Claire Nichols—born to Jordon and Shirley Nichols


Rawls Corporation falls


Nathaniel Rawls found guilty of multiple counts of insider trading, misappropriation of funds, price fixing, and securities fraud


Nathaniel Rawls—dies

Samuel and Amanda Rawls—die


Anton Rawls changes his name to Anthony Rawlings

Anthony Rawlings begins CSR-Company Smithers Rawlings with Jonas Smithers


Anthony Rawlings buys out Jonas Smithers and CSR becomes Rawlings Industries


Rawlings Industries begins to diversify


Claire Nichols—graduates high school

Claire Nichols—attends Valparaiso University


Jordon and Shirley Nichols—die


Emily Nichols—marries John Vandersol


Claire Nichols—graduates from Valparaiso, degree in meteorology

Claire Nichols—moves from Indiana to New York for internship


Claire Nichols—moves to Atlanta, Georgia, for job at WKPZ


WKPZ—purchased by large corporation resulting in lay-offs


Anthony Rawlings—enters the Red Wing in Atlanta, Georgia (March)

Anthony Rawlings—takes Claire Nichols on a date

Claire Nichols—wakes at Anthony’s estate

Claire Nichols—liberties begin to increase (May)

Anthony Rawlings—takes Claire Nichols to symphony and introduces “Tony” (late May)

Meredith Banks’ article appears—Claire Nichols’ accident

Anthony Rawlings—marries Claire Nichols (December 18)


Vanity Fair article

Claire Rawlings—sees college boyfriend, Simon Johnson

Simon Johnson—dies


Claire Rawlings—drives away from the Rawlings estate

Anthony Rawlings—poisoned

Claire Rawlings—arrested for attempted murder

Anthony Rawlings—divorces Claire Nichols

Claire Nichols—receives box of information while in prison