"No," she said. "You are my personal gift to the queen, Dagon. I did not purchase you with Kava's funds, but my own. You will come to my home to be bathed, fed, and rest. Tonight I shall offer you to Kalida with my compliments."

"I thought men were not allowed within the city walls at night," he replied.

She smiled at him. "They are not but for lovers, and rank has its privileges, my princeling, as you well know."

The palace of the High Procuress was a gracious structure of creamy marble. Entering into its courtyard, Dagon saw the great pillars holding up the porch were of red-veined marble capped in gold, and the courtyard was filled with flowers. By the time he was taken to the bath, Zenaida's handmaidens had already broadcast forth the details of his manhood, and he was surrounded by an extraordinary number of women.

"Get away from him, you lascivious little demons," the bath mistress scolded the murmuring, pointing females. "He is the great lady's gift to the queen this very night, and must not be worn out by your enthusiastic licentiousness. Go along with you now. Shoo!"

Disappointed, the women departed.

"I hope he displeases her, and gets sent to the square for common pleasures," one girl said. "Then I'll ride that big stallion to a froth, by Suneva, I swear it!"

"You never rode any man to a froth, Gaia," came a voice, and the other women erupted into laughter.

The old bath mistress cackled. "They will carry on at the sight of a bulging manhood," she said bluntly. She stripped the linen from his loins, and stared. "By Suneva, they have not lied! I've bathed many a man in my life, but never have I seen a manhood this big! It is at least thirteen marks in length. Can it be fully sheathed within a lover?"

"It can," he replied.

"Ahhhhhhh!" the bath mistress said wistfully. "To be young again, or perhaps not even so young." She fondled him, shaking her head and sighing. Then, catching herself, she took up the tools of her trade, and began to bathe him, calling to her assistants to come and help her, for there was much to do. Dagon must be fed, and rested, too, before the evening came.

He was taken naked from the bath, given a solid meal, and then washed lightly again before being taken to a bed space to rest. He slept for several hours before being gently awakened. He was clothed in a length of snow-white linen which was artfully wrapped and draped about his loins, and a twisted golden torque was fitted about his thick neck. Gilded leather sandals were placed upon his big feet. Zenaida herself brushed his thick dark hair with sandalwood oil, and then tied his locks back with a thin gold cord. She ran her hands over his naked shoulders, turned him about, and ran them over his broad chest.

"You are beautiful," she told him with a sigh. "Keep your wits about you, my princeling, and remember all I have told you. Ah, to be thirty years younger!" Then she turned, and he followed her.

"We are walking?" he asked the High Procuress.

"The queen's palace is but across the square," she replied.

They were permitted to pass into the royal residence without challenge, as Zenaida was known by all. Zenaida moved swiftly for a woman of her girth. He moved after her. A beautiful young woman who looked familiar to Dagon greeted them at one point. She was garbed as an officer of the guard.

"Good evening, my lady," the officer said.

"Good evening, Captain," the High Procuress responded. She turned to Dagon. "This is my middle daughter, Berenike, who is captain of the queen's personal guard."

Dagon bowed. "I greet you, Captain Berenike."

"He is magnificent," Berenike said to her mother, barely acknowledging Dagon. "Do you believe he will be successful?"

"It is in the hands of the goddess, my daughter," Zenaida answered. "Is she waiting? What has she been told?"

"Only that you have a gift for her," was the reply. Then the captain let her gaze wander to Dagon's crotch. "Let me see, Mother!" she begged girlishly."Please!"

Zenaida chuckled. "You are incorrigible as always, Berenike." Then she delicately lifted the draped linen up so her daughter might see.

"Ohhhhh," Berenike sighed wistfully. She reached out, and caressed the great length of flesh.

Zenaida slapped her daughter's eager hands away. "It is a most sensitive organ, and easily aroused. I will not have him spoiled for the queen, Berenike. Shame on you!"

"You never brought me a gift like that," the young woman complained.

"He is a king's son, and only fit for the queen," the High Procuress replied. "We must go now. Straighten your clothing, Dagon!" she scolded him, as if he were responsible for all that had just taken place. "Come along now! I can see if I do not get you off of my hands soon you may cause a riot within these walls."

She hurried down the wide hallway again, her captive in her wake. They stopped before a great bronze double door. The warriors on duty flung open the portals so they might pass through.

"I hope to always have your friendship, lady," Dagon murmured low.

She turned for but a brief moment, and smiled at him. Then she rotated herself ahead again, bowed low before the throne in front of them, and said, "Hail, Kalida, Queen of Kava!"

Dagon allowed his eyes to look directly upon the queen for but a quick blink of the eye, and, in doing so, his heart was lost forever. Zenaida had said Kalida was beautiful, but never before in his entire life had the Prince of Aramas seen such an exquisite creature. He knew in that moment that he would do whatever he had to do to win her heart.

chapter 2

She wore a pleated, short-sleeved white gown with an open round neckline. Her pale golden hair with its silver lights was dressed in thick braids that were affixed atop her head like a crown. Her teardrop-shaped eyes were the color of emeralds, and matched the necklace of large stones about her slender neck. Her arms were filled with slim, bejeweled gold bangles, and on her feet were gold sandals.

"Is this the gift you have brought me, Zenaida?" she purred in a husky voice. "It lacks originality, I fear."

The High Procuress chuckled. "Nay, Majesty, I would not bring youjust a man," she said. "This is Dagon, Prince of Aramas, his father's heir until he was betrayed by his twin brother, who, though the younger, always coveted the elder's place. I bought him for you with my own gold in the slave markets of Ramaskhan. He is unique. Remove your wrap, Dagon, and show the queen your assets," Zenaida concluded.

Standing unbowed, Dagon's fingers undid the linen cloth covering his loins, dropping it gracefully to the floor. Head up, he looked directly into Kalida's eyes, and almost jumped as the silent lightning passed between them. Then, clearly hearing her voiceless command, he unfocused his own eyes, but his head remained unbowed. He was, after all, a king's son.

Kalida swallowed back the gasp of surprise welling in her throat. She was the Queen of Kava, not some virgin gazing upon a manhood for the very first time. The truth, however, was that she had never seen anything like the penis now displayed before her. It was enormous; long and thick as it lay at ease upon its ebony bed of tightly bunched curls. About her, the women warriors who guarded her were just as openmouthed with their own amazement, and not just a little envious.

"Can something of that size actually function properly?" Kalida asked Zenaida. "We must have a demonstration here and now!"

"Trust me, Majesty, it is a very serviceable weapon that Dagon wields. My serving women will attest to it. They have spent the nights of our return journey, but for the last three, training this handsome young barbarian for your pleasure. Now he is yours, with my compliments."

"Berenike!" the queen called, and the captain of her guard stepped forward.

"Yes, Majesty?"

"You are the largest woman in the room. Arouse him, and let us see what this prince is made of before I take him into my household," the queen commanded.

He was astounded by Kalida's order. Had she no heart? he wondered to himself. Then he realized that this was precisely the problem Zenaida had spoken about. Kalida was beautiful, and, he suspected, passionate, but she was quite without feelings."My queen!" The sound of his deep, musical, and very masculine voice startled them all. "Will you not let me speak, oh beauteous Queen of Kava?"

"It would appear that you are speaking," Kalida said dryly, but then she waved her hand at him, assenting to his request.

"For three nights I have rested from love's labors, oh Queen. The desire and the passion that have been building within me are for you,and you alone. I am a king's son. My love should be only for a queen.For Kalida, Queen of Kava." Stepping forward, Dagon knelt, and, taking the hem of her gown between his fingers, he kissed it.

"Would you disobey me then,slave?" she demanded of him imperiously.

"Nay, oh Queen. Whatever you so wish, I will obey, but fine wine should not be wasted. Captain Berenike is most lovely, and it would be an honor to be mounted by such a one, but if you truly favor me, oh Queen, you will keep me for yourself as the gracious lady Zenaida hoped you would. I am born a king's son, but to be your slave will be an honor."

"His tongue is quick," Kalida noted, half amused, half intrigued. She looked curiously at the man kneeling before her. She had never known a slave with such charm, or such boldness. Men arriving in Kava were either defiant or foolish. "I am sorry, Berenike, but perhaps I shall give him to you after he no longer amuses me. Take him to my private quarters. Later I shall see if he is indeed worth my trouble." She nudged Dagon with the tip of her sandal. "If you are not,slave, you will find yourself given over for common pleasures by the morrow."

"It will be a just punishment then," he responded seriously.

Kalida laughed. "I must teach you to speak only when spoken to,slave. Do not allow your boldness to overcome your obvious allure," she warned him. Then she turned to Zenaida. "I may thank you in the morning."

"Indeed, my queen, you will," Zenaidasaid with a smile, and then bowed herself from the royal presence even as Dagon was being escorted from the chamber. "Do not tamper with him," Zenaida warned her daughter when they were out of the queen's hearing. "I cannot have your lust destroying my plans. You are too much like your father."

Berenike laughed. "You do not object to his lust, Mother," she teased her parent. Then she grew serious. "I know how important this is to Kava. I will not play the spoiler."

"Very good," Zenaida replied. Then she turned to Dagon. "Your deference toward the queen was perhaps a trifle heavy-handed. Kalida is not a simpleton, as I have already warned you."

"I am rebuked," he said, a twinkle in his blue eyes.

"Do not outsmart yourself, Dagon of Aramas," she advised him. "I can be the best friend you have ever had, but do not be fooled. I could also be your deadliest enemy should you fail me. Power is corrupting when held for too long a time. Kava needs a new queen, but we cannot go against our traditions lest the goddess punish us."

"Perhaps the goddess has meant for Kalida to rule as long as she has," he countered.

"Mayhap," Zenaida answered him with a small smile, "but now you are here. You are clever, and you are handsome. How can she not fall in love with you? Do your best, and keep me informed of your progress. Berenike will carry your messages to me. Commit nothing to writing."

"What is it you are not telling me?" he asked her.

"I am suspicious of the queen's household," Zenaida replied. "It is possible that they are encouraging the queen to her single state. You will learn if that is true or not. Trust no one, not even Kalida herself, my princeling. Now, go with Berenike." The High Procuress turned away from him, and hurried off down the corridor.

"It is beginning to appear that your mother has given me a harder task than I anticipated," Dagon said quietly.

"My mother is a patriot, and great believer in tradition. I agree with her. Kava has always prospered because it has followed the rules set down by the goddess herself in a time lost to our memories but clearly written down in our holy books," Berenike told him. "My mother does what is best for Kava. She has the backing of the Queen's Council, or she would not do so, you may be certain."

"Who heads the queen's household?" Dagon inquired.

"His name is Zeras, and he has been with Kalida since she was a child. Some say he is her sire, but no one is certain. Kalida's mother died when she was born. She was raised by her mother's two sisters."