“You know I did. But now you are in danger.” Zarek sat up on the side of the bed. He gathered Caira in his arms and held her tight.

She rested her head against his shoulder. Her heavy lids fluttered. “Danger? Why would I be in danger?”

“Your father placed a curse on me, Caira.” He touched the scar on his cheek. It ached. It always ached. It was a deep scar crafted by her father’s sword. A reminder that Bella was never to be his.

She glanced up at him and placed her delicate hand over his.

“He placed a curse on me, banishing me to an eternity inside your portrait. To watch over you yet never be able to claim you as my own. By reading the incantation, you broke that curse, but you’ve also awakened the Keeper of Darkness.”

She let out a heavy sigh. “Oh yes, the legend. It’s not real. None of this is real.” She closed her eyes, slipping back into sleep.

Zarek looked at his hands. The blue glow was fading. His time was almost up. He touched her cheek, bringing her back around. “It is real, Caira.” He made his voice harsh so she would understand the seriousness of the situation. “My time is up, but before I go I must warn you.” He felt his body grow cold, his movements were slow, his speech harder to come by. “You have awakened the Keeper of Darkness from his slumber and now a great evil will soon descend upon you. I cannot help you. The battle is yours and yours alone. You are the only one who can vanquish him.”

Alarmed, her eyes sprung open.

He gently tilted her face up so he could look at her. “Just remember, I am with you.” He reached out and placed his hand over her heart. “Here and always.”

She blinked. The look on her face alerted him to her fear, her confusion. Zarek’s heart ached for her. He fisted his fingers and fought down the anger raging inside him. He hated that he was so damn helpless.

“How? What if I can’t?” There was desperation in her voice.

Zarek buried his face in her hair and inhaled her fragrant scent. “Then I fear death is the price of failure.”

Hours later, Caira awoke, blinked her eyes open, and stretched her naked body. Early morning rays of sun burst through her window and warmed her bare flesh. She rolled onto her side. Her whole body felt lethargic, exhausted, as if she’d just climbed the world’s highest mountain. Ignoring her discomfort, she drew in a rejuvenating breath and glanced at her clock. Just enough time for a quick shower before she had to deliver the cake to the reception. Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she twisted and threw her legs over the side of the bed. As she stood up, her shoulder throbbed, and her hips ached.

Suddenly, her mind filled with memories of last night’s dream and the way Zarek’s strong hands had gripped her hips and squeezed her shoulder.

The locket!

The incantation!

Dear God, it was a dream. Wasn’t it?

Her heart slammed against her chest. Her mouth went as dry as burnt toast.

She quickly jumped from the bed and ran into the living room. Zarek was in the portrait, looking exactly like he always did. His dark haunting eyes stared down at her.

She blew out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding.

Of course it had been a dream. A very real, vivid, sexually satisfying dream. She must have simply kinked her shoulder in her sleep. Her mind urged her to believe none of it was real, because the alternate was much too scary to consider. Yet something in her gut compelled her to examine this further.

Desperately trying to shrug off her worries, she showered and grabbed a quick bite for breakfast. Before she headed out her front door, she took a moment to look at the locket draped around her neck. A cold shiver ran through her veins as her hands closed over it. When she brushed her fingers over the incantation a movement in the corner of her room caught her eye.

She turned in time to watch her cat jump up on her side table. Misty sat perfectly still, staring at the portrait of Zarek. The tiny hairs on the back of Caira’s neck tingled as Misty starched her spine in apprehension.

The poor animal looked spooked. Caira crossed her arms and hugged herself. The cat wasn’t the only one spooked. “Misty, come here.”

The cat didn’t budge. She sat there, immobile. An uneasy feeling closed in on Caira as she glanced around the room. Her gaze settled on the clock. If she didn’t get moving she was going to be late. That wasn’t good for business. She’d have to deal with her cat when she got home.

Stepping outside her apartment, she locked the door and made her way to her car. The whole time something in the back of her mind kept nagging at her. She’d never seen Misty act like that before.

But that wasn’t what was bothering at her. It was something else. Something else in her apartment. Something wasn’t right.

With her thoughts consumed by Zarek, Caira’s day flew by rather quickly. She’d delivered the cake to the wedding reception and had run a few other errands. Before she went home for the night she wanted to speak with the gypsy from The Magic Boutique. She needed to find out if she was crazy, like her mind urged her to believe, or if the Legend of the Lover’s Locket was indeed real, and her life was in danger, like her gut instinct suggested.

Darkness had fallen as she quickened her pace and turned the corner onto Fifth Street. She stopped in front of the antique shop, wrapped her fingers around the metal door handle and tugged. It didn’t budge. Caira stepped back and looked for a sign indicating the store hours. Perhaps they were closed for the day. She moved to the window and peered inside. A small lamp burning in the back of the store gave sufficient light for her to see inside. Except for a few old crates, the store was empty.

Her heart lodged in her throat.

How could everything have been moved so quickly?

She needed to get home. To sort matters out in her mind. She wanted to call on Nikki, but if any part of this legend were true, she didn’t want her best friend’s life in jeopardy. She rushed back to her car and hurried to her home. Drawing a deep breath, she knew she needed to get hold of herself and gain control over her emotions.

As her fingers closed over her doorknob she drew another deep breath. She needed to be able to think with a clear, rational head. She twisted the knob open and stepped inside. The minute she walked into her apartment she became instantly aware that all was not right. An uneasy, foreboding feeling closed in on her. Danger. Evil. Lurking nearby.

She felt it. It was all around her. All over her. In her skin. Crawling over her flesh. Her gazed fixed on the portrait.

“I am with you, Bella.”

Zarek. She heard him. Clearly. He was in her mind. Reciting encouraging words of love. Her mouth opened in a gasp, her hand closed over her stomach. Oh God, it was real. The legend. The locket. The curse.

It was all real.

A dark figure moved in the shadows of her room.

Caira gripped the doorknob, ready to bolt.

“You can’t run from him, Bella. He will find you no matter where you go.”

She could hear the helplessness in Zarek’s voice.

Caira swallowed past the lump in her throat. “What do you want?” she cried out, searching the room for something, anything to use as a weapon.

The figure moved out of the shadows. Caira’s heart nearly failed. Her knees went weak, and she locked them to avoid collapsing.

Cloaked from head to toe in a black hooded robe, his face was masked in darkness. For that she was thankful. At least she didn’t have to see the evil that lived beneath.

“Why have you awakened me?” His deep insidious voice crept over her flesh. She shivered.

Caira took a breath, centering herself. “To break a curse. To right a wrong.”

“Be strong, Bella. Do not let him smell your fear.”

“And you have no fear of the darkness you have brought forth in order to right that wrong?”

She did. With every fiber of her being, but she heeded Zarek’s warning and fought to conceal her fear.

She worked to keep her voice steady. “No.”

“Then you are most foolish, Ma Petite Princesse. Your lover’s soul is the price you must pay to right a wrong and change the past.” He moved toward the portrait.

Her pulse leapt, her heart skipped a beat. Her vision went fuzzy around the edges as light-headedness overcame her. She couldn’t let him harm Zarek and steal his soul. She wouldn’t allow it. She’d fight to her death to protect him. He had died because of her, and now she would die to give him back his life.

She gathered every ounce of courage inside her. “No!” She challenged with an unwavering stare as she took a threatening step toward the dark shadow.

“No?” There was amusement in his voice.

She knew she was no match for the Keeper of Darkness. She did not possess the strength or the wisdom needed to defeat him. He would leave here tonight with a soul and there was nothing Caira could do to change that.

“No. Let him live. Take mine.”

“Bella, no. Let him take mine.”

There was a long moment of silence before the cloaked darkness spoke. “You will sacrifice your life for your lover’s?”

“Yes.” Her voice was unwavering.

“Very well then.”

“Bella, I love you.”

“I love you too, Zarek.”

She took a step closer to the Keeper of Darkness and stood proud. “Take me.” The last thing Caira saw before she fell to the floor was the sharp blade of his sword cutting through the air.

“Wake up, Bella.” Zarek touched her cheek and ran the pad of his thumb over her lips.

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open. “Zarek. Am I in hell?”

He gave a soft chuckle. “No, Bella, look around, you are in your apartment.”

Her voice was not quite steady. “I don’t understand.”

He held his hand out to her and she eagerly accepted it. “The Keeper of Darkness could not take your soul.” Zarek brushed her hair from her eyes.


“Because you showed him the true meaning of love.”

Her beautiful eyes softened as they met his. “I did?”

“Yes, sweetness. You were willing to sacrifice your life for mine.”

Her blonde brows puckered. Panic rushed across her features. “I couldn’t let him hurt you, Zarek. I love you too much to allow anything happen to you.” Her voice ended in a soft whisper.

Zarek’s body shook as his heart filled with the love he felt for her.

Her small, shaky hands reached out to touch his cheek. “You’re no longer blue.”

He smiled and gathered her into his arms. “That is because the curse is broken. I am here, Bella. In the flesh. To stay with you. Forever.” He carried her to the bedroom and laid her on her bed.

Her eyes fixed on his mouth. “What we did last night. The lovemaking. It was all real.” It was more of a statement than a question.

“Yes, Bella. It was all real.” He moved in beside her, resting his chin on his palms.

She laughed softly. Desire flickered across her face. “So that is why my body hurts all over.”

He laughed with her. “Perhaps I should kiss your aches away.”

Her eyes opened wide. She pushed her pelvis into his and he immediately hardened as heat and desire whipped through his blood. “Yes, perhaps you should,” she purred.

Zarek planted his mouth over hers and kissed her possessively. She matched the passion and intensity of his kiss.

Joy sang through his blood. He’d waited a lifetime to claim her, to have her back in his arms, his life, and his bed.

And now, armed with the gift of true love, they would have the power to fight and destroy any evil that tried to come between them.

He inched back to gaze at her beauty. “I love you, Bella.”

She gave him a wry smile and whispered into his mouth. “The name is Caira.”

He chuckled. “Yes, of course, Caira.”

She grinned. “But you can call me Princess.”

This time Zarek laughed out loud and smothered her smirk with a kiss.


CATHRYN FOX graduated from university with a Bachelor of Business degree, majoring in accounting and economics. Shortly into her career Cathryn quickly figured out the corporate life wasn’t for her. Needing an outlet for her creative energy, Cathryn turned in her briefcase and calculator and began writing erotic romance full-time. Cathryn enjoys writing dark paranormals and humorous contemporaries.