She gave a light laugh. “There are many, many things I’m not telling you, Reed. But don’t worry about it. It’s all good.”

“Are you in some kind of trouble?”

“Not at all.” Unless you counted her overwhelming desire to haul Zach off to the nearest hotel room and ravage him. That was a whole lot of trouble.

“He looks ticked off.”

“He’s impatient.”

“Well, he can bloody well wait until my wedding’s over.”

“Stop,” Abigail ordered. “Katrina’s going to kill me if I get you all riled up.”

“I’m not riled.”

“Yes, you are.”

“You don’t know riled, Abby.”

Abigail grinned. “Welcome to the family.” She stretched up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“You’ve got a great family,” said Reed.

“It just got greater.” She glanced at Caleb who was laughing with Lisa. “Two new brothers, and a new cousin.”

“Seth just thanked me and Caleb for evening things up between the genders again.”

“We women did have the upper hand there for a few weeks.”

The song wound down.

“You better get back to Katrina.”

Reed scowled in Zach’s direction one more time. “You let me know if he gives you any trouble.”

“Absolutely,” Abigail lied.

As Reed walked away, she felt someone come up behind her.

“Care to dance?” asked Zach.

She turned. “You’re not supposed to be here.”

“Like I told you, I need to talk to you.”

“Can it not wait?”

Without waiting for permission, he drew her into his arms.

It seemed simpler to dance than to make a scene by arguing about it. Plus, that would bring Reed to her side in a heartbeat, so she went along with Zach.

He settled her close. “You want to meet up later instead?”

“I do not.”

“It was worth a try.”

“You crash my sisters’ wedding, and now you’re hitting on me?”

“I can’t seem to help myself.”

“Try, Zach. Try.”

His tone stayed intimate, and his hand moved up and down her back, tracing the bare skin between her shoulder blades. “You take my breath away, Doll-Face.”

She steeled herself against the softer feelings creeping into her psyche. “You see that guy over there? The groom? The one I was just dancing with?”

“I do.”

“See how big he is? Well, he likes me. And he’s already ticked off at you.”

“I like you, too.”

“You like me naked.” The second the words were out of her mouth, Abigail realized they were a colossal mistake.

She mentally braced for his retort, but Zach didn’t reply. Instead, he gathered her closer, seeming to mold his body to hers. She fought the arousal that gripped her body, but it was useless. Images of their night together were back in force.

“I need to talk to you,” he repeated, voice barely a rasp. “And I can’t wait. Can we go outside?”

His tone brought a thousand questions into her mind. Why was he here, after all these weeks? Had he missed her? Had he come back for her, to pursue their relationship?

She tried to control the hope that surged inside her. She realized in a split second that she wanted him to pursue her. She wanted to be with him again, free from all the complications that had tangled them in knots.

She gave him a mute nod, and he took her hand in his, leading the way from the dance floor to patio doors that led to a lighted garden. Conflicting thoughts continued to spin around in her mind. Sure, he lived in Houston, while she lived in Lyndon. But there were airplanes. There were hotels. Maybe they could spend weekends together someplace in the middle.

Anticipation tightened her chest as she realized she was going to say yes. If he wanted to try something long-distance, she’d agree to it. And then maybe they could find that nearest hotel right now and spend the night in each other’s arms. Her breath caught and her heartbeat thudded deep.

He came to a halt at the far edge of the concrete patio, turning to face her, taking his hand from hers. The music and voices wafted out from the reception, while pot lights glowed softly from the hedges and garden beds, reflecting off the planes and angles of his face. He was an incredibly attractive man.

“Abby,” he started.

“Yes?” She waited, not moving, not breathing.

“The application was rejected.”

She blinked. It took a second for her brain to switch gears.

“The committee turned us down,” he elaborated.

“The water license?” she all but stammered.


She took a shaky step back, mind refusing to accept reality. “You dragged me away from my sisters’ wedding to tell me you didn’t get your precious water license?”

He looked confused. “What else?”

Excellent question. She pressed her fingertips against one temple. “Oh, I don’t know. Nothing, I guess. What is your problem?”

“I just told you my problem.”

“And this couldn’t have waited until tomorrow?”

“You’re leaving tomorrow.”

“Yes, I am. Goodbye, Zach.” She took a step toward the reception.

He snagged her upper arm. “Hear me out, Abby.”

“No.” She was not going to let him do this. She’d done her best. She’d caved to every single thing he’d asked of her. And to add insult to injury, she’d apparently become infatuated with him along the way.

“I need you.”

She glared at him. “You need a bankruptcy attorney.”

“You’re giving up? Just like that.”

“Just like that? There is no ‘just like that.’ I did everything I could, everything I could think of. Every fact, figure, argument and rationale I could dream up went into that paper, Zach. There is nothing, nothing more I have to offer.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Too bad.”

He dropped his hand from her arm, raking it through his short hair. “There has to be something.”

“There’s nothing. You and a hundred companies like you want variances. The State has decided you can’t have them right now. They’ve made a rule, and they’re following it, Zach. You’re just ticked because they won’t break it for you.”

“I’m not asking anyone to break the rules. I’m only asking for a little logic and reason.”

“You’re asking a government for logic and reason.”

His lips flattened in obvious anger.

“You see the flaw in that, right?” she pressed.

“I see you giving up.”

“This is not my problem.”

“You’re right. It’s my problem. But while you stand there secure in that knowledge, Abby, ask yourself one thing.” He stepped forward, crowding her. “Ask yourself what you would do if this was your family.”

His gaze held hers, and she felt her resolve falter.

“If it was your ranch on the line. If it was Seth’s and Mandy’s and Katrina’s and Travis’s jobs. Would you throw up your hands in defeat? Or if you thought I could help, would you not track me down, back me into a corner and force me to agree?”

“By blackmailing you?” She’d like to think she wouldn’t, but maybe she would.

“By any means possible.”

Her throat became dry, and her voice became strained. “I tried to help you, Zach. I truly, truly tried.”

He took the last step that brought him directly in front of her. “One more time?” he asked. “Tonight. When you’re done here, before you go back to Lyndon. Let’s think it through one more time. You and me.”

There was no point. “I read every single word of the moratorium. I’ve looked up precedents and past cases. I followed their template to the letter. I dotted every i, I crossed every single t.

“We’re talking hundreds of jobs. Hundreds of people without anything but the livelihood and the family they get from working at DFB. A couple of hours, Abby. Can you give me that?”

Her mind screamed no. But there was something in the raw honesty of his plea that got to her.

“If it was your family?” he asked more softly this time, “what would you do?”

She tipped her chin and tossed her head, telling herself she was capitulating for a good cause. “Fine. We’ll try one more time.”

He was silent for a moment, almost as if he couldn’t believe she’d finally said yes. “Thank you,” he breathed, in obvious relief and gratitude.

She was hit with an unexpected rush of pleasure. Which was silly. She might feel good about helping him, but that didn’t change the cold hard facts. “I wish I could be magic, Zach. I truly do.”

He gently took her hands. “You are.”

Despite everything, she wanted to throw herself into his arms, squeeze him tight and forget the rest of the world existed. “Go away,” she murmured. “Leave me alone for the next few hours.”

He nodded, and with a final, reflexive squeeze of his fingers, he let go and walked away.

She stared into the dark reaches of the garden, struggling to bring her emotions under control.

Lisa’s voice came from behind her, skirt rustling, heels clicking rhythmically on the concrete as she approached. “Now, who the heck was that?”

Abigail shook her head and gave a helpless laugh. “Nobody.”

“Come on. Anybody who looks at you that way is not a nobody.”

Abigail was tired of keeping all this locked tight inside her chest. She gave in to temptation. “Cone of silence?”

“Cone of silence.”

“That was my one-night stand.”

Lisa whistled low, turning to look at the doorway where Zach had disappeared. “Oh, mama.”

“You got that right.” Abigail gave a wry grimace. “He was also my midnight research project. And tonight I’m meeting him after the reception.”



“You okay?”


“You want to tell me what’s going on?”

“Yes,” Abigail admitted. “But I can’t.”

Lisa moved closer. “Oh, but you can.”

“I really can’t.” Abigail hadn’t gone to all this trouble to blurt the truth out to Lisa.

“I’m family now,” said Lisa. “Plus, I’m discreet. And I’m not above feeding you champagne until you reveal every single secret locked away in your little heart.” She nodded to a waiter standing just inside the doors. “You might as well do it without the hangover.”

It was tempting.

Lisa rapidly rubbed Abigail’s arm. “Tell me.”

Abigail gave in. “I lied to and betrayed my entire family.”

“You did not.”

“Yes.” Abigail nodded, looking square into Lisa’s eyes. “I did.”

“Then wait right here.”

Lisa swiftly crossed the patio, helped herself to two glasses of champagne and returned, handing one of them to Abigail.

Abigail took a swallow. “I slept with Zach. He’s that guy you just saw. Only, I didn’t know he was Zach then.”

“You’re an adult.”

“I know.”

“Was it good?”

Abigail shot her an incredulous look. “That’s irrelevant.”

“Yeah, but was it good?”


“So far I’m not hearing anything particularly problematic.”

“Yeah, well, it gets better. He blackmailed me. Threatened to tell Travis and Seth-”

“Tell them what you like in bed?” It was Lisa’s turn to be incredulous.

No. No. It was something that I told him in bed.”

“Oh, good. Though I have to admit, you had me curious.” Lisa waggled her brow. “Little Bo Peep outfit, handcuffs, whipped cream.”

“Give me a break.”

“It’s not as if you can tell by looking at a person.”

“I’m not into handcuffs.”

Lisa shrugged. “So what’d you tell him?”

Abigail was having second thoughts about the conversation. She glossed over the facts. “The important point is that he blackmailed me into helping him get a variance to his water license.”

“He got a variance?” Working in the mayor’s office, Lisa was well aware of the contentious water issues.

Abigail shook her head. “The committee turned him down. And now he wants me to try again.”

“Wow, Abby. Unless we’re talking black leather and whips, and even then, just tell him no.”

“This isn’t about kinky sex.”

“Then just tell him no.”

“There are hundreds of jobs at stake.” Abigail found herself defending Zach. “Hundreds of orphans’ jobs at stake. Because that’s what Zach does. He grew up in foster care, and he’s built this whole brewery conglomerate to give jobs to other foster kids. You should see the place, Lisa. The headquarters are in Houston, and the people who work there, well, they all but worship Zach and his partner, Alex. He’s given them all a real shot in life, given them a place to belong. And I’m the only person who might be able to help him save it.”

“What does this have to do with water?”

“They need to up production at their Craig Mountain brewery. To do that, they need water. If they don’t, it all falls apart like a row of dominoes.”

“It’s still not your problem,” Lisa told her gently.

“They’re his family.”

“And you want to help them.”