Dev turned away from his computer, brow raised. “Come again.”

“I want sole ownership of the Shack.”


“Don’t you have your fingers in enough pies?” Luke asked.

“Are you pissed at me because I gave you the riot act regarding last month’s budget?”

“No, I’m pissed at myself for exceeding last month’s budget. I need to pay better attention to the financial aspect. Need to exercise better judgment. I’ve spent too many years focused on the hospitality angle when I should’ve have been crunching numbers. Or at least learning to crunch numbers.”

Dev grunted. “You hate numbers.”

“I’m done with taking the easy way out, Dev.”

“Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”

“I know I scoffed when you first offered to teach me the accounting aspect of the Shack, but I’d like to take you up on that,” Luke said. “Maybe I can hire you as an outside accountant until I’ve got a handle on everything. You’ve been promising Chloe you’d lighten your workload. Here’s an opportunity. Sell me your half of the Sugar Shack.”

Dev leaned back in the same high-back chair once occupied by their dad, and before him, Daisy’s husband—Grandpa Jessup. All dominant forces, all respected, all successful.

Luke had never aspired to any of that. He just wanted to make a decent living doing what he liked. Tending bar, jawing with customers, hanging with friends, chasing babes. In the past forty-eight hours his priorities had shifted significantly.

“What’s going on with you?” Dev asked point-blank. “You haven’t been yourself since Christmas. You know, the Christmas you almost missed with your family because you flew off to California to help some past girlfriend out of a jam. Or so you said. That’s where Rae flew in from, right? L.A.? Rae who we once knew as Rachel. The woman who worked at the Shack for, what, a week before she skipped town for wherever. I’m thinking California.”

If Luke didn’t know better, he’d think Jayce had confided in Dev regarding the investigation into Rachel Lacey’s whereabouts. They were lifelong best friends after all. Except Jayce was a noble sort who was deadly serious about things like client confidentiality. Nope. Dev was fishing.

“I assume, because she’s only been back for a couple of days and you’re an item now,” Dev plowed on, “there was something between you before. Sam learned about it and that’s why you two have been at odds these past few months. Am I close?”

“Pretty close.” Why lie?

“Is she pregnant?

Luke didn’t flinch. Not outwardly anyway. “Why would you ask that?”

“Why else would you commit to a girl you hardly know? Alienating your own cousin in the process?”

“I didn’t screw Sam over. Not intentionally. They were never a couple in the first place. Rae had no interest in Sam. Not romantically. Not ever. Why doesn’t anyone get that?” Luke pushed out of his chair and turned his back on his brother. “Jesus. I’m trying to do the right thing here and I’m on everyone’s shit list.”

“Not everyone.” Dev moved past him, to the sidebar installed by their grandfather more than fifty years ago. “Drink?”

Luke eyed the bottle of scotch then his watch. Eleven thirty. “What the hell.”

Dev poured. “How far along is she?”

“About seven weeks.”

“Not far.”

“Rae asked me not to tell anyone. Not yet. She said the first trimester is iffy.” Luke took one of the glasses from his brother. “I need you to keep this to yourself, Dev.”


They both drank then Dev said, “At the risk of pissing you off, let me ask you the same question you asked me when I faced this situation all those years ago with Janna. Are you sure the baby’s yours?”

Janna. Dev’s high school obsession. A girl who’d played loose with his heart and slept around. A girl who’d run to him when her parents tossed her out because she was pregnant. The girl he’d married, accepting the child as his own even though there was a chance it wasn’t. A child he’d mourned when his wife, now ex-wife, had miscarried five months into the pregnancy. If anyone could commiserate with Luke, it was his big brother.

“Timing’s right and I wasn’t protected. Don’t ask.” Luke slammed back the rest of his shot. “Rae said the baby’s mine and I believe her.”

“You’re taking the word of a woman who pretended to be someone else, who lived a lie for an entire year?”

“Yeah.” Luke jammed a hand through his hair. “Listen, Dev. There’s a lot I don’t know about Rae. What I sense is that she’s a good person. Even though she led a privileged life, I think it was a shitty one. I met her mom and her stepfather. If they’re any indication…” He shook his head. He hadn’t like Geoffrey Stein. He had a feeling he’d like him even less when he learned the source of tension between that arrogant bastard and Rae. Luke would bet money Stein was the one angling to derail her life. But why? “She’s as good as alone in the world. I know she can take care of herself, but there’s the baby to think of, too.”

“This is a pattern with you, you know,” Dev said. “You rescue desperate women like Jayce rescues unfortunate animals.”

“This is different,” Luke said.

“Yes and no.”

“I invited Rae to dinner tonight.”

“Should be interesting.”

Luke set aside his glass. “I’d appreciate it if you’d make her feel welcome.”

“When have I not been welcoming?”

“Oh, let’s see. The first time Gram invited Vince to Sunday dinner?” There’d been a huge blow out between Daisy and Dev because Dev had been prickly and wary of the two seniors hooking up. “You’re kind of intimidating when you’re in protector mode. Let me assure you Rae’s not looking to take advantage of me. She’s smart. She’s rich. She could live anywhere. Work anywhere. She came back to Sugar Creek with good intentions. To help the Cupcake Lovers. To reestablish Sugar Tots. And to offer me a chance to know my kid.”

Dev raised his palms in surrender. “I promise to be nice.”

“And to keep our secret?”

“Your secret’s safe.”

Luke blew out a breath, his shoulders feeling lighter by the second. Dev’s support meant a lot. “The Shack?”

“I’ll have the papers drawn up. We’ll work it out. You’ll be sole owner by the end of the month, maybe sooner.”

“Great. Good.” Luke offered his hand. “Thanks, Dev.”

His brother clasped his palm, “Sure,” then raised a brow. “Anything else?”

Bothered by a wisp of doubt, Luke shrugged. “About the numbers. The bookkeeping. It might take me awhile.”

“You’ll get it.” Dev squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll make sure of it.”


It had taken Rae a while to get a hold on her mini meltdown. Deep down, she knew Luke meant well when he’d assured her he would love their baby. It was the “more than me. Except maybe you” that had thrown her into a panic.

She didn’t doubt Luke would love his child. He was all about family. Except for that brief period in Bel Air when he’d been a total jerk, he was one of the kindest people Rae had ever known. Salt of the earth. What spooked her was the uncertainty of their relationship. Once she contacted that New York publisher, once she flaunted her socialite status and made her whereabouts known, the paparazzi would start trickling into Sugar Creek. Even if it was only one rabid cameraman, it wouldn’t be pretty.

The question beyond Could Luke handle the invasion of privacy for a while? would be Could he handle the gossip-hungry media for life? Rae could lay low, absolutely. But there would always be a reporter looking for that one sensational story—Had her mother really had a secret affair with that uber famous and uber married actor? And a photographer always hoping for that one compromising shot. Even royalty had been caught with their pants down or tops off. Those super-telescopic lenses could capture the most intimate or careless moments. What if they snapped a shot of Rae breast-feeding? Or Luke going down on her? Of the two of them making love?

What if Luke couldn’t handle the constant threat? What if he considered it detrimental to their child? Would he cut himself off from Rae and fight for sole custody? Growing up surrounded by Hollywood drama, she could name dozens of domestic disasters. Bitter divorces. Custody wars.

Those were the fears that stormed through her mind in what should have been a sweet moment—Luke pledging his love and support to their child.

“I can turn back.”

Luke’s soft, deep voice jolted Rae out of her obsessive mania. “What?”

“The closer I get to Gram’s, strike that, Rocky’s house, the more panicked you look. I was wrong to push.” He plucked his cell from his jacket. “I’ll cancel.”

Rae stayed his hand. The last thing she wanted was to be perceived as a coward. A hindrance. She’d always been a hindrance to Olivia. “No,” she said. “Let’s do this.” She refrained from elaborating. Luke had stated why he thought it was advantageous for her to mingle with key Cupcake Lovers before the official Thursday meeting and she agreed.

“Are you sure?”


Next thing she knew, Luke was hanging in the living room with his grandma and great-aunt and the attending male contingent, and Rae was standing in a state-of-the-art kitchen surrounded with women she’d considered “friends” throughout her “lost year.” Considering she’d lied about who she was, it should have been awkward. It wasn’t. It was as if she’d never left.

She didn’t trust it.

Instead of greeting her with questions—Why did you pretend to be someone else? Were you and Luke attracted to each other before or did he fall head over heels for your new, polished look? What’s a celebrity heiress like you doing in a low-profile town like Sugar Creek?—they’d drawn her into conversations about sending Valentine’s cupcakes to lonely heart soldiers and a joint club venture to bake and decorate Rocky and Jayce’s wedding cake.

“I know I didn’t send you an official invitation,” Rocky said as Rae helped her to prepare the salad. “But I would love it if you’d attend my wedding. I assume Luke will bring you as his guest, but I wanted you to know I’m hoping you’ll come.”

Rae swallowed, feeling humbled and flustered. “I wouldn’t miss it. Saturday, right?”

Rocky nodded. “Jayce suggested Valentine’s Day. But how sappy is that, right?”

“Jayce said that was your idea,” Chloe teased as she tended to several pots on the stove.

“To be honest,” Rocky said as she moved toward the fridge, “I can’t remember who brought it up first, but we decided against it. Valentine’s Day is for all lovers. We want our day to be special.”

Monica snorted. “Like that isn’t sappy.”

Rocky glanced over her shoulder at Rae. “Ignore her. I am. I’m also having a beer. Want one? Or maybe a glass of wine?” She nodded toward the other women. “These two are teetotalers these days.”

“I’m good. Thanks.” Rae hoped her cheeks didn’t look as flushed as they felt. She didn’t realize she’d feel this uncomfortable keeping her pregnancy secret, most especially from these women. She wasn’t lying outright, but she wasn’t being forthright either. When they did find out, would they feel betrayed? Again? Would they judge her, thinking she’d used the baby to rope the biggest hound in Sugar Creek? She shouldn’t care, but she did.

“I’ve found that if I already have a drink in hand,” Rocky said, “it’s easier to avoid partaking in Daisy’s Cocktail of the Week. I swear she picks the most disgusting recipes.”

“Far be it from Daisy to be unadventurous,” Chloe said with a smile.

“Even Luke gagged on last week’s creation,” Rocky said.

“I missed that one,” Monica said as she sliced lemons for the iced tea. “Most disgusting ingredient?”

“It wasn’t the taste so much as the texture. Something called a Cement Mixer. Bailey’s Irish Cream and lime juice,” Rocky said. “The combination made the Bailey’s curdle in your mouth.”

Eww,” Monica said.

Chloe shuddered.

“Hence my beer,” Rocky said.

“I can’t take it,” Rae said.

“Just say you’re still recovering from that bout of food poisoning,” Chloe said. “That’ll get you a free pass from Daisy.”

“I’m not talking about the cocktail,” Rae said. “I’m talking about you guys. You’re acting as if I never left. As if I’m Rachel. But I’m not. I mean we have the same personality pretty much, but … Don’t you want to know why I did it? Why I lived under an assumed identity for a year?”