Her eyes lifted, his darker ones pinning her in a hot stare. “You are very sexy, mi Hermosa.”

It was as if he sensed she needed the reassurance. But she didn’t want to need it. Her hand moved beneath his, gently applying pressure to her breast. His hand dropped from hers, his gaze shifting to take in her actions.

She brought her other hand to her other breast, squeezing and kneading. She could feel the impact of her actions on him, so thick was the sexual tension in the air. It empowered her, pressing her to release her inhibitions.

His head bent and kissed one of her hands, tongue slipping between her fingers to one nipple. She moaned, head tilting backwards. He eased her hands to the sides of her breasts, pinching her nipples with just enough pressure to almost be painful. Deliciously so.

“You do it,” he said in a soft voice. She looked at him, wetting her lips as she did, her heart beating double time. She didn’t hesitate, sliding her hands to replace his and pinching as he had done.

A low growl escaped his throat as she felt his fingers slide between her legs. She was wet with desire, her body begging for satisfaction. He fed that need, stroking her sensitive flesh with his fingers and then dipping one inside her.

Her hands went to his shoulders. “I want you,” she whispered hoarsely, needing him inside her.

His hands slid to her waist, and he maneuvered so his erection settled between her legs. “Then what are we waiting for?”

She wasn’t sure how, but they were almost at the headboard. Palms against his chest, she pressed him backwards, so he ended up sitting against the wood, legs in front of him. But they needed a condom. She had seen an extra on the floor where he had dropped it earlier. The temptation to skip it, knowing she had the pill as protection, was extreme. But she forced herself to move. To retrieve the small package.

Tearing it open, she watched him. Hungering like she never had before. And then she wrapped her fingers around his cock, loving the hard pulse beneath her hand. Quickly, she rolled the protection down his length. And then, able to wait no longer, she straddled him.

The tip of his erection met her wetness, and she bit back a moan. She needed him. Her body cried out impatiently, and she responded by taking all of him in one quick movement.

They both gasped, her head falling backwards, lashing floating down to her cheeks, pleasure dancing along nerve endings. She couldn’t ever remember feeling this aroused.

“Mi Hermosa,” he said huskily, when she didn’t immediately move.

Her head tilted downward, eyes opening, as she responded to his plea. Hand on his chest, she arched her back and slowly began moving.

It was a mad rush of passion then, hands on each other’s bodies, mouths meeting, tasting, teasing. She couldn’t get enough of him. Something was between them, an unusual attraction that seemed to make them hunger for each other. It was as if they were trying to become one.

They clung, her breasts pressed to his chest, tongues meeting hungrily, until a rush of heat sent her over the edge.

She trembled and shook with the impact of release, fingers pressing into his back, body contracting with force. His hips seemed to buck as he joined her, body thrusting into hers, a moan escaping his mouth.

When finally they stilled, neither moved for long moments. It was as if neither could completely believe the full force of what had happened between them.

Or maybe they simply didn’t want it to end.


It was nearly time for sunrise when Dominic Montez forced himself to slide out of the bed, careful not to wake his sleeping beauty. Usually, leaving was easy. This time it was not. This time this woman had gotten to him in a way no other had before.

But he couldn’t stay, even if he wanted to. He had an informant to meet in Brownsville, a job to do. And his job as a DEA agent was exactly why he made a better one-night stand than future lover. The nastiness that touched his life wasn’t meant to be shared.

Yet, the connection between him and this woman enticed him to linger, wishing things could be different. He stared down at her, her blond hair a mass of silk on the pillow. Inhaling, Dominic could almost smell the floral scent it held. So sweet. So alluring.

The temptation to crawl back into the bed and hold her just a little longer enticed him. To feel what he had just moments before, as she’d slept in his arms, relaxed and far too trusting.

He had made love to her over and over, determined to embrace every second he had with her. In the back of his mind, he knew his motivation. He wanted this unique woman to remember him for what they shared.

Regret for what would never be burned his soul. There was something about this beautiful white woman that called to him. But he would only be trouble and pain for her. Not that she would want someone like him.

For Dominic, the options were limited. His career ruled his life. A fact that had begun to bother him lately. At thirty-five, he barely remembered his own name, he was undercover so much. He had nothing to offer a woman like this one. Nothing of value.

Dominic knew he had to leave and he had to do it while she slept, without saying goodbye. He grabbed the hotel notepad and pen from the nightstand, pausing a moment as he tried to decide what to say.

Mi Hermosa,

I will never forget our night together.

He paused, struggling with how to sign the note. Using his name wasn’t an option. Finally he wrote,



He started toward the door, note in hand, and stopped as he almost stepped on her purse where it still lay on the floor. Squatting, he hesitated, and then gave into his urge. He unzipped her purse, determined to find out her name. Identifying a business card holder, he withdrew a card, and then returned the purse to its normal order.

Standing, Dominic left her purse on the floor, not wanting her to think he’d done what he had, and looked inside. Dominic gave her a quick look, confirming she was still sleeping, and then eased the door open, the note wedged into the closure.

He paused outside the door and read the name on the card. Jessica Montgomery, Assistant District Attorney, Travis County. “No fucking way,” he murmured. That meant she dealt with criminal types almost as much as he did.

On a timeline, Dominic had no choice but to head out. He couldn’t risk missing his meeting. But as he started toward the office, intending to pay the bill, he couldn’t get his mind off the “what ifs.”

Sliding the card in the front pocket of his jeans, Dominic forced himself to think about the business ahead of him…for now.

Later he’d decide what to do about Jessica Montgomery.

Jessica woke slowly, eyes fluttering open, nostrils flaring with the scent of the man she had tasted and touched all night. She didn’t move, knowing her time with him was now limited, wanting to enjoy it just a little longer.

Sunlight beamed through the windows, making certain she knew her fantasy world was about to end. The absence of cloud cover told her the storms had ended.

She squeezed her eyes shut, mentally reliving the images of her and her stranger in heated embraces. After long moments, she forced herself to open them again. She needed to touch him just one more time. Reaching for him, her hand met the mattress. Lifting her head with a sudden rush of fear, she found herself in bed, alone.

Her eyes moved to the bathroom, hopeful that he was there, not gone. But the door was open, and the light was out.

He was gone. She was indeed alone.

Unbidden, a tiny ache of disappointment formed. She threw the covers aside and sat up, refusing to let the reality of the situation get to her. This was how it was supposed to be. A one-night stand ended in one night. That was the whole point.

And it wasn’t like she wanted a relationship.

Shoving her feet off the edge of the bed, she stood. That’s when she saw the piece of paper shut in the door. Her heart began pounding against her chest, anticipation thrumming in her body like a second skin.

Maybe he hadn’t left. Maybe he had just gone out for a minute.

Gingerly, she moved toward the note, and with far too much eagerness, she opened the door. Securing the piece of paper, she shoved the door shut. And then she read.

It was short and to the point. He was gone. She was alone. “D” was how he signed it. She still didn’t even know his name.

Jessica sank to the ground, back against the door, thinking about her past, and how much she’d allowed herself to miss. Compliments of her stranger, she now knew there really was a sexual woman inside her. Now that it had revealed itself, Jessica had no intention of shoving it back into hiding.

Memories floated in her mind. Of her stranger. Of her ex saying nasty things. Even blaming her for his cheating. But this stranger, and her night with him, had proven she wasn’t, as her ex had said…sexless.

So he might be gone, but she still owed her sexy stranger a silent “thank you.” She was going to embrace the future feeling more confident. Certainly, she was now making room for some physical satisfaction. She smiled at that thought, and pushed to her feet.

Sex had certainly taken on a new meaning.

All she needed was the right man.

An hour later, Jessica entered the motel lobby-if the dingy box of a room could be called that. She needed to deal with her car and get on the road.

Approaching the counter, Jessica found a teenage boy so consumed by a handheld game of some sort he didn’t notice her approach.

Delicately, she cleared her throat. “I’m in room-”

He slid an envelope toward her. “112,” he said, glancing up at her. “I know. Your room’s paid for, and your car is out back being repaired.”

Jessica frowned and started to ask questions but the kid interrupted. “That guy you were with said he had to leave but wanted to make sure you were taken care of. Paid for an extra night so you could wait in your room while your car gets repaired. Just a bad alternator though. It’ll be ready soon.” The boy smiled. “That man, he sure was a good tipper. Tell him to come back anytime.”

Jessica smiled. “I’ll tell him,” she said, thinking she wouldn’t mind one more visit with her stranger herself.

One more hot night.


Dominic sat down on yet another hotel bed. After passing on the details his informant had delivered, he flipped his cell phone shut.

Until a week before, Dominic had been deep undercover with the Alvarez Cartel. The information he’d received today helped take down a motorcycle gang traffic king drugs over the border for Alvarez. It had been the final piece of evidence needed before arrests were made.

Eyeing the hotel room, Dominic took in the floral bedspread and picture of a rose over the particle-board dresser. In Brownsville, this was about the best accommodations available. The town wasn’t known for luxury, but the beach and border nearby drew tourists regardless.

Dominic’s mind went back to the dingy roadside motel he’d shared with Jessica. To the beautiful white woman he’d forced himself to forget while he attended business.

In truth, she’d been there, lingering just beneath the surface, begging for attention the entire day. Unsure why, but unable to stop the urge, Dominic eased backward, shoving two fingers in the pocket of his jeans and retrieving her business card.

He stared at it, still surprised at her title of assistant DA. Flipping the card around between his fingers, he considered the implications. She understood the nastiness of the criminal world, of his world. She’d know what DEA meant. What complications came with the job.

A frustrated sigh slid from his mouth, and he tossed the card on the nightstand. If she knew the complications, she’d know he was trouble. He scrubbed his jaw, still unshaven, a one-day growth soon to become two.

Pushing to his feet, he crossed the tiny expanse of the room which included a sink and mirror, the toilet being in a tiny closed hole of a room. He leaned against the counter, looking into the mirror.

“Chingado,” he murmured, searching his image for answers.

Why was he even considering contacting her again? Why? He’d seen how his line of work destroyed relationships. No. It was more than just his job. It was the impact of his job. The darkness he’d seen. The things he’d allowed himself to become in the name of good. The undercover jobs that almost sucked him under and destroyed all he knew himself to be.