“Why would we want to do that?” Tate watched her move around. He was in no hurry to stand on his ankle. He also had no interest in watching the news. He really didn’t want to leave the guest room tonight for that matter.

“Oh, right. You don’t know. Lacy called me this afternoon and said they’re airing a taped segment on our toy drive tonight. The producers asked her to see if it was okay with us if they ran the story. I told them it was fine. I guess they had a bunch of kids in the studio earlier today. Lacy said she was going to be on camera.”

“Lacy’s going to be on TV?”

“That’s what she said. Jeff’s letting them all say ‘Merry Christmas’ after the final segment.” Her hands moved swiftly as she wrapped a towel around her head and tucked it around her face. She bent down and kissed his cheek. He grabbed her head and kissed her hard, trying to coax her back into the water.

“You’re bad.” She pulled away. “I’ll see you downstairs,” she said and disappeared into the bedroom.

Tate threw his arms over each side of the tub and looked up at the ceiling. This weekend was going better than he’d dreamed. Tomorrow he’d tell Amanda everything. Then at Christmas dinner, he’d lean over and whisper in her ear that she was his first kiss and that he loved her.


“Amanda, dear, where is Nate?” Grandma Turner asked from her rocking chair, waving her empty eggnog glass.

“Yeah, where is Nate?” Alex said, provoking Amanda from the sofa. “Looking for something to wear?”

Amanda had joined her family who had all gathered in the living room. “Shut up,” she mouthed and turned to her grandmother. “Grandma, his name is Tate. Not Nate. Tate.”

“Oh that’s right. Sorry. I once knew a Nate.”

Amanda’s mother came in with a tray of eggnog. “We know, Ma.” She grabbed the empty glass of eggnog and handed her a new one. “This one’s a virgin.”

Alex burst out laughing.

Amanda narrowed her eyes and sat down, giving him a hard poke. “It’s not like you’ve never had sex in this house,” she whispered.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite family.” Tate strolled over to the couch and Alex stood, letting him sit next to Amanda.

Tate had changed into khaki pants and a red sweater. No Christmas trees and no reindeer. Just red and just perfect. He draped his arm around her and she leaned in. What a perfect ending to a wonderful night.

Tate kissed her on the cheek and turned to her grandmother. “Good evening, Mrs. Turner.”

Her grandmother’s face lit up. “Why, Tate. I’ve been waiting for you all night. How was your day?”

Alex burst out laughing again. He had moved to the floor with Brenda. Brenda jabbed his ribs.

Amanda took a sip of her eggnog. “Mom, where are Brad and Melanie?”

“They are upstairs with Max. He’s been fussy tonight.”

She turned her attention to her dad who was playing with the TV’s remote control. He was trying to stream the Internet. “I think we’ve got it. Amanda, let me show you how to key in the website.”

Her mom reappeared with a tray full of eggnog sugar cookies. “Okay, eat up. Last batch of the season!” She stood in front of Tate and pointed at his ankle. “How is your ankle, Tate?”

“Much better,” Tate replied. “Thank you.”

“Well, can I get you anything?”

“Just these delicious cookies.” He reached over and grabbed a cookie from the tray.

Amanda pulled up the live feed of the station’s eleven o’clock news. “Here it is! There’s our studio. Okay, everyone. Quiet.”

“Mom, you’re not seriously going to make us watch this since she’s here this year, are you?” Alex quipped.

Amanda shot Alex a smug look. “Shut up. It’s tradition.” She returned to her seat next to Tate. His arm immediately went around her, and she leaned back. She smiled up at him. Hopefully they were on the path to starting new traditions of their own. Although hot shower sex every Christmas Eve might not be the most conventional.

She glanced at the television. “Oh, my goodness. Tate, how cute does the station look?” Toys were strewn all over their anchor desk. At least a dozen kids were on the studio’s floor playing with them. “Look how much fun the crew is having.”

“They never have this much fun when we’re anchoring,” Tate said to everyone.

“Look, there’s Lacy standing over there with the kids. Wow. What a dress. I told her to wear something pretty but that’s—”

“Quite the hot pink number.” Tate finished her sentence. “She also wore that to the office Christmas party that you missed.” He grabbed another cookie from the tray and took a bite. “Want one?”

Amanda ignored his question. “Hot pink,” she repeated in a trance. Her gaze zoomed in on Lacy’s hot pink outfit. Her smile faded.

Tate’s words from the heated exchange they had two days ago in his office replayed in her head.

“She wore pink, hot pink.”

“Everything okay, Ace?”

The concerned look on his face could not ease the fury that raged inside her.

“Her dress is hot pink.” She pointed to the TV. “She’s wearing hot pink. She’s the one you we’re talking about the other day. Oh my God. Lacy’s the bimbo in the hot pink dress,” she blurted out.

“What are you talking about?” Tate reached for hand.

“Don’t touch me.” She stood, threw her hands in the air, and stormed through the living room out the front door.

* * *

“Amanda, please stop,” Tate begged as he scrambled down the hill. His ankle was starting to hurt again, but it was nothing compared to the pain he felt in his chest. “Amanda, don’t do this.”

“Don’t do this? You did this,” she screamed back.

“No I didn’t. I just made that hot pink dress comment to get a rise out of you.” He grabbed her arm. “Would you stop?”

“Why should I believe you?” She yanked her arm free. “I knew you two were hiding something.”

“We’re not hiding anything.”

“Oh, no? Then why were you both so cozy on the stairs outside her apartment building yesterday? Probably talking about how much fun you had at the Christmas party.”

“That—” he stammered. “That is not true. Nothing happened at the Christmas party. I made the hot pink dress comment up to push your buttons. Besides, even if it were true, you can’t possibly be mad. We’re not even a real couple.” He instantly regretted saying that last sentence because from the look on her face, he could tell it struck a chord.

“You got that right,” she yelled. “This weekend was a mistake. Huge one.”

He grabbed both of her hands, covering them with his. “Amanda,” he pleaded. “Ace, I didn’t mean that. You and me—this is what I want. The sleigh. Just now upstairs. It’s all very real to me. It’s what I’ve wanted for so long.”

He raked his hands through his hair. It was time to tell her the truth—all of it.

“Listen to me. The moment I met you, I felt something.”

“What are you talking about?” She rolled her eyes. “We met on a bus. Oh, right, you were half dressed then. I should have known.”

“No, no before that.” He grabbed her hand.

“Let go of me.” She broke his hold. “What? Did you see me on the news and then start stalking me in hopes I’d be one of your conquests? Well, that’s just terrific. It appears you got exactly what you wanted,” she said, crossing her arms.

“That’s not what I mean. Just let me explain.”

She stared at him in silence.

He shut his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to remember every moment of the night they first met.

“Amanda, you irritated me so much. All I wanted was to be left alone, but you wouldn’t go away. Then you kissed me. It . . .” He stopped. Words went dead in his throat. “It just surprised me.”

“What?” Amanda threw her hands up in the air. “Are you trying to say that you’ve been an unwilling participant? Because that’s not how I saw it! Do you already regret what happened upstairs?”

“Of course not. Let’s go inside and talk.”

She ignored him. “You know, everyone this weekend has been telling me to open my eyes. Everybody! Lacy, my grandmother, random strangers . . . But you know what? My eyes were open this entire time, and they see standing right here what they saw from the moment we met on that bus—an arrogant, womanizing ass.”

“That wasn’t our first meeting,” he said flatly.

“Yes it was.”

“No it wasn’t, and you’re wrong. I’m not either of those things. And you know it. And you also know deep down in that damaged heart of yours—” Frustrated, he spun around but turned back. “I didn’t realize it until this weekend, but I’m probably the best thing that has happened to you in a long time . . . if ever.”

She shot him one last repulsed look and tore down the hill. He tried to run after her, but his limp hindered his speed. She had reached the bottom and now stood in the middle of the dirt road.

“Never again, Tate Ryan. I will not be fooled by the likes of you. My eyes are wide open as far as you’re concerned.”

“Amanda, let’s go back to the house,” he pleaded. Car lights were quickly approaching. “We can go upstairs and talk. Please, just get out of the road—”

A loud screech muffled his pleas.


Amanda climbed the steep hill to her parents’ cabin alone. It was daylight and extremely foggy. When had the fog rolled in? The thick mist wrapped around her legs and ankles. She could barely see what was directly in front of her let alone make out the log cabin.

How long had she been outside? She must have gotten lost in the woods. The fight she had earlier with Tate still fresh in her mind. She remembered it ended with bright lights blinding her, probably from one of the Christmas trees on the lot. Alex was always rigging up some kind of bright lights display. It must have been his Christmas Eve lights finale.

She should have known better than to bring Tate home, let alone have sex with him. Even if he was telling the truth about him and Lacy, how many other women at the station had he attempted to be with?

What did it matter? They weren’t even a couple, a fact Tate all too quickly pointed out last night. She sighed. Another Christmas Eve ending in humiliation and heartbreak.

Her foot came down on a soft fury object. “Oops, I’m sorry,” she said, looking down at a buff colored tabby on the walkway. “That’s odd. I thought Grandma’s cat was grey.” She crouched down and petted the feline’s soft fur. “Hello. Who are you?”

The cat answered back by rubbing its head repeatedly on her hand. “You look just like my cat, Sydney. She was such a good kitty. I miss her.” The cat continued to rub its tiny head against her. “Are you hungry? Let’s go get you some food.” She stood, her sweater constricting underneath her jacket. The weather seemed to be unseasonably warm. There also wasn’t a trace of snow on her boots.

Not wanting to wake her family, she opened the door and tiptoed inside.

She gasped. Where were the spiral stairs? This wasn’t her parents’ house. She looked down. The white mist had rolled into the house and coiled around her legs.

Her heart beat faster as panic pulsed through her. “Where am I?” She stepped all the way in the house. “Is anyone home?” She stood frozen, letting a few seconds pass. Complete silence.

This was how really bad horror movies started out. Whatever she did, she would not run up the stairs.

But she didn’t feel like she was in a horror movie. No, far from it. There was something oddly familiar about this house that comforted, not frightened, her. What was it? She inched her way into a small living room where she saw a sofa, a wicker rocking chair with a plum cushion, and a fireplace. A round ball of green yarn and knitting needles were lying on the chair. To the right of the fireplace was a beautiful Christmas tree saturated with exquisite silver and blue ornaments. A bright silver star glistened on top.

She walked over to the stone mantel and stared at a gold framed picture of a family. “No, this can’t be,” she said and shook her head in disbelief.

It was her family’s Christmas photo from years ago, when Amanda was ten. They were wearing identical Christmas sweaters.

She knew exactly where she was.

“I can’t be here, can I?” Even if she had walked the five miles to her grandparents’ farm house, it had been years since they’d lived in it. Why was there a picture of her family on the mantel? She entered the foyer, now recognizing the dark brown banister that led up to the second floor. Her fingers glided over the wood as she remembered how she and Alex used to slide down it as kids, especially on Christmas morning.