Then I arched back, looked in the direction of his face and cried, “She’s the only one in that house I like! Now she’s gone and I’m all alone!” after which I collapsed against him and started bawling again.
He bent and picked me up. I circled his neck with my arms, shoved my face in his neck and kept right on crying. We both went down and he settled me in his lap, his back against a tree and he stroked mine as I pressed close and kept sobbing. I did this for a while and Creed let me, stroking my back, sometimes my hair, sometimes shifting my hair away from my face but not saying a word and holding me close the whole time.
My tears subsided to sniffles and whimpers but I didn’t raise my head when I said, “I loved her.”
“I know you did, Sylvie,” he whispered. “She was a great dog.”
“I have a whole year before I’m out of that house and I have to spend it all alone.”
“Hey,” he called gently and I sucked in a trembling breath.
Then I asked, “What?”
“Look at me.”
I straightened a bit in his lap and tilted my head back.
His hands came to either side of my face, fingers moving, shifting damp tendrils of hair away, wiping away wet, his eyes watching them move before he framed my face and looked deep in my eyes.
“When has my Sylvie ever been alone?” he asked softly.
I closed my eyes and my head dropped forward, my forehead hitting his chin.
He kissed me there then his lips moved against my skin, “You always got me.”
I nodded, my forehead moving against his chin. “Yeah,” I whispered.
“Where is she?” he asked.
I sucked in a shaky breath and pulled back an inch, tipping my head to catch his eyes.
“I wrapped her in a blanket. She’s at home.”
“Your Dad and the stepmonster?”
“He’s golfing then having dinner with his cronies. She’s shopping then drinks with her girls. He said he’d call the vet but they said they couldn’t come until tomorrow.”
He looked over my shoulder and muttered, “Priceless. Pure Bissenette, his daughter’s dog dies and he’s fuckin’ golfing.”
“Creed,” I called and he looked back at me.
“I’ll take you home. Get her. Take you both to my place. You say good-bye and I’ll take care of her.”
I stared at him.
God! He was so wonderful. Everything. Everything. He was everything to me.
“Thank you, Creed,” I whispered.
“Gotta take care of my girl’s Bootsie,” he whispered back.
I looked deep into his beautiful, beautiful blue eyes.
Then I whispered again, “Thank you,” leaned forward and touched my mouth to his.
On the way back, his hand suddenly slid up into my hair, moving fast, his fingers curved in and my head stopped its retreat.
His gaze bored into mine. Something about it was hot. So hot, I felt it burning me.
Mine bored back.
Then I moved forward and it was only a couple of inches but Creed met me halfway.
Then his mouth was on mine, mine was on his, his opened, mine followed suit and his tongue slid inside.
Oh my God.
Oh my God!
Creed was kissing me!
And he tasted as beautiful as he… just… was.
Suddenly, I was on my back in the grass, Creed’s torso pressing me there, his tongue demanding something I wasn’t sure how to give. I’d necked with guys but not like this. Not like Creed was kissing me but I just let him take what he wanted. As far as I was concerned, he could have anything from me. His big hands moved fast and warm at my sides, every inch of skin on my body started tingling and I pressed up automatically, seeking more, of what I didn’t know.
Just Creed.
I just wanted more of Creed.
He tore his mouth from mine abruptly on a harsh, clipped, “Fuck,” and my arms tightened quickly when it felt like he was going to pull away. His eyes locked on mine. “Let go, Sylvie.”
“Don’t,” I breathed.
“Sylvie, let go.”
“Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.”
One of his hands cupped the side of my face. “Baby, you gotta let go. This is not right.”
I lifted my head an inch from the turf and whispered fiercely, “This is the most right thing in the world.”
My words were true. I knew it. I knew it.
“You’re beautiful,” he told me. “You’re beautiful, Sylvie. The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen but you’re too young, baby. This is not right. You gotta let go.”
“I’m never letting go.”
“You gotta let go.”
My arms tightened hard around his neck. “Creed, I’m never letting go.”
I watched him close his eyes tight, his head dropped, mine went back to the grass and he rested his forehead against mine.
Then he bit out, “Goddamn it,” and jerked up but not away from me. He pulled me up with him until he was sitting again, back against the tree, me in his lap and his arms, facing him.
His arms left me, his hands shoved my hair back away from my face and he held me there, one hand on each side.
“This was not supposed to happen now,” he told me.
“It happened,” I shot back.
“Fuck,” he hissed, banging his head back against the tree and looking skyward. “What the fuck do I do now?” he asked the branches of the tree.
I lifted a hand to his face and brushed away the thick hank of hair that fell over his eye and his head righted so he could look at me.
Then he said the five most precious words I ever heard in my whole life.
“I wanna make you mine.”
I closed my eyes as joy and relief swept through me.
Then I opened them, looked at him and lifted my hand to touch the peridot resting at the base of my neck.
“Too late. I already am.”
His arms closed around me, one hand coming up to the back of my head again and shoving my face in his neck.
“Shit,” he muttered before he pulled me back and looked down at me. “You sure?”
I nodded. “Absolutely.”
He closed his eyes tight and dropped his forehead to mine again. “God, Sylvie.”
I slid my head down to the side and pressed my face in his neck, my arms stealing around him, holding him tight.
He bent his neck and put his lips to my ear. “I wanna see you.”
Those were the four second most precious words I ever heard in my whole life.
“Okay,” I whispered.
“Okay,” I agreed quickly.
“We gotta be careful.”
“We always did, Creed. It’ll be okay. We’ve had tons of practice.”
His arms gave me a squeeze.
“No one can know,” he told me quietly.
“I know.”
“This is us. You and me. Special. We do this, we take it slow, we do it smart. We don’t fuck it up.”
I didn’t get that entirely but still, I nodded. “Okay.”
He knew me and gently pulled me back so I’d look at him.
When I caught his eyes, he explained softly, “I guide this, Sylvie, you follow my lead. Nothing changes between us except everything. You gotta understand, in the eyes of the law, I’m too old for you. In the eyes of God, I’m too old for you. And, bottom line, I’m too old for you. We can be together and we can do things but we’re taking it slow until I’m not too old for you. Do you understand me?”
I bit my lip, feeling my face get pink but I nodded. I understood. He wasn’t going to do it with me.
Not yet.
Then I whispered, “Can we kiss again?”
He grinned. “Fuck yeah.”
I grinned back. “Good, that was really nice.”
He started chuckling then he pulled me close and held me there for a long time.
He broke the moment by saying, “When we go pick up Bootsie, leave your parents a note. Say you’re at a movie. You won’t be home ‘til late. Then you can have dinner and hang at my place with me. We’ll watch a movie.”
My first date with Creed.
It sounded perfect.
Except, of course, the part about Bootsie.
“Okay,” I whispered.
“Let me see your face, Sylvie.”
I pulled it out of the side of his neck, tipped it back and looked at him.
His hand came up and curved around my jaw, tipping my head back further, his dipped down and he brushed his mouth against mine.
It seemed I’d been waiting for years to be just like this with Creed.
And having it…
It was divine.
He moved back half an inch and, eyes locked with mine, he whispered, “My Sylvie.”
I smiled and felt warm through and through and not just from the Kentucky sun beating into me.
His hand slid back into my hair, tipped my head forward, he kissed the top of my hair and murmured there, “Let’s take care of Bootsie.”
Then he kissed me, got to his feet taking me with him in his arms and when he was up, he put me on my feet.
Hand in hand, we walked to his truck.
Hand in hand, me and Creed, the way I knew down deep in my heart we were always meant to be.
Chapter Fifteen
Give Me That
Present day…
“She’s with Dixon.”
Creed lay there, his sky blue eyes just staring. Not at the bacon sandwich he could smell which was set just out of reach but at Daddy.
He didn’t believe it. He’d lost track of time. He’d been there days, maybe weeks but he didn’t believe. His Sylvie wouldn’t do that. Not in a few days. Not in a few weeks. Not ever.
“She’s with Dixon,” Daddy went on. “Right now. It didn’t take her long with you being gone to realize she’s better than you. She’s a Bissenette. You may have your Daddy’s blood but you’ve got more of Winona in you. I know this. I know it because you’d set your sights on a teenage girl. Fuck with her head. Take her virginity. You’re trash, Tucker Creed. You were trash before that whore shoved you out. You’re trash now. Jason Dixon isn’t trash. Jason will give her everything you can’t, never could, never will. Jason will hand her the moon.”
Creed said not a word. He just lay there, staring.
Daddy got impatient and bent deep, leaning close.
“Promise to let her go, leave, never return, let her have the life she should have and we’ll feed you, we’ll unchain you, get you medical attention for that cut. I’ll give you ten thousand dollars and you can set up somewhere else. Promise to let her go, leave and never come back, never enter her life again, never phone her, never see her and this will be over.”
Creed spoke then.
And he did it to say in a cracked, parched, weak voice, “Never.”
I shot up to sitting in bed, the room dark, Creed’s strong arm along my stomach and I was breathing heavily.
The dream still had me.
I threw the covers aside and started to catapult myself from the bed but Creed’s arm tightened. Instead of jumping one way, I found myself flying the other. I landed in the bed on my back then Creed’s weight was on me.
“It was a dream, baby,” he whispered through the dark. “Just a dream. It’s over.”
It wasn’t a dream. It was real. He told me. He told me all about it. Even the new stuff.
Now I knew everything.
I thought I was ready.
I’d never be ready.
It hit me I was shaking so I did the only thing I could to get rid of the shakes. I wrapped my arms around his solid, warm bulk, lifted my head and shoved it in his neck taking in his scent, letting everything that was him envelope me.
“These dreams are kicking my ass,” I whispered back.
“Just hold on,” he murmured.
I sucked in breath, tightened my arms and held on.
The shaking left me and I found my mouth saying, “I don’t want you to go.”
It was early morning Friday, three days after the shit went down with Drake Nair. Outside of the three girls who got targeted needing a lot of TLC, things seemed settled. Creed and I were working my jobs as well as keeping an eye on Knight’s business but it seemed Nair had worked alone. Creed didn’t trust it, not yet, he wanted to do more digging and he wanted to be around in case something went down. So he spoke to Knight, Knight agreed and we were still nosing.
But the weekend was upon us and it was Creed’s weekend with his kids. He was flying back to Phoenix. He got them Friday afternoon and took them back to Chelle Sunday evening.
We’d discussed this and decided that this visit, Creed would tell them about me and he’d take some time to tell Chelle. He didn’t want her blindsided by the information coming from one of the kids that a woman named Sylvie was in his life. I thought that was cool of him to do but I didn’t envy him that conversation.
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