"I need something to write on." He flipped on the dome light.

She rummaged through her purse until she unearthed an ancient grocery list and a pen. "What's the plan?"

"First, I write Bart, the stable owner, a note so he doesn't have your car towed before we can retrieve it."

"We're leaving it here all night?"

He nodded. "Tomorrow when I relieve Harold for his lunch break, I'll claim we returned before curfew, then say surely he heard us, unless he was sleeping on the job again." A grin split his face.

"Followed by my favorite question, 'So, Sarge, when's the last time you got those hearing aids checked?' "

"Oh, that'll win points."

"While he's at lunch, I'll jog over here and move your car to the Craft Shack."

"That still doesn't tell me how we'll get inside the camp, since it's surrounded by a twelve-foot security fence."

"You'll see as we go along." He got out of the car and slipped the note under the windshield wiper, then motioned for her to follow him. She wobbled along on her high heels, until they reached the fence. "I don't suppose you're much of a climber?"

She looked at the twelve-foot wrought-iron fence, then down at her dress and strappy sandals. "Dressed like this? Uh, no."

"I didn't think so." He studied the obstacle, then her. "If I had the right gear, I'd strap you to me and carry you over, but I guess we'll have to go with Plan B."

"What's Plan B?"

"You wait here. I'll be back."

"But-" She watched him pull his way up the metal posts hand over hand, using sheer upper-body strength. The sight made her heart flutter. "How long will you be gone?"

"Not long." He dropped to the ground and winced as his left leg buckled. After rubbing his knee, he straightened. "Just stay here."

With that he headed off at a jog, limping slightly as he vanished into the shadows. She shook her head, thinking old lions weren't the only ones who needed to prove they still had their roar.

The sound of a car approaching jolted her. What if it was Harold? Or someone who knew him and would mention seeing her? She ducked behind some bushes, squatting down where she couldn't be seen-and instantly felt ridiculous. Although beneath that was a little thrill of excitement. She hadn't done anything like this since the nights when she was grounded and Joe would help her climb out of her bedroom window.

Several long minutes passed with her straining to hear any sign of Joe's return. All she could hear was the lapping of the water against the riverbank, night bugs, the hoot of an owl.


With a screech, she landed on her backside and looked up to find Joe leaning over the bush. "You scared the tar out of me!"

"Why are you hiding?"

"I heard a car. And… I don't know. I thought it might be Harold out looking for us."

"Not a chance. He's sitting in the guardhouse clear on the other side of camp, lying in wait."

Seeing his grin, she narrowed her eyes. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Absolutely." He held out his hand. "You ready?"

Accepting his hand, she let him pull her to her feet, then gasped when he swept an arm behind her legs and lifted her off her feet. "Are you hauling me around again?"

"Just trying to keep your shoes dry." He carried her toward the river.

Turning her head, she saw a canoe pulled to the bank, barely visible in the moonlight. "Ah, I see." She circled his neck with her arms and smiled at him. "My brave Indian warrior, come to row me away in the moonlight."

"So, I've moved up from caveman?"

"A little." She tipped her head flirtatiously! "Although maybe I like strong he-men."

He glanced down, his face all sharp angles and strong planes in the darkness. "I know you do."

When they reached the water's edge, she realized he'd left his cowboy boots in the canoe and rolled up his pants legs. He waded into the water and settled her on one of two seats. With hardly a sound, he pushed the canoe away from the bank and leapt nimbly inside to settle on the seat facing her.

She watched him row as they slipped in and out of moonlight. His arms and shoulders moved with easy strength and fluid grace. Water dripped off the paddle like silver pearls that dropped back into the black river. Her mind conjured a fantasy of him bare-chested with glossy black braids that hung past his shoulders while a loincloth and buckskin chaps hugged his lower body. The image made, desire throb deep in her belly. Savoring the mild discomfort of it, she tipped her head back and studied the star-strewn sky as wispy clouds drifted" by the moon. "It's beautiful out tonight."

He glanced up as well. "It really is. One of the things I like about being away from city lights is all the stars."

She listened to the dip of the paddle as they glided along. "You always did like the out-of-doors."

"It sharpens the senses. Especially at night."

He guided the boat to shore in the shelter of a weeping willow, then stepped silently into the ankle-deep water. After pulling the boat onto the shore, he lifted her into his arms.

"Thank you," she said as he released her legs and let her slide to the bank.

"My pleasure." He stared down at her a long time, his face hidden in shadow. The throb in her belly built to an insistent ache. Just when she thought he would kiss her, he stepped away.

She looked around, trying to gather her scattered thoughts. "Are you going to leave the canoe here?"

"No. That would raise too many questions." He pulled it higher onto land and retrieved his boots. Leaning against the tree trunk, he dusted off his feet before putting the boots on. "I'll walk you home, then come back and put it away."

"Oh." Nerves fluttered as she debated what to do when they reached the Craft Shack. Should she invite him in so they could talk? Or maybe the progress they'd made tonight was enough for now-which raised the temptation to invite him in and not talk. But no, she'd sworn she wouldn't do that. No sex until they settled a few things.

"Ready?" He held his hand out to her.

Taking his hand, she let him lead her up one of the trails, through the trees. The path grew steeper, the ground rougher. With her mind distracted, she stepped wrong and nearly fell.

"I've got you." His arm went about her. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." She started to straighten and winced as pain stabbed her ankle. "I think."

"Did you twist your ankle?"


"Hang on." He lifted her again, that effortless move that had her cradled in his arms, snug against his chest. Her arms went about his neck as he moved up the trail. In spite of her earlier complaint, she decided a woman could get really used to this.

They stopped in the Serenity Garden, an area at the side of the trail where Leah and the campers had planted wildflowers and berry bushes to attract butterflies and songbirds. He lowered her to a bench and knelt before her. Sitting back on his heels, he removed her sandal and placed her foot on his thigh.

"Does this hurt?" His fingers probed the ankle, sending little shivers of delight up her leg.

"Not too much." She suppressed a moan of pleasure when his hand continued its exploration. "I think it will be fine in… mmm, a minute or two."

He looked up, still cradling her ankle in his hand, his skin warm against hers. "Do you need me to carry you all the way home?"

Oh, wouldn't that be sexy? Especially if he carried her inside and laid her on the bed. Staring into his eyes, she decided they really needed to get past the talking portion of the evening, so they could get to the not-talking part. "No. Just give me a minute."

He nodded, but made no move to rise and join her on the bench.

She gathered her courage. "Joe-"

"Maddy-" he said at the same time, then laughed. "Sorry. You go ahead."

"No, that's okay. You first."

He took a long while to gather his thoughts, his fingers absently caressing her lower calf. "About your offer to design brochures for the boot camp. If, um, if you're still willing, I'd, uh…" His eyes lifted and looked deep into hers. "I'd like to take you up on that."

"You'd-" Her heart skipped. "You'd let me be part of it? Starting your business?"

"I would." He nodded stoically. "In fact, I'd like it very much. If the offer still stands."

Joy poured in as she realized what he was really saying. He was willing to open himself up to her again, maybe not all the way, but it was a step in the right direction. "Yes, the offer still stands."

"Are you sure?" He cupped her jaw with his free hand, searching her eyes.

She nodded as tears filled her eyes.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Because I'm scared I'll let you down."

He stroked her lips with his thumb. "I thought you said you were a good graphic artist."

"I am." She meant she feared hurting him again because she still hadn't figured out everything she wanted. She just knew she wanted more than casual sex. "I promise I'll try very hard not to disappoint you."

"Oh, Maddy." He came up on his knees and pressed his forehead to hers. His hands moved over her back in soothing circles. "You don't have to promise me anything. We'll just… take it as it comes, okay?"

"Okay." She wrapped her arms about him and held him tight. So many emotions filled her-fear, relief, happiness, love. And desire. "Make love to me, Joe. Right here."

"What?" His hands went still. "Here?"

"Please." She lifted her head to look at him. "Here in the moonlight, beneath the stars. Make love to me."

He looked at her, and she saw all her own emotions burning in his eyes as he cupped her face in both his hands.

"Here," he agreed on a sigh. Slowly he lowered his head and kissed her with a thoroughness that left her breathless. Wind sang through the trees as his hands ran over her, arousing all her senses.

Leaning into his touch, her head fell back as she gloried in the feeling of Joe touching her, caressing her. He slipped the jacket off and ran his palms up her bare arms. Needing more, she started to unbutton her dress, but his hands stopped her.

"Let me," he whispered, his voice hoarse with desire.

Dropping her hands back to the bench, she watched as he unbuttoned her dress and slowly parted it. Night air brushed her heated skin. Somewhere in the distance, an owl hooted as Joe lowered his head. She closed her eyes, listening to the night sounds as she absorbed the feel of his warm lips on the upper curve of each breast. A quiver went through her as he pulled the lace do^vn and his mouth closed wetly over one nipple.

If she couldn't give him promises about the future, she'd give him now and the fullness of her response, letting him know he aroused more than her body. His gentle intensity went all the way to her heart.

Arching her back, she moaned as his tongue worked its magic over her tingling skin. His hands swept beneath her skirt, taking hold of her panties.

"I want to touch you," he said, tugging at the scrap of silk. "All of you."

"Yes," she breathed, lifting her hips so he could remove the barrier. His hands returned quickly, pulling her forward so she sat on the front edge of the bench. With the dress bunched up to her waist and gaping at her breasts, she was completely open to him, an offering for the taking.

Her eyes met his as he eased her thighs apart,! and a winsome smile curved her lips.

Oh, Maddy, he thought, aching to have and to keep this time. Forever. He accepted that that might never happen. Love had to be given freely. No conditions.

The knowledge made him tremble as he ran his hand purposefully up her thigh, toward the center of her heat. Her gaze remained fixed on his and she opened her thighs a fraction more.

He might not be able to hold her forever, but for tonight, this moment, she was his.

Be mine, he told her with his eyes as he slipped a finger slowly inside her. Stay mine.

"Yes," she sighed as if she'd heard his words. "Yes."

He chained his own hunger and concentrated on pleasuring her, slowly, deliberately, driving her up and over the edge, soaring with male satisfaction as she slowly drifted back down.

Only then did he release his own need. He took a second to protect them both, then poised at the entrance to all that heat. Pressing into her was like entering heaven. She engulfed him, drew him in, and held him tight.

He closed his eyes, thrilling to the sensation of being part of her, yet loving her so much that he feared it.

With a moan deep in her throat, she lifted her hips, taking him even deeper, and he couldn't hold back. He thrust hard and strong, every muscle in his body tensing as the pleasure built, and when it burst free, he thought for one heart-stopping moment that he would die from it.