Her parting had left behind a void that none of the women he'd bedded since had been able to fill. Lucien wondered if she regretted her curiosity that night or resented him for taking advantage of the offer he should have rejected. He supposed he should feel guilty, but he didn't. How could he, when he ached to love her again?

"I believe Lord Montrose has retired to the country."

Scowling, Lucien looked across his desk at Harold Marchant, his man-of-affairs. Most men cowered when Lucien was irritated. Harold, however, took it in stride, which is why the man had worked for him for almost a decade. Lucien had made Marchant a wealthy man and in the process had earned his loyalty. Marchant was, in fact, the closest thing he had to a best friend. "Is the earl destitute?"

Marchant nodded gravely. "Very nearly. In addition to the staggering amount he owes Remington's, merchants have begun repossessing goods and duns have become regular visitors to the Montrose residence here in town. Soon they will set up a veritable encampment on his doorstep."

Lucien whistled softly. In these days of industrial progression, many aristocrats were losing centuries of inheritance due to their own reluctance to engage in trade or invest in the future. As a man of his own means, Lucien had little respect for anyone who allowed his pride to get in the way of survival. "How does his situation affect Lady Julienne?"

"Lady Julienne?" Marchant repeated, his gaze clearly perplexed through his gold-rimmed spectacles. "She's just begun her first Season, which is remarkable only for the timing of it-she's twenty. Why she waited until now to come out is anyone's guess. She has a respectable portion, but the amount is rumored to be unremarkable. Any serious suitor for her hand will accept responsibility for her brother's future debts. Quite frankly, she'll need to marry for money, but that shouldn't be a problem. She's very popular, has excellent lineage, and boasts great beauty."

Lucien leaned back in his chair. "Who is sponsoring her Season?"

"Her godmother, the Marchioness of Canlow." Marchant frowned. "Why this interest in Lady Julienne?"

Preferring to keep his thoughts to himself, Lucien said nothing.

"No," Marchant said suddenly. "Leave the girl alone."

"Beg your pardon?"

"I've seen that look on your face before. Stick with your demimondaines and bored aristocrats' wives. Lady Julienne has had a rough time of it. Her brother became Montrose at the tender age of nine and has proven to be ill-equipped for the responsibility. She must marry well. Don't ruin it for her."

On any other occasion, Lucien might have found the warning amusing. But this was no laughing matter.

His blasted conscience was to blame for his predicament. He should have fucked Julienne when he had the opportunity and sated his craving. Not even the past three nights of outright debauchery had relieved his desire. Instead he felt soiled. The emotionless encounters had been sad, sordid imitations of the sweet pleasure he'd shared with Julienne.

"Stay out of my affairs," he growled.

"It's my job to manage your affairs," Marchant retorted.

"I don't pay you to censure my behavior."

"You overpay me, Lucien. Allow me to earn my wages."

Lucien shot him a dark glance. "Why the concern for a woman you've never met?"

"I have met her." Marchant smiled at his surprise. "A few months ago, you sent me to the earl's home regarding his growing balance at the club. Montrose was away, but Lady Julienne invited me in for tea, despite my purpose for being there. She was charming and genuine, a true lady. I liked her immensely."

In spite of himself, Lucien smiled. Julienne saw the individual goodness in everyone she met. One couldn't help but bask in the glow of her regard.

"I have no intention of ruining her, Harold."

"I'm relieved to hear that."

"In fact, I'd like to help her. Hire someone to find Montrose. I want to know where he is."

"As you wish." Marchant rose to his feet. "Anything else you require?"

Lucien was silent for a moment. "Yes. I want you to compile a list of suitable marriage prospects for Lady Julienne. Rich, titled gentlemen, neither too old nor too young. Attractive, if possible. And research their backgrounds. No one with any odd fetishes or disagreeable personalities. No one who smells or has uncontrollable vices."

Marchant stood dumbfounded, with mouth agape, the first time in Lucien's memory the man-of-affairs was rendered speechless.

And Lucien was so bloody miserable, he couldn't even enjoy it.

Chapter Five

Julienne drank in the sight of Lucien Remington like a woman dying of thirst. He was stunning in black evening attire, his raven hair and remarkable eyes shining under the chandeliers, his golden skin in sharp contrast to the snowy white of his waistcoat and cravat. She'd thought of him constantly over the last week, wondered what he was doing, whom he was seeing. She suspected she was besotted, which would be the worst sort of foolishness.

"Julienne." Aunt Eugenia tugged on her arm. "Lord Fontaine is heading this way."

She turned her head and watched the marquess approach her with his slow, sultry stride. Greek god handsome, Fontaine was every bit the experienced rake. At the prime age of three and twenty, the young marquess had determined he was in need of a wife, and Julienne appeared to be on his list of suitable prospects. She pasted a sunny smile on her face and queried under her breath, "Are you certain he's kind enough to help Hugh?"

Eugenia maintained her pleasant expression as she whispered back, "Kindness would be a bonus. I can tell you he's wealthy enough. Just remember, a woman can usually get what she desires from a man with the right amount of charm and compromise."

Julienne wrinkled her nose. She didn't want to charm a man into being kind; she wanted him to be that way naturally. She hoped to find someone knowledgeable enough to set Hugh on the path to maturity and financial independence. She felt certain that with the proper guidance, her brother could be turned around. But the hand that guided him had to be compassionate as well as firm.

Lord Fontaine bowed before her. He claimed her outstretched hand and brushed a kiss across the back of her glove. "Lady Julienne, your beauty steals the breath from me."

"And you, Lord Fontaine, are especially dashing this evening."

Allowing her mind to drift, Julienne bantered the standard social pleasantries without thought. She was relieved when he asked her to stroll around the dance floor. As they began to walk, she saw Lucien take the hand of a beautiful brunette known for her scandalous liaisons. Her heart clenched. Their dark beauty as a couple was striking.

She stared, but Lucien never once turned to catch her eye. In fact, he hadn't spared her a glance all evening.

Fontaine followed her gaze and snorted. "That Remington mongrel is a blight on Society. I have no notion why he continues to receive invitations."

"Lord Fontaine!" Julienne was astonished by his rudeness. He offered a dashing smile, but she suddenly found him less than charming.

"His kind has no business mingling with First Society. It taints us all."

She stiffened, and Fontaine easily adjusted his steps to compensate. Knowing it would be proper to hold her tongue, she still couldn't manage it. "Mr. Remington has made a fortune for himself with hard work and determination. I would think that would be cause for admiration."

"I admire his ability to make money, Lady Julienne," he conceded, "but the manners in which he does so are vulgar. He's nothing more than a domesticated pirate, and his… personal deportment leaves much to be desired. Lucien Remington is no gentleman."

Julienne stopped abruptly, causing Fontaine to stumble. Lean and sinewy, he recovered quickly.

"I find your comments offensive, my lord."

Fontaine frowned. With a firm hand, he urged her forward again. "I apologize if I have offended. I merely stated the truth."

"Are you that well acquainted with him?" she challenged.

"Now… I wouldn't say that."

"Then perhaps there are hidden depths to his character of which you are unaware."

Her gaze drifted to Lucien as they passed him. He engaged his companion with singular attention. He'd found his latest conquest. And here she was defending his character like a lovesick ninny.

"You appear flushed, Lady Julienne," Fontaine murmured.

She was furious with herself, but certainly couldn't say so. "I'm a little warm."

With a mischievous smile, he led her neatly out a nearby set of French doors and came to a stop on the balcony. "Better?"

A reluctant smile tugged at her lips. Fontaine was remarkably handsome and charming, if a little on the wrong side of arrogant. She wondered if, given the chance, he could incite her to the heights of passion Lucien had. She felt nothing for him at the moment besides a slight irritation, but perhaps an attraction could grow. In any case, she could not continue to pine for a man who was never meant to be hers. "Will you escort me through the garden, my lord?"

He arched a brow. "Should we find your chaperone before proceeding?"

"Would you prefer that we did?" she asked, knowing she should insist they find Aunt Eugenia, but more concerned about fleeing the sight of Lucien and his lover.

He tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow. "I promise to be on my best behavior."

As they strolled along the nearby gravel paths, she forced herself to relax and to enjoy the slight evening breeze. They found a small bench in viewing distance of the manse and sat down. Fontaine turned to her, taking both of her hands in his. "I would be delighted, Lady Julienne, if you would allow me to escort you to the Derby at Epsom next week."

Julienne knew that to be seen with the handsome marquess at such a public gathering would solidify his courtship in the eyes of Society. "Lord Fontaine-"

"Justin, please."

She was stunned. His offer was an intimate gesture. He could probably count on one hand the number of people who called him by his given name rather than his title.

"Very well… Justin." She took a deep breath. She could also offer intimate gestures. Lucien could not be allowed to ruin her for every other man. Certainly she had not ruined him for other women. "I would greatly appreciate it if you would kiss me."

Fontaine looked understandably surprised, then wary, before grinning with delight. If they were caught, it could be a disaster for her. He would either offer marriage to save her reputation, or he would walk away. As a powerful marquess, Fontaine could not be forced into anything, certainly nothing as drastic as marriage, but at the moment she felt reckless, her stung pride and aching heart goading her to further foolishness.

"With pleasure," he murmured, drawing her closer.

Julienne closed her eyes and prayed for passion. His mouth brushed across hers, featherlight and fleeting. The exchange was not the least distasteful-it was actually quite pleasant-but it was sadly lacking in any combustible qualities. Her heart didn't race, her breath didn't catch. But then she hadn't really expected otherwise.

She opened her eyes and hid her disappointment with a smile. "I would very much appreciate your escort to the Derby, my lord."

"Was that a test, Lady Julienne? And if so, might I safely assume I passed?"

Julienne couldn't tell him the truth, so she simply kept smiling. Thankfully, Fontaine didn't press her further. He stood and held out his arm, but she demurred. "Go ahead, please. I want a moment to catch my breath before I return to the ballroom."

"I cannot leave you out here alone," he said.

But she insisted.

Fontaine stood indecisively for a moment, but in the end his desire to earn her regard won out. He gave a courtly bow and kissed the back of her hand. "I will inform Lady Whitfield of your whereabouts."

When she was alone, Julienne acknowledged that it was time to abandon her dream of a grand passion. She couldn't go about kissing men while thinking of Lucien. She needed to marry, and she couldn't afford to be picky. No one in the ton married for love or any other elevated emotion, and it was futile to long for her marriage to be different.

"You kissed him!"

Standing, she turned her head toward the low, accusatory voice.


Lucien kept his fisted hands behind his back. It was bad enough he'd barely restrained himself from beating a marquess to a bloody pulp, but to allow Julienne to see how much he cared would be the worst sort of folly. She'd obviously moved past their one night together, while he had not. He couldn't allow her to discover how completely smitten he was.