The man hesitates in his half standing position before allowing himself to be tugged back into the chair. He’s still holding the weapon though it isn’t with the white-knuckled grip of moments before. He wants to trust Kelsey, that much is obvious.

Hell, my little blonde gold mine is so sincere, I want to trust her. Her compassion is earnest and convincing, her grip on him strong and comforting. I see just a glimpse of the woman she must be under all the makeup and cold exterior. This must be the woman that has captured Erik because, until this moment, I just couldn’t figure out why he would stay with her. I figured she must be one hell of a good lay. It’s a theory I’d love to test some day.

So distracted by these lecherous thoughts, it takes a moment for me to realize what’s going on in front of me.

I watch, amazed, as the Psycho Wonder puts the Uzi on the table, then stands up and steps back from it. Kelsey takes it and places it gently to the floor, respecting the weapon even once it is out of the nut’s hands. Giving it a shove with her foot, it slides over to me, stopping at my feet. I follow its slide with the Betacam. As I pan it back to Kelsey, she has left her own seat and is making a slow and cautious approach, holding her hand out to the man, who takes it.

"Do you have any more guns?"

Uh, gee, Kelsey, a better time to ask that question would be before you take his fucking hand! Christ almighty!

He shakes his head slowly. Kels reaches for the mask.

Oh, damn, damn, damn! She’s gonna do it! I feel my breath hitch as she pulls up on the mask and reveals the face beneath it. It’s a woman! Holy shit! I get it all as the sobbing woman falls into Kelsey’s arms and the police rush in.

They take her into custody, detaching her arms from around Kelsey’s neck and handcuffing them behind her back.

I’ve got every moment of it on tape. I follow them as they take her from the room. Then I turn the camera back on Kels who is sitting at the table with her head down on her crossed arms. I continue to film as I approach her.

She looks up and snarls. "Turn that fucking thing off before I shove it up your ass!"

I do as she says, knowing that Chambers will have her hide for using that language while we were undoubtedly live. Her peaches and cream reputation on-screen won’t last long if people hear much more of that.

She moves past me and out the door. I let her go. Those porcupine quills are up and ready again. Whatever compassion she felt moments before for that distraught mother have not overflowed into our relationship.

I take the camera from my shoulder and set it on the table. I turn to the woman who was with us through all of this. She is leaning against the desk breathing heavily as her nerves settle, it makes her breasts sway in a most pleasing manner. "You willing to give us an interview?"

She nods, as she looks up to me. "Thank you."

"You’re welcome. What’s your name?"


I bite back the chuckle as I place my hand on the small of her back to lead her from the room. Marion the librarian. Fucking priceless! I begin humming "Seventy-six Trombones."

"I get that all the time," she says, raising an eyebrow at me. I think she’s flirting with me. And I love it.

As we exit the room, the police intercept us. After giving them enough information to get them off my back, I realize I have to let them get a statement from Marion. I turn her over to a cop friend of mine in the bunch. He says he’ll bring her to me at the van as soon as he can. Pays to drink with the boys in blue.

I leave the building to find Kelsey leaning against the van, eyes closed, hands splayed against the metal, steadying herself. I lay my camera inside at Jimmy’s feet.

"God, Harper, that was fucking great!" He bounces around the van switching tapes and putting everything together. "You were live from the moment you were talking that to that little girl. Shit! Who knew you could speak Spanish?"

I shrug, "I did. So did my Spanish professor who gave me an ‘A’ in the class."

"Chambers wants you to call in. He wants to Kelsey to go live with a wrap up for a special broadcast. But she refused. He’s ready to strangle her."

"Give me a sec, Olson."

I pull out of the van and go over to Kelsey, laying a hand on her shoulder. "You did great in there."

She looks up and gives me her best dirty look. "Yeah, and I didn’t even need a penlight." Kelsey’s green eyes are weary. "Congratulations, in one day you’ve made me just like you. I didn’t think it was possible."

I shrug, "Oh, you coming out of the closet now?"

"Fuck you. You made me give up my journalistic integrity in there. I’m supposed to report the news, not become it, dammit! You don’t care! You don’t care because you don’t know what it means to be a journalist. You don’t know what it means to have millions of people trust you, and then piss it all away in less than thirty minutes. For ratings! For fucking ratings! I was traded so the station can sell more sports car and beer commercials!" She pushes herself off of the van and stalks away.

"No!" I holler after her. "You used it to save ten kids’ lives. And, guess what, Kelsey, it was worth it! You didn’t piss away any trust in there, Kels. You got that mother to lay it all on the line for you, just because you asked and you were sincere. All of your high-minded principles don’t mean shit if it had ended any other way."

She stops and turns slowly to face me once more. "Don’t feed that line to me."

"Why? Because it’s true?" I smirk. "You can’t handle the truth?" I use my best Nicholson imitation, which is – actually – pretty damn good.

Kelsey bursts into laughter, big belly laughs that cause her to bend at the waist. It’s a tension release; she needed it big time. She shakes her head. "You’re certifiable."

I shrug. This is not news to me. Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse. "Tell me something I don’t know. But, before you do, give Chambers the wrap-up he wants. So we can get the hell out of here."

"What? You got a hot date or something?"

A gentle voice calls to me from beside our van. "Harper, do you still want me for that interview?"

Both Kelsey and I turn and look at the pretty librarian. I can’t wait to explore her Dewey Decimal system. "Uh, you could say that. Now, let’s get this finished so Marion and I can enjoy our good fortune to still be alive."

"Harper, you’re a dog. You know that, right?" Her voice is slightly teasing, though, not holding the censure it had moments before. Things change so quickly between us, going from understanding, to sympathy, to anger in moments. I take us one step further, laying on all the charm I can muster and stepping right into her space.

I lean forward, once again making myself ignore her perfume. "And you’re jealous. You know that, right? I’ve got your number, Kelsey Stanton. And, one day, I’ll make the Ice Bitch thaw. And, you’ll thank me for it." I smile warmly as I pat her butt, admiring its shape and feel under my hand. "Let’s wrap up."

"Touch my ass again, Harper, and you’re dead. Now get your camera. I’ve had a hell of a long day." She shoves me away without real vehemence and uses steady fingers to start combing through her hair and preparing for our final wrap.

I smirk. And I know she won’t be able to relieve any of that stress with Erik. I, however, plan on relieving as much stress as possible. I shoulder my camera again and glance at Kelsey. Unaware of my eyes focused on her, she is casually checking out Marion the librarian.

Straight, my ass.

Next week on Must Read TV:

<fade in>

"Of course." I chuckle as I flex my toes in his very attentive hands. "You keep that up and I'm gonna have an …"

<cut to>

"Can't say I have," I reply in as bored a tone as I can. "So is your avoidance of the subject an admission to not knowing her name?"

She grins knowingly but allows me the subject change. "Veronica, please meet my partner - in a non-sexual sense - Kelsey, and her friend Erik."

The blonde extends a hand across the table. "Hi," she says meekly. "It's Victoria, nice to meet you."

<cut to>

Harper is pressing me fully into the wall, I can feel her body hot and firm against me.

Episode Five: Back Against the Wall

I take a deep breath as I lean against the Mercedes. The fact that I could have been killed finally started setting in while I was driving home. Good God, working with Harper Kingsley is going to be the death of me. The woman is absolutely insane.

I head for the elevator. I sigh as I ring for the car, and before I have time to blink the doors slide open. Erik steps out and engulfs me in a tight hug. As he plants a soft kiss to my temple, he whispers, "Are you all right?" Too tired too answer him, I just nod as I settle into his strong arms. He leads us back to the elevator, never releasing me from his protective embrace. I don't know or care how he knew to be here at just the right moment.

"Straight back to the penthouse, Richard," he tells the evening operator. "Don't stop for anyone."

"Yes, sir." He nods as he presses the button, glancing briefly at us then turning to the front to stare dutifully at the doors.

"You're not hurt, are you?" Erik whispers again. My ears still ring from the gunshots, and I am grateful for his concern.

"No, I'm not hurt. Just taking a minute to allow my mind and body to catch up with each other." His arms tighten around me and I am so grateful they are there for me, but, then again, they always are. If I were straight, I'd marry this man.

"Take your time, sweetheart. Take your time. I have all night." He gives my temple another kiss.

When the doors slide open, we make our way straight to the living room where I'm deposited on the couch. Erik kneels down in front of me and slides my heels off, gently massaging my feet. Oh yeah, I'd marry him. I might regardless of my sexuality if he keeps this up. I reach out, stroking my fingers through his hair. "Why are you so good to the 'Ice Bitch'?"

He smiles at the nickname. He knows I know most of them, but I think he was surprised that I knew that one. "I'm not. The 'Ice Bitch' doesn't exist for me. She never did. You, Kelsey Stanton, are my best friend and I love you." He drops his head then lifts it, grinning at me. "Like a sister of course."

"Of course." I chuckle as I flex my toes in his very attentive hands. "You keep that up and I'm gonna have an …"

"Don't go there. I don't need to know what turns you on, thanks."

"Well, that does. So, umm, stop, will you?"

"You sure?"

"Un-huh." He slowly takes his hands from my feet, letting them drop gently to the floor. I should have kept my mouth shut and just enjoyed the ride because I feel alone without his hands on me. "Any chance I could sweet talk you into getting me a drink?"

"Name your poison, love." He stands, waiting for my request.

"Oh, I need a scotch."


"Please." I let my head drop back to the couch, closing my eyes allowing my mind to run through the events of the day.

"Kels, what possessed you to follow her in there?"

"I have no goddammed idea. I must be losing my mind, too." I laugh softly as I feel the glass slide into my hand. It's cold in my grasp, already sweating and making it slightly slippery. "Maybe she has some sort of infectious disease that causes the brain cells of those around her to die out, too. It must be airborne. Something she exhales."

Erik tosses his head back and, through his chuckles, sips his own drink. He drops down to the couch next to me, brushing my hair behind my ear. "Let me take you out to dinner tonight."

I glance over to my best friend. "Where? I'm not in the mood for

Gag in the Bag." This is the California nickname for Jack in the Box.

"Oh, I was thinking somewhere expensive. I can afford it. I got the part." His lips break into a little grin. "My agent called today right before you and crazy lady made the news."

"You little shit!" I laugh and sit up, quickly giving his arm a slap. I am thrilled for him and I know my enthusiasm shows even though I'm drained and exhausted. His blue eyes twinkle with his own happiness. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just did."

"I mean before now! Erik, I swear. You gotta learn what's important in this life."