“I don’t care. I’m aroused by you, not what you’re wearing.”

She cocked one skeptical eyebrow. “Oh, yeah?”

“Let me see.”

He tried to lift up her shirts again, and she swatted his hand away. But he grabbed her hand, then caught the other one in his hand and tried to grab her shirts again as she wiggled away.

“Let go. I’m going to the bathroom to get undressed.” But she was laughing now, a little too hard to fight him off effectively.

He backed her up to the bed and toppled her onto it, then climbed on her and pinned her hands over her head.

“Let’s see what we have here,” he said, taking his time about the big reveal.

Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes now, she was laughing so hard. “Stop!” she cried, but he wasn’t about to.

He grasped the hems of her shirts and pulled them up. Beneath was a big navy blue stretchy fabric panel that extended from her crotch all the way to the top of her rib cage.

“Wow,” he said. “Those are cool.”

She tried to pry her arms free, to no avail. “I hate you,” she said between giggles.

“And what do we have underneath?” he said as he tugged down the elastic waist of the jeans and found a pair of white panties with a waistline nearly as high as the pants.

“You are so dead.”

“Mmm, granny panties. Those are hot.”

“Dead! As a doorknob!”

“Why don’t they make pants like this for men, too? You can have a big meal and don’t even need to do any unbuttoning or unzipping to make room. I’m thinking these will sell big.”

“Yeah, the guys who wear them will never get laid again, so food will be their only pleasure anyway.”

He caught her eye. They were both smiling, and he could hardly believe he was so close to her now, touching her anywhere he wanted. He’d been trying not to dream of this for months.

He slid his hand up beneath her shirts again, brushing the underside of her breast with his fingertips. He watched as her eyes fluttered shut, and her expression went from amused to nearly rapturous.

Then he leaned in close and kissed her as he tugged down the waist of her pants, eliminating whatever embarrassment she might have felt by simply not looking.

When he let go of her wrists, she tugged her pants the rest of the way down and he stopped kissing her long enough to pull off her shirts and bra before she changed her mind.

Now she was naked before him. Her once-thin body had been transformed into a whole new landscape. Here a mountain range of full, lush breasts, there a valley of smooth skin, and beyond, a round hill where flat plains had once been.

“Beautiful,” he said, and it was true.

She was beautiful in a whole new way than she’d been before. She was an image as ancient as humankind, a lovely round fertility goddess in all her brown naked glory.

His erection strained toward her, ready to explore new territory. West didn’t want to wait another minute to remind himself what it was like to be inside her, but he also had never made love to a pregnant woman before, and wasn’t sure if any precautions were supposed to be taken. Was missionary position safe? Would he squash the baby? Would things be painful? He felt like an idiot even having to wonder.

She sensed his hesitation.


“Is it okay to-”

“Of course it is.” She sat up, and before he knew it they’d switched positions, her on top, him lying on his back as she straddled his hips.

His erection brushed against her, and she let out a little gasp. She was hot and wet, fully aroused, as he was. He grasped her hips and eased himself into her as they kissed, and she moaned into his mouth when he began moving inside her.

Where their bodies met, he was overcome with sensation. And his breath grew shallow and gasping as they moved in sync with each other. He slid his hands up her sides, toyed with her breasts, brought them to his mouth, took her nipples between his teeth as he teased with his tongue.

He wasn’t expecting it when she came so fast. Before he’d even gotten used to having her on top of him, she began crying out, gasping as her body bucked against the orgasm.

He’d been trying to restrain himself a little, move slowly, make sure she had time to come, but she was apparently as pent up as he was, and when she recovered, he kissed her silent and began moving faster inside her.

Harder, faster, until his own orgasm was nearly upon him. He was coiled tight, ready to burst forth, when she came a second time.

Her cries, and the pulsing of her inner muscles against him, were the final nudge he needed for his own release, and he joined her in the gasping, quaking aftermath.

As she collapsed on top of him, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently on the cheek. Spent, exhausted, the last thought he had before drifting off to sleep was that he loved Soleil Freeman. He loved her, and she was about to have his child.

There really wasn’t anything else to know, as far as he could see.

SOLEIL EASED HERSELF out of bed, cursing silently with each step she took toward the bathroom. Pregnancy sex might have had the lovely benefit of easy multiple orgasms, but it also brought with it a new set of problems, like how to avoid her lover ever seeing her ass when she had to get up and go to the bathroom.

Once inside, with the door closed, she washed up, put on her robe, then stared at herself in the mirror, trying to see what West saw.

All she saw were the same chipmunk cheeks and wary green eyes that greeted her every day lately. Her hair was sticking up in the back where it had gotten knocked free of a braid while they’d been rolling around in bed, so she smoothed it down and tucked it back where it belonged.

Still no clue about West and his obstinate insistence that she was different than all the other someones out there he might fall for.

He looked at her in a way that made her wholly uncomfortable. He looked at her as if he adored her. And how could she live up to such feelings? They’d only lead to heartbreak. She had to make it clear, once again, even though they’d had sex-even though it was hot and wonderful and all that-that they still faced the same issue of her not wanting him the way he wanted her.

She was a wretch. They’d made love, and all she could think of was how to stem the flow of good feelings? How about basking in the afterglow for a little while?

Soleil switched off the bathroom light, then eased the door open, peeking out to see if West was still asleep. She could see down the hallway and into the bedroom, where he still lay on the bed, his eyes closed.

She went back and lay down on the bed next to him, on her side, but before she could get up close and pretend to be asleep herself, he rolled over and looked at her.

“Hey,” he said with a sleepy smile.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Something about getting up close to him, within the range of his power over her, made her forget whatever it was she’d been so bent out of shape about in the bathroom. It was probably pheromones or something. He pulled her to him, and she sighed a happy little sigh as she let herself be enveloped in his warmth.

She’d chill out with him for a bit, allow herself the simple comfort of a hot guy on a cold day.

“What’s with the robe?” he said. “I barely got to enjoy the view.”

She rolled her eyes.

“You really do look beautiful pregnant,” he said.

Before she could stop him, he’d undone the belt of her robe and pushed it aside, revealing her right side, breast, belly and legs.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m not into the whole round, bulgy look.”

“You should be. Our baby’s in there. Growing inside your body. That’s pretty damn amazing. What’s not beautiful about it?”

He had her there. She didn’t know what to say. Anything that came to mind would make her sound like a shallow dolt, and really, he was right.

She may not have exactly welcomed the changes to her body, mostly because they were strange and unexpected and didn’t fit with her image of herself as a strong, capable woman who could bend over and reach her toes with ease.

She hated to think that she’d bought into even the slightest bit of beauty-industry brainwashing that told her she was supposed to hate herself unless she was a size two with flawless skin and smooth hair. But maybe she had let such ideas seep into her consciousness. This was America, after all-it was impossible not to harbor a few unhealthy notions about beauty.

During her brooding silence, West had started stroking his hand over her belly. “Have you felt her kick lately?”

“It’s more of a fluttering feeling than a kick. Not anything you’d be able to feel yet. But in a few more months, I hear she’ll be using my ribs for soccer practice.”

“I don’t want to miss that,” he said, his expression turning tense.

“Yeah. You’ll be in Colorado again…How much longer until your assignment there is up?”

“Anytime now. I’m waiting to get orders for an overseas assignment.”

Soleil’s entire being recoiled at the idea of West going to some dangerous unknown location. Surely it was just her pacifist upbringing. She didn’t want to see anyone go off to a war-torn country, and especially not the father of her baby. But…This wasn’t the usual sense of dread she got-this was stronger.

He noticed her reaction. “It’s terrible timing, I know. For this,” he said, nodding at her belly, “and for the situation with my dad. I’m not sure what to do.”

“Right.” Her voice, flat, to match the look in her eyes, probably.

“I know what you’re thinking. Why would I want you to pick up your life and move with me when I won’t even be around half the time?”

“I didn’t say that.” But, yeah, she was thinking it.

“I don’t have any good answer. I only know other military families make it work because they believe in serving their country.”

“You might note that I’m not exactly a duty, honor, country kind of girl.”

“I know. But some things are more important than our preconceived notions of what we will and won’t do, or what kind of community we fit in, aren’t they?”

Typical West, trying to bully her into seeing his point of view, rather than accepting that they disagreed.

Exactly why she didn’t want to have him in her life 24/7.

She tugged her robe back down to hide her exposed body and pulled it tight against her chest.

“I’m doing it again, aren’t I?” he said before she could compose a proper comeback.

“Doing what?”

“Trying to bully you into seeing things my way. I told myself I have to stop that, but…Old habits.” He smiled weakly. “I’m trying.”

Not much she could argue with there. He knew what he was doing to annoy the hell out of her, and he was trying to change it. Maybe they’d be able to work well as coparents, at least, even if long-distance.

“I appreciate that,” she said.

A sound from the front door caught her attention, and Soleil sat up, her ears straining to hear if it had been a key in the lock that she’d heard.

“Hello? Soleil? I’m home.”

“Oh, God,” she whispered. “It’s my mom.”

“We finally get to meet?” His wry smile suggested he was enjoying her discomfort a little too much.

“No! Not now!” She stood and hurried to shut the bedroom door. Before closing it, she called, “Hi, Mom. I’ll be down in a minute.”

“Why not?”

“Because she’s crazy, and I’m not ready for it. I’ll never hear the end of it from her, once she has specific details about you to grill me with.”

“She’s going to have to meet me sooner or later.”

He stayed on the bed, naked, looking as though he was in no hurry to get dressed.

Soleil stopped in the middle of tugging on her panties and jeans. “Fine, you want to meet her? Get dressed and come right downstairs. You’ll see.”

He chuckled. Taking his sweet time, he eased himself up and started gathering his clothes. Soleil put her bra and sweatshirt back on, smoothed her hair and began straightening the duvet to hide the evidence of their midday sex.

“Maybe I should take a shower first. Get cleaned up so I don’t smell all musky when I meet your mom.”

“Just hurry up. She’s going to eat you alive, either way.”

West pulled on his jeans and took the rest of his clothes with him to the bathroom, while Soleil went downstairs.

She found her mother in the kitchen, unloading a paper bag full of groceries-all meat and vegetables, of course.

“Weren’t you a vegetarian before you went on this cleansing diet?”

Anne turned and gave her a look from head to toe. “Smells like you’ve been-”




“Yeah, putting a second coat of paint on the baby’s room. It’s still not finished.”