lunch Break staff for hooking them up? If it really was him, he’d remember every stupid thing she’d said.

Her throat tightened around a lump at the back of her throat. It couldn’t be true. She was just projecting her desires onto him.

Her eyes filled. She shook her head as she stared at him, hearing the murmured questions from the management team as she tried and failed to pull herself together.

Ice Man’s arms dropped to his sides and he stepped forward.