“Keep her in town. With the kids. So I could be with Tyler.”
“You are so screwed,” Josh said conversationally. “You shouldn’t have said that.”
“Maybe not. But I love her and she doesn’t care. How can she not care?”
“Maybe she cares too much,” Raoul told him. “You’ve been acting like a jerk for a while now. What if she’s loved you all along? She’s been waiting for you to notice and instead you offered a business arrangement.”
“And took her kid from her,” Josh added.
“Didn’t take. It was just a few days. Kids are hard. Women make it look so easy, but it’s hard.” Ethan closed his eyes and leaned back in the sofa leather.
His fingers relaxed on the glass. He heard someone get up suddenly and then the glass was gone.
“You’re about ready to pass out,” Raoul said.
“Gotta talk to Liz.”
“You need to give Liz some time,” Josh told him. “And you need a plan. You’ve blown it from the beginning. You need to make a big gesture.”
“Liz isn’t the big gesture type,” Ethan mumbled, feeling himself start to drift. “I think she wants to be left alone. I should give her what she wants.”
“The woman wants to be swept away,” Raoul corrected him. “I know about these things.”
“Not Liz.”
There was the pain the other men had promised, but it wasn’t from the alcohol. Instead it came from his heart-in knowing he could never have Liz. Maybe there’d been a chance, but he’d blown it too many times.
She’d said she loved him. That was nice of her. Kind. He would hold onto those words always, knowing that if he’d been smarter… If he’d understood more sooner, he could have had her.
“Love Liz,” he mumbled.
“We got that,” Josh said. “You should tell her.”
“Too late. Way too late.”
And then the world went dark.
LIZ CLOSED UP HER HOUSE IN San Francisco quicker than she would have thought. She ended up leaving all three kids with Denise. For some reason she’d been unable to get Ethan on the phone later that Sunday. Denise had said everything was fine, but wouldn’t go into details.
After making the drive to the beautiful city by the bay, she’d spent two days with Peggy, sorting through the items she and Tyler would need in the next couple of months and what they could live without.
The must-have items were packed up and marked for the shipping company to pick up at the end of the week. Peggy would arrange for movers to take care of the rest.
Selling the house proved to be beyond easy. Liz had called a friend who was in real estate. Heidi had admitted that she and her husband had always loved the house, had decided to start a family and were desperate to get out of their apartment. Negotiations took less than an hour, the inspection was on Tuesday and by Wednesday morning, they were in escrow for a quick close. Peggy planned to come to Fool’s Gold the week after Labor Day, to see if she wanted to move there.
With everything settled, Thursday morning, Liz started back for Fool’s Gold. She and Ethan had an appointment with the judge the next day. With her settling in town and with plans to co-parent Tyler, they could meet the judge’s requirements and both avoid jail.
After picking up the kids, they went out to the Fox and Hound for lunch.
“School starts on Tuesday,” Melissa said as soon as they’d slid into the booth. “We all need clothes and supplies. We’re really behind on our shopping.”
Liz laughed. “Are we?”
“There’s three of us now, Mom,” Tyler indicated. “It’s gonna take longer.”
“You’re right. When we get home, you can all make lists of what you need. We’ll head out later and start the shopping. We’ll do clothes tonight, then school supplies tomorrow. I have to be in court at nine, but it shouldn’t take long.”
Tyler grinned. “Are you going to talk to the judge and tell her that you’re staying in town?”
“Yes. That should make her happy.”
Melissa’s phone chirped, indicating she had a text message. She glanced at the screen, then slid the phone back into her pocket before Liz could remind her no phones were allowed at the table.
“Are you staying in Fool’s Gold because of us?” Abby asked quietly.
“Maybe a little. And so Tyler can be near his dad.”
Abby bit her lower lip. “You’ve been really good to us.” She glanced at her lap, then up at Liz. “Can I call you Mom?”
The unexpected question slammed into Liz like a warm, gooey feel-good truck. Tears filled her eyes and she found it really hard to speak.
“I asked Tyler if he minded,” Abby added quickly. “He said it was fine.”
Liz put her arm around the girl and hugged her. “I’d like that,” she said. “And saying it doesn’t take away from your real mom. I know you love her.”
Abby snuggled close.
Liz glanced at Melissa who was staring out the window. “It’s okay. You don’t have to.”
The teen flushed. “Sometimes I want to, but…” She swallowed. “I don’t know.”
“‘Liz’ is fine.”
“Maybe, you know. Later.”
“Whatever makes you comfortable.”
The waitress came by and they ordered. The kids started talking about the End-of-Summer festival that weekend and how they had to get all the back-to-school shopping finished so they could go.
Liz listened and smiled, feeling content. She might always miss Ethan, always love him, but as far as the rest of her family went-it was perfect. Maybe doing the right thing wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
LIZ MET ETHAN OUTSIDE OF THE courthouse. He looked good, she thought, trying not to stare. Too good. Maybe with time she would get used to seeing him and her body would stop reacting to his presence. Maybe things would get easier between them. A girl could hope.
“Hi,” he greeted as she approached. “How was your trip to San Francisco?”
“Good. Everything’s underway. I sold the house.”
He held open the door to the courthouse and they walked inside. “That’s fast. You’re going to look for something here?”
She nodded, hoping she didn’t look as disappointed as she felt.
She’d thought he might bring up their last meeting. Say something, hint that he’d meant what he said. If only he did love her and want them to be together for the right reasons.
Instead they walked in silence toward the judge’s chambers.
Fifteen minutes later, Judge Powers announced she was pleased with their decision to co-parent Tyler, warned them not to waste her time again and excused them.
“Tyler said you’re going to the summer festival tomorrow,” Ethan said.
“All the kids want to go. There’s some band playing at noon. Apparently it’s a big deal. I have no idea who they are and that makes me feel old.”
“You’re not old.”
They walked out into the sunny morning and headed for the parking lot. Ethan paused by her SUV.
“I want you to be happy, Liz,” he said. “You’ve given up a lot to be here.”
“Not that much,” she countered. “It’s important to take care of the kids and keep them happy. That’s what I’m doing.”
“Who takes care of you?”
His dark eyes seemed to see inside her. She wanted to squirm, to look away so he couldn’t tell how much she loved him. Concern was one thing, but pity was just too sad.
“I’m pretty tough.”
“Because you had to be,” he commented. “I want to help any way I can.”
Love me, she thought desperately. Swear I’m the best part of your life.
But he didn’t say the words and she didn’t have the courage to ask him to.
They looked at each other, then he turned and walked away.
THE END OF SUMMER FESTIVAL was part county fair, part farmer’s market, part party for the parents at the thought of school starting in a few days.
Liz arrived with all three kids by ten Saturday morning and by ten-fifteen, she found herself alone. Melissa went off with a group of her girlfriends, while Tyler and Abby met up with kids from camp. Liz purchased ride tickets for the younger two and made them all promise to meet her at eleven-thirty for lunch. Then she stood in the center of the crowd, wondering what to do next.
She explored the booths in the makeshift marketplace. There were crafts for sale, including some printed T-shirts she bought for the kids.
Denise Hendrix found her looking at candles.
“The jasmine scented ones are great,” Ethan’s mother said with a smile. “I have them all over my bathroom. How’s it going?”
“Good.” She held up the bag of T-shirts. “I’m doing my bit for the economy.”
“And the economy thanks you.” Denise pointed to a shaved ice stand. “Come on. I’m buying.”
They walked to the stand and got in line. “You doing all right?”
“I’m fine. I’m starting house hunting next week.”
Denise sighed. “My son’s an idiot.”
“Because it’s obvious the two of you are crazy about each other. You should be together.”
“Ethan’s not in love with me. He’s interested in duty rather than love and I’m not interested in settling.”
“Not even if walking away breaks your heart?”
Liz sighed. “You loved Ethan’s dad, right?”
“Constantly and to this day.”
“Would you have settled for anything less than all he had?”
“No.” Denise smiled sadly. “You’re making the right decision. My head tells me that. My heart wants you to have a happy ending.”
“I’m happy. Or I will be. I have three great kids, a job I love and hey, I’m staying in Fool’s Gold. Won’t that be perfect.”
Denise laughed. “Are you still worried about the town?”
“No. I don’t like that people are so free with their opinions, but the good really outweighs the bad. I know that if I’m attacked by a crazed stalker, everyone will come to my rescue. The kids are safe here. We can all be happy. That’s what matters.”
There was a crackling noise, as if someone had flipped on the sound system. Liz and Denise both turned toward the stage at the far end of the park. Liz saw someone holding a microphone, but she couldn’t see who it was.
“Hi, everyone,” a familiar voice said.
Liz blinked. That sounded like Ethan.
“I’d like to have your attention for a minute.”
Denise put a hand to her chest. “Is that Ethan?”
“I think so.”
“What is he doing?”
“I have no idea.”
“This won’t take long,” Ethan continued. “If you could move closer to the stage. I need to make an announcement.”
Liz and Denise got out of line and walked toward the stage.
“For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Ethan Hendrix.”
“We know who you are,” a man in the crowd yelled.
Ethan chuckled nervously, shifting from foot to foot. “Good. I need your help with something, and you’re going to have to keep it a secret.”
Several people laughed.
“You really think that’s going to happen?” a woman asked.
“I hope so. Here’s the thing. Someone really important to me is moving back to Fool’s Gold. Her name is Liz Sutton. A few of you know her.”
“She’s that writer.”
“That’s her,” Ethan confirmed.
Liz glanced at Denise who looked confused.
“Don’t ask me,” the other woman said. “I have no idea what he’s up to.”
Ethan was going to talk about her to the whole town? Why? What on earth was he going to say?
She walked a little faster toward the stage.
“Liz grew up here, like me. Unlike most of us, she didn’t have an easy time of it. Her mother was indifferent at best and abusive at worst. Some of you might remember her. She had a reputation for being a drunk and…” He hesitated.
The crowd went quiet.
“In high school, Liz was smart and beautiful and sweet. But almost no one bothered to notice. Instead the other kids said terrible things about her. Things that weren’t true.”
Liz didn’t know if she should walk faster or disappear into the crowd. Humiliation burned her cheeks.
“It was all a lie,” Ethan continued. “I know, because I was her first boyfriend. Her first kiss. Her first.”
“We know about the kid, Ethan,” someone called.
“Right. But what you don’t know is that I made a promise to Liz back then. I told her that I loved her. I said we’d go off to college together. And then when my friend asked me if I was dating Liz, I lied and said she wasn’t anyone I would spend time with. I denied I even knew her and I did it in front of all my friends and in front of Liz.”
There was an audible gasp.
Liz wove through the ever-growing crowd. She could see the stage more clearly now, could see Ethan. He stood alone, facing the town.
“I betrayed her and broke her heart,” he said quietly. “I denied her and I denied myself. Because I did love her. But I was young and stupid and more worried about what my friends thought than her. I didn’t deserve her.”
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