Things best kept to himself.

Yet…Jessica had touched him in some way he didn’t quite understand. And now, her role in law enforcement seemed to almost invite a future connection.

Dominic let his head drop between his shoulders, trying to make sense of how much he wanted to see her again. Considering the road they’d both traveled, the likelihood she was right here in Brownsville seemed strong. So close. So easy to track down with one quick phone call.

Not giving himself time to think, Dominic shoved away from the sink and walked back to the bed and sat down. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and dialed, taking advantage of the resources available to him.

A minute later, he was talking to a contact, a research specialist, from his base office. “I need everything you can get me on Travis County Assistant District Attorney Jessica Montgomery.” He paused. “I’m fairly certain she’s in Brownsville today, and I need to know where.”

As expected, Dominic wasn’t questioned. If he needed intel, he got it. Years of service and a track record of success gave him certain liberties. The specialist would simply believe he was tracking down a lead related to his assignment.

And though Jessica wasn’t part of his job, she most definitely had become a distraction he had to deal with.

Hours later, Dominic pulled his bike into Beth Montgomery’s driveway and killed the engine. He’d considered his choices and knew showing up and seeing Jessica in person was his only option. She’d think he was a stalker if he called and probably blow him off. Or she’d just let fear drive him away. He’d seen a lot of fear in her. Too much. Fear, he realized, he wanted to drive away permanently.

He knew this was nuts. He came with baggage she didn’t need. On the other hand, he’d seen the ghosts in those blue eyes and knew he’d put them at bay.

Starting toward the front porch, his groin tightened at the mere thought of seeing Jessica again. Of touching her and feeling her tight against his body.

No other woman had ever drawn this kind of potent response. He couldn’t walk away without finding out if it had been a fantasy that the light of day destroyed.

Or if it was more…


Jessica had made it to Brownsville just in time for the birthday party which included dinner, cake and lots of friends and family. Her mother had lived with Beth, her sister, since their father’s death several years before. It had done Jessica good to see her doing well with Beth.

Now, hours after the festivities, exhausted from travel and no sleep, Jessica sat on a wooden swing located on the back porch of her sister’s small, country house. Wearing jeans, no shoes or socks, and a t-shirt, she felt relaxed for the first time in a long while.

Staring into the rich black of night, no stars in sight, a breeze lifted her hair from her neck, her nostrils flaring with the scent of rain. Another storm was headed toward them. The thought conjured erotic images from the night before.

Of her Zorro look-a-like, with long, dark hair, mesmerizing eyes and milk chocolate skin. She loved his skin color. Loved how intimate and perfectly he had touched her. How sexy and feminine he’d made her feel.

The screen door squeaked, snapping Jessica reluctantly back to reality. Jessica opened her eyes, unaware she’d even allowed them to drift shut.

Beth peered around the doorway. “What are you doing out here, alone?”

“Just enjoying the peaceful night.”

Beth gave her a probing look, and then stepped past the door, letting it slam shut. “Why do I feel like you have some secret you’re dying to tell but you aren’t sure you should?”

Jessica laughed, hoping it didn’t sound as nervous as she felt. Beth had gotten married, a virgin, right out of high school. Admitting to Beth she’d slept with a stranger, and didn’t even know his name, simply wasn’t an option.

Besides, part of Jessica wanted to keep her Latin lover a special secret. “I assure you anything I might share is incredibly boring,” Jessica said, patting the seat beside her, the swing big enough for two. “Come sit with me.”

“I’m not wrong,” Beth said, tossing her long, blond hair over her shoulder. Several years younger than Jessica, they shared the same coloring, though Beth was much taller, a good three inches above Jessica’s five foot four. “I know you. Something is going on.” She sat down next to Jessica, and angled her body to study her sister. “I can see it in your eyes.”

“You are as crazy as always, I see,” Jessica teased, diverting her gaze, trying to act nonchalant as she stared out into the darkness. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she hugged them.

“Come on, Jess,” Beth prodded. “Tell me.”

“There’s nothing to tell,” Jessica replied, peeking at Beth. Then, she held up a finger. “Wait. I go to trial on Monday. Want to hear about the case?”

Beth made a frustrated sound. “You are always at trial, prosecuting some bad guy. And no, I do not want to hear the details. You know I don’t like all that law stuff. I run a flower shop for God’s sakes.” She crossed her jean-clad legs. “And you’re trying to distract me anyway.”

“I am not,” Jessica insisted even though they both knew she was.

“Are too,” Beth said. She made a humph sound. “Fine.” Her lips thinned. “Keep the fun stuff to yourself.” She reached out and pulled a strand of Jessica’s hair through her fingers. “It’s gotten longer. The last time I saw you it was barely to your shoulders, and now it’s well past them.”

Guilt tightened Jessica’s gut as she turned to her sister. It also opened up the door for Jessica to say what was on her mind. “I’m sorry. I know I’ve been far too withdrawn from you and mom. I buried myself in my work after the divorce but that’s behind me. I’m going to change that. I promise.”

Beth laced her fingers through Jessica’s. “Both mom and I knew you just needed time. All we want is for you to be happy.” She narrowed her eyes on Jessica. “Are you happy?”

“I’m getting there,” Jessica said, surprised at how much she meant her words.

Before her sister could respond, the doorbell rang. “Great,” Beth said, a frustrated sound following the word. “Mom and the baby are sleeping. Who would be visiting now?”

Jessica glanced at her watch and shot an amused look at Beth. “It’s eight o’clock. Not late by most people’s standards.”

Beth pushed to her feet and shook a finger at Jessica. “Wait until you have babies. Eight will feel like midnight. I’ll be right back.”

As the screen door slammed shut, Jessica laughed out loud. Beth hadn’t changed. Always melodramatic. Always in crisis. She hadn’t realized just how much she’d missed her until now.

Until this weekend, she hadn’t realized how much of everything she’d missed. Her mind raced back to the motel. To the awakening of the woman inside. The one she intended to keep alive and well.

Jessica was just about to go check on the visitor when Beth cleared her throat from behind. “Jessica,” she said. “You have a visitor.”

Jessica’s brows dipped. No one would visit her here. She’d barely kept in contact with her family, let alone anyone else. “What?” She rotated around in the swing to see the doorway. “Who?”

And then her jaw dropped because she could see exactly who herself. It was him. Her sexy stranger. Her lover for a night. And though she saw him there, in the doorway, looming above her sister by several inches, it didn’t seem real. Her stranger couldn’t be here, in her sister’s home. She blinked.


It wasn’t possible.

With her back to the stranger, Beth proceeded to form the silent word “wow” meant for Jessica’s eyes only. God, what must her sister be thinking? Crap. What had he told her?

Her gaze lifted to his, to her fantasy man, who’d suddenly invaded her real world, and the impact stole her breath away. Those eyes…those dark, sultry eyes of his packed a powerful punch of pure heat. They seduced with a mere look, wordlessly promising pleasure.

And they demanded she remember.

Memories flooded her mind. Of naked bodies entwined. Of boldly telling this man what she wanted and needed. Even demanding it.

How long she sat there, unmoving, body getting all warm and wet, with the vivid play of intimate moments, she didn’t know. It was him, the stranger no longer a secret, who broke the silence.

“I told you I might be in town today. Didn’t you warn your sister I might drop by?”

His voice was both familiar and thick with the soft, silky accent she’d found such a turn-on. Still did, it appeared, because she felt the distinct ache of pleasure between her thighs.

Jessica swallowed, unable to think what to say. She didn’t understand how he was here or what he was saying. “I…I guess I didn’t.”

Beth made a tsk sound. “Now I know what your secret was.” She winked at Jessica. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

Her sister’s words shook Jessica back into action. She scrambled to her feet, backing up against the wooden railing of the patio. Beth disappeared, and he stepped out onto the porch and under the one dim light above the door.

His long raven hair was pulled back at his neck, a tie holding it in place, his square jaw dusted with dark stubble. His black jeans and matching, snug t-shirt, along with boots, completed the renegade look.

The one that screamed sex and fantasies.

Only this wasn’t a fantasy. He was real. And getting closer. Suddenly, he was moving, and in two long strides he stood beside the railing, and she rotated to face him. So close she could smell his spicy male scent. The same enticing scent she’d awakened wearing like a second skin just hours before.

But no matter how familiar her body might find this man, he was indeed a stranger. One who shouldn’t know how to find her. “Why are you here?” she demanded, straightening her spine. “No. How? How are you here?”

A hint of a smile lifted one corner of his sensual mouth. “Hello mi Hermosa.” A pause and a nod. “Jessica.”

She should be scared. Damn it, she was no fool. She didn’t really know this man. So why was her stomach fluttering with excitement and nerves instead of fear?

“How do you know me?” she asked.

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a wallet, flipping it open and exposing a badge. DEA. She knew it at sight. Quickly, Jessica found his name, trying to determine if it was familiar. “Dominic Montez,” she said, reading it out loud, but not placing it. She narrowed her eyes on him, searching his masculine features, trying to think of a time they’d met. “Did we know each other before…um…?”

He leaned closer. “Before we made love all night?” he asked, in a husky whisper.

Her nipples tightened at the words, and she felt the ache of undeniable lust between her thighs. She let out a breath and eased backward, afraid she was going to lose all rational thought. Normally, as an attorney who knew the courtroom well, she handled herself with grace. With this man instinct took over. Right now, getting naked and repeating last night sounded far too good.

She needed answers and she knew it. “Did we know each other before?” she asked again, leaning her palm on the railing to her right for stability.

He mimicked her action, resting his elbow on the wooden ledge to his left. The position put him closer to eye-level with her.

“Not before last night, mi Hermosa.” He spoke the words precisely, emphasizing the familiar endearment he’d spoken so many times as he’d made love to her, his eyes holding hers as if he wanted her to see the truth in them. “I took the liberty of taking one of your business cards.”

The idea of him going through her purse bothered her, yet, if he hadn’t he wouldn’t be here now. She was confused. The feeling made her snap. “You went into my purse?” Her voice held accusation.

His nod came slowly. “That’s right, and I used my contacts to find out where you were tonight. I wanted to see you again.” He pushed off the railing, his expression suddenly indiscernible, his mood darker. The barely there smile, gone. “You can report me if you like. I won’t deny my actions.”

There was no apology in his voice. In fact, his words felt like a dare. She searched his eyes, his face. An almost overwhelming urge to reach out and touch him overcame her. Like an urge to reassure. To comfort. An urge she didn’t let herself act upon.

“Dominic,” she said, trying to offer in that word what she hadn’t been willing to in touch.

And just like that, he closed the distance between them. He reached out to do what she had resisted, to touch. Anticipation sent a shiver racing down her spine. But just as the reward, the desired feel of his skin against hers, was to come, he pulled back, his hand dropping to his side.