Lara sighed. The sound was part sadness, part exasperation. “The darkness has tried for centuries to conquer this world,” she said. “Until now it was not possible. Do you remember the story of Usi the Sorcerer?”

Cadarn nodded slowly. “A child’s tale,” he scoffed.

“All tales have an element of truth in them. Some more than others,” Lara told him. “Usi was real. Before the heroine Geltruda defeated him, Usi impregnated two of his concubines. One he sent to his brother in the Dark Lands. It is from the son of Usi born of Jorunn that Kolgrim descends. The maiden he marries this day descends from the female line of Usi, born to Ulla. She possesses certain powers that Kolgrim needs to complete his conquest of this world. Only by joining your blood with Kolgrim’s blood can you save Terah, but you will answer to an evil master in return.”

Cadarn Hauk was pale as the impact of her words bored into him. “And you say you will leave us at this terrible time, Great-grandmother,” he said low. “Why now when we will need you so desperately? Why now?

“I have no choice,” Lara told him, realizing as she spoke that what she was saying was the absolute truth, and understanding for the very first time what Kaliq had been attempting to tell her all along. “The magic that has existed in this world is powerful, but our magic is pure and golden. We can fight the darkness just so far, but when it reaches a point where it can overwhelm us, we must retreat or die. And the death of good, or light, but strengthens the darkness and its evil. Your world invited the darkness into its midst. We tried to warn you, but you would not listen, even going so far as to deny our existence or that of our magic.”

The Domina Paulina began to weep. Turning a tearstained face to Lara, she held out her hands. “Help us, faerie woman!” she pleaded.

Lara shook her head. “Uniting the three major rulers of this world by blood is the only help I can offer you now. You must help yourselves if you wish to destroy the darkness. Now we must go. The day will have begun in Hetar.” She looked to Kaliq.

“Palben’s palace, my lord?”

He nodded. “Clasp hands with us,” Kaliq said to Cadarn and Paulina. “Do not be afraid. When the day is done we will return you safely home.” The sure and commanding tone of his voice calmed the Dominus’s fears. But it was Kaliq’s warm smile at the Domina that eased hers. Certain they were all now linked together, Kaliq transported them to the Hetarian Palace of Palben in The City.

They reappeared in the Lord High Ruler’s private dining salon, where he and his two wives, Laureen and Divsha, were now breaking their fast. Divsha shrieked as four magnificently garbed people appeared before the High Board. She reached out to cling to Palben, who shook her off irritably.

“Good morning, Great-grandmother, my lord Kaliq,” the Lord High Ruler said. As annoying as these sudden appearances of theirs were becoming, he was getting used to them, he realized. They seemed almost natural.

“Good morning, my lord,” Lara greeted him. “I have brought your cousin Cadarn Hauk, Dominus of Terah and his wife, the Lady Paulina, to meet you. They will attend the wedding today of my son and Nyura Ahasferus. And afterward they will conclude the negotiations for the marriage of their heir, Prince Vaclar to Yamka Ahasferus.”

Palben’s first wife, Lady Laureen, immediately arose, coming down form the High Board to greet their visitors. She curtsied to them all, and after briefly greeting Lara and Prince Kaliq said, “Welcome to Hetar, kinsfolk! We are most pleased to receive you. I even believe there is a small resemblance between Dominus Cadarn and my husband. Lady Paulina, what a beautiful gown. The color is both pleasing and flattering.”

“Yamka is to marry a prince who will one day be Dominus?” Divsha said petulantly. “That isn’t fair! Nyura weds a ruler. Yamka weds a ruler-in-waiting, and I am just a second wife?” She stamped her foot angrily. “But I am the most beautiful of us.” Divsha burst into fulsome tears.

Palben’s lips narrowed in irritation as his second wife had her small tantrum. He made no attempt to placate her. While he enjoyed their bed sport his only rationale in marrying her had been to unite himself with the Twilight Lord, for he had taken Lara’s warning to heart. To his mind Divsha was nothing more than his personal Pleasure Woman, although he suspected she would cost him a great deal more.

Looking at him, Lara was reminded of her late son-in-law Jonah. His grandson not only resembled him, with his severe demeanor and cold eyes, he obviously had his icy nature, as well. Briefly she felt sorry for Divsha. Then she turned to Lady Laureen. “We shall need a comfortable chamber to refresh ourselves before the wedding,” she said.

“Of course, Great-grandmother,” Palben’s first wife said. “I will take you myself, and be assured that we will provide you transport to Grugyn Ahasferus’s home, though it be just across the park.” She led them to a bright sunny chamber, and instructed two servants to see to their comfort. “I must go and change for the wedding. I shall also have to soothe and cajole Divsha, for she shall surely now refuse to come.”

“Perhaps,” Lara said, “it would be better if she didn’t.”

“Nay,” Lady Laureen replied. “It would reflect badly upon my husband if his brand-new second wife was not at this important wedding. It is my duty to see that Divsha behaves herself. I saw how you looked at Palben, Great-grandmother. You know who he resembles, both in features and in spirit. He won’t placate Divsha, but he will expect her obedience for that is a wife’s duty. And if she does not give it, he will beat her. It would not do to have her make an appearance with that fair skin of hers marked and bruised.”

Lara nodded. “What a pity Hetar’s women lost the rights that they once found,” she said. “You would have been a leader if that movement still existed.”

“Did you ever know a Pleasure Woman named Gillian, Great-grandmother?” Lady Laureen asked Lara.

“I did,” Lara responded. “She was a great lady, head of the Guild of Pleasure Women for many years. Why do you ask?”

“I am her descendant,” Lady Laureen said. “I never knew her, of course, but she was always spoken of with great respect among the women of my family.”

“Faerie blessings on you then, descendant of Lady Gillian,” Lara said. “I counted that lady my friend.”

Lady Laureen colored prettily. “Thank you, Great-grandmother,” she said, and then she hurried off.

Kaliq sighed. “I am sorry that those whose hearts and souls are good will be caught in what is to come,” he said.

“I know the others must go,” Lara murmured low, “but why can we not stay, my lord? If we all leave, where is the light to come from?”

He shook his head. “We have another destiny, Lara, my love. We have done all we can do here. You know it even if your heart cannot admit it.”

She nodded sadly, but tears filled her faerie green eyes, glistening as they caught in her dark lashes like tiny crystals.

He put a comforting arm about her, and she rested her head against his shoulder.

Cadarn Hauk watched, intrigued by the scene being played out before his eyes. But then he looked about him, seeing the richness of Palben’s palace, and enviously began to consider how he might obtain such luxuries for his own castle. Next to him his wife admired the gown that had been magically produced for her, and wondered if she would be allowed to keep it. She had never seen such wonderful silk, and how did they get such a perfect color? The jewels sewn about the neckline and on the cuffs of the gown had to be worth a small fortune.

“If Vaclar is to marry this Hetarian girl, we are going to have to redo the entire castle, my lord,” Lady Paulina whispered to her husband. “The few things we have imported from Hetar are nothing compared to this palace. And today we will see how another of these Hetarians lives. If it is as magnificent as this palace, then we will be put to shame bringing this young noblewoman into our midst unless we can at least equal their splendor. We must convince her family to let her bring whatever she desires with her when she weds Vaclar.”

“And the marriage must be celebrated in Terah, as he is my heir,” Cadarn said, “so we will have to do what needs to be done, and quickly.”

Lara heard their words, and was astounded. Their world would soon be taken by the darkness. Evil would abound. And Cadarn and his wife conversed as if everything was going to remain the same. Had they not understood what she had told them? Or mayhap they did not believe what she told them.

It is too much for their mortal minds to fully comprehend, Kaliq said in the silent magical language. It is not that they don’t believe you. They simply refuse to understand. They can only survive by going on with their lives as they always have. Change is the most difficult circumstance for mortals to effect.

It is breaking my heart, I fear, Lara replied.

He held her tightly. Again that tiny bit of mortal blood rouses itself in you. But that is why you have become a powerful faerie entity, my love. You sympathize with them even if you don’t fully understand them.

She relaxed against him, and he felt the tension that had been building up in her ever since they reached Terah, and then Hetar, draining away. I need faerie bread.

Alas, I have none with me so you will have to satisfy yourself with Hetarian fare.

Lara laughed, causing Cadarn and his wife to cease their chatter. Looking about the chamber, she called to a servant. “I need food and drink,” she told the woman.

“At once, my lady!” the woman said, hurrying off.

“Is there time?” Cadarn asked. “Is not this wedding soon?”

“Palben and his wives were not garbed for the occasion,” Lara told them. “It will be several hours before we go. They will bathe and dress. And of course the second wife will have to be placated in some fashion for having realized her cousins are making better matches than she believes she has.”

“She seemed quite outspoken and spoiled,” Lady Paulina noted. “Quite unlike the Lady Laureen, whose manners and understanding of her place I quite admired.”

“Divsha Ahasferus is undoubtedly very spoiled, for she is a child of the wealthiest house in Hetar. Palben married her for the same reasons your son, Vaclar, will marry Yamka Ahasferus. To bind himself by blood to the Twilight Lord. He will have to get a child on her of course to do that, but he will. I see in him much of his grandfather Jonah, and Jonah was a man who always did what must or needed to be done,” Lara said drily. “After the infant is born Palben will give her a home of her own here within the Golden District, and a potent sex slave to amuse her while she raises their child. She will receive all the respect due a second wife who is Ahasferus born, and Palben will not have to be annoyed by her. Divsha will survive quite well.”

“Oh! Our poor son to have to marry into such a family,” Lady Pauline said, distraught. “And she will despise Terah certainly, and hate our castle, which is very old-fashioned when compared with this beautiful palace!”

“The girls are not sisters, but cousins. They have been raised by different parents. I am sure you will find Yamka Ahasferus a nice girl,” Lara tried to assure Lady Paulina.

“What choice have we?” Lady Paulina cried.

“You don’t!” Lara said sharply. “Unless, of course, you wish to have your husband’s kingdom completely taken over immediately by the Twilight Lord. Do you not comprehend that as long as you are kin to him he will give you a modicum of respect. Without that kinship Terah will cease to exist! This marriage Vaclar makes will save Terah. Yamka will have to make do like any other bride coming into her husband’s home.”

“Lara.” Kaliq spoke gently to her. Be calm. The woman cannot help but be what she is. A vain and foolish mortal. Be patient with her.

I am hungry, and not of a mind to be patient with this Terahn woman who cannot see her world collapsing around her, yet frets that her furnishings aren’t fashionable enough. Ohh, I am weary of these folk, Kaliq!

I know, he said. “Ahh, here are the refreshments for us.” He turned, smiling at Cadarn and his wife. “You must be hungry and thirsty, too, as we took you from your evening meal.”

“Oh, how beautiful the dishes are!” Lady Paulina trilled. She picked up a plate decorated with a floral design. “Look, Caddie, you can see through the china. We must have plates like this for the castle.” She turned to Prince Kaliq. “Do you think we might remain a few days here in The City, my lord? I must visit the shops.”