"Oh, you know all the right buttons, buddy. What’s up?"

"The Saunders kid spilled his guts. Want to go in with me while I get his source?"

"Now, how can I pass that up?"

We walk into the school like we own the place. Which, right now we do. Me, O’Rielly and three uniforms. Straight to the main office and right into the vice principal’s office.

* * *

Kelsey and I stand side by side and watch Saunders’ face as the tape plays. All of his egotistical, prejudiced bullshit flies out the window. His fat face trembles and he splutters as he turns various shades of red. He knows, with an exclusive like this, he has to give it air time.

It is glorious. I can almost hear the angels singing. If they would actually speak to me. Which I highly doubt.

I watch as the blood drains from his face. I hope he isn’t going to have a heart attack. I’d hate to have to do CPR on his racist ass. Kels grins at me and whispers she needs to go call Erik. She leaves us alone and I stop the tape.

"Now, Boss," I grin as I produce another tape from a pile on my desk. "Here’s the story you can run and keep your slimy grandson out of the limelight." I wave it slightly in front of him, watching his eyes track it like a hypnotist’s pendulum. "But I’m gonna tell you right now: it’s going to cost you. It’s going to cost you big. I don’t know what yet, but trust me I’ll think of something. Lucky for you that the absolute worst thing your grandson ever did was smoke a little pot and hope for a quick fuck from your precious anchor." I decide to let the attempted selling of cocaine thing slide, since it was his first offense and he wasn’t thinking with his brain when he agreed to do it. Kels seems to inspire baser motivations.

I give the tape to Saunders who takes it eagerly. I make sure he notices the label says copy before I grab my jacket and head into the newsroom. Kels comes out of her office at the same time wearing a really silly grin.

"Erik say something funny?" I tuck my jacket over my arm.

She glances up at me as the question registers. "Umm … no. I just found out that an old friend of mine from college is coming into town this weekend."

"Must be some friend to make you smile like that."

"Yeah." She clears her throat as she jerks her chin toward my office. "You let him off the hook?"

"Well, not completely. He doesn’t deserve it. I did give him the other tape."

"Good." She nods as we walk toward the elevator. "Nice job, by the way. And thanks for looking out for me."

I lift a brow as I punch the button. "Yeah, you too. And, I couldn’t let anything happen to the Talent in this operation. It felt good to get to the main source in the school. If O’Rielly plays the vice principal right they may be able to go even higher."

"That’d be good. Hard telling how many other schools have the same damn problem."

"One of the unfortunate side affects of our educators not being paid enough. Some of them become so desperate they make stupid choices."

* * *

I toss my jacket across the back of my couch before the door is even completely open. It’s been a long day. But, oh, so good.

Kelsey and I said goodbye in the lobby and I’d hopped on my Harley to come home. I plan on going out later, having a few drinks, hang out with my friends. I want to watch our story unveiled while in a crowded bar, it’s always better that way. And it always makes me popular with the ladies.

But right now I need a shower and a change of clothes. I illuminate the apartment as I move from room to room. Before long, I have a small shadow in the form of my cat following me. He’s a dark auburn color with green eyes and a tail as long as his body. He wraps that appendage around me as I walk.

"Good boy," I murmur, reaching down to stroke his strong back. He hints that I may have missed his dinner last night in my obsession with the story. Good thing he’s so fat and can stand to miss a meal or two. I fill his bowl and leave him happily munching from it on the kitchen floor while I slip back to my bedroom and strip down.

I wonder who could put that type of smile on Kels’ face and if I ever could. It might be fun to try.

Coming Next Week to Must Read TV:

<Fade in>

"What?" I ask in the most irritated voice I can muster. Truth of the matter is it’s hard for me ever to be irritated with Erik. And, well, just the thought of where I am headed keeps me in a damn good mood.

He takes a deep breath through his nose as he saunters into my room to sit on the end of my bed. "Ah, Elizabeth is in town."

<Cut to>

It has to be important for Kelsey to want my help. "What’s wrong?"

"I need you to …" her voice breaks. I can’t tell if she’s crying or not. She takes a deep breath and exhales, the air whistling into my ear. "Come bail me out of jail."

<Fade out>

Episode Seven: Locked Up and Tied Down

I look in the mirror one last time drawing a deep, satisfied breath, very pleased with myself. I smooth my ivory skirt and adjust the white silk blouse, which includes lowering one more button. Smiling and humming to myself, I turn to my dresser and pick up the perfume bottle at my fingertips. As I rub my wrists together, I hear him snicker from the doorway.

"What?" I ask in the most irritated voice I can muster. Truth of the matter is it’s hard for me ever to be irritated with Erik. And, well, just the thought of where I am headed keeps me in a damn good mood.

He takes a deep breath through his nose as he saunters into my room to sit on the end of my bed. "Ah, Elizabeth is in town."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, for one, you are far too happy."

I scowl at him, but he is unaffected.

"And, two, the only time you wear that perfume is when you go to see her."

"That’s not true."

"Oh, but, Kels, my love, it is. That’s the most expensive perfume on your dresser and you save it for your little weekend trysts with her. It seems to be your ‘I’m sleeping with Elizabeth’ fragrance of choice. Tell me, Kels, does it turn her on?"

"Actually it does. Thank you very much, you little shit."

"So, I shouldn’t expect you back tonight, right?"

"Umm, no." I can’t contain my smile as I pick up my jacket from the bed.

Erik takes it and helps me into it. "Well, have fun, sweetheart. I’ll make sure I set the alarm before I leave tonight. So don’t forget about it when you come home." He pauses as he brushes the back of my jacket with a lint brush he has retrieved from my dresser. "If you come back at all."

"Oh, that’s right. You’re flying to New York tonight, aren’t you?"

"Yup, they want to do some publicity for the film."

"When will you be back?"

"Friday, at the latest."

I turn to him and wrap my arms around his neck. I can’t help but smile as I see the pride in his eyes. "Have a good time, my friend. Where are you staying?"

"Well, I’ll have you know," he moves in, whispering in my ear. "I’m at The Plaza." He laughs softly as he draws back.

"Oh boy, you have hit the big time. Too bad I’m not going with you. I could use a weekend of getting pampered."

"Nah." He turns me and shoves me out the door. "You need a weekend of getting laid. If you came to New York with me that wouldn’t happen. You two would have switched coasts. So go see your girlfriend."

"She is not my girlfriend. We have a very casual relationship."

"Yeah, and every time you get together, you fuck like bunnies." He laughs as he guides me to the elevator, grabbing my purse and car keys from the hall table on the way. He shoves them into my hands as he calls for the car. "Now go have some fun."

"Oh, I intend to." I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck and have fun yourself. See you Friday." The doors open and I step in, giving Erik a wave before they close.

As I settle into the Mercedes and start the engine, I can’t wipe the silly grin off my face. Part of it is due to the fact that I am really looking forward to seeing Elizabeth again. The other part of it is that I am looking forward to ‘seeing’ Elizabeth again. We went to college together and we found that we liked a lot of the same things, including, but not limited to, sleeping together. The fun part of it was that we never pressured each other for a relationship, outside of our friendship. We both knew we were headed in our careers. So we accepted our relationship for what it was, genuine affection and a tension reliever. Boy, do I have some tension to relieve.

Elizabeth is a high profile junior partner with Andersen Kill. She belongs there. She’s a hell of a litigator, very aggressive, predatory even, befitting the law firm’s name. I grin as I realize all that aggression will be turned in my favor tonight and this weekend. My libido is at the cage door, waiting very patiently at the moment.

As I pull up to the hotel, it occurs to me that this is the same hotel where we decided on this arrangement. It’s a very "Same Time Next Year" kind of thing we have going, but it’s fun. I pop the trunk and the valet helps me out of my car. I smile as I hand him the keys. Just can’t seem to keep the damn thing off my face.

Moving to the trunk, I fetch a small bag that could double for a soft sided briefcase. You learn all kinds of tricks about how to be discreet over the years. I open it, slip my purse inside, then put the bag on my shoulder. When the bellman approaches, I shake my head and tighten my hold on the bag.

I see her immediately when I enter the lobby. My libido stands up and does a hula dance in my chest, accompanied by the pounding drum of my heart. So much for waiting patiently at the cage door.

God, she is gorgeous. Oh Lord. You know as I look at her now it occurs to me how much she looks like Sharon Stone. No wonder I want her. She smiles as she waves at me, then holds out her arms to me.

Finally! A very friendly embrace. Oh yeah!

"Kels, God, it seems like forever." She smiles at me as we part, her hands run down my arms slowly, erupting goosebumps along long-neglected flesh.

"It’s been too long, Beth. How are you?"

"Working my ass off, sweetheart, and you?"

"Oh, please." I roll my eyes as thoughts of Harper come crashing into my mind, then, thankfully, leave just as quickly. "Too much to tell in the lobby of the hotel."

"Well, okay." She takes my bag and hands it to the bellman. "There was some problem with my room, a computer foul up of some kind, so they're getting another one ready. Let's go to the bar and have a drink while we catch up."

"Let me get my purse," I start to reach for the bag only to have Elizabeth grab my arm and guide me to the bar.

"Nope, you don't need it. Your money is no good with me. I heard you got a new addition to your show. Harp…"

I cut her off with a wave. "Please, don't say it," I groan out as we settle into a small booth.

She slides in next to me, giving me a concerned look. "Say what?"

"Her name. You would not believe the turns my life has taken since she showed up. And it’s only been a little more than two weeks."

"Not good?"

"So very bad." I give her a smile. "Please, let's not talk about it. I didn't come here to talk about her. I came here," I pause, knowing it will only serve to heighten her interest in what I am about to say, "to lose myself in you for a weekend. To remind myself why I thought you were the best thing about Brown."

"I was the best thing about Brown," Elizabeth replies easily. "Don’t ever forget that."

* * *

We’re on our second round of drinks when Elizabeth’s pager goes off. We both look at the small device with disdain, knowing it has the power to ruin our weekend together. I feel a throb deep within, reminding me that I will die if something interferes with us now. Why didn’t I just drag her upstairs and skip the drinks?

Elizabeth removes the pager from her skirt waistband and stares at the numbers. "Damn! It’s Aguilera. I need to go to our room and return the call. He’s gonna wanna bitch at me about the hearing on Friday."

I look at her warily. "Will you have to go back to New York?"

She smiles the smile that has won her many clients over the years, the same one that first made my sexuality wake up and take note more than a decade ago. "Would I leave you in your hour of need? Let me go calm him down." She leans forward, giving me a pleasant view. "Then I can calm you down."