"A man heads the royal household?" Dagon was surprised.

"Of course," Berenike said. "Many of our servants are male slaves. Women have far more important things to do than to be bothered with household tasks."

"But your mother had serving women," he said, puzzled.

"We do not allow our male slaves to leave Kava," Berenike explained. "The young women who served my mother on her trip to Ramaskhan are learning the business of trade. Buying and selling slaves comes under that heading, Dagon. Ahhh, the queen's apartments. Be on your guard now."

The bronze doors to the queen's private apartments were swung open by the two female warriors at their entry. Inside the colonnaded anteroom the torches flared with golden light, the air was lightly perfumed, and all was calm. A man hurried across the black-and-white marble squares of the floor. He was of medium height, and slender in his white robes. There was a bejeweled gold collar about his neck. His face was both angular and severe.

"Greetings, Zeras," Berenike said. "I have brought you the queen's new toy. He is now in your charge." The captain then turned, and without another word departed.

"What is your name, slave?" Zeras asked.

"I am Dagon, Prince of Aramas."

"Indeed," Zeras remarked impassively. "And just how did such a fine royal fellow as yourself end up a slave?"

"Through treachery," Dagon said briefly. "I have learned since to be wiser."

"Well," Zeras said quietly, glancing down briefly, "I can see your obvious attractions. Perhaps you can keep the queen amused for a time or two, but be advised, Dagon of Aramas: no man remains long in her bed. Kalida has no heart. You will probably end up in the mines eventually, unless, of course, you have a talent for agrarian pursuits. Do not make yourself too comfortable within these walls. You will not be here for very long."

"We shall see, Zeras," Dagon answered him.

"You dare to speak back to me,slave?" Zeras angrily inquired.

"You are a slave, too, if I am not mistaken," Dagon replied. "If you were not born a king's heir, then your original station in life was inferior to mine. Now, however, we are both slaves within the city of Kava, and therefore equals. Unless I am told otherwise by our mistress, the queen, I shall speak to you as an equal."

"Welllll! Well, well, well,well!" Another voice chimed in, and its tone was decidedly mischievous. A small, plump man came into view. "It would seem, my dear Zeras, that the queen's new toy is not to be cowed by your usual pomposity." The gray-blue eyes suddenly bulged as they looked upon Dagon's manhood. "Suneva preserve us! Why was I not born a woman? I have certainlynever seen anything likethat in all my born days! It is surely enough for two men." He sighed dramatically, and then was all business again. "I am Vernus, dear boy. It is my duty to take care of the queen's playthings. Follow me, please. You must be prepared for her bed as soon as possible. Oh, do stop scowling, Zeras! It adds years to your face, which is not a particularly pretty one to begin with. According to my informants, Dagon is exactly who he says he is,and he is going to make Kalida very,very happy."

With just the barest nod to Zeras, Dagon followed after Vernus, who led him to a tiled bath.

"I was bathed earlier," the prince told Vernus.

"Just a quick wash then, and I shall see to it myself," Vernus replied. "Empty your bladder there first." He pointed to an open drain that was constantly being flushed with water. When his charge had obeyed, Vernus matter-of-factly grasped Dagon's penis, and pushed the foreskin back as far as it would go. "They always need washing no matter how careful you are," he said. Then, taking up a soft cloth, he carefully, and most thoroughly, cleaned the organ in his hand. "There, now, that's better. Raise your arms." Vernus smeared a thick whitish paste in the hollow of Dagon's armpits. Then, kneeling, he did the same to his legs. "She dislikes too much fur," he explained. "Your nether curls set off that magnificent cock, so I will not remove them unless instructed to do so. As for your chest, it is perfect, dear boy. Smooth, and soft,and so well muscled." He sighed again. "I suppose you only enjoy women."

Dagon swallowed back his chuckle. Vernus was quite harmless, he could easily see. "Yes," he said.

"Pity," Vernus murmured. "If you should ever change your mind, dear boy, we could becomevery good friends." He scraped the hair from Dagon's body.

"I hope we can bejust good friends," Dagon replied with a small smile in Vernus's direction.

"You are not offended then?" Vernus said. Usually these beefy fellows were very protective of their masculinity.

"Why? Because you find me attractive?" The prince laughed. "No, I am not offended at all. If I prefer women as lovers, that is my choice. You have obviously made different choices, but they certainly do not offend me. I see no reason why we cannot be friends simply because our sexual tastes are dissimilar."

Now it was Vernus's turn to chuckle. "Zeras will have a most formidable opponent in you, I think. Not that I mind," he finished with a purr. "Come, now, and let me rinse you with some perfumed water and get you dried.She has a large appetite for pleasure. I assume they have told you that.She is also very impatient, and having seen that formidable lance of yours will be eager to try it out."

"Have you been with her long?" Dagon made conversation as Vernus toweled him.

"My brother and I were brought here together years ago," was the reply. "His name is Durantis, and he is the mate of Zenaida." Vernus smiled knowingly at the startled look on Dagon's face. "Oh, I know what Zenaida hopes to accomplish. Though I dare not voice my approval"and now he lowered his tone"it is time for Kalida to fall in love, and take a mate. Zeras, of course, does not want that to happen. He has a passion for power. If Kalida is replaced, his power is gone. He is your enemy, and right now he has her complete trust."

"They say," Dagon answered in equally low tones, "that Zeras is her father. Is it true?"

Vernus nodded. "He is, and she is aware of it. Her mother died when she was born, and she was raised by her aunts, who put her in Zeras's care. They are both merchants of great importance, and had no time for a baby. Zeras found it was to his advantage to teach Kalida as a Kavan mother would have; but, unlike a Kavan woman, he taught her to scorn men. While the women here believe they are superior to the male of the species, they nonetheless enjoy their company, and their sexuality. Kalida, however, has been schooled by Zeras to deny her emotions. She sates her body with the pleasure a man can give her, but has been educated to feel no affection for any other living thing. Even Zeras."

Dagon nodded. "This is an impossible task Zenaida has set for me to complete."

"Nay," Vernus replied. "Of late Kalida has been restless and unhappy. Something within her that she does not understand yearns to be loved, not just with a strong, skilled body, but with a full heart. Zeras was foolish to believe he might keep her free of all emotion. He cannot. Even he once loved. It was the death of Kalida's mother that turned him to ice. He did not want to see his daughter die as the mother had, in childbed. It would have been easier for him if Kalida had not become queen, but she did."

"Then Zeras began to enjoy the power that came with being the queen's confidant. Now that power consumes him. He does not think of Kalida's happiness. Only of his own lust for domination. He will be a dangerous opponent, Dagon. Be careful… There! You are ready for the queen, the lucky bitch!"

Dagon laughed. "You are a most irreverent fellow," he said as he followed Vernus from the bath, down a corridor, and through gold-leafed double doors into the queen's bedchamber. His eyes widened at his first sight of Kalida's bed. It was a great square dais upon which was set a huge mattress covered in coral-colored silk. Above the bed hung sheer turquoise-and-gold draperies from a gold ring suspended from the painted ceiling. Dagon gasped softly, surprised, for upon the ceiling were the figures of men and women sporting themselves in all manner of sexual positions. By the bed was a woven basket of gold wire within which he could see a variety of lotions, and exotic toys. There was little else in the square room, whose creamy marble walls were veined in gold. The floor beneath his feet was also marble, squares of gold and cream.

"You are permitted to await her upon the bed," Vernus said. "You must drape yourself artfully among the pillows. Ahhh, yes," he approved as Dagon lay himself down. "Most charming. She will come when she comes. Whatever you do, don't fall asleep. You'll be punished if you do. She expects you eager for her arrival."

"How fortunate I napped earlier," Dagon said wryly.

Vernus chuckled. "Suneva help you," he remarked as he hurried from the chamber.

Dagon's mind was awhirl assimilating all the information the gossipy Vernus had imparted to him. How in the name of all the gods was he to breach the icy stone walls Kalida had allowed to be set up around her heart? Especially in a situation where the beauteous young queen believed herself superior to all men, and did not know how to yield herself to a lover's passion. He shook his head wearily. He was already half under her spell with just one look at her. She was much too lovely to be allowed to go through life without knowing love. He had to succeed!

"You are thinking," she said. She was standing by the bed stark naked. "Of what do you think? Your past life? Another woman?"

He had not even heard her enter the room. He tried to keep himself from gaping at her beauty. She had a body such as he had never seen. It was utterly flawless. Small, but perfect cone-shaped breasts crested by dainty pink buds. Her torso was in proportion; her belly flat; her limbs rounded and long. Her hair was now unbound, and hung about her like a shimmering curtain of pale silvered gold.

"I was thinking of you," he responded frankly. "Of how I could win your heart, my queen."

"How amusing you are," Kalida replied, slithering onto the large bed, and reaching out to caress his penis. "It is magnificent," she said softly. "I can barely contain my desire to sheath you!"

He caught up her hand, and, turning it over, placed a kiss upon the palm. "Pleasure," he said, "is best enjoyed when the anticipation and the appetite for it is whetted slowly. You are, I am advised, impatient. Let me teach you to be more composed with passion." He slipped one of her fingers into his mouth, and began to suck upon it, his deep blue eyes meeting her emerald-green ones.

"You are bold," Kalida murmured, fascinated in spite of herself, "and you speak to me as if we were equals. I am the Queen of Kava. You are naught but my slave." She could feel her heart hammering erratically within her chest. "I will overlook your behavior this one time, for you have just come to Kava, and have not yet had time to learn our ways. You must obey me, Dagon, for I am your mistress. I am not above beating my slaves when they are disobedient. You are very beautiful, but you must be docile. I do not yet want to send you to the fields, or to the mines."

"I speak to you as I do, my queen, because of all the men you have ever met, I am your equal," Dagon replied softly. "They say you have no heart, but I do not believe it. How can someone so beautiful, so wise a ruler, be heartless? I am already half in love with you!"

Then before she might remonstrate with him, he pinioned her beneath him, and his lips met hers in a deep, passionate kiss. Kalida's head spun wildly. The mouth against her mouth was firm and warm. A tiny tingle of pleasure raced through her body before he lifted his head but briefly, and then again began to kiss her. His lips played along hers, touching at the corners, brushing over her eyelids.

"The gods!" he whispered. "You are so damnably sweet, my queen!"

Kalida attempted to regain her mastery over this unruly slave Zenaida had given her. "You do not have my permission to kiss me," she scolded him. "I will whip you if you do not behave! You must be trained to respect the superiority of the female, Dagon! Cease, or I will punish you!"

Releasing her, he leapt from the bed, and, looking into the basket by the bed, drew forth a small leather whip. "Punish me then, my queen," he said, "for I will not come to heel like the others who have peopled your bed. Passion is to be shared equally by the man and the woman, not just taken to be enjoyed by only one alone."