
“You’re probably wondering,” she said, biting her lip.

“Gee, you think?”

She let out a little sound of regret.

“Cami, I told your sister because I thought she was you, but you should know what I said-”

“Are you going to tell her you love her again?” Dimi interrupted, her hands still over her eyes. “Because if you are, I’d kinda like to see it. Mostly because this is an utterly new and foreign thing for her, having a guy fall so hard as to humiliate himself this way. But also because I love her, too, and feel a little responsible for this morning’s events.”

“Don’t you dare look,” Tanner told her.

Dimi tipped her head to the ceiling. “Oh, and looking was so much fun, too. Hey, Tool Belt Man, if you’re going to do this right, let me give you a little hint. My sister here runs hard and fast from love, so I wouldn’t open with that.”

Tanner searched Cami’s gaze and got not one iota of a clue as to her thoughts.

“She’s afraid love doesn’t exist,” Dimi told him. “Is that right?” Tanner asked Cami.

“And as for why I was such a big secret,”

Dimi confided. “She’ll probably never admit this, but she’s under the misguided impression that men like me better, and if they discover me, they’ll ditch her.”

“Dimi, shut up,” Cami said, her cheeks red.

“I don’t-”

“Yes, you do,” Dimi said. “And you’re wrong. You’ve got Mr. Right standing here to prove it. Now I want you to listen to him, Cami.

And listen hard. At least keep your mind open.”


“I’m shutting up now,” she said, mimicking the motion of zipping her lips, her eyes still tightly closed. “Mute and blind, that’s me.”

“How about gone?” Tanner asked as kindly as he could.

Dimi’s lips quirked, but she didn’t speak.

Didn’t move, either, and Tanner sighed. But he couldn’t get mad because Dimi had just given him some pretty incredible insight into Cami’s thoughts, and any insight at this point was invaluable. “I’m going to get dressed,” he said to Cami.

“And then we’re going to talk. Alone,” he said over his shoulder for Dimi’s benefit. “You’ll wait,” he said to Cami.

“I’ll wait,” she said.

It was the best Tanner could ask for. He hightailed it in his very limited attire down the hall way, painfully aware of the picture he made from the back.

And even more aware of Cami watching him.

“STRIP,” Cami said to Dimi the moment Tanner left the room.

Dimi lowered her hands. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” Cami unwound the towel she’d put around her head to keep her hair dry in the shower. Tossing the towel at Dimi, she straightened her other towel. “Hurry.”

Understanding dawned in Dimi’s eyes. “You want him to choose between us.”

“I want to see if he can tell the difference.”

“No, you want to see if he really knows you.

Cami, honey, that’s not fair.” But she started to strip. “I realize you’ve never played fair before, and maybe I’ve even encouraged that, but the guy wore a tool belt for you. Just a tool belt. So really, it’s time to trust him.”

“I know it’s time, but knowing it and doing it are two entirely different things.”

“So why are we doing this, really? He’s not going to be able to tell us apart. Nobody can.”

Cami waited until Dimi had wrapped the towel around her body and faced her. To her, their differences were obvious. Dimi’s eyes were cooler, her features slightly more refined. Cami’s hair couldn’t be tamed, and she rarely stood as straight and sure as Dimi.


“Look, if he can tell us apart, then it was meant to be.”

“And you’ll admit that?”

Cami’s heart flip-flopped. “I don’t know. But there’s no reason to worry about it. He won’t be able to tell.”

“All right, but I’ve got to tell you, I actually feel sorry for him.”

“No cheating,” Cami whispered, as Tanner walked into the room.

He took a double take, which might have been comical if her entire heart hadn’t been wadded in her throat.

“I hadn’t forgotten,” he said to them. “But jeez, the reality of this is a bit unnerving.”

Dimi gave him a little smile.

Cami’s heart was in her throat. She knew her sister would help him in an instant if she could, so Cami spoke fast. “Can you tell us apart?”

Tanner looked back and forth between the two of them.

Cami held her breath.

Slowly, he walked around Dimi, looking her up and down.

Then Cami was treated to the same intense gaze.

“Chilly?” he asked softly when goose bumps rose on her flesh.

She shook her head. She could do little else because he was looking at her with heat and need and hunger, and dammit, also such tenderness her throat closed up. How could he still be looking at her like that? It wasn’t in the plan.

“If you can tell us apart,” Dimi said, “you win.”

“What’s the prize?” he asked, never taking his eyes off Cami.

“Me, of course,” Dimi said. “Or her.” She smiled.

So did Tanner.

Cami couldn’t do anything but swallow hard, because, just looking at him made her ache.

He loved her.

Her knees wobbled. Ruthlessly, she locked them.

“Maybe you should drop the towel,” he suggested, laughing when both Dimi’s and Cami’s hands went to the knot between their breasts. “Don’t worry. I already know who is who. I knew the moment I walked in the door.”

His confidence staggered Cami-as not even their own mother could tell them apart. It might have warmed her, soothed away her chill, except for the very real fact that if he knew exactly who she was, through and through, he would be the first man to do it.

And that was terrifying in its own right.

Tanner walked around to face them. “I should warn you both, I’m kissing the woman I think is mine.”

His. Cami’s heart stuttered.

“I’m kissing her senseless. Then I’m going to carry her back to that bedroom so we can have the morning we were supposed to have. And after that, I’m going to remind her how much I love her, and I’m going to hope she feels the same way back.”

Oh, my God.

Dimi looked at Cami. Cami looked at Dimi.

“Ready?” he asked sweetly.

Was she ready? Hell, no. She could hardly stand the tension over this ridiculous stupid game she’d set up, and she stood there on pins and needles, wondering if he could really pick her out.

If he really knew her.

“Ready,” Dimi said softly, looking hopeful for that kiss, and Cami sent her a dirty look.

Tanner took a step closer, and Cami held her breath yet again.


TANNER LOOKED at the women, one of whom had stolen his heart but good.

He knew Cami. He wasn’t kidding when he’d told them he’d known her the moment he’d walked into the room, even if the tension shimmering off her in waves hadn’t given her away.

Poor baby, he thought, biting back his grin. She was so terrified by the prospect of his love, and equally terrified of losing it.

Taking mercy, he took the last step, skimmed his hands up her arms and pulled her close. Bending his head, he stopped a breath away from kissing her only because she’d slapped a hand to his chest.

“I know it’s you,” he whispered, dipping down a little to look deep into her panicked eyes.

“Pretty sure of yourself,” she said, her chest hitching with her breath.

“When it comes to knowing you, yeah.”

“Oh, man.” Dimi turned to Cami. “That was a ten on the ah factor.”

“You don’t have an ah factor. You hate the ah factor.”

Dimi shook her head. “This is different. This is the real thing. Face it, honey, he’s on to you.” Dimi stroked her sister’s arm in sympathy. “He knows you. He loves you. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m outta here, because I have a feeling you’re going to get naked.”

Cami gripped her sister’s hand, but Dimi shook her off. “Nothing personal, but I’ve already seen you both in that state, and I have some upside-down raspberry shortcake to whip up.”

She headed toward the door, stopping to scoop up her clothes. “Take it easy on her,” she said to Tanner. “She’s really pathetic at this stuff. She might even try to run, but don’t let her.”

“Hey, I’m right here,” Cami protested. “And I’m not running anywhere!”

“Then she’ll try to ignore it,” Dimi said directly to Tanner. “That’s her second defense. Watch for it.”

“I’m on guard,” Tanner said solemnly, but he let out a grateful smile. “Thanks. I think I can take it from here.”

And he was pretty sure he could, because nothing had ever meant more to him. Turning to Cami, he stroked his hands up her arms and cupped her face. “Alone at last.”

“She gave it away, didn’t she?”

He kept his hands on her, stroking her jaw, sinking his fingers in her hair. Her breathing changed, which gratified him, but her eyes remained fierce and intense, making him sigh. “She didn’t give anything away, Cami. I knew you. I’ll always know you.”

“You didn’t at first. Remember? You thought I was the bimbo beauty queen who didn’t know her own mind.”

“I never thought you were a bimbo, but you were a beauty queen, that’s a fact. And as for not knowing your mind, we both know that isn’t true. You always knew what you wanted, you just didn’t always stand up for it.”

“I’m standing up now, aren’t I?”

“Well, that you are,” he murmured, lifting a brow when she marched him back so that his thighs hit her kitchen table, which as usual was piled with stuff. “What exactly are we standing up for?”

“We.” Her eyes misted. “You keep saying that, we, as if it’s a done deal.”

“Because it’s my greatest wish.” It was all he got out before she went up on tiptoe and kissed him-hard. Kissed him hard and deep and wet. It rocked his world.

Think, his mind ordered his penis. There’s something important here she’s avoiding. You can see the relief and hope in her eyes as she’s…oh lord, she’s dropping her towel.

He swallowed hard and ignored his mind. With her breasts flattened to his chest and her smooth, white arms clinging to his neck, she slithered against him. He felt his eyes cross with lust.

Her hands worked his T-shirt up over his head, and he obliged her. “Cami-”

“Love me, Tanner.”

Slipping his hands beneath her silky hair, he brought her face close. “I do,” he said, and devoured her mouth with his, feeling all those soft curves glide over his hardened body, smelling the scent of her shampoo and soap, fresh and seductive as hell. Sliding his hands down her body, feeling all her warmth and softness quiver, he groaned deep in his throat.

“I’m sorry I missed the full effect of the tool belt,” she whispered, her fingers dancing down his belly to the button fly of his jeans. “Maybe we could revisit that little fantasy.”

“Later.” She’d already backed him into the table. Leaning against it, he skimmed his hands down her spine until he held a sweet, warm, rounded cheek in each one. He hauled her up until her legs were clamped around his hips, and that hot, delightfully damp feminine place between her thighs cradled his erection in a way that made him groan again.

In response, she made a mewling sort of sound and tightened her grip. “Please,” she whimpered, rocking against him. “Please, now.”

As if he could turn her away. She had her hands in his hair, her tongue in his mouth, her breasts crushed to his chest, with two tight, scrumptious nipples boring holes into his skin. Not to mention she was wet and hot, and gliding that wet, hot spot over the biggest erection he’d ever had. Craning his neck, he studied the table behind him dubiously.

She wasn’t so far gone she couldn’t lift her head and let out a gasping laugh. “No, it won’t hold us.”

“The counter then.” He’d barely turned and set her on it before she’d pulled his body between her sprawled legs, her hips moving, moving, moving, driving him to the very brink. The unrelenting heat threatened to burn him alive, and all the while her mouth was busy attacking his until he slipped his hands beneath her, holding her steady as he entered her.

Her eyes were wide on his so that he could watch pleasure chase hunger chase heat chase need across her face. “Oh, Tanner,” she whispered on a thready sigh. Her head fell back, and she opened her legs a little wider, so he could sink into her even more deeply.

He figured he had about three seconds before he exploded helplessly, but still, she beat him. His gaze was firmly on her face when she hit her peak, moaning his name, shuddering, shuddering, shuddering. Seeing her, hearing her, feeling her, capped it off for him, and he exploded, too, collapsing against the counter and Cami’s body.