His arm circled her waist and he held her against his damp body. “Let me help.”

“What can you do? You don’t have a pint of blood handy do you?” Her words were meant to be flippant, but they caught in her throat on a sob. “Oh, TJ, I’m so sorry.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” He pulled her into his arms and pressed his check against her cold one. “After that time we made love, I thought I’d scared you off. That’s why you stayed away.”

“No way,” she said into his neck, her teeth only a breath away from the strong flowing blood beneath his skin.

“Let me help you.” He pushed her back and stared into her eyes.

“How? Do you think that you could drive me to the nearest blood bank and I’ll just run in and make a withdrawal?” She shook her head. “It doesn’t work that way.”

His hands tightened. “Let me feed you.”

“No!” She tried to back away from him, horrified at how her body leaped at the offer, her mouth watering in anticipation. “I can’t. You can’t.”

“Why not?” He straightened his shoulders. “You didn’t ask to be a vampire, but you have to be fed to stay alive, right? I’m offering to help. Let me.”

Temptation stared at her in the form of one very sexy, muscular cop. Should she take him up on the offer and slake her thirst? Would she be able to stop at just enough or would she go too far? “I don’t know how to control how much I take.”

“Have you fed off others?” he asked, tipping her chin up.

“Yes.” It cost her to admit to it. She found it disturbing, biting into a stranger’s throat. Taking without asking. “I didn’t kill anyone or make them a vampire. I stopped in time.”

“Then feed off me. I’ll take my chances.”

The sincerity in his voice and the gentleness of his touch were her undoing. “You don’t know what you’re getting into. Hell, I don’t either. This is all new to me.”

“Then let’s learn together.” He brushed his lips against hers.

The tenderness of his kiss slammed into Cassidy like the wind against the outside of the house. The door to her restraint blew open and all her cravings burst free. “Are you sure?” She gasped as she pressed her breasts to his chest, not convinced she could stop herself, even if he changed his mind.


“Will it put your career in danger?” she whispered as her lips trailed along his jaw line and down to the warm pulse in his throat. Hunger surged up from her belly, filling her chest and rising upward. Her mouth opened and her gums stretched allowing the incisors to lengthen and sharpen into gleaming white daggers.

“Just do it, Cassidy. Let me worry about my job.” He reached up to cup the back of her head and shove her down on his neck.


Pain ripped through him from the point of penetration to every nerve in his body. Self-preservation instincts kicked in and he grasped her arms to shove her off. Before he could, the pain fell away like so much chaff in the breeze, replaced by tingling warmth. Sensuous heat spread through his body.

Fear fluttered through his belly. For the past weeks, he’d been fighting vampires on the streets of Houston. They were evil, treacherous monsters. Now he’d given his throat to one of them.

No. Cassidy was his girl. His neighbor, human in every way except the teeth penetrating his jugular. What had he been thinking? Was her plea of blood a trick? Would she kill him and have the last laugh on the gullible cop?

Cassidy’s hand skimmed down his back to his buttocks, cupping it firmly and pressing him into her pelvis.

His cock jerked to life and swelled beneath his trousers.

Thoughts jumbled in his head as the waves of desire clouded his brain and forged their way to his lower extremities, igniting his senses into a frenzy of lust and a need so commanding he couldn’t deny.

The hands he’d gripped her with smoothed down her arms, sliding over moist droplets of rain. Lower still, they traveled to the hem of her dress, lifting it up over her hips.

A loud thump sounded from outside the house, but it barely registered in TJ’s head. He couldn’t think beyond driving his engorged penis into this incredible woman.

The harder and faster the better. But he was limited to how far he could move without breaking her hold on his neck. Intense waves of pleasure surged from the point her mouth touched him, and he was incapable of turning her away.

With her dress bunched up around her waist, he tore at her panties, pushing the scrap of lace and elastic over her hips and down her thighs.

Cassidy moaned and pressed her furry mound against his pants, fumbling to unbuckle his belt with one hand. Her haste only cost more time.

Shoving her hands away, TJ grabbed for the belt, unbuckled and ripped it from his belt loops.

“Show-off,” she said into his neck, her lips brushing against his skin like feathers of a boa.

“I take it you’re feeling better?” His fingers worked loose the top button of his uniform trousers.

“Ummmm, you’ve no idea.” Before he could unzip his pants, her hands were there, sliding beneath the waistband, pressing the zipper down at the same time her fingers slid into his briefs.

“I think I do.” All the air left his lungs when her hand rolled his balls between her fingers. “Oh, yes. I think I do.”

He lifted her legs around him and carried her down the hall into his bedroom. Setting her ass onto the edge of the bed, he eased her back until he lay over her, his chest pressing against hers, the fabric of his shirt and her dress unwanted layers between their skin.

Her legs fell open and TJ pressed his cock against her creamy opening, fighting the urge to slam his way home and fuck her like there would be no tomorrow. And the way the storm raged outside, there might not be a tomorrow for the two of them.

Yet, he held back, knowing how much more satisfying it would be to see her come, to witness her screaming out his name, begging him to take her.

Insinuating his hand between them, he parted her folds and flicked her swollen clitoris.

Cassidy bucked beneath him, her teeth sinking deeper into his neck, inspiring bittersweet rivulets of pain to trickle across his nerves. “Easy, now.”

Her jaw loosened and her tongue shot out to lave his skin.

As the pain subsided, his fingers slid lower and dipped into her cunt, stroking the inner walls with first one, then two fingers until he had all four fingers shoved in as deep as they would go.

Another moan vibrated against his neck and her legs rose up around him.

Before she could lock them around his middle, he put out a hand halting her progress. “Un-uh. Not yet.”

A mewl of protest gurgled from her throat as she released his throat and licked his blood from her lips.

For all the nights of fighting bad vamps, TJ wondered why seeing a tongue lap at the deep red blood didn’t repulse him.

Her heels braced on the edge of the bed, she pushed upward, ramming his hand farther into her.

With his other hand, he cupped her ass and slid a finger down the crease between her cheeks until he found her anus. He dragged her juices downward circling the tight little hole, coating it before he poked in.

Cassidy’s fingers raked across his back and kneaded the muscles along the base of his spine. Her strength had returned and she was ready.

A vague thrill of satisfaction filled him knowing he was the one to provide her sustenance. His penis throbbed, demanding release, aching for the smooth, slick walls of her vagina wrapped around him.

“Scoot back,” he urged, lifting her to shift her farther onto the mattress.

She inched backward until she lay across the middle of the bed.

The brief loss of connection left TJ breathless and off balance, until Cassidy looked up at him, her hooded gaze beckoning him. She spread her legs wide and ran a hand down over her mons, swirling a finger across the opening to her pussy, coating it with a thick sheen of come. With his blood still staining her lips bright red, she said, “Fuck me.”

Unable to resist, and completely mindless of the consequences, TJ climbed between her thighs, and poised his cock at the mouth of her glistening core.

Her legs snaked up and around his waist and slammed him into her at the same time she reclaimed his neck.

A euphoric haze blinded him but for the woman writhing beneath him. TJ rammed into her, lifting her hips to drive deeper until her teeth clamped tight over his throat and her body went rigid.

Blood pounded against his eardrums like a freight train, roaring through his head like a raging storm. His own body peaked and spiraled into a mind-blowing kaleidoscope of exploding sensations. With his cock sheathed to the hilt, he froze, letting his orgasm wash over him until he lay limp against her body.

Sometime afterward, he could feel her teeth retract, slipping free of his skin. Her tongue swept over the wounds, gently laving the punctures, the gesture strangely soothing.

“Wow,” he said, nuzzling her ear as he lay on the bed next to her, turning her to face him without breaking their intimate connection.

“Wow,” she echoed, a smile curving her lips as she lay with her eyelids at half-mast.

“If I’d known making love with a vampire was so great, I’d have done it much sooner.”

Her brow furrowed and she slapped at his arm. “And here I thought you actually liked me for who I am, not what I am.”

He pulled her into his arms and held her against his chest. “More than you can imagine. I thought you never wanted to see me again.”

Snuggling closer, she unbuttoned his shirt and pressed her cheek to his naked chest. “I wanted to come to you so badly. But I didn’t know how you’d react to my…er…condition.”

He nipped at her ear. “I can see where your…condition could be an advantage.” He pushed his still stiff cock deeper.

“But what about your job, your life?”

Tugging gently, he inched her dress up and over her head. He loved seeing all of her body and it was even more beautiful with her appetite satiated, her skin pink and healthy. “I definitely have some rethinking to do on this whole vampire thing.” His stomach flipped at what his supervisor would say if he knew TJ had slept with the enemy.

She reached up and traced a finger across his lip. “I’ll understand if you don’t want to see me anymore.”

Not see her? This was Cassidy, not a mindless, heartless beast. Had he been wrong all along about vampires?

“Not all vampires are bad,” she said, as if reading his thoughts. “Just like not all humans are good.”

“True. As it is, I like working nights, and I can’t imagine spending my life with a mere mortal after having you.” He rocked his hips, his cock swelling within her channel.

“I can never have children,” she said, sliding her arms out of her bra.

He pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder and took one rosy-tipped breast between his teeth. “Kids are overrated.”

“I’ll never die. Unless I stand out in the sun too long or someone stakes me.”

“I’ll make sure you stay away from sharp objects. And maybe someday I’ll join you.”

“Would you do that for me?” Her fingers laced around his neck, pulling him down to her lips.

Would he? He stared down at Cassidy, her dark hair fanned across his pillow and couldn’t think of another face he’d rather see there, human or not. “We’ll take it a day at a time and see what tomorrow brings.” Then he kissed her.

Outside, the raging storm spent itself and eased into a gentle, cleansing rain.


MYLA JACKSON is an award-winning, multi-published author of highly sensuous romances. Ever since she and her sister, Delilah Devlin, challenged each other to write romance, neither one has looked back. From kick-ass action/adventure to character-driven stories, she takes her readers on wild and sexy rides, garnering fabulous reviews and rabid fans. Myla atributes her success to her sense of adventure, a love of fast-paced fantasies, and the synergy she and Delilah generate as brainstorming partners.

Tempting Grace by Sasha White

To my Allure Sisters,

for their patience, support, and friendship.

You Rock, Ladies!


For the first time in over a year Grace Walters didn’t want to go home. She didn’t want to walk up the brick path and look at the pretty flower bed she’d planted just last week. She didn’t want to open the door to the small two-bedroom cottage-style house that she’d bought thirteen months earlier. The one and only place she’d let herself call home since she was fourteen and decided that she was better off on the streets than in a house where no one cared.