“Oh,” Cat demurred, “I?m not sure I?.”

“Please. I think it would really help you to see what goes on during these things. I think you?ve built an image up in your mind that nothing but experience is gonna erase. I don?t want that image coming between us, Cat.”

Cat looked up at her pensively.


Taking in the naked plea in those arresting eyes, Cat can do nothing but not her acceptance. The kiss she received in thanks drove any further apprehension from her mind.

The photography studio was large and well-appointed, and Cat found her nerves settling just a little as they walked in and were greeted by Cory, the photographer?s assistant. Cory was a well dressed, reed thin young man with a thick mop of curly red hair and a bubbly, welcoming personality. Leading them over to a nattily upholstered couch in the rather large sitting room off to one side, he slipped a bottle of juice into Dylan?s hand and a steaming cup of coffee into Cat?s. “Now you just wait right here and I?ll get Wendy. She?s putting the finishing touches on the layout.”

Dylan and Cat exchanged amused looks as he hurried off, babbling to himself. Quaffing her juice in several large gulps, Dylan stood to throw the bottle away just as the chimes above the door sounded. Straightening, she grinned as the immaculately dressed and almost criminally handsome Marquis Jackson strode through the door, followed by his equally exquisite wife Marcelle.

Spying Dylan, Marquis beamed and moved to engulf her in a massive hug which Dylan returned in full measure. Cat looked on, astonished at seeing her lover so dwarfed. They were both of a height, but Jackson was much broader across the shoulders and chest, making Dylan look almost petite within the enshrouding shelter of his massive arms. Finally pulling away, he grinned at her, white teeth flashing brilliantly against the ebony of his skin. “Damn, girl! You?re looking fine! Where?ve you been, lately?”

“Around,” Dylan replied, turning to the young woman standing at Marquis? side. “Marcelle, it?s good to see you again.”

Laughing lightly, genuinely, Marcelle stepped into Dylan?s fond embrace and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. “He?s right,” she said. “You look wonderful.”

“So do you. You been keeping him in line?”

“Oh,” Marcelle smirked, “he knows what side his bread?s buttered on.”

The three shared a laugh. Dylan then turned to Cat and held out a hand. Coming to her feet, Cat crossed the room and smiled at the newcomers. Marquis Jackson she recognized easily?who wouldn?t? He was to men?s basketball what Dylan was to women?s. The best player ever. When he turned his smile on her, she had, she admitted silently, a bit of a fan geek moment, though it was nothing compared to the feeling that came over her when she heard Dylan?s casually spoken words.

“Marquis, Marcelle, I?d like you to meet Catherine Hodges, my partner.”

“Oh ho!” Marcelle quipped, turning to Cat with a wide, knowing grin. “So you?re the reason she?s been behaving herself, huh?”

Cat found herself blushing deeply as the beautiful woman bent forward and gave her a hug. “You take good care of her, alright?” Marcelle whispered in her ear. “She means a lot to us.”

“I will,” Cat replied, dazed. “I promise.”

Her sense of unreality trebled as Marquis stepped over and hugged her tightly, the scent of his cologne tingling pleasantly in her nose. “I?ve seen you on TV,” he said, finally pulling away. “You?re pretty damn good!”

Tongue tied, she could only blink at him, wondering if pinching herself to assure herself this wasn?t a dream was proper protocol in such a situation.

Dylan?s arm around her shoulder thankfully brought her back to planet Earth before she could embarrass herself any further. She felt herself being led back to the couch, and she lowered herself, a bit unsteadily, then offered a smile to Marcelle who eased in beside her.

“First time at one of these shindigs?”

“Yes,” Cat replied, quite pleased at her ability to actually utter those words aloud. A few feet away, Dylan and Marquis were deep in conversation about something. Basketball, probably.

“They?re not too bad, once you get used to having the one you love prowl around half naked like some porn star for all the world to see.”

Reality came back to Cat in a flash, and she looked over at Marcelle, stunned. “You feel that way too?”

“Not as much anymore,” the young woman replied. “But at first, yeah, it was pretty bad.”

“Bad how?”

“You know, the usual.” She shrugged. “Jealousy, mostly.”

“Been there, definitely done that! What made it better for you?”

Marcelle lifted an elegant hand. “Watching what goes on behind the scenes. It?s work, plain and simple. They know it, I know it, and after this, you?ll know it too.”

“I hope you?re right,” Cat grumbled, slumping back against the couch.

“You?ll see.”

At that moment, Cory stepped back into the room, trailed by a young, attractive, blonde-haired, woman who was even shorter than Cat herself. Stopping before Dylan and Marquis, she greeted them with a friendly grin, then murmured something to them both. Nodding, they left the room behind the ever-efficient Cory. The young woman then turned her bright grin on Cat and Marcelle, approaching them with a quick, no-nonsense step. “Mrs. Jackson, it?s a pleasure to see you again.”

“Hey, Wendy,” Marcelle returned with a grin. “You?re gonna take care of him, right? He?s just getting over a pulled hamstring.”

“I promise to have him back in one piece.”

“I like the way you think, girl.”

When the young photographer turned to Cat, her grin became a little shy. “Ms. Hodges. It?s an honor to meet you, Ma?am.”

“Cat, please,” she replied, charmed.

To Cat?s surprise, the photographer blushed, just slightly. “Ah, yes, well?I?ve set up a couple of chairs a little closer to the action, if you ladies would like to follow me?”

As Wendy moved away, Marcelle stood and tipped a wink to Cat. “Looks like D isn?t the only one with a fan club, hmm?”

It was Cat?s turn to blush.

Laughing, Marcelle led the way to the two director?s style chairs that were set up to the left of the shooting area, which displayed a plain white backdrop, a professional lighting setup, a tripod, and several cameras.

As she settled herself in, Cat looked to Marcelle, who was giving the area a casual once over. “Marquis and Dylan seem like good friends. Have you guys known each other long?”

“Since college. Marquis and I were high school sweethearts, and we both went to UCLA on scholarship. Marquis, of course, for basketball.”

“And you?”

Marcelle smiled. “Pre-law.”

“Impressive. I?ve always been interested in law.”

“Well, I passed the bar, but I?m not practicing.”


“I like traveling with Marquis too much, and he likes having me there, so?.” She shrugged. “When he retires, I?ll set up a nice little estate law practice somewhere and work to my heart?s content.”

Before Cat could ask anymore questions, the door to the back room opened and Marquis stepped out. Cat?s jaw dropped as if unhinged and she felt her eyes actually press from their sockets. He strode confidently across the room, more god than man, his ebony skin oiled to a high sheen, his muscles rippling and cut to diamond perfection. He was naked save for white high-top Nikes and a black g-string that would have left absolutely nothing to the imagination?had there been anything to look at.

“It?s called ?tucking?.”

Marcelle?s amused voice cut through Cat?s haze and she found herself, once again, blushing furiously. “I?um?I?.”

Marcelle?s laughter was rich and full as she reached over and gave Cat?s shoulder a friendly smack. “Breathe, my friend. It?s alright.”

Any breath Cat might have taken whooshed right out of her as the door opened again and Dylan stepped through. “Blessed Mary,” she gasped, her eyes wide and round as saucers.

Like Marquis, every inch of Dylan?s magnificent form was oiled to a high, wet gloss. Her engorged muscles, shot through with plump veins, were chiseled, standing out in bas relief against the flawless silk of her skin. Her hair, wet and drawn off of her face, trailed down her back in a shining, fat ebony braid, throwing her striking features into high, gorgeous definition. And like her photo mate, she was also naked, save for black high top Nikes, a flesh-colored g-string. A pair of small pasties had been added in deference to her gender.

“They make a beautiful couple, don?t they.”

Marcelle could have been speaking Martian for all Cat understood of her words. Her body was too busy trying to coerce her into doing something that was illegal in thirty seven states. At least in public. And when Cory entered the frey, water bottle in hand, and started spritzing “fake sweat” on them both, she considered chucking it all and dragging Dylan off somewhere a little more private.

Like the middle of Times Square.

On New Year?s Eve.

At this point, even the parking lot would do in a pinch.

Or that nice roomy couch just a few short steps away.


“Earth to Cat.” A dark, perfectly manicured hand waved itself before her dazed eyes. “Earth to Cat, come in, Cat. Yoo hoo. You in there?”

Blinking, Cat forced herself out of a fantasy that was growing more lurid by the second. “Hmm?”

A warm hand on her shoulder completed the break, and she found herself looking up into the concerned eyes of her partner.

“You ok?”

“Mm? Me? Juuuuust fine.”

Snorting softly, Dylan rolled her eyes, and gave Cat?s shoulder a fond squeeze before stepping away. “Keep an eye on her, will ya?” she asked Marcelle as she moved to stand beside Marquis.

“And off of your beautiful bod? Not a chance!”

“Hey!” Cat snapped, grinning. “You just keep your eyes on that gorgeous god of a husband you?ve got there, missy. I?ll keep my eyes on Dylan, thank you very much.”

The room broke up into relieved laughter, and with that, the session started.

“Jesus,” Cat murmured, looking down at the stark, black and white proof in her hand. The image of Dylan and Marquis, shining and covered with sweat, melded face to face, chest to chest, belly to belly, thigh to thigh was quite possibly the most erotic thing she?d ever seen. “I think Nike?s gonna have a banner year when this baby hits the newsstands.”

“Screw Nike,” Marcelle exclaimed, holding her own proof. “I?m gonna use this to wallpaper the bedroom! My folks?ve been pestering us for grandkids. This baby just might do the trick!”

Cat laughed, but couldn?t disagree, given how her body felt this very moment just looking at the picture before her.

Just then, the door opened and Cory emerged, followed by the stars of the show, dressed in their street clothes. Dylan?s hair was still swept back off her face, and Cat gave a little internal cheer. She had plans, big ones, and this image of her lover fit into them perfectly.

“Was it as bad as you thought it was gonna be?” Dylan asked, coming to stand beside her and slipping a companionable arm around her shoulder.

“You can invite me to one of these shindigs any time you want to, my dear.”

Dylan grinned. “I had a feeling you might see it my way.” She looked up, then released Cat to give Marcelle and Marquis a hug. “Good luck the rest of the season, Marquis.”

“You too, D. And listen, Marcelle and I are gonna be having a dinner party in about a month or so. Just some of the old gang, you know, kick back, shoot the shit. You and Cat are invited, alright?”

“Please say you?ll come,” Marcelle interjected sincerely. “We miss you!”

“Wouldn?t miss it,” Dylan replied after exchanging glances with Cat.

“Great!” Marquis replied, turning to Cat. “Good to meet you, li?l Cat. Keep cool, alright?”

“I?ll do my best. Good luck on your season.”

“Thanks!” Miming a fake jumper from the top of the key, he gathered his grinning wife and, like that, they were gone.

“Shall we?” Dylan asked.

“After you.”

Once they were situated in the car, Dylan checked her watch. “Well, we?ve got about an hour or so to kill. Wanna get to the arena early and warm up a little?”

“Only if we stop by your office first,” Cat replied, glancing down at the photo she still held in her hand.

“My office?”

“Oh yeah.”

“But wh—?”

She was stopped by a finger to her lips.

“Believe me, Dylan. Either we get to your office in, oh, the next five minutes or so, or I?m not gonna be responsible for what the police might see when they tour this parking lot.”