Toomuch power in her hands, he thought, and his body convulsed.

This is the last time… he swore.The last time she'd ever get the upper hand. He'd keep that bitch naked and contained from now on. He'd teach her what her place was and he'd make her stay there, even if he had to…

What washe thinking? He was thinking like a man who was besotted with a woman. Damn her… He didn't give a good goddamn about her. She was part of a business deal, there for his convenience, his use, his possession.


… what was she doing?!!

She'd wriggled her way down onto him so that her body was stretched flat and her feminine vee was almost within tonguing distance of his mouth.

And she was playing with him.

She'd unsheathed the satin hood from the tip of his member and she was twirling her finger lightly around the ridge at the tip.

Never again, he thought, gritting his teeth and girding his hips against the swirling sensations.I'lltie her to the bed before she ever gets me in a position like this again. If I have to stay awake for the rest of my life, I'll teach this bitch who is her master and just what she's good for

But she knew that already; she had his body knotted up with lust, surging toward culmination.

"Let me give you what you want, Drue."

"No," she said dreamily, "that's too easy."

"Anything you want, any way you want it."

"Oh, promises…" she murmured, caressing him at the very tip with her very hot wet tongue. "You say one thing today, and tomorrowit's gone… This is nice, though…" She folded that tip between her lips and pressed on it gently, meaningfully.

He rocketed off the bed. She could have him nowshe knew it and he knew it; he was tight as a drum and ready to explode.

"You win, damn it. What are your terms?" he demanded hoarsely.

"Oh?" she cooed. "Oh. The terms. The conditions. Those." She compressed her lips again and he shuddered. It was too much, and she knew it, and that he did not want to blow. He was about ten seconds away from it, and using every ounce of control to keep himself contained while he waited to hear her everlastingconditions.

"Ummm… Oh, let me see, my rutting stag. Conditions. You will never,ever hide your naked body from me…ever… " she cautioned throatily. "Andyou will never deny me anything I demandin our bedroom."

She swirled her tongue around him again. "You are a body to serviceme, my stag. Do you think you're up to it?"

"Untie me, and you'll find out."

"Delicious idea," she sighed and covered him with her mouth again.

"Now, Drue."

"Ohthere was one thing about those conditions…"

"Why…"his body jolted as she sucked him"why"his voice dropped precipitously as he got hotter and harder"did I know that…?"

"Listen, my lusty stagthose terms hold for all the days of our lives together. And if you don't agree to those conditions" she pulled on him again, knowing exactly what power she wielded with her mouth and tongue"you will never, ever have me again."

Did he have to say it? "Untie me."

"Not enough, Court."

"Damn you, how much more do you need?"

"But there were days and days that you weren't available to me." She squeezed him mercilessly. "Days and days. How do I know it won't happen again?"

"If you stay put, it won't happen. Again."

"If I…? IfI… I see" She levered herself off of him."Your terms, Court." She swung her legs over the bed. "I don't think so."

She reached over and flicked the golden loops on his nipples and he shuddered. "Not if you want my body, my nipples. Not if you want to couple withme."

"All right, damn it, all right"

"All right, what?"

"I agree to your conditions. For all the days we are together."

She smiled, that faint, knowing smile of feminine power.

But not for long…

"Untie me, Drue. Let me rut in you."

"Oh, Ilike that idea…" she murmured as she sashayed around the bedpost. A minute later, his one arm was free. And then the other.

And then he grabbed her, ignoring the tingling, ignoring the ache, he grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed, onto his lap, and he pushed her on her belly, and he held her with a grip of iron and he paddled her bottom once, twice, three times with the impatience of a man who has been too long out of control and too long in heat. And then he released her abruptly and she tumbled to the floor.

"Don't you ever do that to me again."

"No promises, you bastard. Since you don't know how to keep them."

"Test me, my fawn. The slate is blank as of today. See if I don't keep my promises…"

She curled up onto her feet and stood looking down at him.Maybemaybe not… but what she knew was, in spite of his discipline, and despite his fury, she wanted what was between his legs.

She turned slowly and walked to the harness. "This is what I want."

"Then make yourself ready for me." He stood up, still enshrouded in the satin as she pulled the stair-step under the harness and climbed up and mounted it.

And she knew, as soon as she positioned her legs, that he could see how wet she was for him, because he had started toward her before she was even settled and was nudging against her almost immediately.

"This has nothing to do with love," he whispered as they both watched him press against her cleft and his tip penetrate her welcoming fold.

He held himself there for a long erotic moment, really aware for the first time of the nature of this erotic joining between them. That part of him neededher, wantedher. Every emotion in him surrendered to her power. He wanted nothing more than to claim her. Nothing less than to love her.

He reached out to her breasts, the golden loops dangling from his fingers.

"I hereby claim you," he said huskily, slipping the loops over her nipples once again as the mark of his possession.

And I will love you, he thought.For all the days we are together, I will. It was a promise, it was a dream.

And then, with all the mastery at his command, and the need and desire for her growing deeper within him by the moment, he claimed her willing body, he claimed her trembling lips, and for the first time, he claimed her heart.

A Ladys Pleasure by Robin Schone

chapter 1


It filled the storm, pounding and striking the night sky.

It filled the stranger, fueling and stoking a burning lust.

For a woman.

A woman who knew more of life than surviving one day at a time.

A woman with kindness and passion.

A woman who would share with him her soul as well as her body.

A woman who, perhaps, could give him back his own soul.

The man raised his face to the sky and cursed the icy rain. He cursed the wind that drove it into every pore of his body. He cursed the African Boer who had used his left leg for target practice, thus necessitating convalescence in the cold, drafty country that was England. He cursed the horse that had thrown him in such a godforsaken, isolated area. But most of all he cursed the need that had driven him from the warmth and comfort of his seaside cottage.

Need that a man like him, born on the streets of London, could not afford.

Need that, in a man like him, haunted by the nameless dead, could never be appeased.

A fork of jagged lightning split the sky; a warning shot of thunder echoed through the night.

The storm promised death, lost as he was with neither horse nor shelter.

The storm promised life, the dawning of a new day in the aftermath of pain and desire.

The stranger lowered his head. And saw the light.

"My desires were excited to the highest pitch. I depicted to her the pleasure she would experience when, after arriving at the chateau, I should deflower her of her virginity, and triumphantly carry off her maidenhead on the head of this, 'dear Laura,' I said, as I took one of her hands and "


A raging black wall of wind and rain turned candlelight into night, swallowing whole the illicit, newspaper-type print that was in that second the sum total of Abigail's existence.

Blindly, instinctively, she scooped up the forbidden journal she had been reading. Beside her, frenzied fingers rifled through the earlier installment of erotic literature, whipped it through the air. Behind her, china clicked and clattered in the cupboard. And before her

A dark silhouette, darker than the storm outside, filled the space where the cottage door should be. Where ithad been but a moment before.

Abigail's heart slammed against her ribs as she made the mental transition from the fictional Laura who was being initiated into the pleasures of sex to the flesh-and-blood spinster that was herself.

Another explosion resounded through the one-room cottage the door slamming shut. Barring the buffeting wind and the drumming rain. Barring what light the night provided.

Barring Abigail inside the cottage with an intruder.

An intruder who, judging by the height and breadth of the silhouette that had filled the doorway, could only be a man.

A very large man.

Lingering desire pulsed through her bodyand dawning horror.

She was all alone andshe had forgotten to bolt the door.

Abigail surged to her feetnaked feet, defenseless feet,where had she put her shoes? "Who are you?"

Her voice was loudtoo loud in the sudden quiet. Certainly it did not belong to the placid spinster everyone took her to be.

No more than it belonged to the wanton woman she had been but a moment before.

Hair rose on the back of her neck as she strained to see through the black abyss that was all that separated her and certain theft or death. "What do you want?"

Droplets of water pelted her in the faceas if some great animal shook itself dry.

"What do you think I want?" The low, masculine growl came from the vicinity of the door. "Lady, in case you haven't noticed, there's a storm outside. I want shelter."

Abigail's breath escaped in surprise at the blistering censure in the intruder's voice. His accent proclaimed that he was no local boy, but an educated man.

"I am fully aware that there is a storm outside, Mr…"

"Coally. Robert. Colonel," the disembodied voice curtly supplied.

White dots pricked the blackness in front of Abigail's eyes. "I am fully aware that there is a storm outside, Colonel Coally, but you can not possibly stay here. There is a"warmth flooded her cheeks at mentioning the unmentionable"a little house out back. You will find shelter there."

"Lady, I am soaked; I am cold; I am hungry. I amnot going to spend a night in a privy. Light that candle before one of us does ourselves an injury."

The order was abrupt, imperious and rude. As if Abigail was a soldiera rather dim-witted soldier at thatderelict in her duties.

A tide of shock washed over her; it was followed by rage.

She forgot that the colonel was an intruder. She forgot that gently bred ladies such as herself fainted in the face of danger and submitted to the voice of masculine authority. She forgot everything but the fact thatshe was not going to take orders, here, in this seaside cottage that she had rented far away from the dictates of society so that she could enjoy one precious month of freedom before she gave upeverything, and howdare

A dull clunk of boots on wood ripped through Abigail's fury the colonel was bridging the darkness that separated them. The clunk was interspersed by a dragging sound, as if he limpedor staggered.

Military men were notorious for their drinking habits.

Abigail hastily stepped back.

Only to collide with the chair she had just vacated. It skidded across the floor.

"Please stay where you are while I light the candle." Her voice in the darkness was just as sharp as the colonel's. "Are you injured?"

A grunt was her answer. And a flare of light.

Abigail stared at the intruder alias colonelfrom across the scarred wooden table instead of from across the room where he should be.

Her first thought was of how dark was his skinas dark as the gentlemen of her acquaintance were fair.

Her second thought was how ridiculously long his eyelashes were. They created jagged shadows on his cheeks as he concentrated on touching the head of the match to the wick of the candle.

Then he was entirely visible, illuminated in a widening circle of light.