“Stop!” Cat ducked so she could put her face in Chaney?s. “Just stop. If there?s a problem, Coach will handle it.”
Before Chaney could say anything else the whistle blew and the ball was back in play and the Nitro had control.
“Shit,” Cat mumbled, running into play. “It?s going to be a long 20 minutes.”
Dylan paced as was quite normal for the coach. She always managed to sweat almost as much as the players just from working a rut into the floor. Her attention was fairly evenly divided between the players but most of her attention was on Cat, not because of their relationship but because she could see the player favoring her right leg.
“Fuck,” Dylan breathed as she called for a time out.
As the team made its way to the bench, she gestured for Cat to take a seat and tapped her replacement. After giving them a few words and a new play she sent them back onto the court and resumed pacing. Cat shot daggers at her back from the bench, then she picked up a towel and rubbed down her face, leaving it buried in the soft material so she wouldn?t be tempted to mouth something inappropriate when Dylan turned around.
She was startled when she felt hands on her leg. Peeking out from behind the towel she found the team doctor checking her out. “I?m fine.”
“That?s not how it looked out there.”
“Why won?t anyone listen to me?”
“Cat we?re concerned about you.” The doctor tapped Cat?s leg to get her attention. “Win or lose here tonight Cat, we still need you for the rest of the season. You?ve scored 15 points tonight; you?ve done your share. We can?t risk you injuring this leg. Let us take care of you.”
Cat looked over to Dylan who was yelling to the players from the sideline. She considered the doctor?s words as she thought of the legs under the neatly pressed slacks and the scars on the knee that kept the best player in the league from ever taking the court again. “All right.”
The doctor retrieved a cold pack from her medic bag and wrapped it in a towel, which was wrapped around Cat?s leg. “Just rest and we?ll do some therapy after the game.”
Cat nodded and accepted the cup of water that was offered. Now that she was off the leg it was starting to throb and she knew while she wasn?t seriously hurt, all the quick movements she had been required to make tonight had irritated her calf and knee. They had a three-day break before the next game and if she behaved herself then this strain wouldn?t be an issue.
Dylan took a moment to sit on the bench next to Cat, she figured she would give the player a chance to rant a bit and get it out of her system. She wanted it over and done with so it wouldn?t interfere with their weekend. She hadn?t spent an obscene amount of money for a bungalow with a private beach in the Caribbean for nothing.
“Nice call Coach.” Cat whispered as they watched Chaney assist with a beautiful three pointer.
The noise in the locker room was nearly as deafening as the arena. Cat sat with her leg submerged in a whirlpool, while the rest of her sat on the rim drinking a glass of champagne, which had been somehow magically waiting for them when they got back to the locker room.
“Didn?t think we?d win my ass,” Cat mumbled to herself as she sipped from her very own plastic glass. Dylan was moving around the room looking very much like a proud parent. Her team was on its way to the playoffs for a shot at the championship. Regardless of what happened now it had been a very good season for Dylan Lambert and the Badgers.
Cat lay on her back, the sun shining down on her bikini clad body. She hadn’t realized how badly she needed this vacation until she and Dylan had hit the beach this morning. The player hadn’t done a blessed thing other than coat her body in suntan oil and drink juice that Dylan continually kept replenishing.
The only sounds around her were the surf and the wind rustling the trees behind them. She glanced over to find her partner lying on her stomach, eyes closed apparently dozing. Cat decided this was bliss. No games, no practice, no demands on her or Dylan. They were free to do what they wanted, eat, sleep or make love. They had done all those activities since arriving yesterday afternoon and Cat was feeling the need for a bit more of number three.
“Hey?” she said softly, so that if Dylan was really asleep she wasn’t going to disturb her.
One blue eye opened, followed by a smile. “Yeah?”
“Let’s go back to the bungalow.”
Picking up their beach blanket and the two glasses, holding their drinks they began the short walk up their private beach to the bungalow. Cat was pleased when Dylan reached out and took her hand. It was a rare show of affection in public and for Cat it spoke volumes about how Dylan felt about her.
The bungalow was small, one bedroom and bath, living room and a small kitchen, but for Catherine it felt like a palace. Here, away from the team and the press and the fans, they were free to be themselves. She liked that. She liked being with Dylan when there was nothing to guard against. When they could just relax and be like any other couple.
“Okay,” a sexy grin slid across Dylan’s lips. “You got me here, what did you have in mind?”
Catherine moved to her lover and wrapped her arms around her neck. “This.” The kiss was passionate and left no room in Dylan’s mind for questions. She backed Cat up and they fell to the sofa, a tangle of arms and legs, slick from tanning oil. The skin on skin contact was perfect. It didn’t take either of them long to shed what little clothing they had.
The resort was five star, as Dylan had said when they arrived, `nothing but the best this trip’. Cat had expected to have to drag her one grown up outfit out of the closet for dinner and was
pleasantly surprised when Dylan told her she could certainly go to dinner casual.
While her companion was dressed in a white polo and dark slacks, Cat had opted for a silk sweater and shorts. She decided that unless there was a real good reason to get dressed up she wasn’t going to do it. The restaurant reflected the atmosphere of the Bahamas, right down to the waiters in safari shirts and shorts. In the center of the room was a waterfall decorated with local plant life and lit with red and blue lights. Large ceiling fans cooled the room but certainly didn’t make it cold. Their table was next to a huge plate glass window affording them a beautiful view of the ocean at sunset. For Cat, her time here was just getting better and better.
They ordered their meals and sat making small talk, both of them purposely avoiding any conversation that even bordered on work. Dylan had been serious when she said she needed a vacation and she was bound and determined to relax.
The waiter placed their appetizers before them, before they could sample them and young girl of about eight hesitantly approached the table.
“Excuse me?” Her big brown eyes were settled firmly on Cat.
“Are you Cat Hodges?”
“I am.”
“Could, um?” The girl glanced at Dylan who sat with an indulgent smile. “Could I get your autograph?”
“Sure,” Cat smiled and took the pen and napkin the girl hesitantly offered. “What’s your name?”
“Amanda, but everyone calls me Mandy.”
Cat smiled and autographed the napkin, folding the pen around it and handing it back. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mandy. Are you a basketball fan?”
“I love to watch you play. You’re really good. Especially for someone who’s so short.”
Dylan couldn’t hold back the laugh that bubbled up, but she tried to cover it by feigning a cough behind her fist.
Many turned to Dylan and ground her toe into the carpet. “Are you someone?”
Now it was Cat’s turn to laugh, which she did as she sipped from her water.
“No, I’m nobody important.”
“Okay.” Mandy turned back to cat and offered her small hand to the player. “Thank you very much.”
Cat took the young girl’s hand and shook it very seriously. “You’re very welcome.”
Both women watched as the girl all but ran back across the room to where her family sat, proudly showing off her autograph. The girl’s mother looked up and silently thanked Cat. Cat nodded and returned her attention to Dylan.
“What was that all about? What do you mean `you’re no one’?”
“To her,” Dylan gestured across the room, “I’m not. She’s not even a Badger’s fan. She’s a Cat Hodges fan. You’ve begun charming the new generation of basketball fans.”
“But still?”
“Cat, when you were growing up and thinking that you wanted to play, who inspired you?”
“You did, you know that.”
“Right, and someday when little Mandy hopes to make that first draft pick, she’ll think of you and how you inspired her to her dreams. It’s not a bad thing Cat.”
“See I just don’t put myself in the same class as you.”
“Maybe, it’s time you started.” Dylan smiled and sipped her wine as she watched Cat consider her words. “You’re a great player and you have the ability to have your name in the record books. It will take time, but I’m sure in a few years you’ll find that you won’t be able to walk down the street without getting hit up for an autograph.”
“I’m serious, but you know what?”
“That’s as much talking about work as I want to do. I want to enjoy dinner, have a couple of drinks then take a moonlight walk on the beach.”
“Oh such a romantic you are.”
“I know.” Dylan skewered a mushroom on her fork and popped it in her mouth.
They walked down the beach, with their arms wrapped around each other’s waist. Cat had to keep changing step to keep up with Dylan’s longer stride. It actually turned into a bit of a game when Dylan intentionally changed her stride.
“Be good,” Cat chastised playfully, giving the tall woman a playful slap to the stomach.
“It’s fun to watch you jump.”
Cat tightened her hold on Dylan as they continued down the beach. They reached an outcropping of rocks and Dylan pulled Cat behind them to remove them from view. She titled Cat’s head up so they were looking in each other’s eyes. For Dylan the night was perfect. The air warm, the moon bright and there was something on her mind.
“I want to ask you something?”
“The answer is yes,” Cat answered somewhat breathlessly, it was a common occurrence when she looked into Dylan’s eyes.
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask.”
“I don’t care.”
Dylan chuckled, leaning down to kiss Cat tenderly. “Now be good and listen to my question.”
“Yes ma’am.” Cat nodded soberly, but the smile playing on her lips gave her seriousness away.
“After the season is over, would you like to move in with me?”
“After the season is over?”
“I heard you, but?Dylan are you sure?”
“I am very sure. I’ve thought about it a lot. I remember how I felt when we had that problem over the shoot. I hated it. I hated being without you. I love you Catherine, I want to share my life with you.”
“What about Horace?”
“Well, I didn’t think we’d be sending out engraved announcements,” she grinned, running her thumb over Cat’s lips. “But I’ll deal with Horace. Don’t worry. And as long as we’re discreet, everything will be fine. But before you answer I really want you to think it over.
It will mean both of us changing the way we live and I want to make sure you’re ready to do that.”
“It hasn’t been that long since I was living at home.”
“That’s exactly what I mean. You’re just now getting a real taste of freedom and I don’t want to take that away from you. There is a huge difference between seeing someone on a regular basis and living with them.”
“I know that.”
“Then before you answer, think about it.”
“I will. I promise.”
There was no hesitation between them as they made love, they had learned each other’s bodies and took great delight in each other. Dylan had learned quickly that Catherine was responsive to a light and gentle touch most of the time, but Cat knew almost instinctively that Dylan preferred something a little more `aggressive’.
There was never a moment that they didn’t delight in each other’s passions and make the effort to satisfy each other completely.
Cat curled up in front of Dylan, feeling the taller woman spoon tightly against her back. Cat’s pulse was pounding and rushing in her ears and as she caught her breath she felt her body finally
relaxed. She smiled a satisfied little smile as she listened to Dylan’s breathing even out as well.
“We should eat something.” Cat mumbled, feeling sleepy but a bit hungry at the same time.
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