Kels and I arrive after Robie and Rene. They’re seated in a booth near the garden area. Actually, it’s not quite a booth. It’s two love seats on opposite sides of a table. I bet he asked for this damn table.

We exchange greetings and sit down on the uncomfortably small seat. Well, it’s not uncomfortable. It’s way too comfortable. I keep telling myself to not put my arm around the back of the seat.

The waiter comes over to take our drink order after a few minutes. Robie orders a Pinot Noir, a 1997 Clos de la Roche from Burgundy, for us to share. The waiter murmurs his approval of Robie’s order and hurries off to retrieve the bottle.

"What looks good to you, Harper?" Kelsey asks.

God, you do.

Rene jumps in to my rescue and begins discussing the best items on the menu as I find my tongue again. Of course, there are other things I wish my tongue was doing right now. How do I get myself into these situations?

We place our orders. Kelsey chooses the couscous and vegetable salad, along with the roasted Cornish game hen with rosemary. I order the onion soup gratinee and the faux filet mignon Bordelaise. Maybe onion breath will keep my hormones in line tonight.

Or maybe I could just get a fucking mint when we leave.

After the waiter pours the wine, upon Robie’s approval of the bottle, Robie raises his glass in a toast. "May the best of your yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrows."

"Ah, that’s sweet," Kelsey murmurs and takes a sip from her glass. "Oh, this is good." She runs her finger over the rim of the glass.

Oh, to be that rim.

"It has a raspberry hint to it," Kels comments.

Rene nods. "And coffee."

"And black cherries," Kels adds.

Robie stares at the wine, looking very confused. "How the hell do you do that? I mean, I know it’s a great wine, but I can’t pick out the specific flavors in it." He looks to me for support.

"We have a more sophisticated palette, sweetie," Rene answers, patting his leg.

"And wine tasting class," Robie teases.

"Well, that too."

Dinner is a pleasant and friendly affair. The food is great, but the conversation is even better. I am pleased by how well Rene and Kelsey are getting along, talking like long lost sorority sisters. For the most part, Robie and I just add a few words when we can, which isn’t often. It’s funny watching my brother and the fond, indulgent look he bestows on Rene. I never thought he’d look at anyone like that. And I certainly never expected to see him married and a father twice over in less than four year’s time.

"Can you let me up, Harper?" Kels asks, touching my shoulder, startling me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah, sure," I stutter and slide out of the loveseat. I stand and let her pass. She’s wearing Alfred Sung perfume. My favorite.

Robie also gets up and lets Rene leave as well. Apparently women can only go to the bathroom in groups.

"You’re so wrapped," I tease.

"Hello, Pot, this is the Kettle." He raps his knuckles on the table, laughing at me.

"I am not!"

"None are so blind as those who cannot see. Or will not see."

"Jesus, Robie, you make it sound like I’m in love with her or something."

"Aren’t you?" He leans back in the seat, interested in my answer.

"No!" I say too quickly. "God, Rob, I don’t know. I’m so confused. I don’t know if I’m coming or going anymore. Some days, I swear I can smell her on my clothing and it drives me wild. Other days, she can be Satan incarnate to me."

"Oh, and you’re easy to live with."

I put my forehead on the table and groan, mindless of the bad manners I am exhibiting. Mama would slap my head right now. Thank God I’m out with Robie.

"Just relax, Harper. I think you’re the only two who don’t see how good you are together. Let it happen. And stop being such a scaredy cat."

"I am not," I mumble.

"Right. This from the one who’s never had a steady girlfriend. You’re so afraid of being caught in something you don’t want, you don’t know when you should surrender."

"Are you a fucking psychiatrist or a lawyer?"

"I’m your brother. Close enough."

* * *

Standing at the sink, I watch myself in the mirror.

"Enjoying yourself?" Rene asks as she joins me and we have your typical reflection conversation. What is it about being in the bathroom that makes you do this?

"Oh, very much, thanks for inviting me along."

"Well, Robie and Harper didn’t get a chance to spend a lot of time together last time she was home. I’m glad you came with us. She’s really enjoying herself with you here."

"Oh, Harper can enjoy herself anywhere."

"But you make it special for her."

"You’re seeing things." I smile at her as I inspect my make up.

"Uh huh." Rene sounds skeptical. "And you’re too busy trying to deny it." She gives me a wink and pulls open the door gesturing back to the dining area. "The best two things that the Kingsley family has to offer await."

I turn and smile as I step past her.

Bet mine is better than yours.


* * *

After dinner, we drive over to City Park and park the cars on Wisner Boulevard. The night air is chilly and I glance down at Kelsey to see how she’s doing. She tends to get cold easily. "Need another jacket?"

She smiles up at me. "I’m fine, thanks. It’s perfect out. Just cool enough to let you know winter is coming, but not too cold."

"Good. Looks like Robie and Rene are up by the carriages. A carriage ride is really the best way to see the Celebration. The route is a couple miles long and there are over two million lights along it. I don’t like walking with the crowds, so this is the way to go."

"It sounds beautiful."

"It is. Our family loves coming here. A little later in the season there will be carolers in the park every night. It’s really special."

"I never took you for someone who really gets into the holidays."

"Oh sure, I’m a big kid at heart. Last year, Robie and I went and had our pictures taken with Santa. Mama had it up on the refrigerator for a long time with all the grandkids pictures."

Kelsey is still laughing when we reach Robie and Rene. "Ready to go?" he asks. He is standing by a red carriage drawn by a white horse.

"Sure enough." I give Kels a boost into the carriage, resisting my urge to pat her on the rear. Somehow, I doubt if it would be appreciated. I climb up and sit beside her, spreading a blanket over our laps and legs. It can get a bit chilly during the ride.

I look down to see Robie and Rene engaged in a rather heated lip lock.

Lucky bastard.


Reluctantly, my brother disengages. "Tell you what, little sister, why don’t you two go on in this one? I think my beautiful bride and I will find our own carriage."

"Or, better yet, a room."

Robie sweeps Rene up in his arms and spins around. "Now that is the best idea you’ve had yet tonight, Harper Lee! We’ll see you tomorrow!"

And they leave.

I can’t believe it. He left me. Here. In a carriage. With Kelsey. In one of the most romantic spots in New Orleans.

I’ve been set up.

* * *

As Robie and Rene leave, I get the strangest sensation we’ve been set up. I hear a little growl leave Harper’s chest while she watches them go.

"Umm, it’s okay, you know. We can head home too, if you want," I offer. Home? When did it become home to you, Kels?

"Oh no, Kels, that’s okay. I’m sorry. I don’t want you to miss this." She leans forward briefly and gives the driver the word. Then her eyes are back on me. They really are beautiful.

I smile when the carriage starts forward. "Thanks."

"For?" Her arm comes up to rest behind me, making the slightest contact with my shoulders.

"For bringing me here and sharing all this with me. I know it’s special to you." I can’t take it anymore and I have to have some kind of contact with her. I take her free hand in mine, which is under the blanket. "That makes me feel special."

"You are special."

"Okay, who are you? And what have you done with Harper Kingsley?" I tease as I interlace our fingers. Her hands are warm.

"Am I that bad?"

"No," I admit quietly. "No, actually you’re not. I’ve grown pretty fond of you. I’m not sure when or how it happened, but I ..." I’m at a loss at what to say. I drop my head and shake it a bit.

"Kels." She removes her hand from under the blanket and palms my cheek. "I feel the same way."

I wish she’d tell me what it is then. Because I don’t know what to call it. Love? Lust? Affection? Friendship? Desire? All of the above? Or something else entirely?

My eyes close and I lean my cheek into her palm. I don’t resist when she places her mouth close to my ear. "This is good, isn’t it?" she asks softly.

I turn my face slowly, my eyes still closed, taking in the scent of her. As her lips graze my ear, I whisper, "Feels good to me. What about you?"

I feel her nod and I can’t help but smile. God, I’ve wanted to do this all day. All I’ve been able to think about is that kiss last night on the porch.

I want another kiss. I don’t care if we are out in public. Harper is certainly out in public, pun intended, so it doesn’t matter. I pull back and look into her eyes. She smiles at me, inviting me in, an offer I can’t and don’t want to refuse. I move forward and give her a light kiss. She returns it readily, her arm tightening around my shoulders, drawing me closer.

Testing in progress here. Do not disturb.

Oh, yeah, this is good. Oh … and firmer is good. I’m a big fan of firmer. A little moan. I’m not sure if that was her or me. Not that I care either way.

"Kels," she whispers in my ear when our kiss is over. " You’re … umm … I mean … I’m ..."

"Harper, we’re both a little unsure here, right?"

She nods.

"But we are obviously both attracted, right? I mean, we’re both sober and well aware of what’s happening."

She nods again.

"Then I think we should go with your life philosophy of ‘shut up and jump’. We’ll figure out what to say as we go down."

She bursts out laughing. The double meaning of what I said strikes me right between the eyes. I can’t believe I said that.

"You." She caresses my cheek again. I know it’s beet red, like the rest of my face. "Are priceless."

"I am an idiot." Is there a rock somewhere nearby I can crawl under?

"Oh no. No, you’re not." She leans in and kisses me again.

Oh, this is good. I like ‘shut up and jump.’ We’re gonna have to come back to Celebration in the Oaks next year because I’m not seeing a thing.

* * *

We drive back to the house. I try not to grin like a fool all the way there. I’m really sure about what I want, but I don’t want to push anything. I don’t want to make any assumptions. You know what they say about assuming. I’ve been there and done that, and would rather not do that again.

I follow her through the front door, watching as she removes her jacket, her hands trailing slowly down it, before she hangs it on the coat rack. How does one become an article of clothing in your next life? Is that something you can request? I’ll fill out the paperwork in triplicate if need be.

She turns and smiles as I remove my own coat. "Tired?" She takes my jacket and hangs it next to hers.

"No!" Oh, that was subtle. Why not just start biting buttons? Geez, Kels, get a grip. "You?"

"Not really." She sticks her hands in her trouser pockets and rocks back and forth a bit. "Cocoa?"

"With marshmallows?"

"With marshmallows," she agrees. Then she steps forward and wraps her arms around my waist, hugging me close and swaying slightly. "In front of the fireplace, in your room?" She leans close and gives my neck a little nuzzle. "Sound good?"

"Uh huh," I choke out as every nerve in my body catches fire.

"Okay, you make the cocoa and I'll get the fire started," she whispers with another little nuzzle.

It's already started. Now, let’s hope I can find the damn kitchen.

* * *

When I get to my room with the tray, I find her placing a log in the fireplace. Oh Tabloid, nice setting: fire, soft lights, big, fluffy pillows on the floor with a couple of blankets. Hey, you know how to do romantic. Who knew?