His mouth claimed hers yet again, his tongue stroking hers, seducing her with its long, soft caresses. Adjusting his hips, his hand slid between their bodies. He wrapped his fingers around his erection and allowed the tip to slide across her wetness.

“Ohhh,” they both moaned at once.

He moved his cock back and forth, slowly, feeling the sensations it created in every nerve ending of his body. It took absolute willpower to keep from sinking inside her body…but every second he waited would make the completion hotter, more intense.

“Now,” she cried out, urgency in her voice.

“Soon,” he said, barely keeping a grip on his restraint.

Without warning, he moved, maneuvering her to her side. “What are you doing?” she asked, surprised.

He didn’t say a word. She’d see soon enough.

Rolling onto his back, he pulled her with him. Her hands pressed on his chest, as he urged her to straddle him. Realization and a touch of nervousness flickered in her eyes.

Briefly, he wondered at the insecurities he glimpsed within her. Gently he urged, “Come, mi Hermosa. I want to see your passion.”

Moments later, she was willingly climbing on top of him. He was damn happy the lights were still on, because what an erotic sight she made.

Her skin was like a painting, pale and perfect. And her hair…long, silky strands danced around her shoulders. A blond veil of silk dangled over one of her sexy, round breasts, drawing his eyes to the red bud. He wanted it in his mouth.

Before she could hesitate, he took his cock in his hand and urged her to lean forward. He slid the tip along her wetness and then slowly slipped inside. His breath caught in his throat as she moaned softly.

Inch by inch, he felt her slide down his length, watching as her eyes fluttered shut in pleasure. Forcing a breath, his hands settled on her hips. His eyes feasted on the sight she made, gloriously naked and sexy. “You’re beautiful.”

She bit her bottom lip, her hands moving in a circular motion over his chest, timidly at first and then with more hunger in her touch. “So are you.” Her voice was low and heavy with arousal.

Their eyes locked and held. It was then, at that moment, that he felt a connection to her beyond what he had experienced with any other women. It was something he neither understood nor recognized as familiar.

Something passed between them…emotions, passion, perhaps even a deeply rooted understanding of each other. It was a connection of souls, deep and unexplainable. He felt it in his stomach, in the rapid beat of his heart, and in the arousal of his body.

“Come here,” he said taking her hand and pulling her forward. Her breasts pressed against his chest, arousing something primal inside, his mouth claiming hers in a hungry kiss.

Slowly, they began to move. Their bodies pressed close, each movement part of a sensual dance. Every stroke more frantic. Faster and harder. Sweet sounds of pleasure slid from her lips as she buried her face in his neck. Her hands were all over his body, hips pressing harder and harder against his.

“Come for me, mi Hermosa,” he whispered in her ear. “I want to know I please you.”

“You…do,” she replied in between strokes. “You…oh…um…do.”

His body begged for release, but he fought back his orgasm, wanting her to come first. His hand found one of her breasts, kneading and stroking. His lips found her neck.

She was close. So close. Breathing deeply, he filled his lungs with the delicious tang of her arousal.

He felt her rotate her hips, taking him deeper. She arched her back and cried out as he felt her first spasm grab his own. Seconds later, he gave into his own need for release, pushing deep into her body and pulling her down hard on his cock.

Spilling himself inside her, his body shook from the waves of pure pleasure racing through his body. Moments later, completely sated, he wrapped his arms around the amazing woman now still on top of him.

He stroked her hair and told her again how beautiful she was. Silently, he wished for so many things he couldn’t have. If only he could ask her name and tell her his. If only he could get to know her beyond this one night.

But he couldn’t. He knew he couldn’t. Instead, he would have to be satisfied with holding her and making love to her now. He could only hope she didn’t want sleep because this night had to last a lifetime.

Rolling her to her side, he pulled her close against his shoulder. She started to move. “I need to clean up.”

He kissed her forehead. “Don’t move. I’ll get you a towel.”

She stared at him, eyes wide, and then nodded. He returned only seconds later and pressed the small hand towel between her legs. He stretched out beside her again and pulled her into his arms.

Crazy as it seemed, he already wanted her again. “Rest a few minutes,” he told her, willing himself to contain his desire.

She laughed and looked up at him. “Only a few minutes?”

He smiled. “I see you have never experienced the desire of a Latino man.”

“I must admit,” she said, resting her chin on his chest, “you are the first.”

“You are pleased with the experience?” He already knew the answer, but he couldn’t resist asking. “Yes?”

She shifted and snuggled under his arm. “Yes.” The word was like a sigh of satisfaction. “I am quite pleased.”

His fingers found her hair, sinking into it, and enjoying the feel of the silky strands. “And I have only just begun, mi Hermosa.”

Jessica’s hand lay on top of the muscular chest of her Latin lover.

She inhaled the sexy, male scent he wore, feeling the first hint of newly forming arousal. Amazing. She sure wasn’t feeling sexless and boring.

Not one bit.

This man, whose name she didn’t even know, had helped her discover a new, sensual side of herself she wanted to explore. Her fingers curled in the dark hair on his chest, her hand itching to explore.

And why shouldn’t she?

This was a once in a lifetime experience. She’d never see him again. The only consequence she would have to live with would be regret if she didn’t take advantage of the time she had with this.

With that thought in mind, her decision was made. Her hand slowly began exploring his chest. She felt a tiny warmth begin to build inside as the muscles under her palm flexed.

He was awake.

Her head tilted and she found his skin with her mouth. Lips pressing against his chest as her tongue darted out to taste him. His hand slid down the back of her hair, a tender, sexy caress that spurred her into action with the approval it offered.

Hungrily, her tongue, lips and teeth explored, lingering at his dark, flat nipples and pulling a moan from his mouth.

She smiled inwardly, loving the ability to arouse this man. Sliding her body closer his, her breasts pressed against his side, she kissed her way up his chest to his neck.

His hands inched into her hair as he urged her mouth to his. She met his tongue with her own, needing the connection, loving his flavor. Enjoying the tantalizing way he used that tongue of his to seduce.

But this was her seduction, as much as she enjoyed his. It was her turn to take control, and she wanted it. For far too long, she had played the submissive in her personal life.

Not now. Not here. Not with this man.

Her hand slid down his stomach and flat, taut abdominals rippled beneath her touch.

Seeking…She found exactly what she was looking for. He was hard and ready for her. But she wanted to play a while. No rushing. Briefly, purposely, she ran her hand along his erection.


His body jerked at the touch, and he made a sound, much like a growl, deep and aroused. Just like his body.

“I want you,” she said against his mouth, being bold about her desire, even verbally. Something she normally didn’t do.

He nipped at her bottom lip, breathing with her, as one of his hands pulled her tighter against his body. She nipped back, and ran her tongue along his bottom lip, imitating his action.

His head lifted slightly as he tried to claim her mouth, but she resisted, feeling empowered. This was a new her, a stronger, bolder, spicier woman.

Her hand flattened on his chest as she sat up, giving him a full view of naked breasts. His eyes dropped, heated. Body reacting to his stare, her nipples puckered, eager for his touch.

For a split second, she felt nervous, but this was a little fantasy. One she had the pleasure of living rather than dreaming. One where she was sexy, confident and free to explore her sexual side.

“Hermosos. Los quiero tocar.” His voice was low, and laced with arousal.

She wasn’t sure what he said, but the way he said it was sexy as hell. It made her whole body heat.

Then in English, he said, “I want to touch.”

A slow smile turned up the corners of her mouth. “Not yet.” He had made her wait earlier.


Her stranger reached for her, and Jessica moved, maneuvering so that she was between his legs. Leaning up on his elbows, he looked at her, surprise and a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Or maybe it was anticipation.

She reached forward, eyes dropping to the focus of her attention, as her hand circled his cock. For long moments, she stared at her hand as it held his body. It felt liberating and sexy to feel him throbbing in her palm.

Her gaze lifted to his, wanting to see his reactions, his passion. And it was indeed there for her viewing. His eyes held his desire like a frame would a picture, displaying it for her viewing.

She loved this. Watching him watch her. Wanting to see his reaction. She kept eye contact as she lowered her mouth. Her tongue dashed out, touching the tip of his erection. He moaned, and she felt a rush of empowerment.

Gently, she circled the tip with her tongue and then took it into her mouth. He flattened onto his back, his body taut with the tension of pleasure.

Teasing him, she held her mouth there, tongue swirling in a seductive little dance. Amazingly, she felt incredibly turned on by the act. With her ex, she had hated sex in general. Pleasuring him in this way had been a chore.

With this man, she wanted to linger. She wanted to make him feel pleasure under her ministrations. Slowly, she began sliding back down his body. Desire played on her nerve endings as his fingers settled in her hair. It made her tongue explore, even as she began sliding up and down his length.

Her hand tightened around him, her tongue licking and teasing. As she increased the speed and pressure of her mouth, he lifted his hips, and he moved with her. She reveled at her success, loving the way his body responded, clearly eager for more of what she offered.

What she so wanted to give.

Low moans came from his mouth, feeding her own actions, making her taste him with deeper strokes. But she also wanted to come with him inside her. Greedy though it might be, she didn’t want him to come and have this be over.

In one long stroke, she slid down his length and released him from her mouth. Her tongue lapped at the tip, circling it one last time.

She pulled herself upright, balancing on her knees, wanting a good look at his gorgeous body. He put one arm behind his head, looking at her, eyes dark with passion. For long moments, he allowed her to look her fill, and she did so with hungry eyes. As much as she yearned for him to be inside her, she also loved looking at him. What if it was her only chance?

He was nothing short of a work of art, broad chest, with a narrow waist that tapered to rippling, deliciously defined abdominals. Her hands ran the length of his strong thighs, feeling them flex beneath her touch.

He murmured something in Spanish and moved suddenly, taking her by surprise. His hands slid up her back, sending a rush of sensation to all parts of her body. He was kissing her neck, and his hand slid to one of her breasts and kneaded.

She moaned, her nipple tightening against the rough texture of his palm. His touch threatened to take her control, and she pressed her palms on his shoulders.

“Not so fast,” she said urgently.

He responded to her tone, leaning back to see her face, but not releasing her. “No, porque.”

“I’ll tell you when you can touch.”

His eyes narrowed, and then a slow smile slid onto his lips. There was a challenge in his voice. “If I can’t touch, mi Hermosa, you touch.”

A flash of insecurity made her freeze, eyes dropping to his chest. Could she do that in front of him? But she didn’t have time to think. His hand was over hers, and the next thing she knew, her hand and his were on her breast.