Scent memories were powerful. She’d learned that in culinary school and often used the fact to her advantage when cooking. Now she was trapped in a swirl of memories that included lying naked next to him, listening to his breathing after he’d just left her trembling and exhausted from sexual satisfaction.

She took a big step away.

“I assume there’s a plan for the opening,” she said, happy that her voice sounded normal. Sexual thoughts were so inappropriate where Cal was concerned. Not only were they divorced, she was pregnant. She doubted he would find that a turn-on.

“I want a big splashy party on the first night. No dinner service, just a crowd and samples. You’ll be able to show off what’s to come. We’ll invite local press and the beautiful people.”

She smiled. “The beautiful people?”

He shook his head. “Business leaders, celebrities, whatever.”

“They’ll be so happy to hear how enthused you sound.”

“I want the restaurant up and running. The party is a necessary evil.”

“Don’t put that on the invitation,” she suggested. “I’ll work up a menu for that as soon as I finalize the menu for the restaurant. And just so you know, I’ll use your contracted people for regular deliveries, until they screw up, but for the party, I’m getting my own stuff in here. I have some fish people I use.”

“Actual fish people?” he asked. “Gills? Fins?”

She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. I’ll be using them for special orders.”

“Fair enough.”

She studied the notes on her pad. What else was there to discuss? She looked at him. “Did you have…” She frowned, catching his puzzled stare. “What?”

He took a step back. “Nothing.”

“You have the weirdest look on your face. What are you thinking about?”

“I said nothing.”

“It has to be something.”

“No, it doesn’t.”

Cal swore silently. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten caught staring at a woman’s chest. What did he care about Penny’s parts?

He didn’t. He hadn’t in years. It was just…she looked different. There was an air of confidence he didn’t remember. That could have come from her recent success. But there was also the issue of her breasts.

They were bigger. He was sure of it. He dropped his gaze to her chest, then looked away. Yup, bigger. Her sweater hugged her curves before falling to just below her waist. He’d been married to her, had seen her naked countless times. While he’d always liked her body, she’d complained about being too boyish. All angles and lines. Her breasts had been small. But now…

They were bigger. How could that happen? Oh, sure, he knew about implants, but Penny wasn’t the type, was she? And if she was willing to have surgery to increase her cleavage, wouldn’t she have gone for more than a cup size?

He shook his head and told himself to think of something else. He was the cofounder of a multimillion-dollar corporation and in charge of a good-sized restaurant. He was also over thirty. Surely he could get through the rest of the meeting without obsessing over his ex-wife’s breasts.

“Who are you bringing with you?” he asked to change the subject. “You said two people.”

“Edouard, my sous-chef, and Naomi.”

He swore. “No.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Excuse me, but you don’t get a vote. She helps me. Naomi handles things for me and she’s the best expediter in the business. We’ll need that when we get busy.”

He knew that a good expediter was worth any price when the restaurant was swamped. Someone had to get plates out to tables, making sure the various parties were all served the right food at the right time. The expediter was usually loyal to the back of the store, while helping out in the front. The expediter knew everything that was going on in both places and could keep the chef in the loop.

“How do you know we’re going to be that busy?” he asked. “It takes time to build up a clientele.”

She smiled. “Hey, it’s me. They’ll come.”

“Talk about my ego,” he grumbled.

“No, thanks.”

She went down her list and brought up several more items. “I’ll be paying my cooks really well, so brace yourself.”

“I have a budget.”

“And a restaurant with a reputation for serving horrible food. You’re only here for four months, Cal. I know what that means. You want to dazzle, then get out. I’m fine with that, but dazzle don’t come cheap.”

“Keep it reasonable.”

“I’ll do what it takes.”

He liked that she pushed back. She’d come into her own.

“Let’s meet on Monday and see where we are,” he said. “Say noon?”

“I’ll be here, holding interviews. Come by when it’s convenient.” She put down her pad. “I’m going to stay and look over the kitchen.”

“You have the keys. Just lock up when you’re ready to go.”

“Sure.” She smiled and turned away, which put her in profile. His gaze dropped to her breasts. What the hell was up with that?

AFTER HIS MEETING with Penny, Cal returned to his office at the headquarters of The Daily Grind. He’d nearly cleared up everything for his four-month absence, but there were a few final details.

He made his way to his office and checked his messages. His assistant would contact him directly at The Waterfront if anything came up while he was gone and he would have biweekly meetings with his partners during that period.

The corporate headquarters were on the top floor of an old manufacturing building by the 5 freeway. He could see across much of downtown, toward Lake Union and the Space Needle. On a clear day, he could see farther, but this was Seattle and there weren’t that many clear days. Even now a light rain fell against his floor-to-ceiling windows and the skylights overhead.

He settled into work, only to have his assistant buzz him twenty minutes later.

“Your grandmother is here,” she murmured.

Cal wished briefly for an excuse not to see her. Unfortunately the downside of saving The Waterfront was closer contact with the old woman.

“Send her in.”

He rose and walked around the desk to greet her. Gloria Buchanan swept into the office with the grace and style of someone born in a much more elegant age.

She was slender and of medium height. She stood straight, despite her seventy-plus years, wearing a tailored suit and dangerously high heels. Her hair was white and always perfect, her face relatively unlined. Dani, his sister, swore Gloria had had cosmetic surgery. That, or she really was a witch and could summon supernatural forces to keep her looking good.

“Gloria,” he said as he pulled out a chair.

She nodded and took the seat. As he sat across from her, he thought about the fact that he had never called her Grandmother. Not even when he’d been young. She’d discouraged it from the start.

She shrugged out of her white fur-trimmed coat and set her pale-blue purse on the carpet next to her feet.

“I assume you’re ready to make the transition,” she said.

He nodded. “I’ll be at my office at The Waterfront starting tomorrow.”

She glanced around the spacious office and sniffed. “It’s not as if you’ll miss this place.”

“Of course I will. We started with nothing and built an empire worth millions.” Something a normal person would respect, he thought grimly.

“Oh, yes. Beverages and cookies. Quite the empire,” Gloria said.

Cal had learned there was no point in arguing with her. She saw the world as she wanted to, and from what he could tell, her view was cold and depressing.

“You’re not here to talk about The Daily Grind,” he said. “So why don’t you get to the point?”

“I want to talk about the restaurant,” she said.

“No, you don’t.”

Her dark blue eyes widened slightly. “Excuse me?”

“Tread carefully,” he told her. “There are specific rules in play. If you get in my face about any detail of the restaurant, I quit. I promised you a turnaround in four months, on the condition that you stay away. I meant it. One word of advice, one suggestion and it’s all over.”

“You’d really walk away from your legacy?” she asked, her expression both annoyed and imperious.

“I already have. It’s easier than you’d think.”

“I have bled for this family and our company,” she told him, her voice icy. “I have given up a life of my own.”

He’d heard it all before. “You’ve done exactly what you wanted,” he reminded her. “Anyone who stood in your way got taken down and thrown to the side of the road.”

She’d lived and breathed the family business for as long as he had been alive and he suspected the obsession had started long before then. Gloria would do anything to promote the Buchanan name. The irony was she wasn’t even a blood Buchanan. She’d married into the family.

“Let’s be clear,” he said. “I’m not doing this for you. I’m only coming in to help because of my brothers and Dani. Hell, Dani should be the one saving The Waterfront. She cares about it more than the rest of us combined.”

Gloria’s eyes narrowed. “Dani isn’t-”

He cut her off with a shake of his head. “Spare me the lecture. It’s boring. Like I said, I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it in case one of us has kids who care. I’m putting in my four months and then I’m walking away without looking back.”

“You make it sound like a prison sentence.”

“In some ways it is.”


He looked at her and for the first time she actually seemed old. Frail, even. But he knew better than to be sucked in by her tricks. She was a wily old bird and he’d been pecked more than once.

“Fine. Four months,” she said. “I heard who you hired as the chef.”

Her tone indicated he might have made a deal with the devil.

“She does great work and her name will bring in customers,” he said. “She drove a hard bargain, but I got her and that’s what matters.”

“I see.” Gloria didn’t sound as if she could see at all. She sounded annoyed.

Cal wondered what the old bat had against Penny, aside from the fact that she, Gloria, hadn’t handpicked her.

He knew Penny hadn’t believed that he’d done his damnedest to keep her off his grandmother’s radar when they’d been married. Back then he’d been afraid of what the old woman could do.

Now, everything was different. Penny had a reputation for being tough. He was willing to bet she could hold her own against Gloria. They would butt heads eventually; he only hoped he was around to see the show.

“If Penny cooks, they will come,” he said.

Gloria shifted in her seat. “I hope there won’t be any unfortunate incidents in our establishment.”

Cal knew he was being set up, but his curiosity was too strong for him to ignore the lure. The only thing he knew about Penny’s life since the divorce were the odd bits Reid dropped in casual conversation.

“What incidents?” he asked.

“She once stabbed a member of her staff. Apparently the man wouldn’t do what she said, so she took a kitchen knife to him.”

Cal started to laugh. Gloria glared at him.

“It’s not funny. She’s practically a murderer.”

He continued to chuckle. “Was she charged with anything?”

“I’m sure I don’t know.”

Which meant she hadn’t been. “I hope the story’s true,” he said, still amused. “I can’t wait to ask her for all the details.”


“IT’S ALL FINE and good to look at qualifications,” Naomi said. “But I want someone I can have sex with.”

Penny ignored her friend and glanced at the application in front of her. “I hear good things about him,” she said, making notes on a pad. “Put him on the list.”

“But he’s married and he doesn’t cheat.” There was a definite whine in Naomi’s voice. “I can accept one, but not the other.”

“We are talking about raising a restaurant from the dead. Not your sex life.”

“Why do they have to be mutually exclusive? I can be a good employee and have a great sex life. In fact, getting laid on a regular basis keeps me cheerful.”

Penny looked at her papers so Naomi wouldn’t see her smile. “Focus,” she said.

Naomi sighed. “You’re less fun now that you’re in charge.”

“And likely to stay that way. Who’s next?”

While Naomi shuffled through papers, Penny glanced around the transformed dining room. The place had been painted and there were new window coverings. The old carpet was up and the floors had been refinished. The scent of varnish competed with the smell of cleanser and bleach coming from the kitchen. The horrible odor of rotting food had been driven from the place, which made Penny grateful. She was well into her fourth month and she didn’t want to experience morning sickness at this late date.