To top it all off, to make this little jaunt even worse for Kels, it’s a trip home that is tearing her heart out. She was nearly in tears when she got back to me tonight. I think a little too much reminiscing went on about Pa at dinner.

So I distracted her with the only two things I knew would work. The story first and me second. She seemed to like the second a lot better. Perhaps her priorities are shifting a little. I smile as I place a soft kiss to the top of her head and she moves closer to me.

Could life get any more interesting? Looking down at the woman sleeping in my arms, I’m betting good money that the answer is ‘yes.’ I have the feeling that she’ll be able to keep my life interesting as long as she can put up with me.

* * *

I glance over at Harper who is sitting a table away from us with Jims and Conrad. I wish she were here with me. I take a sip of my tea and return my concentration to the table and the four men I’m having lunch with.

There’s Henry, of course, my Pa’s best friend and like a second grandfather to me. Then there’s Clayton Jackson, the rancher whose farm had the infected cows, all of which have now been put down, their carcasses burned. Next to him is Andy George, who worked with Pa and Henry when they were at the DoD and, finally, Travis McCall, one of my Pa’s friends from so long ago. These four men are all concerned about the possibility of the virus infecting their cattle. Henry told them I might do a story so that they might get some help from the government to prevent any other livestock from getting sick.

"So, Kels, you have no idea how proud we are of you," Travis offers, covering my hand with his callused one. "Your Pa would simply be busting all the buttons right off his vest."

"Thanks. I like to think he’d be pleased."

"Pleased isn’t the word for it, little girl." Henry raises his glass to me. "We never could get a word in edgewise when he got on the subject of his Little Filly."

Oh God, I’m so glad Harper wasn’t here to hear that. The last thing I need is for her to know one of my Pa’s old nicknames for me.

I smile at Henry and just shake my head. "Well, like I said, Pa always was one of the best bullshitters in the business."

"Oh, not when it came to you, sweetheart. How many time do I have to tell you that before you’ll believe me?"

"I believe you. Let’s just wait until you see me in action first, okay?" I’m not normally this humble, but these men remind me of where I came from. And how much I owe to my Pa. He believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I turn my attention to Clayton Jackson. "Mr. Jackson…."

He throws his hand up. "Clay."

I nod. "Clay. You think you’ll be able to arrange a meeting for me with Professor Sams?"

"Oh yeah, no doubt. He’s coming by my place tomorrow to have another look at my remaining herd."

"All right then. The first thing I’ll need is an interview with him as the local expert. Then we’ll shoot a few interviews with you gentlemen. Will you be available tomorrow?" They all agree, after a few protestations about their appearance on camera. It’s cute to see them so concerned about looking handsome for the lens.

So now we have to make contact with Professor Sams tomorrow and feel him out - so to speak - to see if Henry’s concerns are warranted.

One by one they say their good-byes, leaving Henry and I alone at the table. He takes a deep breath and I can tell he’s about to start beating the bushes.

"Out with it, Henry," I tease, sipping my iced tea.

He pulls a small box from his jacket pocket as he stands to go. "I thought you might want this. I saved it for you, hoping you’d come back for it, but you never returned home after your Pa died."

He lays the box in front of me, kissing the top of my head before turning to leave.

I look at the box. My hands tremble when I take the ribbon in my fingers and pull it apart. Lifting the lid, I can’t stop the gasp that leaves my chest before the tears begin to fall. I couldn’t stop these tears if I wanted to.

"Oh God!" I lift my Pa’s antique, gold pocket watch out of the box. Holding it gingerly in the palm of my hand, I run the tips of my fingers over the intricate carvings on the cover. I’m afraid if I touch it too much, it will disappear. I thought this was gone for good, sold by my parents along with everything else after Pa died. They "liquidated his assets" right after they buried his body.

I push the button at the top and the cover pops open revealing the face. It’s still running. My God, this watch must be close to a hundred and fifty years old and it still works. Time still goes on, despite the fact that Pa isn’t here anymore.

I notice movement out of the corner of my eye and turn to find Harper pulling up a seat next to me. Her hand comes to rest on my neck, massaging gently. "You okay, Little Roo?" Her voice is full of concern. I realize she must have heard me break down. I can’t speak right now so I just show her the watch.

"It’s beautiful."

I nod, sniffing and trying to find my voice. "It belonged to Pa. I used to play with it as a little girl. I thought my parents sold it. I didn’t know Henry had it." I wipe the tears away before I try to speak again. "There’s someplace I need to go before we leave."

"Anywhere you want."

* * *

After dropping Jims and Conrad at the station so they can prep for our interviews tomorrow, Harper and I head for my requested destination. She drives quietly. I continue to hold Pa’s watch and run my thumb over it, trying to connect with him once again. "Turn left up here."

She does so without a word. I look at her and realize how lucky I am. God, I hope I can hold onto her.

"Stop." I glance out over the tombstones and spot Ma and Pa’s right away. Turning back to Harper, she gives me a little smile. "Come with me?" I ask.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. They’re the only family I have to share with you."

She nods mutely and climbs out of the car.

As we walk across the manicured grass, I loop my arm through hers to get as close as I can. She interlaces her fingers with mine. When we get to Pa’s headstone, she tries to let go but I won’t let her. I need her strength. I kneel down, taking her with me.

"Hi, Pa," I begin, rearranging a few flowers that decorate the stone. I’ve always made sure that fresh flowers are delivered here every week. "I miss you so much. I’m sorry I haven’t been here before. I just couldn’t come before now." I take a deep breath, trying to calm my heart. "Henry gave me your watch today. I promise to take very good care of it. I know it’s been in the family a long time."

Harper settles down on the grass beside me, getting comfortable, willing to let me take as much time as I want here.

I glance over to my partner. "There’s someone I want you to meet. Pa, this is Harper." I settle down next to her, and she drapes her arm around my shoulders. "We work together."

I stop. While that’s true, it’s not the whole truth. "Pa, you never judged me, and you never hated me for the choices I’ve made in my life. God, I so needed that from you. I lived for your approval. And I think you’d approve of her," the words are out of my mouth before I can censor them.

I glance over to find a huge smile on her face. Okay, at least she’s not running away from me right now. That’s a good sign. Turning back to the stone, I whisper, "She knows how to tell the world to go to hell, too. Between the two of you, I’m hoping to learn a few things."

I tug a weed away. "The reason I came today was to tell you how much I love you. I always will. And how much I miss you. And to say good-bye, because I never did that. I don’t know if I’ll ever be back here, but please know I love you. I always carry you in my heart."

Leaning forward, I place a kiss on the stone, wishing it was my grandfather’s warm cheek, and let my hand drop down the white marble stone for the first and last time. After I get to my feet, Harper wraps her arms around me from behind allowing me a moment to contemplate in silence. "Ready?" I ask her as I glance up.

"One quick thing." She kneels down and places her hand on my Pa’s stone. She whispers a few words, which I can’t hear, and then kisses the stone as I did, crossing herself as she rises.

I wipe away a tear and take her proffered her hand. We start back for the car, walking slowly, close together.

"Thank you, Kels."

"For what?" I stutter. It’s not like I just showed her a great time or anything.

"For sharing him with me."

Oh. Family is important to her. I do know that. "No, thank you, for coming with me. Do you think he’d be proud of me?"

"Oh, I have no doubt of that."

* * *

Kels is tense tonight. I know it’s not the interview tomorrow. She could do it in her sleep. It’s this trip home. I rub my hands together warming them before I let them touch her bare skin.

I convinced her a hot shower and a massage would be exactly what she needed to relax. Now she’s lying on her stomach, totally nude, waiting for my touch. I can tell by the pink tint of her skin that it was indeed a hot shower. I begin with her shoulders, slowly and firmly, and am rewarded with a soft little moan.



"You think there’s anything to this anthrax thing?"

"Yeah, I do. Henry and Andy are really concerned about it. They spent enough time with the Defense Department to know when to worry. This guy must really be spooky."

"Great. You be extra careful out there tomorrow," I tell her as I rub my way down her back.

"Don’t need to be," she mumbles, relaxing under my touch. "Have my own personal bodyguard."

"Right." I lean over to whisper in her ear. "Wouldn’t want anything to happen to Pa’s Little Filly."

The groan that escapes her is a long and frustrated one. The only problem is I’m laughing too hard that I don’t see the pillow coming until it’s too late.

<fade out>

Scenes from Next Week’s Must Read TV:

<fade in>

"We're going to treat this particular nut flake with kid gloves, so I don't want him to see the mike on you." I nod as she opens my robe, revealing my bra and panties. "Or we could just forget the anthrax thing and go back to bed." She groans as she twists the transceiver and the mike in her hands.

<cut to>

"It's my Mother," Kels offers, tying off her robe.

"Your Mother!" Suddenly, I feel like I should be jumping into my clothes and looking for the nearest exit. Which, of course would be out the door she's knocking on.

"It's about time, Kelsey. Did you plan on keeping me waiting in the hall all day?"

I can feel my brows coming together as I watch this woman. She's so fucking self-absorbed she thinks doors open by themselves and she hasn't noticed me lying here in the bed yet.

<fade out>

Episode Twenty: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

"We’re going to treat this particular nut flake with kid gloves, as any person with a potential, ready supply of anthrax deserves to be. So I don’t want him to see the mike on you when you first approach him for an interview."

I nod and she opens my robe, revealing my bra and panties. I put on the emerald green silk set this morning. She particularly likes it, saying it matches my eyes. I don’t know how she knows that. I’ve never worn them long enough for an adequate comparison.

"Or we could just forget the whole anthrax thing and go back to bed," she groans as she twists the transceiver and the mike in her hands.

"Behave." I give her a gentle slap on the arm and then a little kiss on the chin. "Just wire me up."

She drops to her knees and kisses my stomach. "Are you sure?" She slides the transceiver into the front of my briefs and runs the wire, and her lips, up my stomach. Nibbling one breast through my bra, she runs the wire under the other side.

"Oh God! Harper, behave! I mean it!" I falter a bit under her touch. It’s my subconscious trying to get me back in bed. My subconscious really, really likes it in bed. Hell, my conscious does too, but I’m trying to have a little bit of will power here.

She laughs a little as she steadies me and places a piece of tape over the wire. "See what happens when you don’t have any concentration?" She stands up to her full height and rubs her hand up and down my back.