He hung up and turned to face her. “We’re leaving tomorrow night.”

“We have tomorrow, then, to go the estate.”

He slowly shook his head. “Samara.”

“Come with me. Please, Travis.” Her eyes held his.

Hell. His resolve disintegrated beneath her clear green gaze. And the enticement of an incredible coffee bean. “Fine,” he growled. “We’ll leave first thing in the morning.”

She smiled. Tipped her head. “Thank you. So, what should we do to pass the time until then?”

She slid off the bed, moved toward him, and dropped to her knees.

“Oh, hell.”

Her fingers encircled his cock, which swelled and lengthened at her touch. His blood surged hot in his veins, and lust exploded in his brain as her tongue played with the head, circling, rubbing against that sweet spot on the underside, licking up and down, getting him wet so she could slide the tight ring of her lips over him and down. Up. Back down. He closed his eyes, let his head drop back, and fisted her hair in his hands. Her mouth was a dream, a hot, wet, sucking dream. Sublime sensation consumed him, a fiery tortuous ecstasy, making his legs go weak. He widened his stance, bare feet planted on the thick carpet, and when her fingers slipped between his legs to fondle his balls, he almost lost it right then.

“Oh, baby,” he groaned. “Oh yeah. Lick them, honey. Lick my balls.” He released her hair with one hand and held his cock up and out of her way. She eagerly complied, her teasing tongue sending fiery waves over him, his skin tingling, his testicles drawing up so tight at her touch.

“Love this,” she murmured. “Love your cock. I love the taste of it, the feel of it in my mouth, so thick and heavy.”

Her words inflamed him, ecstatic sensations sliding through him.

“And I love your balls,” she continued. She nuzzled the hair at his groin, kissed his thigh, licked tenderly over the taut sac again and again, then took one testicle into her mouth and sucked. Pressure built, and tingles slid up his spine, his fingers tightening in her hair. “How big and tight they are. Mmmm.”

Her pleasure at giving him pleasure was like the biggest imaginable stroke to his ego, making him feel fucking on top of the world. There was nothing, nothing in the world, hotter than a woman who loved sex like this. Samara, usually so bossy and in control, now on her knees in front of him clearly loving what she was doing, should have seemed subservient, but at that moment, he was the one who felt at her mercy, completely, utterly vulnerable, like he’d do any damn thing in the world for her.

He was crazy about her.

He opened his eyes and looked down at her as she took him in her mouth again, his swollen girth stretching her lips, her fingers again cupping his balls, her fingernails gently scraping and torturing him. He gritted his teeth, and the muscles of his ass tightened. He resisted the urge to thrust harder into her mouth, deeper into her throat.

“So good,” he groaned. “Your mouth, Sam. God, your mouth on me...so hot.”

She drew back and dropped her gaze to his cock, dripping and flushed. She smiled then tenderly rubbed the sensitive head of his dick over her wet lips. Heat flashed over him, and he moaned again. She looked up at him, long lashes framing her big eyes, hazy with lust, hot for him. So beautiful. So sexy.

Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked hungrily on him again, and everything inside him exploded in a hot violent burst. He held her head, trying to pull her back in case she didn’t want to do this, but she gave a small shake of her head, her eyebrows drawn together, and held him in her mouth as he came in long exquisite bursts.

She swallowed and let him slide out of her mouth, gently licking around the head, all shiny and super sensitive, then sucked him into her mouth in one last gentle pull.

“Jesus,” he croaked, and he went to his knees on the floor, too, and wrapped his arms around her. “Jesus Christ.”

They stayed like that, kneeling in front of each other, hugging, emotion swelling up inside him so big it almost choked him. He felt both an overwhelming sense of gratification and...love.

He rose to his feet, picked her up and carried her over to the bed, where he gently laid her down, so precious and valuable. To him. So important. So...everything.

She drove him crazy, yeah, but he wanted that kind of crazy, needed it like an addict needs a drug, needed her, needed her craziness, forever.

He parted her legs and knelt between them as she watched him with heavy-lidded eyes and a sultry smile. He leaned in to her to lick her sweet folds, slick with arousal, sweet and heady. He kissed the crease where thigh joined hip, brushed his lips over the puff of auburn curls, drew his tongue down over the softest skin in the world. She opened her thighs wider for him and moaned her delight. She tasted as sweet as sin, like desire and delight. Delicate. Delectable. He swallowed her taste, suckled on her soft flesh, kissed her clit, and then licked over it. Her body shuddered, and she whimpered, and when he drew her clit into his mouth and so gently sucked, she cried out, fisted her hands into the sheets and came in his mouth. So beautiful. So sexy.

* * *

They slept in her room that night. She awoke in the darkness, unsure of the time, draped over him, legs twined with his. She moved against him, rubbing with a latent need that quickly grew. She petted his chest—hard muscle, silky hair, hard little nipples— and made him twitch. She slid her hand lower, caressed his belly just beneath his navel, tangled her fingers in the rough hair below that, then reached lower still. Semi-hard, his cock swelled eagerly into her fingers. She smiled.

She stroked him, velvety skin over his hardening shaft and thick pulsing veins, and rubbed her thumb over the wet tip. His groan rumbled in his chest where her head still rested. She kissed his chest, tasting his skin with her tongue. His arms tightened around her, and then he rolled her to her back, coming over her, big and strong and powerful.

She gazed up at him in the dark, the moonlight streaming in the balcony doors where they’d left the curtains open, casting his body into highlights and shadows, emphasizing his high cheekbones and strong jaw, his dark eyes, his firm mouth. Silver and blue shadows sculpted his shoulders and biceps into powerful curves and dips as he parted her thighs and pushed her knees back. He moved between her legs, his knees spread wide, his thighs thick with muscle, the dark gold curls at his groin gleaming faintly, his cock thrusting up with erotic demand. Her lips parted at the sight of it, so engorged and beautiful. Feminine satisfaction swept through her that she did that to him, that he wanted her, and she blinked at a sudden prickle in the corners of her eyes.

“You’re beautiful, Samara,” he whispered, his gaze holding hers. “So beautiful.”

“So are you.”

His mouth curved in a wry smile, and she smiled too, her mouth tremulous.

Heat washed over her body in slow, luscious waves, pulsing from deep within her.

He laid his palm on his groin, his cock between his middle and index finger to help guide him into her. She watched, breathless and hot, then closed her eyes as he pushed inside her. Never enough. Never.

He eased himself in, slowly, in and out. “Take me, honey. Take me...like that. Oh, yeah.”


When he was in and they were pressed as close as they could be, joined there so intimately, he set his hands on her waist and held her, his hands so big on her body his thumbs almost met on her abdomen, and he began to move in her, sliding in and out in slow strokes. Then he moved over her, took her hands in his, and pressed them to the bed beside her head, taking his weight on his elbows, and he kissed her. He licked into her mouth, dragged his tongue over her teeth. He nibbled her lips and sucked her tongue, all the while rocking into her with his hips in a drugging, enthralling rhythm. She curled her fingers tightly around his and kissed him back.

“You feel so good,” he whispered in her ear. He nuzzled her hair, kissed her cheek and the side of her neck when she turned her head.

So good. So very, unbelievably good. Flames licked over her body, and pleasure bloomed inside her, spreading all the way to her fingers and toes, consuming her.

He rose up on his knees again, set his hands on her inner thighs and continued his relentless stroking in and out of her, a sweet ache building and building inside her. She opened her mouth, gazing up at him, so powerful above her. Sensation so acute it was almost pain built inside her.



He took her hands again, clasped them in his, and held them in front of her chest, steadying her body for his harder, faster thrusts, and their eyes met and held as he moved in her.

The man he was...was everything to her. His strength, his sense of purpose, his confidence. His loyalty to the company. His aura of competence and power that made her feel like she could always count on him.

The man he’d been when he’d rejected her all those years ago. Though it had hurt her, she knew now he’d done the right thing. Because that was who he was. The man he was now, who’d let her have a chance in managing Cedar Mill when she’d thought he was going to try to shut her out. The man he was to follow her to Matagalpa because he was worried about her. The man he was, driving her crazy with his bossy protectiveness, even though deep down inside...she loved it.

She watched, entranced by the molten heat in his eyes, the sensuous curve of his mouth, the muscles rippling over his body as he moved against her. His cock inside her hit every nerve ending, hit tender places so deep inside her it hurt. So good.

He lowered himself on her again, his body hot and heavy, though again he was on his elbows. One arm curved around the top her head, his hand caressing her hair, stroking her forehead, tipping her head back so he could kiss her throat. He suckled her flesh gently then licked there. “Sam,” he murmured. “Sam.”

He whispered words against her hair, his mouth burning a trail on her skin. Their soft sighs of pleasure mingling, he pushed into her again and again. Flames burned hotter in her womb, and pressure built, pleasure vibrating through her. She strained up into him, and one more time, he rose to his knees and found her clit with his thumb. Their eyes met and held, his so full of tenderness and worship she had to close hers as emotion rose up inside her in huge swamping waves.

He touched everything inside her—including her heart.

Sensation inside her spiraled up, tightening into a sharp point of need, so tight, so high she was almost scared of what was going to happen, and then he took her higher still, higher than she’d ever been, and she shattered, sweet sensation cascading over every nerve ending, sparks flashing in front of her eyes. She cried out and reached for him, and he fell over her, pressed the side of his face to hers, and found her hands again with his, his fingers clutching hers like he’d never let go. His body went tight and still against hers, and he pulsed into her.

“Sam.” He kissed her, over and over, his mouth on her forehead, her eyebrow, her cheek. His nose rubbed against hers, and they breathed in tandem, sharing air. Her heart thundered, and her body pulsed around his cock, still buried in her.

It all became so beautiful in that moment, so exquisite, so important she knew everything in her life had changed.

Chapter Eighteen

“Do you really think I’m spoiled?”

They lay twined together on top of the bed covers in the quiet darkness, the ceiling fan sending air stroking over their damp skin in soft, rhythmic waves. He dragged his fingers through her long hair.


She lifted her head from his chest to look at him. “You said that, though.”

“Yeah. I did.” He pursed his lips and expelled a breath. “When you were a teenager, I thought you were spoiled because you had such an easy life. Compared to what I had.”

She gazed at him, eyes full of warmth and gentle curiosity in the moonlight. “Tell me about it.”

He told her. Told her about the father who’d knocked up his mother, never to be seen again, his mom barely able to take care of herself, never mind a kid, all the odd jobs he’d taken from the time he was ten years old to try to help, including the job in a coffee shop that had sparked his interest in coffee. He told her about dropping out of college because his mom got sick and he’d had to look after her, how he’d had to get a full-time job —okay, two full-time jobs—to try to pay the medical bills, and how she’d died when he was only nineteen, leaving him alone in the world.