He pushed her away. "Until then, well-I can handle two of you."

She stiffened. "Two of us?"


Her excitement escalated again. "One, Jeremy. Just one."

"You don't know enough yet," he said harshly.

"So I practice with you and you spend yourself on her? No."

"I have enough juice, if that's what you're worried about."

"I have yet to find that out. So, one only."

"I'm hard, hot and juicy right now." He waited a long moment to see what she would do. "That was your first test, fancy lady. You failed. You don't know anything about a man's need. But you can be sure my mistress knows exactly what to do about it. So…" He turned toward the door. "I'll be back…"

Lesson one: he is in control and can do whatever he wants with whomever he wants anytime anywhere.

Lesson two: I must be willing to do anything he wants, anywhere, anytime even if I don't know what it is I'm supposed to do.

"If you leave, you will still have a mistress, but you will never have me." Bold brassy words. Some women didn't have that choice. It was implicit in all he had told her: never challenge the lord who paid for your body. She knew it. And by those words, she was testing him.

But it stopped him, and he turned, bracing himself against the door.

"Oh, the fancy piece thinks she's a lady, making threats like that. It's fortunate I haven't fucked you yet, because I would own you, and if you spoke to me like that even once, I would never fuck you again."

"Then we are at an impasse."

"There is no impasse. I have the length, strength and juice for two. Make up your mind if you want it." He turned away, and she heard him unlatch the door.

Bluff called. "I want it."

"Tell me again?" He latched the door.

"I.,.want… it."

He turned to face her again. "And again?" He began to pace toward her.

She started shaking again. "I want it." The length and strength and juice-I want it. Whatever it means, whatever it entails, I want it.

Juice enough for two…

"A lesson well learned, fancy-piece."

Goddamn, nothing scared her. He cupped her chin, and then slid his hot hand down her neck to rest on her heaving breast. Not even that. "I won't make many demands tonight, tempted though I am." He slipped his arm around her and slowly moved her to the wing chair and onto his lap.

She felt it tight against her bottom, huge, hot, hard, flexing and nudging her. It was so big. As though she were sitting on a bar of iron.

And every mistress knew what it looked like and exactly what to do with it.

Why didn't she?

What could she tell from how it felt against her buttocks? That it was long and thick and it moved of its own volition. And it elongated with his escalating male need. She could feel every little spurt beneath her thin dress.

Length and strength and juice.

I want it.

His one hand still spanned her breasts, and he studied her face with the intensity of a scientist before he lowered his head and captured her mouth.

Here was a kiss, dominating, sensual and conquering. And then there was the sensation of his fingers playing across her breast, sliding into her dress and seeking her bare hot skin and one taut pointed nipple.

She almost bolted at the contact where no one… no man… had ever touched her before.

I asked for this. I want whatever he will do to me, no matter what it is, no matter where it leads.

And she ached for that kiss-first and all, that kiss. And anything he could think to do to her after.

Deep in the kiss, she felt a jolt of streaming pleasure as he squeezed the very tip of her nipple, gently at first and then more firmly. It was the most exquisite sensation, spiraling right down between her legs, molten, wet, wondrous, endless. Unspeakable.

Shamelessly in thrall to the feeling, she mutely begged for more, and he gave it to her. She squirmed, she writhed almost as if she were trying to get away from it, and all the while she arched herself into him so that he did not relinquish the pressure of his fingers on her nipple.

Instead, he broke the kiss, and with his free hand, he tore away the bodice of her dress to bare her breasts altogether.

"Luscious nipples." He cupped her other breast and slid his thumb back and forth across the taut nub. "Nipples made to be naked, made to entice a man." He lifted her breast, bent his head and closed his lips around just the hot, tight thrust of it and sucked the pointed nub hard into his mouth.

Her body jolted at the gush of sensation that engulfed her. The pleasure and the heat were unremitting, one long slippery silvery flow that pooled deep in her vitals. She couldn't get enough of his avid sucking. She arched against him, seeking and trying to separate the sensations: his steady pressure on the one nipple, and his firm, rhythmic sucking of the other- too much, too much, too much… not enough, not enough, not enough-

She felt his mouth disengage from her nipple and his hot tongue trace circles of wet heat all over the swell of her breast, all the while he kept up that erotic pressure of his fingers on the other nipple.

Her body swooned with a hot yearning. He came back to her lips again and again, grazing them with hot, hard kisses. She couldn't keep still; the feeling of those fingers squeezing her nipple was so voluptuous, so sumptuous, her body began to swell, to reach, to unfurl.

"Maybe you're right," he whispered, lapping at her lips. "Maybe you were born for this. I can't get enough of this nipple." His mouth closed over hers, rough, hard, demanding, devouring. His fingers flexed, compressing it harder. "I'm going to make sure you never forget this sensation," he growled into her mouth. "When I'm not here, I want you to feel my fingers fondling your teat, squeezing it, rolling it, making it…" He ground down into her mouth. "… hot for me…" Another rough kiss. "… hard for me…" Deeper into her mouth he went, bruising her, crushing her lips, grinding into her wildly with his tongue.

Dear God, there was nothing like an untried virgin. You could stoke them and they heated up like a blast furnace. Once you primed them for pleasure, they begged you for it every hour of the day, and they were adoring and uncritical to boot.

And you couldn't scare them off with a goddamn jackham-mer. No wonder men paid astronomical sums for them.

He had one in his hands if he wanted it. If... hell, he needed it. He was ready to explode all over her and drown her in the backwash of his thick boiling cream. He wanted to spread it all over the hot thrusting nipple between his fingers and then make her suck the residue off of his rampaging penis.

And that was just the beginning. She couldn't pump the half of all his cream. He had plenty to go around, plenty to ram between her legs and spill into that hot, tight hole.

Goddamn, goddamn hell. I am goddamn crazy for letting things get this far… she makes me crazy with all her brazen talk. Who wouldn't want to fuck her? She's so goddamned determined, who knows what the hell she'll do-or who with.

He wrenched away from her mouth suddenly, his fingers still holding her nipple with that same erotic pressure.

The air was tight with tension. Damn damn and hell. He was in control, not his unruly manhood. Not her, with her hard responsive nipples, her lush virgin's body, and her wild untutored mouth.

"You play the pleasure game so well for such an innocent," he said, his voice harsh with his effort to restrain himself.

She closed her eyes as he gently removed his fingers from her nipple and roughly pulled what was left of her bodice over her breasts.

This was it; this was the end for today. She hadn't pleased him. He would leave her now and go to the knowledgeable woman who knew exactly what to do about a man's needs, and whose body he would engorge with all the cream she could pump out of him.

"You're going to her, aren't you?"

"Maybe I don't have to if I can get what I need here." His unruly penis speaking, damn damn and damn.

"I can give you anything she can."

"But I bought her. She has to."

Her body shifted and squirmed at the thought. "If you have enough juice for two, you have enough money for two," she whispered. "Pay for me, Jeremy. Buy my body. And then / have to."

His groin tightened painfully. He didn't think he could walk out of that room. Never in his life had anyone demanded he buy her. Never in his life had a virgin begged to be fucked like this. Never had he had a woman whose nipples responded like this. How could he resist her?

But he had to. Damn it. He was supposed to be pretending interest, not trying his best to get her naked and in his bed. Well, he wasn't pretending anymore, but neither was she.

He had to give it another shot. Maybe if he intimidated her, and laid down the most inflexible rules, the most impossible restrictions, she would give up this insane idea, and tonight would be the end of it.

For her.

He had to try, the most demeaning terms and conditions he could think of.

"If I buy you, miss wants-to-be-a-fancy-piece, I buy your life. I dictate everything. I come and go as I please. I fuck you when I feel like it, not when you want it. And if I don't feel like fucking you, it's your bad luck. I don't like begging. I don't like disobedience. The mistress I pay for is welcoming, compliant and always ready to spread her legs. I have a lot of expectations, which, living in your father's house, you will have to manage to comply with somehow-if I decide to buy your body. Is that understood so far?"

Her throat constricted. Her body writhed voluptuously as if to entice him to make the decision. She nodded, wholly unable to speak.

"Everything you promised before holds the same. I own you, I own your body, every inch of it, especially what's between your legs. You can withhold nothing. You can never refuse me, no matter what I ask, no matter what you want. This is not your willingness to play at being a mistress. These are the terms to be a mistress. This is what a man buys when he buys a woman's body: she is his vessel, his convenience, his toy. And he can take her out and play with her whenever he wants."

She licked her dry lips, her body quivering at his evocative words. He knew exactly what she wanted, and she must convince him.

"I want that. I want to be to you everything you said."

Damn and blast. "You still need some priming."

"I don't care. Pay me, and you can play with me." She arched her back so that the tattered bodice of her dress slipped down her breasts and caught on her distended nipples. She shimmied her shoulders, and the bodice fell, baring her breasts. "If I become your mistress, no one else will ever suck them."

His penis jolted and pearled. Damn right no one else would ever suck those lush teats. Goddamn hell, could he not control his damned penis? And what was he teaching her… that other men would pay for her? That she could sell her naked nipples to the highest bidder? Oh, she did like to use that bludgeon. And he was not immune to it. The thought of another man even touching her was pure agony, because any other man would have banged her up and down the Thames by now, and here he was, his penis painfully at point, trying to scare the bejesus out of her-and succeeding not at all.

What was wrong with him? He had virgin ass on his lap, two succulent nipples to feast on, barely two layers of material between his hard meat and her hot hole, and she was begging him to fuck her, and he was hesitating?

She was asking for it. And there wasn't a man alive who wouldn't give it to her now, as hot and hard as she could take it.

"These are my expectations. Nothing impedes me when I want to fuck you. That means you learn to live without wearing undergarments. That means that when you have no social obligations, you are to expect me anytime of the day or night, and you dress accordingly. Simply put, you are naked and ready to take my penis every minute of your day. That's all I care about, just getting inside your naked body the minute I arrive. And for the privilege of being the only man who roots in you, I will pay you according to how well and how quickly you learn to please me. And when you agree to these terms."

"Have I pleased you so far?"

"Your nipples please me. But you are still dressed, and that doesn't please me."

"You haven't bought me yet."