She narrowed her eyes, enjoying the game. "Can you?"

He grinned. "Shall we see who can hold out the longest?"

"A wager?" She rubbed her hands together. "Certainly."

"What are the stakes?"

"The stakes?"

"There has to be something in it for the victor. 'Tis the possibility of winning something that drives a man to gamble."

"A tumble isn't enough?"

"I had intended that to be my prize," he said with a pout.

She laughed. "You can always choose the same."

A dark gold brow rose. "Ah, but my gain must be greater than yours, or your loss more than mine, to make it truly a wager."

"You appear to know a great deal about gambling," Charlotte noted.

"I've had some experience," he said smoothly. "So if you are able to keep your hands to yourself for longer than I, you shall win a hot, sweaty tumble. I, however, want a boon."

She frowned. "What sort of boon?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"You're cheating!"

"I am not. Of course, you can always forfeit now and save us both the trouble…" He dropped his arms and stepped closer, enveloping her with his scent and potent masculinity.

"Oh, no. I won't forfeit. I shall win."

He gripped her elbow and then gestured up the stairs with his other hand. "Excellent. Let's begin."

Her heart racing with excitement, Charlotte moved with Hugh up the staircase and to his room, her mind industriously considering all the avenues she could take to ensure her victory. The first thing she did upon entering his chamber was move to the fireplace and throw on more coal.

"What the devil are you doing?" he asked. "It's plenty warm in here."

"Truly? I feel a chill."

Hugh shrugged out of his coat. "If you want me naked, you have only to ask."

"I thought I had. You wanted to look at the map instead."

He shot her a mock glare, and Charlotte laughed. She hadn't had this much fun in ages.

No, that wasn't true. She hadn't had any fun in ages.

After removing his waistcoat and cravat, Hugh moved to the desk and bent over the map. "Can you bring me everything you have that pertains to this?"

"Of course." Charlotte left the room with a plan and returned a quarter of an hour later with her first salvo ready to fire.

Gliding back into Hugh's suite with a wide grin, she paused just inside the doorway, arrested by the sight of his bare back. He'd removed his shirt and shoes, the corded muscles of his shoulders bunching as he leaned his weight on his arms, his skin covered with a fine sheen of perspiration from the warmth of the fire. She sighed, thinking she could simply stare at him for days.

Without turning around, he said, "Drooling again?"

"You are the most conceited man," she muttered. She reached the desk and dropped the books with a loud thump. He lifted his gaze to look at her.

"Bloody hell," he breathed, taking in the black negligee she wore. Held up with ribbons at the shoulders and completely sheer, it was an erotic confection she'd had for years and never donned before. The gown flowed with her, changing opacity, teasing the eye with glimpses of her nipples and the curve of her waist.

Charlotte brushed her fingertips across his full lips. "Careful, darling. You'll drool."

His brows snapped together. "Cheaters never win," he growled.

"I'm not cheating."

His scowl clearly refuted her. "Why don't you show me what you've gathered so far, so I don't waste time pointing out things you may already know."

Shaking her head, she wondered why he was so determined to keep them out of bed and focused on the map. With any other man she might consider the possibility that the map interested him more than she did, but with Hugh she knew that wasn't true. He wouldn't be so frustrated if he weren't fighting the temptation she presented. Something was afoot, and if she wished to discover what it was, she'd have to play along.

Pulling the books closer, she grabbed the slender journal from the top and opened it. "According to Glenmoore, he won this map in a wager while traveling through the Caribbean. He dismissed it as nothing more than a souvenir, until he was approached by a local man who swore he was among the crew that originally hid the treasure."

Hugh stared at her with his intense dark eyes. "What exactly is this treasure?"

"Glenmoore was never able to discover the answer to that with certainty. There were two tales. The simple one was pirate's gold. The other featured a love story."

"A love story?" he asked skeptically.

Nodding, Charlotte turned the pages of Glenmoore's journal until she found a worn piece of paper tucked inside. Upon opening it, a lovely female visage appeared. "Her name was Anne," she explained. "According to the story Glenmoore heard, she fled an unhappy marriage to sail the high seas with a pirate named Calico Jack. They were together for a time, but Jack was eventually caught and hanged. It is said that Anne, who was pregnant when he was killed, fled the authorities and hid his ill-gotten gains."

Hugh rubbed the back of his neck. The pose emphasized his powerful arms and beautifully built chest. She licked her lips.

Good heavens, she was going to drool.

"Charlotte, don't you think-" He raised his eyes from the map and met hers. Then he groaned. "How in damnation is a man to concentrate on anything when you dress in that manner and look at him thusly?"

"Why are you so interested in the map all of a sudden?"

Reaching down, he stroked his erection through his broadcloth trousers. "I'd like to be useful to you for things other than sex."

Charlotte blinked, then moved to a nearby chair and sat down. All thoughts of seduction and winning their amorous bet left her head. "You'd like to be useful," she repeated softly, awed by the statement. "I don't believe I've ever had a man say that to me before."

"Yes, well, I, for one, have never said such a thing before," he grumbled. "Being wanted for simple fornication has its decided benefits. And giving in to such demands is certainly less painful to a man's genitals. I blame the water hereabouts for this madness."

He scrubbed a hand across his face before pulling the journal closer. "Do you truly believe in this treasure nonsense?"

She watched him studying the journal, obviously sexually frustrated and yet determined to find a way to be valuable to her, and her heart softened. What an odd man he was. She couldn't puzzle him out, but then, what did it matter? She felt alive and appreciated, and this man was the cause.

"Charlotte?" He glanced at her and muttered an oath under his breath. "Do you intend to assist me with this or not?"

"I forfeit." She'd never done such a thing in her life. Cursed (or blessed, depending on how one looked at it) with a competitive nature she took every challenge seriously.

"Beg your pardon?"

"You win. I forfeit. Can we have sex now?"

"Hell and damnation!" Hugh pushed away from the desk and began to pace. "You are not allowed to forfeit."

She stood. "Why not?"

"Because I need to help you with this."

"You can help me later."

He paused and faced her, holding his arms out, displaying his perfection even as he displayed his frustration. "Why are you being so bloody difficult?"

"What do you want, Hugh?" she asked softly. "What do you gain by assisting me?"

Growling, he turned away. "The storm will pass soon, leaving me no reason to tarry here."

"Yes, I know."

"My carriage was new, damn it, and cost me a bloody fortune! I should be enraged, furious, that the wretched thing broke. Yet I'm grateful, because it gave me the opportunity to meet you. And I suspect once I leave, I shall miss you, and I never miss anyone."

Her heart racing, Charlotte crossed the small space that separated them. Her hands caressed his back, feeling the muscles tense beneath her fingertips. His words, his passion… she'd never witnessed anything like them. "Hush," she soothed.

"You left this morning to bathe, and you were gone forever. It's madness, I tell you. A horrid, insidious madness, to crave the company of a stranger the way I do yours. Yesterday at this time, I didn't even know who you were. And last night, when I was inside you, I wanted no more than that. But this morning, I thought perhaps more would be nice-"


"-and now-"

Too short to reach his lips, she pressed an ardent kiss to his nipple, and his hands fisted in her unbound hair.

Hugh pushed her roughly away, revealing fierce, dark eyes that might have frightened her if she hadn't been so aroused. "And now I want you to come with me. Become my mistress. You'll want for nothing, I promise you that."

"Oh Hugh…"

He crushed his mouth down on hers, and Charlotte was flooded with sensation, a sharp, almost painful racing of heat across her skin. All morning she'd craved him. She'd needed his touch, his smile, the warmth of his gaze. It was madness, she agreed, to want the attentions of a stranger, but that was how it was, and she couldn't be sorry, not when it felt this wonderful.

Sinking to his knees, he pulled her down with him, his hands leaving her hair and moving to her breasts, every touch rife with an underlying tenderness that cut her to the quick. "I'll replace all your jewels, all your gowns. I'll give you a home, and it will be yours, in your name-"

"Cease talking, damn you." She didn't want promises or dreams. She just wanted right now, just this moment, and nothing more. She was afraid to want more.

Spinning away, she dropped to all fours and spread her legs, waiting for the sweet, oblivious pleasure that filled her when they joined.

But when he moved, it wasn't as she expected. It wasn't with the fevered urgency he'd displayed only hours ago. Instead it was a hot brush of breath through her gown, the heated press of his cheek against her spine, the soft slide of his hands along her sides.

She dropped her forehead to the rug, her body quivering, her skin dampening with sweat from her proximity to the fire.

"I would like the luxury of touching you like this," he murmured, his fingers running along the length of her spine. "I want to take my time, savor you, instead of feeling so rushed, so desperate."

"Desperate?" she gasped, arching into his touch.

"That is how I feel, as if I must have my fill before it's too late." Hugh lifted her hair to his face and breathed deeply. "This is such a beautiful color. It's the most glorious shade of red I've ever seen."

Charlotte attempted to roll over so she could savor him as he was savoring her, but he held her still with a firm grip.

He slid her gown up slowly, using the soft material to caress her skin. She shivered as his hand dipped between her legs, tangling in the damp curls. "And this red-darker, more passionate. From the moment I saw you on that massive horse, I wanted to know what color the hair here would be." His finger circled her engorged clit with a featherlight touch, while his other hand reached around and cupped her breast. "When you lie naked in the bed, your hair spilled across the pillows, your skin so pale, your nipples and lips so dark… I can hardly bear it."

He kissed the curve of her derriere. "But it is the things you say and the sound of your laughter that move me most."

She closed her eyes, awash in feeling and emotion. Charlotte looked at life pragmatically, and she felt no shame for her past. The need to survive had long ago overridden her pride. But in all of her experience, she'd never had a man take such time with her, stoking her arousal, making her liquid with desire, as Hugh had done from the very beginning. The sexual act shouldn't feel this intimate, not when the situation was so temporary. But then he slipped a finger inside her, and she lost her trepidation. He entered a little more, and she tensed, sore from his earlier amorous attentions.

Hugh hummed a coaxing sound, and then his mouth was there, his tongue moving in deep licks, just the way he kissed. He parted her with his fingers, his other hand kneading her breast, rolling her nipple.

"Please," she whispered, circling her hips into his thrusting tongue, wanting him… desperately.

He straightened, and a moment later she felt the hard heat of him, pressing slowly into her, filling the empty ache she hadn't known was there until he'd arrived. Patient and tender, he stroked her spine, soothing her, as his cock stretched swollen tissues unaccustomed to such constant use.

"Yes…" she sighed, when his thighs touched hers, her body stretched to the limit to accommodate him. She arched her hips upward in silent invitation, and he slipped deeper inside with a soft curse.