“Good point. Mac’s hoping for a boy.”


“I could go with either. So I’m excited and scared, which is an interesting combination.”

Gracie held up her glass. “Congratulations.”

Jill grinned. “I’m not pregnant yet.”

“I know, but you will be. Yeah. I finally get to be an aunt.”

LUNCH WITH Jill had gone a long way to brighten Gracie’s spirits. Even a visit to Pam’s bed-and-breakfast and a fast-paced negotiating session hadn’t upset her mood. She thought about driving directly back to the rental house, but she still had one thing she needed to do, even if she would rather have a root canal.

But it couldn’t be put off much longer, so she drove to the center of town and parked her car on a side street. After locking it, she walked down First Avenue, past the bank building. She eyed the well-kept building, noted the entrance and carefully ignored it.

Over the next five minutes, she paced in front of the bank three times more, trying to gather the courage to actually go inside. She’d been here once before, but this was different. Just when she’d convinced herself to deliver the information by phone, a well-dressed woman in a tweed suit walked out of the bank and directly up to her.

“Gracie Landon?”

Gracie froze in midstep. Oh, please, oh, please let it not be someone wanting to talk about her, or her past or the newspaper picture.

“I’m Mr. Whitefield’s secretary. He asked me to come out and escort you into his office.”

Gracie winced as she glanced up at the square three-story building. “Let me guess-his office faces this way and he saw me loitering.”


She sighed. Wasn’t that just her life?

She followed Riley’s secretary through the bank and up the elevator to the top floor, where she was shown into a large office dominated by a massive painting of an older gentleman in an uncomfortable-looking suit.

Gracie figured it was safer to keep her attention on the portrait, rather than the man sitting behind the desk in front of her. She pointed.

“Your uncle?” she asked.

“Yes. I’m told I’m a lot like him.”

“That can’t be good.” She gave up on her mini art-appreciation course and looked at Riley. “I know what you’re thinking.”

“I doubt that.”

“I wasn’t stalking or doing anything like that. I was nervous about coming to see you so I was trying to make up my mind.”

“What did you decide?”

“That it would be better if I phoned.”

“You’re here now.”

“I know.” She sank into the leather chair in front of his desk and set her purse on her lap. She dug around inside until she found her travel bottle of antacids, then popped two in her mouth and chewed.

He looked good, she thought mournfully. She didn’t know if it was the elegant suit, the contrast between his dark hair and his white shirt, or the power tie, but he was definitely the man in charge.

“You take a lot of those,” he said, pointing at the small bottle in her hand.

“I have a sensitive stomach. It reacts to stress.”

“Have you seen a doctor about the problem?”

She dropped the bottle back into her purse. “Are you kidding? Any doctor would want to do all kinds of really gross tests. Plus, what if there’s something wrong? I don’t want to know.”

“But then you could get it fixed.”

“Or I could find out I have some horrible, disfiguring disease.”

“How could this be disfiguring?”

“Not a clue, but if it’s possible, it will happen to me.” She set her purse on the floor. “Look, this isn’t why I stopped by. Can I talk about that?”

He leaned back in his chair. “Be my guest.”

“Good.” Although now that she had his attention, she wasn’t sure what to do with it. “I just…” She drew in a deep breath. “I thought…”

He pushed a pad of paper in her direction. “Would it help to write it down?”

“No. Okay. I have a couple of things. First, about my sister. I found out that she tends to exaggerate things. Especially where Zeke is concerned. I’m not sure anything is going on with him.”

“Of course there is.”

She’d expected Riley to be annoyed or accuse her of making the whole thing up, not that he would disagree. “How do you figure?”

“He told me. When I confronted him about what he was doing, he admitted being up to something but swore it had nothing to do with his marriage and that it wasn’t illegal. He said there wasn’t another woman.”

“Oh. Right.” She’d forgotten that. “But the no-affair thing means we don’t have to follow him anymore, right? Or if you want to, that’s fine. I just don’t want to. I hope he’s not sleeping with Pam. That would be too…Yuck. And speaking of Pam, she came to visit me today and offered to rent me her new industrial kitchen in the bed-and-breakfast and even though I really don’t want to be involved in any of this anymore, I figured I could use the kitchen and maybe keep an eye on her. From a distance. Sort of.”

Riley stood and walked around his desk. He might not have understood half of what Gracie said, but he recognized a bruised spirit when he saw one. Someone, somewhere, had done a number on her.

He perched on the edge of the desk close to her chair. “Tell me about Pam.”

“She knows I bake cakes and she offered me her ovens. For a price. I went over and saw the layout. It’s pretty fabulous. So we agreed on rent and I’ll be baking there. I can sort of keep an eye on her.”

“Okay. Sounds like a plan. Who rained on your parade?”

She looked at him. Pain tightened the lines around her mouth and darkened her eyes.

“No one. I’m fine.”

“Gracie, don’t bullshit a bullshitter. Something happened.”

She swallowed. “I just…” She sighed. “My mom came to see me a couple of days ago. She wasn’t happy about the picture in the paper or the article rehashing our past. She said it was going to start up talk again and that me chasing after you when I’d been a teenager had been bad enough, but now it was just pathetic.”

She dropped her chin and stared at the ground. “I was thinking it would better if we didn’t try any more investigating together. You know. So people won’t talk. I can handle a lot of things, but pathetic isn’t one of them. Between being back here and my cake orders and my sisters and everything…”

She wound down like an old-fashioned music box. Riley did his best to avoid emotions-especially those belonging to Gracie, but he could no more ignore what she was going through now than he could have run her over when she’d thrown herself in front of his car fourteen years ago.

He leaned down and grabbed her hands, then pulled her to her feet. Before she could speak, he drew her close and wrapped his arms around her.

“Families will screw you every time,” he murmured into her hair. “Look at what my uncle’s doing to me.”

She shuddered, then rested her forehead on his shoulder. “I never thought that before, and I don’t want to think it now, but maybe you’re right.”

“Of course I’m right.”

That made her chuckle.

As much as he liked holding her close, he let her go and reached up to cup her face in both his hands.

“You’re not pathetic,” he said. “No one thinks you are. If your mom is telling you that, she’s wrong. I don’t know what bug got up her ass, but it’s not your problem. Understand?”

She nodded without speaking. He had a really bad feeling she was seconds from bursting into tears. He tried to be strong, but like every other guy in the universe, he would do just about anything to keep a woman from crying. So he did the only thing he could think of to distract her.

He kissed her.


THIS WAS SO not a good idea, Gracie thought, even as she wrapped her arms around Riley. She was supposed to be pulling back, staying away from him, being strong and…

Screw it, she thought as she closed her eyes so she could give herself over to his kiss. He smelled good, he felt good and he tasted good. What kind of idiot walked away from that?

His fingers caressed her face even as he tilted his head and deepened the kiss. She parted for him, wanting him inside, claiming her in such a way that she could forget the rest of her world. His tongue brushed against hers, sending shivers shooting down her spine.

The warmth of his body made her want to crawl inside of him and never be cold again. He felt strong, she thought hazily as she rubbed her hands up and down his back. Strong and solid.

Desire ignited-little flames of need that consumed her common sense and left her thinking about possibilities. The desk was big and she would bet there was a lock on the door. No doubt an hour or two in Riley’s arms would cure most of her ills.

She moved closer, rubbing herself against him, wanting them to touch everywhere. Her breasts ached. She wanted him to feel her there, and between her thighs where the need was most intense.

He swore against her mouth, then dropped his hands to her hips where he pulled her against him. He was hard. The realization excited her. She closed her lips around his tongue and sucked gently.

He stiffened, then surged against her. When she released him, he pulled back enough to kiss her jaw, then down her neck. Her skin erupted in goose bumps, her legs began to tremble. If she hadn’t been hanging on to him the overwhelming need would have caused her to collapse.

It was then she felt them-the one thing that had been missing from all her other relationships for as long as she could remember. Sparks.

They erupted like renegade fireworks, arcing through her brain, blinding her and making her want to run for safety. Sparks? With Riley?

She wasn’t sure if she pulled back or he let go, but suddenly there were a good two feet between them.

Her mind raced in a thousand different directions. She felt disoriented, as if she’d been drugged, or had slept too long during the day and couldn’t quite wake up.


“I’m fine,” she said. She turned in a circle, frantically searching for her purse. She spied it under the chair.

“This was a bad idea,” she said as she crouched down to grab it. “Really, really bad. Super bad. Bad, bad, bad.”

“I’m getting that,” he said as she straightened. “You seem a little upset.”

She gave him what she hoped was a bright, happy, I’m-fine smile. “I’m fabulous. Great. Gotta go. You have a good day.”

She practically ran from his office, all the while not wanting to acknowledge the truth.

Sparks. Bright, shiny, glow-in-the-dark sparks.

Not with Riley, she told herself as she hurried to her car and practically threw herself inside. Anyone but Riley. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t even reasonable, and it certainly wasn’t nice.

She tried to put the key in the ignition, but her hands shook too much. Instead she simply leaned her head against her steering wheel and let the irony of the situation wash over her.

After years of less than interesting romantic relationships she’d finally felt the one thing she’d always wanted to feel. Unfortunately, it was with the only single man on the planet she absolutely couldn’t, under any circumstances, ever, ever be with.

Why was she surprised?

RILEY LOOKED through the weekly numbers, but his mind wasn’t on the task. Not with thoughts of Gracie filling his mind and blood filling other parts of his body. She’d gotten to him. Somehow, when he wasn’t looking, she’d managed to squeeze past his defenses and make him curious about her. He wanted to know what she thought, what she liked. He also wanted to see her naked and make love with her, but oddly enough, that was almost less interesting than the rest of it. Which scared the crap out of him.

He couldn’t forget his rules, not to mention his goals. He was passing through this town, biding his time until he could claim his ninety-seven million. No woman was worth forgetting that, not even one as intriguing as Gracie. He didn’t do relationships. Ever. And she was a happily ever after kind of woman.

One who sure knew how to kiss. And she felt damn good in his arms. He smiled as he remembered how she’d rubbed against him. If they’d been anywhere but his office…

“Stop right there,” he told himself. He and Gracie weren’t an option. She was the kind of trouble he didn’t need.

He turned his attention back to the reports and forced himself to concentrate. Thirty minutes later, he finished with his notes. His phone buzzed.

“Sheriff Kendrick here to see you,” Diane said. “Shall I send him in?”


Riley rose and walked around his desk. He hadn’t seen much of Mac since he, Riley, had moved back to Los Lobos. His one-time friend had dropped by to warn him not to make trouble, but since then they hadn’t crossed paths more than a couple of times.