"You gonna stand there all night," she drops to the floor, "or come in?" She settles back against a chair, placing a pillow behind her.

I know when I've been challenged. This is going to be fun. I settle down next to her with the tray, proud of myself for not spilling anything. I offer her a mug, which she sets aside immediately.

"No cocoa?" I ask, a bit perturbed. Why did I just waste ten minutes downstairs making this if she doesn’t want any?

"In a minute. Right now," she leans toward me, "I'm in the mood for something a little sweeter."

Ah, you smooth talker, you.

Not that I'm objecting in any way here when she kisses me again, but this friggin tray has got to go. I pull back and give a quick signal as I move the stupid thing.

Ah, much better. Now I can touch too, which I do immediately when we resume our kiss.

I run my hands up the front of her shirt as our kiss deepens. Oh yeah, this is very good. I feel her arms around me and I know I'm safe here.

She breaks our kiss and begins a slow nuzzle of my neck. "No," she nibbles on my earlobe, "destroying this shirt. If," another nibble - I'm just going to be a little puddle on the floor if she keeps that up - "you decide you need to bite buttons or rip the material, let me know and I'll take it off."

I laugh softly in between kisses. "Go for it." I give her a little assist by undoing the first two buttons. Before long, I find myself straddling her lap and sliding the shirt from her shoulders. It’s more convenient this way, I rationalize. I have to be close enough to help.

She has great shoulders which are just begging to be kissed. And I am more than happy to do so. That’s the kind of girl I am.

I feel her head shift to one side to give me more room. Her hands slide between us and I feel the buttons of my blouse being loosened. It's a good thing I don't have to move my mouth to let her slide my blouse from my body. I'd be really pissed if I had to give up this very lovely patch of neck. I've discovered kissing her right here causes some very interesting sounds from my partner.

Great minds think alike. We reach around at the same time and divest one another of our bras. I glance over at the growing pile of clothing before she distracts me by running her hands up and down my back, pulling our torsos together.

"You know what?" she whispers with a little kiss to my shoulder.

How can she talk right now? Why does she want to? "What?" I growl.

"I think we should move over to the bed."

Ah, that’s okay. "Glad to hear it," I whisper back, mollified.

She tightens her hold on me and forces herself to her feet, carrying me with her. God, she’s strong. And then it hits me: I'm in Harper’s arms and she's taking me to bed.

She kisses me again as she carries me across the room. We are slowly moving from soft and romantic to something that is no doubt going to be mind blowing.

I can enjoy mind blowing. Actually, I'd like to try mind blowing, just once. I could die happy. It'd take them a week to get the smile off my face. What a way to go.

Speaking of going. How did she get my slacks and shoes off without my noticing? Kels, you think too much and ask too many damn questions. Go with this, nothing in your life has ever felt this good. You're lying in the most comfortable bed on the planet, very nearly naked, with the most beautiful woman in the known world leaning over you looking like she’s going to devour you any second. Go with it, for God’s sake.

I open my arms to her. She sheds the rest of her clothes, and mine (what there was of them) then lowers herself down to the bed with me. Oh my God. Oh yeah, I'm gonna die a very happy woman tonight.

Her hands are gentle, making a slow tour of my body. Her mouth is warm and soft as she proceeds to explore my neck and points more southerly.

"God, Harper, I-" Oh, to hell with talking. I'm going to resort to moaning because she's driving me crazy, and my vocabulary has completely left me.

She brings her head back up and I find her lips to engage her in a kiss. I shift to allow her to come to rest between my legs. Oh yeah, I like her there and she knows it. It’s rather obvious at this point. Our kiss deepens as I feel her move into me. That’s nice.

I have to get to know the magnificent body in bed with me. Thank God, my hands agree and work with me on this one. I find every spot to be warm and firm and the most amazing thing I have ever touched. I can't help but arch my body into hers as we begin to move together.

We are hungry for each other. We both want this. This is good. Very good. Very, very good. I love the feel of her, the scent of her. I love hearing her. Her voice only serves to excite me more, something I didn't realize was actually possible. I'm learning a few new things about myself tonight, too. Wonder how she'd take a polite request?

"Down!" I demand, giving her a little shove. Okay, I tried to be polite.

I hear her laugh. I didn’t find it especially funny. I have needs here. Big needs. Huge needs. A lifetime of need. She begins to move slowly down my body, kissing every exposed part she can find on her way. She's purposely trying to kill me.

"Doucement, ma biche, doucement," she whispers against my belly.

Patience, my ass, Tabloid, and don't waste the French on me. Unless it's in a kiss delivered about six inches further down from where you are right now.

I can feel my entire body quiver as she touches me, kisses me. Oh, she really is good at this. She's got the torture thing down to an art. I guess practice really does make perfect.

"Oh God!" It's out of my mouth before I know it and my hands tighten in her hair. My body is hers. She can have it.

That's the kiss I was talking about.

How can one person give another person so much pleasure? I can barely think as the room begins to sway a bit and I feel the edge moving closer like the ground is being pulled out from under me. My body tenses under her loving kiss and touch. Suddenly, my eyes snap shut and I can't stop the shuddering that has begun.

"Harper!" I cry, knowing only her name at this moment. The lights explode behind my eyelids and I feel my body rise from the bed. I'm not sure how long I'm suspended there. White light tears through my mind as I settle back down. Breathe, Kels, breathe.

I feel her pull me into her arms, her hands stroking my body, soothing it, relaxing it. As soon as I can see, speak, and find the top of my head, I'm going to repay her act of extreme kindness.

"You okay?" she whispers in my ear. She is holding me tightly and I never want her to let me go.

"I'm better than okay. I'm delirious. You are – what’s the right word here? - phenomenal. Yeah, let's go with that one."

She laughs and a smug expression steals over her face. "Glad you're pleased."

"Pleased doesn't even begin to cover it. When we get back home, I'm insuring your mouth for a million bucks." I lift my head and smile down at her. I need to have another kiss. "Nope," I stammer as I pull back, "a million five."

* * *

"That kiss was only worth an additional half mil? I’m hurt," I tease.

She smiles, her nose scrunching up in an absolutely adorable fashion. "Do you want to try again? See if you can do any better?"

Oh, so it’s gonna be that way, is it? "I didn’t hear any complaints a moment ago. In fact, it was quite the opposite," I drawl, adding a dramatic whimper at the end which sounds remarkably like her a few moments ago.

Suddenly, I have a feisty anchor straddling my body, her hands pressing down into my shoulders, her nose almost touching mine. I am, of course, distracted by other parts of her anatomy, which are tantalizingly close to me. "Oh, you are so full of yourself, Tabloid."

"I’d rather be full of you," I reply, arching up into her, my hands sliding up to her waist trying to pull her down.

"Stop it!" She slaps my hands lightly. Frowning, she takes hold of them and places them back down on the bed. "No distracting me."

"All right, all right." I laugh. God, the look on her face is priceless. If I were a Twinkie, I’d be scared. Deciding to relax and see what she has in store, I fold my hands under my head to keep them from wandering.

She sits back, her rear resting lightly on my thighs. "Where to begin?"

"I have a couple suggestions."

"Hush!" Kelsey trails a finger from the tip of my nose, across my lips, down my chin, swirls it in the hollow of my throat, before traveling down between my breasts. Arching her eyebrow, she dips the tip of her finger into my bellybutton and then tugs on my navel ring.

Oh God. Come on, Kels, get on with it.

"That was an interesting sound," Kelsey murmurs and tugs again.

I jostle my legs, attempting to dislodge her.

"Doucement, ma biche, doucement," she chides. She then takes pity on me and leans down to kiss me.

I return the kiss hungrily, glad to have her lips against mine at last. And who is she to lecture me about patience? I mean, it wasn’t ten minutes ago she was shoving me down her body.

Wait a second.

She just spoke French.

And I thought she could only do that in her kisses.

She presses her body against mine and I decide that self-restraint isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I fold my arms around her, intent on keeping her right where she is. She feels so good, so soft. And she fits just right.

We’ll deal with that French thing later.

She’s kissing my lips, my jaw, my cheek, my throat. I tilt my head back to give her plenty of room to work. Oh yeah, right there. That’s good. More of that please.

She seems to understand my need and she continues, marking me. I don’t care. As long as she doesn’t stop. I feel her hand slide down the length of our bodies and move between us. Oh, don’t stop that either. That’s especially nice. Uh huh. Right … there.

Her lips cover mine once more and her tongue imitates her hand. We move together, slowly at first, becoming accustomed to the feel of our bodies so intertwined. Suddenly, it’s all too much. Teasing has turned to passion, which has metamorphosed to pure pleasure.

"Oh …darlin’," I exhale, as the tremors overtake me.

And then I can do nothing more than lay limply on the bed, grateful for the weight of Kelsey on me keeping me grounded. Otherwise, I would simply float away.

She nestles against me, burrowing her head under my chin, bringing the scent of rainwater to me. We hold each other gently and whisper nonsense words as sleep begins to overtake us. Kels places soft kisses on my flesh then falls asleep in my arms.

I chuckle as an old thought returns to me: Straight, my ass.

Scenes from Next Week’s Must Read TV:

Episode Eighteen: Reality Bites

It’s morning.

I know this because the sun is streaming through the blinds and hitting me right in the eye. I burrow my face deeper into Kelsey’s hair and tighten my hold around her waist. This is nice.

She reaches down to take my hand and drags it up between her breasts, kissing my knuckles. "Go back to sleep," she whispers.

"Good morning," I whisper, kissing the base of her neck. She shivers. I caused that and I am inordinately pleased.

"You going for a run?"

I tickle the base of her throat with my fingers. "I think not. I’m gonna go downstairs and fix us breakfast before Mama and Papa come home."

She groans and blushes. I watch it travel all over her body. Damn, that’s cute. "I have to face your Mama now."

I kiss her shoulder. "Chér, it’s going to be fine. I mean, it’s not like we have to wear signs telling everyone what we did last night." I didn’t think she’d already regret it. So much for a morning after.

Kelsey rolls over in my arms and inspects me carefully. "And how will you explain this?" She gently fingers the hickey she gave me last night.

"I let the bed bugs bite?"

She laughs at my unexpected joke. "I don’t think she’ll fall for that."

"Is it really that bad, Kels?" I ask before I can censure myself. God, I don’t want another Omaha fiasco on my hands.

"Is what so bad?" she echoes. Then her eyes register understanding of what I’m asking. "No, not at all, Harper. Not at all." She kisses my chin and snuggles closer. "Last night was wonderful. You were wonderful. This is wonderful."