“Then it is done,” Balint said.

Palben raised up the kneeling girl and kissed her hard on her lush mouth. Divsha felt his hard cock against her leg and smiled up at him, her eyes meeting his for the first time. Without a word to her Palben passed the bride to the First Lady of Hetar.

“You are welcome into the house of Jonah,” Lady Laureen said, kissing Divsha upon both of her rosy cheeks. “Our fates are now intertwined, Divsha.”

“Thank you, my lady,” Divsha said prettily. She knew her place for now.

A servant brought an even-lower tufted velvet stool than the one that Lady Laureen sat upon. He set it down to the right of Hetar’s First Lady, who signaled the girl to seat herself. Then the guests began to come forward to pay their respects to the trio sitting upon the dais. Divsha was angry that her place was so publicly lower than the first wife’s. But her beautiful face showed only happiness. Palben and Lady Laureen’s children came to welcome her. Two of their sons were grown. The third was half-grown, as were his two sisters. They were closer to her in age than her bridegroom. Divsha smiled brightly at them all, considering her stepsons might prove entertaining eventually.

When all the wedding guests had greeted Palben and his two wives, the Lord High Ruler stood, and standing before Divsha, raised her up to lead her into the large dining chamber where a feast had been prepared for all. Kolgrim was quickly at Lady Laureen’s side, smiling boldly into her eyes as he escorted her to her seat at the High Board, and took the chair next to hers. Startled by his quick actions, Lady Laureen decided his attentions to her were pleasant, considering that her husband was practically drooling over his new bride.

The dining chamber was filled with laughter and the smells of roasting meats, game and poultry. Servants dashed to and fro with platters and bowls containing salads, vegetables and at least three different rices. One was yellow. Another white with bits of green seaweed to accompany the large plates of broiled fish, and prawns. The third, reserved for the High Board, was purple with thin pieces of gold leaf tossed in it. Rich wines from the vineyards of the Outlands were served, and the goblets and cups were never empty. Some of the ladies preferred strawberry frine. The cups of the bride and groom were well laced with aphrodisiacs so their night would be a memorable one.

At one point in the meal Kolgrim surreptitiously flipped the hidden latch on his ring of office, emptying into Lady Laureen’s cup a small substance that would relieve her of any inhibitions to his attentions. Then he let his hand slip into her lap. Slowly, slowly, he drew her skirts up until he was able to slide his hand beneath and fondle her plump mons. The lady had obviously played such a game before, for she gave no indication at all to what he was doing. Indeed she carried on a lively conversation with him as a single finger pushed through her moist nether lips to find the jewel of her sex and begin to worry it.

“That was nice,” she said, smiling at him as her juices flowed, wetting his hand.

“’Tis’ but a taste of what is to come, my lady,” he told her, putting the finger he had been using in his mouth and sucking it free of her juices. “Umm. Delicious,” he said.

“Should you not be spending at least some time this evening with your lovely betrothed?” Lady Laureen asked him. “She is not looking particularly happy right now seated alone with her family. I think I might excuse you for a short time, my lord. You know your way to my apartments,” the First Lady of Hetar purred with a small smile.

Again Kolgrim read her thoughts. She was hot to take pleasures with him, and he was more than ready to oblige her. “I hesitate to leave you alone,” he said, nodding in the direction of Palben, who was now feeding his bride some bit from his fingers, and laughing with delight at something Divsha had said.

Lady Laureen made a small moue with her mouth. “I am not used to sharing him publicly,” she admitted. “And it is all your fault, my lord. He would be bound to you by blood, and so he has wed Nyura’s cousin.”

“We are already related by blood,” Kolgrim said, knowing his words would sting her deeply. “His grandmother, Zagiri of Terah, was my half sister. The faerie woman Lara is our mother. Did you not know that?”

Lady Laureen paled. “Nay, I did not. I wonder if Palben did?”

“How could he not know of our connection?” Kolgrim replied. “You Hetarians are very invested in your families and family connections.”

“Come to me later,” she said to him. “I must know more.”

“As must I,” he said, smiling as his eyes dipped to view her breasts swelling over her neckline. He put the thought into her head of his tongue licking between the valley separating those two luscious rounds, and she flushed, sighing, causing him to chuckle. Then he arose, and catching her hand up, kissed it. “Until later, my beauty,” he told her.

NYURA SAW THE TWILIGHT Lord leaving the High Board, and her heart raced with excitement. Then her pretty lips set themselves in a line of disapproval. He had left her alone with her family, embarrassing her before all the Hetarian court while he fawned over Lady Laureen. And now he dared to come toward her, smiling warmly? She knew that women in the Dark Lands had fewer rights than those in Hetar, but she would be its queen. Certainly she would not be treated as an ordinary woman. She had Ulla’s powers, and Kolgrim needed those powers. He expected her to give them to him, but she would not. If he pleased her, treated her well, she would allow him the use of her powers. Nyura had realized that to relinquish her gift would be to render herself powerless. She would be more than a womb. As Kolgrim drew near, she hid her thoughts from him.

The Twilight Lord suddenly felt a wall spring up between them. How adorable she was, he considered as he took both her hands in his and kissed them. She was jealous, of course, and sought to hide the childish emotion from him. “My love,” he said by way of greeting her. “Forgive me for neglecting you this day, but the poor First Lady has been feeling forgotten amidst all this celebration.”

“It is not her day,” Nyura said coldly. “It is my cousin Divsha’s wedding day. Lady Laureen cannot always be the center of attention. She must share her husband and the limelight now, my lord.”

“What if you had to share me?” he asked her.

“Will you take a second wife?” Nyura asked him nervously.

“I will have only one wife,” he answered, pleased to see her discomfort. “But I keep concubines in my House of Women.”

“Concubines do not count,” Nyura said, feeling relieved.

He laughed. “I am glad you think so,” he told her. “Now, will you forgive my disregard of your most beautiful self, my love?” He tipped her face up to his, smiling.

“Oh, very well,” Nyura said, feeling the heat of his gaze warming her. “You are far too charming for your own good, my lord. And I am too quick to forgive you, I fear.”

“May it always be so, Nyura,” he said in reply. Then he leaned forward and brushed her lips with his. “I wish this were our wedding day, our wedding night,” he said meaningfully. “I long to instruct you in the ways of pleasure.”

“And I long to be your pupil, my lord,” Nyura said. “After our wedding night may we return home to the Dark Lands. Our son will be strongest if he is conceived in his own castle in the land he is meant to rule.”

He sat down next to her on the trestle bench, sliding an arm about her slender waist so he might draw her closer to him. His hand slipped into the neckline of her gown to cup a nicely plump breast. His tongue licked her ear and blew softly into it. Then he pinched the nipple of the breast he was fondling, delighting in her sharp intake of breath. “Now, Nyura,” he murmured low to her as he withdrew his hand from the opening of her gown, “I am going to put my hand beneath your skirts.”

Here? With all watching?” Nyura didn’t know whether to be shocked or thrilled by his outrageous daring.

“No one will notice unless you draw their attention to what we are doing,” he said. “They are far too involved with each other and the feasting. This is your first lesson in the complete and perfect discipline you must give me.” Beneath the trestle his hand began to draw her skirts up until he was able to slide his hand between her thighs. Her legs parted slightly for him. Finding her nether lips, his fingers began to play with her.

Nyura could not believe how exquisite the torture she was undergoing was. She held herself still while carrying on a conversation with her cousin Yamka. Yamka had been sulking the entire day. Now Nyura whispered to Yamka exactly what Kolgrim was doing. “His fingers are very skillful,” she said softly.

“Is he frigging you yet?” Yamka asked in equally low tones. Suddenly her amber eyes were alight with excitement.

“Nay, he is playing with my jewel. Oh, Yamka! I want to scream, it is so delicious, but I must show him that I can be obedient.”

“Raise your ass slowly and lean forward just slightly,” Kolgrim whispered.

Nyura repeated this command to her cousin as she complied.

“What is he doing? What is he doing?” Yamka demanded to know.

“Oh!” Nyura’s gray-green eyes grew round with surprise. “Ohhh!”

“Tell me, tell me!” Yamka begged.

“He has put a finger in my sheath, and one in my rosehole,” Nyura confided low.

“Together! He is moving them back and forth, back and forth. Oh, Yamka, I do not think I can bear it! It is so wicked! So good!”

“You must bear it! It is your duty, cousin!” Yamka hissed back. “Oh, I am so envious of you, Nyura! Here Divsha has just been wed to Palben, and you will marry in two days to the Twilight Lord. Will I ever be wed? If I am, I will not have the prestige that you and Divsha have. They will match me with some magnate’s second or third son, who only wants me for my dower portion.”

Nyura’s head was spinning with the pleasure Kolgrim’s wicked fingers were giving her as she sat stoically at the trestle table filled with her relatives all of whom, except Yamka, were unaware of the sweet torture she was undergoing. “Palben has only married Divsha because he wanted to be related to Kolgrim. Oh, he’ll enjoy pleasures with her, but he loves Lady Laureen. He will pay little attention to Divsha except when his cock needs a good workout,” Nyura said candidly. “And the Twilight Lord marries me to make an alliance with Hetar and to get a son. Do not envy either of us, cousin. Oh! Oh! Ohhh!” she gasped softly.

“Did he give you pleasures?” Yamka asked avidly, licking her lips with her excitement. “You are so fortunate, Nyura.”

“Aye, he has given me pleasures,” her companion replied low, and then she turned to Kolgrim. “Was my behavior as you expected, my lord?” she asked him.

“Aye, you behaved quite well, my love,” he told her. “I am pleased to see how disciplined you are, Nyura. I commend your obedience to my will.” He arose from the bench. “Come,” he said, holding out his hand to raise her up. “There are several rooms of entertainment to be seen. It will be several hours before the Lord High Ruler and his new bride depart these festivities. Let us go and see what has been presented for our delight.”

She walked with him. In one room they found dancers entertaining the guests who stood about watching. In another there were two animal acts in two circus rings. One man worked with several brown-and-white patchwork bears, who tumbled and played with round balls. The second ring contained a tiny woman in tight red pants and a matching coat, managing a troupe of equally tiny horses. They came to a third room, where several beautiful Pleasure Women were publicly diverting male guests with their skills. The room was crowded and hot.

“Have you ever viewed this manner of entertainment?” Kolgrim asked Nyura.

“Nay,” she replied. Her eyes did not know where to look next, for she was frankly fascinated by what she was observing. “I have seen these things only in books since I chose to retain my virtue while waiting for you, my lord.”

“I mean to have you keep your virginity until our wedding night, but you should learn what will be expected of you, my love.” Looking about, he saw a lovely Pleasure Woman who had just entered the chamber. Kolgrim signaled to her to come over.

Recognizing him, she glided across the floor and bowed. “I am Mava, my lord Kolgrim. How may I serve you?” The Pleasure Woman had light golden-brown hair, soft gray eyes and a beautiful ripe body. She smiled at them in a pleasant manner.

“My bride is a virgin,” Kolgrim began.

“Indeed, my lord, how fortunate for you,” Mava replied.