College girls have nothing on you, my dear.

The thought made her shiver once again, a pleasant twinge that centered itself over the most sensitive areas of her body. And there were quite a few of those, Cat was beginning to realize.

“Ooo don?t do that.” She wiggled under Dylan, trying to make better contact, though if the truth of the matter be known, she was almost sharing the taller woman?s skin already. Sweat that came from far more than the warmth of the fire lubricated their bodies? touch, and the feeling was more erotic than anything Cat had ever experienced before.


“Don?t stop. I?ve waited too long for this for you to tease me.” She kissed a lovely warm expanse of neck near her lips.

“Is that so?” Dylan couldn?t help but tease her lover a little now that she knew she shouldn?t.

“Yes, please.” Cat wasn?t above begging, at least not were Dylan was concerned. She had decided months ago that she?d crawl ten miles over broken glass just to sweat in her shadow; so begging for her touch was no big strain.

“You know,” Dylan placed her mouth gently on Cat?s shoulder. “I have a big, soft bed upstairs that I would love to get you into.”

“Okay,” she managed to whimper as Dylan rose and extended a hand to her.

“Come on Sweetheart.”

Morning came far too early as far as Cat was concerned. She pulled the blanket over her head as the morning sun began to filter through the plate glass window. She rolled over to curl up next to Dylan, only to find her tall bedmate gone.

Under normal circumstances Cat would have been panicked to wake up in a strange bed alone after spending such a passionate night with a woman, but not this time. This time she felt nothing but completely satisfied and very, very, well loved.

She pushed up from the bed to find a long, blue terrycloth robe draped over the headboard?s large post. Smiling, she got up and pulled the robe on, having to cuff the sleeves several times and still she looked like a child wearing an adult?s clothing. Opening the bedroom door, she smiled at the scent of breakfast being cooked wafted up the steps. She followed her nose directly to the kitchen to see Dylan, in shorts and a tank top, sans bra, gliding to the music playing over the recessed speakers in the kitchen.

“You?re in a good mood this morning,” Cat offered as she stepped into the kitchen.

“Oh I am.” Dylan graced her with a brilliant smile as she lifted eggs from the frying pan onto Cat?s plate. “Juice in the fridge, would you mind?”

“Absolutely not.” She crossed to the large stainless steel gourmet refrigerator. Opening the door she was surprised to find all the fixings for a breakfast fit for any self-respecting carnivore. “Have you come over to the dark side?”

Dylan chuckled, “No, but there?s no need for you to starve while we?re here. I even went out and got cookware so we could feed you properly.”

“No bacon in your skillet, right?”

“Well,” Dylan blushed a bit and just shook her head, refusing to say anything else.

Cat dropped it and poured the orange juice into two glasses that had been placed on the counter. “You?re very sweet, you know that.”

“Yeah, I know, but don?t tell anyone, okay. I need people to think I?m a stone bitch.”

Cat crossed her heart as she placed the glasses and the silverware on the table. “I promise. Not a word to anyone. Your secret is safe with me.”

“Good.” Dylan winked and placed Cat?s plate on the table. “Toast?”


“Let me guess.” Dylan took a long appraising look at her lover. “Grape jelly.”

“And you read minds too. Impressive.” The blonde chuckled as she took a seat and waited for her companion to join her.

“No,” Dylan replied from behind the fridge door. “You just look like a grape jelly kinda girl to me.”

“I?m fond of whip cream and chocolate sauce too.”

Dylan muffled a curse as she hit her head on the frame. She peeked over the top of the door. “I can certainly get some later.”

Cat just smiled as Dylan joined her at the table. The blonde reached out and took Dylan?s hand, causing the woman to look at her. “Thank you.”

“For?” Dylan asked, using her free hand to pour them both coffee.

“Last night. It was wonderful.”

“I agree,” she leaned over and kissed Cat gently. “Thank you too.”

As they ate, Cat?s mind began to replay the events of the previous evening and after letting her mind wander to far from home a small moan escaped her lips.

“Excuse me?” Dylan smiled at the far away look in Cat?s eyes.

“Oh, well,” Cat stumbled over her excuse knowing she?d been caught. “I was umm?well?hell Dylan, you make love to a woman like the world is ending and you don?t expect her to have flashbacks?”

The brunette glanced at the wall clock, “Well, we don?t have time for a complete replay right now, but would you care to join me for a shower?”

“I?d love to.”

Dylan?s bathroom, like everything about Dylan was a religious experience. It was large; brass and Italian marble accented every surface. The shower stall wasn?t really a stall at all but another room all to itself with benches on three of the four walls and three showerheads beaming directly into the center.

Cat entered after Dylan and watched as she moved to a small panel by the door and punched in a few numbers on the keypad. “Your shower has an alarm system?”

“No, this is to adjust the temperature and pressure.”

“You?re kidding. Where in the hell did you find that?” She peeked over Dylan?s shoulder.

“Oh you can?t get them on the open market, but I had a friend in college that I helped tutor through English so he could get is degree in engineering and he created this as a gift to me.”

“Well, aren?t you special?” She kidded as the water came on at the perfect pressure and the perfect temperature.

“As a matter of fact I am.” Dylan teased as she pulled Cat under the water and kissed her quite seriously. Her hands roamed all over Cat?s flesh which was rapidly becoming quite heat, although she wasn?t sure if it was the water or their close proximity to each other

“Mmmm,” Cat hummed as her body tried the get closer Dylan. “I thought we didn?t have time for this.”

“No, I said we didn?t have time for a replay of last night. This, we have time for.” Dylan pulled a towel down from a cabinet on the wall nearest the door of the shower. Dropping it on the floor she knelt, slowly kissing her way down Cat?s body.

“Oh, I need to sit.” Cat gasped as a kiss landed on the warm, supersensitive flesh of her inner thigh.

Dylan carefully deposited her lover on the redwood bench; all the while her hands massaged her skin and her lips took tender nips from the sweet skin, causing the smaller women to jerk and wiggle as her breath came in short, hard pants.


Mischievous blue eyes looked up from their place just between Cat?s legs. “Yes?”

“Damn it! If you don?t stop teasing me, I?ll be forced to kill you.”

“As you wish.”

“Oh?my?” words were lost to the steam and the sound of the running water as Dylan, did indeed stop teasing her lover and began her explorations in earnest.

“GOD!” Cat screamed as her torso doubled over to cover Dylan?s dark hair. Both women stopped moving and Dylan felt her own heart rate returning to normal, as she listened to Cat?s gasping breath sounds, mixed with nearly sub-verbal whimpers and moans.

“You okay?” The tall woman asked softly, as she help Cat sit up on the bench and looked into her eyes.

“I?m good,” she agreed immediately and nodded. “That was just un?un?intense.”

“Can you stand up?”

“Are you nuts? Why would I want to do that?”

Dylan chuckled, “We need to shower and get going to the tournament?”

“Oh yeah,” blonde brows came together in remembrance. “That charity thing we?re doing.”

“Yeah,” Dylan pulled Cat to her feet. “That charity thing we?re doing.”

Cat bent over to retie her shoestring as they prepared for championship game. She and Dylan had beat the rest of the teams handily and were now “honored” by going up against true professional volleyball players. Neither of them harbored a dream of actually beating them, but since this was for charity, they were going to give the crowd a damn good show.

Glancing up in time to see Dylan bend over to pick up a towel, Cat found herself perversely pleased that she now knew exactly what was under the tight fitting black shorts.

Hell, I?ve fantasized about them often enough. And ooh baby isn?t reality better than any fantasy I could have conjured up!

She had to work hard to stifle an evil chuckle.

Now that they had taken the ?big? step in their relationship, she knew it was more important than ever to make sure no one else made the connection. Being out herself was one thing, but unintentionally outing her deeply closeted lover was another thing entirely, and something she prayed fervently she would never trip over.

Dear God, Cat! What in the hell have you gotten yourself into here? Were you thinking at all?

No, thinking at that point had been the last thing on her mind.


Well, the best thing she could do for now was to take each day as it came. Spending every waking moment looking for potential landmines would have her an emotional wreck in no time and ruin whatever shot she and Dylan had at making this work. And having had a taste of Dylan?s passion convinced her that she wanted to make this work very dearly indeed.

The ref called the four players forward and they exchanged handshakes and grins.

“Hey, Big D, it?s good to see you up and playing again. We missed ya.” Jeri Jorgensen was a six foot Swede with a mop of bone white hair and a buff, tanned body. Cat looked on, a bit stunned, as Dylan grabbed the young woman in a tight hug before releasing her and turning to Jeri?s companion.


The woman in question, a drop-dead gorgeous green-eyed Spaniard, gave a smile that could only be described as predatory. “Dylan,” she all but purred. “How wonderful to see you again.”

One of those landmines had just buried itself at Cat?s feet, and she was finding it hard to resist the impulse to up and bitch-slap the woman into next month for staring at Dylan the way she was. Dylan, to her credit, ignored the unsubtle advances, deferred the hug Hortensia was seemingly desperate to make, and forced the woman to settle for a firm handshake instead.

Cat congratulated herself on keeping a pleasant expression on her face, and keeping herself from crushing the woman?s hand in her own when it was extended for her to clasp. Nodding to both players, she turned and trotted to her side of the court to begin her warm-ups.

As she stretched in the warm sun, she watched as both Dylan and her opponents removed their shoes to play barefoot. She knew logically it was the best thing to do, but she just couldn?t bring herself to do it. There was something about sand between her toes that made her shiver.

Taking the bottle of sunscreen offered by Dylan, she applied it to her face, forehead and shoulders. Tossing the bottle back to Dylan, she caught a small hand towel, wiped her greasy mitts and tucked it into the waistband of her shorts.

The coin was tossed and Dylan took the serving line to start the game. She waited for Cat to get into position and, after a brief second of looking at her partner?s butt, she sent the ball over the net and the game was on.

Dylan and Cat found an easy rhythm in the game, working together to try and beat their opponents. Cat, of course, had special motivation, wanting to wipe the coy little grin from Hortensia?s beestung lips, and when the much taller woman went up for a spike, she saw her opportunity. Using every millimeter of her jumping ability, she timed her block perfectly and gave her opponent a facial courtesy of the volleyball. She turned quickly before Hortensia could see her expression, though Dylan caught it and gave her that cute little raised eyebrow of hers before retrieving the ball as it rolled under the net.

At that time, they had been, surprisingly, leading by three points, but Cat?s little maneuver was all it took to make the professionals step it up into overdrive, showing one and all why they were the World Champs for three years running.

In the end, while it wasn?t a rout, Cat and Dylan took their drubbing in stride. There was nothing but good cheer as they congratulated each other and took the time to go to the sidelines and sign autographs for the clamoring fans. Dylan looked to Cat, smiled and winked, giving the younger woman a very silly, happy feeling all over.